Episode Guide - Dungeon Dice
Monsters, Part 1
Yugi finds his Grandfather looking very worried. When he
ask's whats wrong, he's told that there is a new shop
opening in the neighbourhood, selling a game called
Dungeon Dice Monsters.
At school, the gang run into Duke, the store owner. Yugi
doesn't like the idea of Dungeon Dice Monsters. It has
some small similarities to Duel Monsters, but Yugi doesn't
like it because you don't duel with your own cards and
monsters. The argument gets quite heated, and Joey
challenges Duke
to a duel. Duke accepts, and the loser has to do whatever
the winner wants for a week. Joey plans on getting Duke to
close his store for the week if he wins.
At Duke's store, he show's them a box full of booster
packs, and tells Joey they will each randomly choose packs
and make their decks from the cards inside. Joey seems
very pleased with the cards he gets. They proceed to the
Duel Ring. Everyone is astonished with the size of the
place, but Duke just
says it's the smallest in the building.
Duke has his own cheerleading squad (with one member that
has amazingly oversized lips) and calls Joey's attention
to the numerous cameras situated around the ring. He says
the match is going to be broadcast live around the world
for everyone to see.
The match goes well for Joey. His Sword Hunter destroys
Duke's Oni Tank 234 in the first turn. It then becomes and
equipment card on the Sword Hunter, powering him up. Duke
lays a card face down and the Dark Bat in defense mode.
Joey plays a Swordhorn Beast which does Life Point damage
even when the monster in defense mode. He takes out the
Dark Bat with it, but Duke's trap card destroys the Sword
Hunter aswell.
Duke's next monster destroys the Swordhorn Beast and he
lays some cards aswell. Joey plays the Goblin Attack Team
(2300/100), which beats Duke's Monster but then goes into
defense mode. Duke plays a 1200/800 monster, and doubles
its attack with the Limit Remover. Joey is thankful his
Goblins are in defense mode, until Duke reveals the Meteor
Crush card, which, as he says, is "like a magic card
version of the Swordhorn Beast." Meaning the monster
equipped with it can damage LP when attacking defense
monsters too. He attacks the Goblin Attack Team and wins
the duel.
Duke makes a fool of Joey, making him his slave and
ordering him to wear a dog costume. Yugi steps in to stop
this. He challenges Duke, but Duke says he will only
accept a game of Dungeon Dice Monsters. Yugi agrees, and
if he wins, Duke will release Joey. But Duke has a much
bigger penalty for losing. If Yugi loses, he must
surrender the title of King of Games, and never play Duel
Monsters again. To Tea and Tristans protests, Yugi
Guardian -