Episode 11
- Trial by Red Eyes
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The episode starts out with Rex putting down his ultimate
card the Red Eyes Black Dragon. Rex easily takes out
Joey's Swamp and Lava Battleguards and the same time. Joey
worries that the duel is over since he has no card able to
take down Red Eyes. Yugi watches from the side and can
only sit and hope that Joey remember the only thing that
he can do is use his Time Wizard, but since Yugi cannot
help Joey in any way he can only watch. Rex thinking that
he can win this battle easily is already thinking about
his battle with Mai. He remembers that Joey beat Mai with
his Time Wizard so he decides to make a bet with Joey. The
winner of the battle will also win one of the other
persons cards. Rex wagers his Red Eyes Black Dragon and
Joey Wagers his Time Wizard. Joey then remembers what his
time wizard can do so since its his turn he plays the Time
Wizard and uses Time Roulette. After a couple seconds of
spinning it doesn't land on the skulls and the attack was
successful. Time start to speed up on Rex's Dragon and
once the attack is finished he Dragon has been fossilized.
The Gang starts to
walk into the woods and decide to sit and take a break.
Everyone is extremely hungry and Joey then Spots and
Mushroom. Yugi tell him to stop and all wild Mushrooms are
Poisonous. Then Mai Shows up with a bunch and food and
explains to them that by tomorrow he will have gathered 10
star chips and she doesn't need all this food. Mai spreads
the food out and says first for yugi to gather firewood
and Joey and Tristan to go get water, she then says to Tea
that there's a shower over there and she can go wash up.
Joey cooks up some food and Everyone sits down by the fire
and starts talking about the tournament. Mai then gets up
and goes for a walk. She starts thinking to herself that
Yugi and everyone are nice people but she cant afford to
make friends now. Then someone comes up from behind her
and takes Mai away.
The scene then goes
back to Yugi and Everyone is startled cause Bakura then
comes walking out of a bush. Bakura then sits down with
everyone and asks everyone what's their favorite cards
are. Joey picks the Flame Swordsman, Tristan picks the
Cyber Commander, Yugi of Course picks Dark Magician, and
Tea picks Magician of Faith and Bakura picks Change of
Heart. Everyone is amazed and wonders how the card works
and Bakura then offers to duel just for fun. Everyone
agrees and Bakura then says to have everyone put their
favorite card into Yugi's deck so its like everyone is
playing. Bakura then once ready to duel says that he has
to tell everyone something before they start. Bakura then
starts to use a Millennium Ring that appears around his
neck to steal everyone's soul and put them into Yugi's
deck. Bakura has done this because he wants Yugi's
Millennium Puzzle but when he tries to grab it Yugi
transforms and Yugi says that he will have to duel him for
The End