Episode #7, Best of Friends Part 2
In this epic battle between two best friends, both of them claim to have been playing their hardest. But what's this? Let's recap part of the match. Yugi's side has only two of the original four Magical Hats. One hides the Dark Magician (2500/2300), the other holds a trap (it was Spellbinding Circle, but Joey didn't know it at the time). Joey's field had no magics or trap, but a strong Black Skull Dragon (3000/2500), and a weak 1800/1500 monster (I forget the name). Yugi had 500LP and Joey had 750LP. On Joey's turn, he attacked with BSD and got the spellbinding circle. Next turn, Yugi played Book of Secret Arts and killed BSD with the superpowered Dark Magician. After a few more turns, Yugi won.
But what if Joey would have
attacked a random hat with the weak 1800/1500 monster?
If he hit the trap, it would only hinder the weak
monster leaving one hat with a Dark Magician open for
BSD to attack and defeat, wiping out Yugi's life
points. If the weak monster hit the Magician, the
monster would be destroyed, leaving Joey with 50LP
left. But then, the Magician would be open for an
attack by BSD for the kill and the win.
Did Joey deliberately lose
because he knew that Yugi would be nice and give him the
$3M? Did he know that only Yugi could defeat Pegasus?
Or did Pegasus have the power to control Joey's mind,
ensuring Yugi the win? Maybe it was divine
intervention? Maybe a 3rd Party Millennium Item is to
blame? Or is Joey really that stupid!?
--James the Hippy
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