The Dueling Monkey The show starts off with Yugi and co, Joey finds some cards on the grounds and takes them but Tristan says that those are his cards and he is intrested in playing duel monsters. He says if Joey can win a game then how hard could it be. Joey starts to get mad the Tea calls Joey a "dueling monkey" and Joey gets real mad. Yugi then asked Joey if he had one of the cards on the ground (Lava Battleguard), Joey says he has one like that and he pulls out a Swamp Battleguard. Meanwhile Mai is wondering why she is so bored of beating people in duel monsters. Then she remembers how Joey beat her and starts to get angry. Then Rex Raptor comes in and demands a rematch with Mai when she beat him on the boat for his room. At first Mai refuses, then she says she'll agree to duel with Rex only if he can beat Joey in a duel. After a while Yugi and co meet up with Mai, Mai starts insulting Joey a few times and then says that Joey won the match because Yugi was coaching him, Mai then challenges Joey to a duel but without getting help from Yugi. Joey agrees to it, then Mai adds that Joey isn't facing Mai but Rex Raptor, also that Joey gets DQ'ed if Yugi helps out. Tristan tells Joey to not go through with this match but does anyway so Tristan runs off, Yugi runs of as well to look for Tristan. When the duel starts Joey thinks of a plan then he thinks about using Baby Dragon with Time Wizard to get 1000 Dragon. When he looks at his hand he had a BD and TW so the played BD but it got destroyed and so did Joeys plan. After a few turns Joey puts his Flame Swordsmen into play and starts to make a comeback. But then Rex plays his Serpent Night Dragon and destroyed Joeys FS. Meanwhile Yugi finds Tristan by a lake, Yugi tells Tristan to cheer Joey on, after a while Tristan gos back to the duel with Yugi. While at the duel Joey is in a tight spot and puts his Swamp Battleguard in play, then he finds a Lava Battleguard (Tristans card) in his hand. Tristan and Yugi then make it back to the Duel, Tristan tells Joey to try out his card. Joey does and the SND attacks the SB , though the attack gets deflected and destroys the SND. It appears that the LB blocked the attack. Rex now plans to use his Ultimate Monster to win the duel. The End written by: Omnislashx10 |
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