The Wrath of
Rebecca - Part 1.
part one:
after yugi and his friends get back from beating pegasus
he goes to his grandpas then a little girl named rebecca
comes up and accuses yugi's grandpa of stealing her
grandpaws blue eyes white dragon card naturraly joey
thinks she is a spoiled brat but she is realy one of the
top duelists even though she is only eight then yugi dules
her but his grandpaw thinks the dule is going exactelly
the way a duel with rebeccas grandpaw did - Jamesnbarrie
The wrath of Rebecca
Mokuba, Seto, & Yugi's grandpa are revived. Seto &
Mokuba let Yugi & his friends ride back with them. Back
in the city, Yugi is talking to his grandpa when a
mysterious girl with a teddy bear walks up to them
claiming Yugi's grandpa (i'll call him grandpa), stole
her Blue Eyes White Dragon. Her name's Rebecca. She is
also the U.S. dueling champion. She drags everyone to
Kaiba Land (an amusement park) to duel. They find a
spot. Yugi said he would take his grandpa's place in
battle. Rebecca called it the Battle of the Titans. She
started with Witch of the Black Forest. Yugi played
Celtic Guardian, & destroyed WOTBF. Rebecca
sarcastically pretended to be shocked (She's only 8
years old, & she acts child-like). WOTBF allowed her to
get a monster with an attack of 1500 or lower from her
deck. She played Sangan.Celtic Guardian beat it again.
She got another card. She played Tribute to the Doomed,
getting rid of Celtic Guardian. Yugi played Summoned
Skull. Meanwhile, grandpa is getting flashbacks of a
duel with almost the exact same cards played. His
opponent was Arther Hawkins. Rebecca played Millenium
Shield (0/3000). She played Ring of Magnetism lowering
MS's def. to 2500. Finally, she played Cannon Soldier.
Yugi tried to attack Cannon Soldier, but Ring of
Magnetism directed it to Millenium Shield. Rebecca
admitted she is the granddaughter of Arther Hawkins, &
grandpa stoled his Blue Eyes. She played another WOTBF,
& powered up her Cannon soldier, & attacked Yugi's
Summoned Skull........
To be continued
Yugi and
friends are walking when a girl named Rebbecca shows up.
She sais that yugi's grampa stole the blue eyes and she
wants it back. She wants to duel grampa in Kaiba land,
but yugi duels instead. He doesn't turn yugioh this
Rebecca plays black forest wich and uses her effect to
search her deck with a mon. with low attack. She
destroys yugi's celtic guardian by discarding a card
from her hand and she plays a monster card face down
defense. Yugi plays summoned skull and attacks the def.
monster.It is Sangan.
Rebbecca uses sangan to search her deck for another mon.
She plays it face down def. Summoned skull attacks the
card which is millenium shield. 0atk 3000def. Rebecca
plays cannon soldier in attack, and equips millenium
shield with Ring of magnetism. Summoned skull attacks
cannon soldier, but the ring of magnetism makes him
attack millenium shield. Grandpa remembers that he
dueled this exact same duel with a friend in Egypt.
Rebecca plays black forest witch and uses cannon
soldier's effect to sacrifice black forest witch and
takes away 500 of Yugi's lifepoints. She searches her
deck for a monster, and then it ends when she says,"
Your going to loose Yugi."
Jaden Haymes
This is for the Episode
Guide under The Wrath of Rebecca Part 1...
OK, this is what I have.
Hope it's good. Seto Kyba, Mocuba, and Yu Gi's Grandpa
souls have been released, and the Kyba brothers have
been reunited. So now Yu Gi, Joey, Tea, Tristen, and
Bakura get to go home. When they get there, Yu Gi, goes
straight to the hospital to get his Grandpa back, and
are reunited. At the same time, this girl named Rebecca
shows up and demands for her Blue Eyes, White Dragon
back, and she believes that Yu Gi's Grandpa stole it
from her years ago, and claims that she is the ultimate
champion, but Grandpa denies it ( one, because it was a
gift, and two, because it was torn in half, but he
doesnt get the chance to tell her that). So she demands
to have a duel for it. Yu Gi agrees. So they go to Kyba
Land (don't ask) to arange a duel. Once inside the
arena, they begin ( i dont remember how the duel went).
Towards the end of the show, Yu Gi's stuck and has only
1100 life points left. I wonder how he will get out of
this one..................Gabrielle ;-)
Episode Guide - The Wrath
of Rebecca, Part 1
The gang are back from the Duelist Kingdom. With his
soul released from
captivity, Yugi's Grandpa has awoken from his slumber in
the hospital. He is
helped back home, but when they arrive they are greeted
by a very angry
looking girl. She reveals herself as Rebecca, and
American girl, and demands
the Blue Eyes White Dragon, which she claims Mr. Motou
stole from her
Nobody can quite bring themselves to tell her the truth
about the Blue Eyes'
fate at the hands of Seto Kaiba. When nobody says
anything, she gets even
madder and demands a duel. Yugi is outraged, saying his
grandfather can't
possibly duel the same day he got out of hospital. Yugi
will duel in his
place. (It is, after all, his grandfathers deck) Rebecca
agrees, and they
begin inside.
Rebecca is quick to show Yugi that no matter how young
she is, she can duel.
She puts a Millenium Shield (0/3000) into play, and
equips it with a Ring of
Magnetism. While this is equipped on a monster, that
monster must be
destroyed before any others of its controller can be.
(It would normally
decrease a monsters attack by 500, but the Millenium
Shield has no attack
anyway) She then puts down a Cannon Soldier, which she
can use to tribute
one of her monsters for 500 Life Points damage to Yugi.
Despites its low
power, Yugi can't destroy it until he can defeat the
Millenium Shield. 2
turns later he is down to 1000 Life Points, with Rebecca
ready to tribute
more monsters for another 1000 damage....
Guardian -