YuGi vs. Pegasus
Part 5
Yami, as I said last
time is in big trouble. The Shienbakuda will explode in
two turns, and once it does, it'll take out the Dark
Magician with it. Because Yugi collasped, Yami couldn't
switch minds to prevent Pegasus' mind reading. Yami was
about to give up hope, but then Yugi's Grandfather
appeared to tell Yami that Yugi is still there. Yugi's
devotion to his friends keeps his soul alive.
Meanwhile, outside of the shadow orb thingie, Tea and the
others consentrated in an attempt to help Yami out. Sure
enough, when Pegasus tried to read the next card Yami
drew, the picture was blocked off by Tea, Joey and Trsitan!
(wOoT!) Yami then played the Mystic Box card, which sealed
in the Dark Magician and Shienbakuda. The boxes swapped
places, freeing the Dark Magician and trapping Shienbakuda
within Relinqused! ^_^
There was nothing Pegasus could do this turn, so he
passed. Yami then played Brain Control to take control of
Relinqused. Pegasus simply grinned and said that
Shienbakuda would explode this turn and take out all of
Yami's life points... However, Yami flipped the card that
Yugi had put all his energy into playing...
The Dark Magic Ritual!
Yami sacrified the Dark Magician and Shienbakuda to
summon, the Magician of Black Chaos 2800/2600! (cool, the
name was undubbed!) Pegasus however, planned to take the
Chaos Magician the next turn. Yami played a card face
down, but Pegasus couldn't see it thanks to Tea and the
others blocking it. Yami also played a defense monster
face down. Brain Control's affect ended, so Relinqused
went back to Pegasus' side. Pegasus then played
Polymerization and the Thousand Eyes Idol. He combined
then with Relinqused to create the Thousand Eyes Restrict
0/0. What an eyefull... o_o;
Outside the shadow realm, Joey, Trsitan and Tea all
consentrated to tell Yugi that they all have faith in him
to win.
After a few more eye jokes from Pegasus, all the eyes
opened up and paralized not only the Chaos Magician, but
the defense card as well. Pegasus tried to suck in the
Chaos Magician, but instead sucked in the defense card
Yami played... Kuriboh! Yami also had played that Multipy
card, which cloned a whole bunch of the furry little
swirly eyed guys, cute. @.@
Thousand Eyes tried to absorb the Kuriboh, but ended up
with Kuriboh all over him! Heh heh... fuzzy...
The Kuribohs self-destructed, stopping Thousand Eyes from
using them as a shield and also blinding him in the
process. Yami lost 300 life points and was now down to
100. After that, all it took was one blast from the
Magician of Black Chaos to destroy Thousand Eyes Restrict
and finally beat Pegasus! (Major wOoTness!)
Yami changed back to Yugi who was now all right. Pegasus
mentally told himself the obvious, that he and his eye had
failed, and Cecelia he was sorry...
Yugi and Yami high fived as the dark orb thingie
disappered. Tea, Joey and Tristan ran over to congradulate
Yugi... actully Joey tried to think of something to say,
but Tea and Tristan kept interrupting him. :-p Everyone
turned to confront Pegasus, but he had ran away...
**crashes down**
Bakura had woken up just then. Tristan told what happened
to him. He watched Mokuba as the others went off in
persuit of Pegasus. Back up in the balcony, Yami Bakura
grinned. He decided Mokuba's body would be worthless, and
as the Millenium Ring glowed, he plotted to himself to
take Pegasus' Millenium Eye... - Lance Freeland
Season 3
Episode 12
"Yugi V Pegasus - Match of the Millennium"
Hi, I'm Kokuei and this is my first Yu-Gi-Oh review.
Recap: Yugi has fainted from the stress of mentally
maintaining his monsters in the Shadow Realm. Yugi's
friends are cut off from him, unable to break through the
Shadow dome -- they just come out the other side. Yami
believes Yugi is dead, and has taken over to avenge him,
although it means he can no longer Mind Shuffle. Yugi
played a face down card before passing out, and neither
Pegasus nor Yami knows what it is. Pegasus has Jigu
Bakandan, a time bomb monster, and Relinquished with the
captured Dark Magician on the field. Yami only has Yugi's
face down card.
Yami is furious at Pegasus because he thinks Yugi is
dead. Outside the dome, Téa, Triston and Joey decide to
focus their energy to try and reach Yugi and help him.
They are worried he has been hurt because they can't feel
his energy.
Yugi's grandfather appears to Yami and tells him not to
worry, that Yugi is being kept alive by the undying
devotion of his friends. Yami draws another card and
Pegasus, knowing they can no longer use Mind Shuffle,
tried to read Yami's mind, but finds that he can't. Téa,
Triston and Joey are standing in front of it and blocking
Pegasus' magic. Téa is holding Yugi's unconscious form
and Joey tells Pegasus to get out of Yugi's head. They
tell him that Yugi's friends are going to help him win and
defeat the magic of the Millennium Eye. Yami thanks them
and plays the card, Mystic Box, switching Dark Magician
and Jigu Bakandan, trapping the time bomb inside
Relinquished and freeing the Magician.
Pegasus draws and declares he can't do anything, passing
up his turn.
Yami plays Brain Control, taking Relinquished under his
control for one turn, the turn on which Jigu Bakandan will
explode. He finally flips Yugi's card, a Ritual card.
Sacrificing Jigu Bakandan and Dark Magician, he creates
Magician of Black Chaos, the strongest Magician in Duel
Pegasus is a bit thrown, but recovers quickly, declaring
that now that Relinquished is back under the proper
control, the Magician cannot stop him. Yami plays two
cards face down, a monster and a magic, and ends his
Pegasus fuses Relinquished with Thousand Eyes Idol,
creating Thousand Eyes Restrict, status 0/0 (Restrict?
Where did that come from?). He tells Thousand Eyes
Restrict to open its eyes and paralyzes the Magician of
Black Chaos, plus whatever monster Yami played face down.
He now tells Thousand Eyes to absorb the Magician, but
Yami flips his monster and magic cards - Kuriboh and
Multiply. The Kuriboh are absorbed instead and explode,
blinding the Thousand Eyes, freeing the Magician, and
bringing Yami down to 100 LP. Since Kuriboh were
absorbed, Thousand Eyes now has a status of 300/0. Yami
tells the Magician to destroy it, and thus wins the duel.
Yugi apparently wakes up, because when he raises his head
it's the little Yugi, not Yami, who tells Pegasus he is
defeated and must free the Kaiba brothers and his
grandfather. The Shadow Realm clears up, and Yugi's
friends praise him for the spectacular win. They want to
go off and look for Pegasus but are reluctant to leave
Bakura and Mokuba when Bakura wakes up and calls down to
them. They tell him his Ring made him act odd and that
now, if he's back to normal, would he look after Mokuba
for them? He says he will, but as soon as they leave the
Ring reappears. Bakura leaves to find Pegasus first and
take his Eye, leaving Mokuba alone on the balcony.