12- The Evil Spirit of the Ring
The Episode starts out with Yugi asking Bakura why he is doing this. Bakura
explains that he is not Bakura anymore but an evil thief out to gather all
the Millennium items to gain unimaginable power. The battle then start with
Yugi going first and putting down Tristan's favorite card the Cyber Commander. But instead of coming out as the real card it comes out as Tristan
dressed like the Cyber Commander. Bakura laughs and then plays the White
Magical Hat and without knowing it Tristan is knocked out of the fight.
Bakura then explains that Tristan is now in the Graveyard.
Yugi after learning what happens to his friends plays Joey's favorite card
the Flame Swordsman. Joey then appears dressed up as the card. Yugi explains
to Joey what is going on and Joey easily takes out the White Magical Hat.
Bakura then plays a card face down and Joey being to overconfident attacks
the card which ends up being a Morphing Jar which makes both players put
their entire hands into the discard pile. Yugi praises because lucky Tea card
was not in his hand. Yugi then draws the Dark Magician which is his favorite
card and places it on the field which puts him also on the field and then
uses the card Reborn the Monster and revives Tristan. Yugi is then confused
to how he is on the field and also is playing at the same time. He then says
that when he is playing he feels an ancient power running through him and
says that they can trust him. Bakura had placed another Morphing Jar face
down and Yugi (as Dark Magician) attacked it without knowing. Yugi then Draws
Tea's card the Magician of Faith but Bakura then places another card face
down and places a trap card which takes 500 life points from each of Yugi's
cards out. Yugi worried that Tea's card isn't safe in his hand plays it face
down and Tea's comes out from under the card wondering what's going on. They
explain to her what's going on and the duel goes on. Yugi (as Dark Magician)
attacks Bakura's card that he laid face down but before he can stop the
monster is killed. Yugi (as Dark Magician) then starts to go numb because the
card that he attacked was the Electric Lizard which stuns the card that
attacked it. Yugi then Plays another char face down then Bakura puts down
another monster called the Man-eater Bug. The Man-eater Bug automatically
destroys a card when it is flipped up. Yugi then says the only way that he
can beat it is to use the card that he placed face down which is Horn of
Heaven which sacrifices one card on the field. Joey Stops Tristan from
attacking and Joey decides to be sacrificed.
Tea starts to cry and her tear activates her cards magic affect. That
magic allows Yugi to bring back one card back from the discard pile. Yugi
chooses Reborn the Monster and brings back Joey. Bakura says Yugi is wasting
his time saving his friends then places down Lady of Faith in attack mode and
uses the change of heart card hoping to have Yugi (as Dark Magician) to turn
against his friends. Bakura places the card but it comes out as the Real
Bakura. The Real Bakura takes over the Lady of Faith and then Yugi switches
the souls from the real Bakura to the evil Bakura putting the Evil Bakura in
the card. Yugi (as dark Magician) then easily destroys the card.
Yugi asks Bakura where he got his Millennium ring from. Bakura says that his father gave it to him. His father saw it at an Egyptian mart and
bought it saying that he thought Bakura was destined to have it. They then
hear a scream in the woods and go to see what it is.
The End