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Episode #25 This episode continues from the previous on. Kaiba still can’t figure out how Pegasus knew of his Blue Eyes White Dragon that he was going to put down. So now Kaiba goes ahead and puts down a monster in defense mode. Pegasus now gives Kaiba some story about cartoons when he was a kid. He then introduces his new magic card “Toon World” and tells Kaiba that his Dark Rabbit is now safe in the Toon World. His Dark Rabbit then attacks the Battle Ox the Kaiba put in defense mode. Pegasus now tells Kaiba his rabbit is now safe again now that his book is closed and that nothing can penetrate it. Kaiba then proceeds to put a magic card down. Pegasus then tells him that he is now going to show off his new power with the card he stole from Kaiba, his Blue Eyes. Pegasus the put out the Blue Eyes and tells it to cross the thresh hold into Toon World and it becomes the Blue Eyes Toon Dragon. He then tells it to attack Kaiba’s Rude Kaiser. Kaiba then tells Pegasus he knows something is going on, so he abandons his present hand. He then put down the next card he draws and it is the Blue Eyes White Dragon. He then tells his Blues Eyes to attack the Toon counterpart with its white lightning. Un be knownst to him the Toon Dragon dodges the attack. Pegasus then adds the “Shine Palace” card to his Toon World and then the Toon Dragon gets boosted by 500 points. Kaiba then puts down the “Shadow Spell” card, which shackles the Toon Dragon and decreases its attack points. He then destroyed the Toon Dragon. Pegasus then puts down a “Dragon Capture Jar” to capture Kaiba’s Blue Eyes. Kaiba then puts down a monster in defense mode. Then Pegasus put a magic card down and a “Dragon Piper” in defense mode. Automatically everybody presumes that Pegasus is going to draw out and control the Blue Eyes. Kaiba then puts out the “Sword stalker” and tells it to attack the dragon piper. Pegasus stops him in his tracks to use his magic card that he just put down and it is called “Doppelganger” and it can copy anything on the field. Pegasus then has it copy Kaiba’s crush card virus but, the only problem is that he already told his monster to attack. The attack goes through and the virus affects his entire deck. The only card Kaiba was able to use was “Monster Reborn” and he revived “Saggi The Dark Clown”. He then gets defeated. And Pegasus then captures Kaiba’s soul. Yugi then tells Pegasus that he will be coming for him. . --------
Champion vs. Creator, Part 2
Kaiba now only has one card left. He plays Monster Reborn,
and gets back Saggi the Dark Clown in defense mode.
Pegasus taunts Kaiba saying that he used his last turn
reviving a clown, but then Pegasus explains that Kaiba has
no moves left. Pegasus plays Bikuribox, and attacks Saggi,
destroying it. Kaiba has no more cards to draw so he loses
the duel. Pegasus says that Kaiba has lost more then just
his brother, and with that he takes Kaiba's soul. Yugi,
seeing all of this along with Tristen, Bakura, Tea, Mai,
Bandit Keith, and Joey, tells Pegasus that he will beat
him for what he has done. Pegasus reminds Yugi that he has
to get through the rest of the tournament to even have the
privilege of dueling him. Yugi assures Pegasus that he
will and then he will beat Pegasus, once and for all,
freeing Kaiba, Mokuba, and Grandpa's souls. Pegasus is
confidant that he will win, and not only will he beat
Yugi, but he will take his Millennium Item as well! ----------
Well the duel
continues and pegasus uses Toon World to protect his dark
rabbit from anything.Then Kaiba puts a facedown defense
mode monster.Then Pegasus Uses the blue eyes white dragon
he stole from kaiba.Then Pegasus uses toon world to turn
blue eyes white dragon into the blue eyes toon dragon.
Then Kaiba draws blue eyes white dragon and attacks blue
eyes toon dragon but then blue eyes toon dragon moves out
of the way.Then pegasus explains that toon monsters cannot
be attacked by any monster.Then pegasus uses the shine
palace to increase blue eyes toon dragon's attack by 500
points, and destroys blue eyes white dragon.Then kaiba
uses shadow spell to paralyze blue eyes toon dragon,and
decrease its atk to 2800 then blues white dragon destroys
blue eyes toon dragon.Then Pegasus uses dragon capture jar
and traps blue eyes white dragon. Then a few turns later
pegasus uses doppleganger and copied crush card virus.
Then Kaiba uses monster reborn to bring back saggi the
dark clown.Then pegasus uses Bickuribox and wins the duel.
Nickname- dragonkiller500 ------------
Kaiba is losing badly and
plays battle ox in defence mode with his rude kaiser.
Next, Pegasus starts talking about a show called funny
bunny, then plays toon world, preventing the toons he
puts in it untouchable, he first attacks with his Dark
rabbit(2200 ATK) and destroys the battle ox. Next,
pegasus plays Blue eyes white dragon, then toon world
turns it into a toon. Kaiba can't stand pegasus somhow
seeing his hand so he discards it and plays face down.
He put all his faith in the next card on his deck and
when he flipped it, it was his 2nd Blue eyes! He
attacked Blue eyes toon dragon, but the toon dodged it,
pegasus explains as long as toon world is out, all his
toons will dodge. next pegasus plays shine palace, power
up Blue eyes toon by 500. He attacks but kaiba uses
negate attack. Now kaiba is really trusting in the heart
of the cards. he plays shadow spell, lowering the toon
by 700 ATK and preventing it from moving, he attacks and
destroys it. Pegasus plays Dragon Capture jar. then
Dragon piper, kaiba attacks it with swordstalker, but
pegasus play a card called dopleganger, copying kaiba's
crush card, his sword stalker is destroyed, and his
whole deck is infected. His last card is monster reborn
and since the virus is happening, he can only revive
Saggi. Pegasus opens toon world and orders his
Bickoribox(2300ATK) to attack, and since kaiba has no
more cards to play legally, he loses. Then pegasus
captures his soul. Yugi says he will avange
mokuba,grampa,and kaiba and all the others pegasus hurt,
but pegasus says:" don't forget, yugi boy, you still
have to make it through the remaining rounds of this
tournament to even win the privelege of challenging me"
Yugi then says:"trust me, I'll be at the finals, but the
true privalige will be defeating you and undoing all the
evil acts you comitted aginst my friends." Pegasus:" I
look foward to your finest eforts yugi boy, and
spetacular preformances from all our finalists. you
truly are the best of the best, clem in a clem.but
no matter, with the power of my millenium eye, nothing
will stop me from victory, not even yugi, and his
millenium puzzle. Ha ha ha.
-Submited by Erich
Episode 25: Champion vs.
Creator, Part 2
Kabia angry and then decides
to abandon his hand and says that he is no longer going to
look at his cards so that Pegasus can't see his cards
either. Kabia then puts all his faith in his next card and
lucky enough he draws Blue Eyes White Dragon. Kabia then
attacks the Toon Blue Eyes and it dodges his attack.
Pegasus then starts talking about his favorite cartoon
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