Episode Guide - Dungeon Dice
Monsters, Part 3
Hey, just sending in an episode guide. Hope to write some
more in the future
and by the way do you mind if I put cutouts? They're at
the bottom of the
page. thanks in advance ~ Yugia Veedragon
Dungeon Dice Monsters Pt.3
With Yugi down to two heart points, the King of Games
begins to search for a
way out of his dilemma. As Duke taunts Yugi, confident
that the duel is
about to be finished, Yugi uses his Help Screen to
discover how to activate
his Thunderball's special attack. Rolling two Magic
crests, Yugi activates
the four magic crests, along with two in his crest pool,
to activate the
Rolling Crush and destroy both Duke's Blast Lizard and his
Gator Dragon.
Outside the shop, Solomon Moto has decided to check out
the competition and
is surprised to see the crowd gathered out front. Pushing
his way to the
front of the crowd, he finds the TV screen broadcasting
Yugi's duel with
Duke. Startled that his grandson is duelling against his
rival, Solomon
decides to hang about and watch the rest of the match
unfold( and watch the
Back at the arena, an impressed Duke congratulates Yugi on
his ability to
use the Help Screen, but warns him that he is still not
good enough to
defeat the creator of the game. However Yugi reminds Duke
that he has
already defeated Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters, so
Duke should still
watch out.
As Duke rolls two Attack crests and a Movement crest, He
passes back to Yugi
who successfully rolls for a Level 2 Summon, releasing the
Knight of Twin
Swords. Storing his extra movement crest, Duke
congratulates Yugi on
learning to store his crests to use them later.
As play passes to Duke, the crest pools of each player are
revealed, and
while Yugi has 1 movement crest, 5 attack crests and 4
defence crests, Duke
has 7 movement crests and 2 attack crests. As Duke begins
his turn, he is
impressed to see that Yugi is using his help screen once
again and is
surprised that his opponent is picking up the rules so
quickly(yea you
better be surprise!!).
Releasing the Battle Ox, Duke moves it forwards four
spaces and orders it to
attack Yugi's Knight. But as the Ox makes its attack, Yugi
switches his
Knight to defence mode, meaning that the Knight takes 20
damage but is still
left with 10 hit points. As Duke passes back to Yugi, he
uses two attack
crests to activate his Knight's ability to use the its
Twin Swords,
destroying the Battle Ox.
However as Yugi and his friends begin to believe that the
King of Games may
have a chance to win, Duke begins to laugh, explaining
that his last move
was more than just about summoning a monster onto the
board. As Yugi studies
the board, Duke points out that his own path now spreads
all the way across
the board and, as Yugi's path is unable to cross it, Yugi
has become blocked
off, although he can still risk using Duke's dungeon path
if he wants
to(oooh bad Duke!! Bad!!!).
As the Dice Automator dispenses Duke's dice, Duke is
pleased to see that the
Automator has given him a black die. As Duke rolls two
Summon crests, he
releases the black die to reveal a Warp Vortex. Duke
explains to Yugi that
when two Warp Vortexes are played on the board, monsters
can pass through it
to move quickly across the board.
As Yugi worries over this latest revelation, Duke warns
him that when he
rolls his second black die summoning he will place the
Vortex by Yugi's
heart points, giving him easy access to destroy him. On
Yugi's roll, he
successfully summons the Strike Ninja, a monster with the
ability to move
three spaces for each movement crest used.
Unfazed by this latest play, Duke is pleased to see that
the Automator has
dispensed his second black die, but as he makes his roll
not one of the dice
comes up with a summon crest. However when it was Yugi's
turn, his Automator
also dispenses a black die (YAY!!!). As Yugi makes his
roll, he successfully
releases a second Warp Vortex. Playing it onto his side of
the board, Yugi
moves the Strike Ninja through the Vortex and uses it to
destroy Duke's
As Duke's roll fails to provide him with a summoning, Yugi
rolls a Movement
crest and a another Movement crest. Activating both, he
positions the Ninja
in front of Duke's heart points and attacks, eliminating
the first of Duke's
heart points (Ninja: Die!!!!!). A little something you
might want to know,
in the japenese version the ninja could talk!! Too bad he
can't in the WB
version, sucks!!
Although Duke seems pleased to see Yugi is not the washout
he first thought,
he is still determined to crush his rival as he summons
the powerful Orgoth
the Relentless. However as Duke activates two magic crests
in order for
Orgoth to attack, Yugi scours the help screen for advice.
As the smoke from
Orgoth's attack clears, Duke is horrified to discover that
Yugi has been
able to use a trap crest to dodge the attack.
With Yugi's Strike Ninja still on the board, he uses it to
destroy a second
of Duke's heart points, taking Yugi into the lead. However
as Orgoth attacks
again, Yugi realises that he has no more trap crests and
is unable to avoid
the attack.
With Yugi's Ninja destroyed, Duke prepares to take control
once more with
his most powerful monster. What will happen next? Will
Duke win or will Yugi
Cutouts: I'm surprise WB cut this out. Solomon was
watching the screen again
yelling at Yugi not to give up, unfortunitely he was
blocking the screen and
well....one of the guys in the group threw a can at his
head!! That's one
cutout and then the Ninja not talking which was suppose to
Yugia Veedragon
Yugi activates
Thunderball's effect, but cannot reach Duke's heart
points. Devlin reveals that the only way Yami Yugi can
reach his heart points is if he crosses his path. But
then he plays a vortex. He says it will bring his
monsters to Yugi's life points. But Yugi plays his own,
and strike ninja wipes away one of Duke's hearts. Then
another. But a stronger monster(Organt the
relentless)destroys it. To be continued... - John L.