#24 - Champion Vs. Creator - 1
Episode starts with Yugi, Joey, Mia, Tia, and Triston
entering Pegasus's castle. Once inside, the gang starts
running in excitment to start thier dueling. Upon entering
the dueling arena, they spot Bandit Keith looking over a
balcony. After a brief argument between Joey and Bandit
Keith, one of Pegasus's guards walks up to everyone and
tells them there about to watch an exobition match between
Seto Kaiba and Maximillion Pegasus.
Pegasus agrees to give back Mokuba if
Kaiba is able to beat him in a duel. Kaiba offers to use
his dueling system which is the same used when he fought
Yugi. Pegasus agrees to using it, but on only one
condition- Mokuba would have to control the duel. Not
wanting to put his brother in danger, Kaiba decides to
play Pegasus on the regular dueling arena. After the long
wait, the duel finally begins, Champion vs Creater.
The duel begins, and Pegasus goes
first. He starts by playing one card down, and one monster
in defense mode. We are then shown Kaiba's hand, which
includes a Blue Eyes White Dragon, along with Sagi, the
Crush Card, Rude Kaiser, and Ryu-Kishin Powered. Kaiba
knows Pegasus has something waiting for him, so he starts
by playing the Rude Kaiser in Attack mode, and puts one
card face down. He attacks with Rude Kaiser to Pegasus's
defense card and destroys it with no trouble. This is
followed by a very sarcastic "OOOHHH NOOOO" from
Pegasus. Pegasus then plays Parot Dragon in Attack mode
(2000 ATK) and sends it to attack the Rude Kaiser. Kaiba
then reveals his face down card, Mesmeric Control, which
lowers the attacking monsters Atk by 800 points, allowing
his Rude Kaiser to take it down. Pegasus losses 500 life
points and follows up by another sarcastic OH NO! Kaiba
senses something wrong, and knows that Pegasus is just
toying with him.
Kaiba dosn't know what to expect from
Pegasus, so he decides to play a card he knows Pegasus
can't defend against; The Blue Eyes White Dragon. But
before Kaiba can set it down on the field, Pegasus stops
him, and says he wants to play a game with the card hes
about to throw down on the field. Kaiba gets angry with
this request, until hes shown that Pegasus's trap card,
Propheciy, alows him to do so. The card lets Pegasus guess
if the card Kaiba is about to play has an attack power of
more or less than 2000. If hes right, then the card in
question (blue eyes) becomes his. Sure enough, Pegasus
guesses thats it over 2000 and he knows it's the Blue
Eyes, making Kaiba even more unsure of whats going on.
Pegasus then takes control of the Blue Eyes and has it in
is hand.
Kaiba turns his Rude Kaiser into
defense mode, and it is now Pegasus's turn. We are then
shown Pegasus using his Millenium Eye to read Kaiba's
mind, and to look at his cards. Pegasus sees the crush
card and Sagi the Dark Clown, and he knows what to expect
next turn from Kaiba, so he plays one card face down and
one card in defense mode. Sure enough, on Kaibas next turn
he uses his Sagi + Crush card combo and attacks with Sagi
the Dark Clown. Pegasus knew what was coming, so he flips
over the card he layed face down, Negative Energy. This
raises Sagi's attack power over 1000, making him to
powerful for the crush card to work. Pegasus then flips
over his monster, Dark Rabbit, which is also powered up
with the Negative Energy, and destroys Sagi, Kaiba loses
1000 life points. The show then ends with a very confident
Pegasus and a very shaken Kaiba. TO BE CONTINUED... -