Yugi, Tea, Joey and Tristan
start off the episode running through the castle after
Pegasus, who had ran away after losing to Yugi. Tea
stopped in her tracks, and looked up at a tower. She and
Tristan both remembered going into there, despite their
minds where "erased" by Yami Bakura's ring.
Meanwhile, in that tower, Pegasus was in a state of
depression. He didn't have much of a point to keep the
souls (Yugi's Grandfather, Seto Kaiba and Mokuba) he
trapped, plus he was a man of his word, so he put them all
back in their bodies. As it turns out, this whole thing,
collecting the Millenium items and seizing control of
Kaiba Corp, was all a plan to revive his dead wife,
Cecelia... Poor guy.
However, Yami Bakura showed up in Pegasus' room. He wanted
Pegasus' Millenium Eye.
After Yami Bakura checked out his past using some duel
monster cards, the duel between the two comensed with them
shooting energy at each other from thier Millenium items.
Peagsus lost due to his eye not having enough energy after
the duel with Yugi. Bakura simply walked up and reached
for the eye...
The good guys meanwhile, where hurrying to the tower. They
ran in only to see Pegasus' guards carrying a wounded
Pegasus down the stars and out of the tower. The group
went up to Pegasus' quarters and checked out the place.
Joey and Tristan took eager notice of Cecelia's portrant,
(heh) while Tea checked out Pegasus' diary.
It explains how Pegasus met Cecelia when they where
children (Pegasus kinda looked like James from Team Rocket
as a kid with silver hair) and how they eventually
married... only for Cecelia to end up dead... Pegasus
decided to go on a journey to find a way to restore her.
He eventually made it to Egypt. There he met a mysterious
man with the Millenium Key who lured him into a cave where
a statue with impressions of the Millenium Items on it.
The mystery guy put the Millenium Eye on Pegasus and found
out he was choosen to keep it. Using the Eye, he was able
to see Cecelia... but not keep her... By combined Kaiba
Corp's technology, and the magic of the Millenium items,
Pegasus hoped to revive Cecelia.
Tea put the book down as Yugi noticed the soul cards that
housed Seto, Mokuba and his grandpa where blank. They
decided to go check out if their souls really were put
back. Yugi was the last to reach the stairs, and before he
could desend the stairs, that strange man with the Key
appeared before him. The guy apperently found out Pegasus'
eye was stolen, so he was looking for the thief, and he's
starting with Yugi...
The guy used the key to tap into Yugi's mind. The guy was
in a hallway with two doors. One lead to a playroom with
toys, (someone needs to get a housekeeper... O_o) it
represents innosense and purity, while the other one lead
to a cold dark room with Yami in it. The guy apperently
believes Yami is the thief, but Yami stated he has nothing
to hide. The mystery man insitied on checking his mind, so
Yami opened all the doors... in a really whacked out
chamber! It looked kind of like that painting of all those
doors and stairs on the walls and celeings. All the doors
the guy tried ended up to be a trap. Soon he choose one
door where the floor broke under his feet. He quickly
grabbed the ledge just in time. After hanging from the
ledge for a whole commercial break, Yugi pulled him up. A
door opened up which lead to a hall of giant stone tablets
with monsters on them. As it turned out, duel monsters
started out in anicent Egypt using real magic and real
monsters eventually, the monsters where sealed within the
Just then, the Dark Magician appeared to attack Yugi and
the guy. The mystery guy was going to use a Blue Eyes
White Dragon tablet to take on the Dark Magician, but Yugi
instead talked to the Dark Magician and asked for it not
to attack them. The Dark Magician stopped and left. The
mystery guy thought to himself that only the great Pharoh
of Egypt could control him, making him realize that from
this, Yugi was the choosen one...
In the real world, mystery guy put down the key and
apologized to Yugi. It turns out in anicent Egypt, some
bad guys where trying to take the items and unleash great
chaos from them. And now they're trying to do it again.
The guy disappered, saying that only Yugi could stop the
one who took the Millenium Eye. His also said his name is
Shadi... great, he waited until NOW to say his name?
Doggone it, it could've saved me the trouble of typing
mystery guy over and over. >_<;;;
- Lance Freeland