#71 - Double Duel 2
At the docks, Tea has been thrown into a storeroom
filled with boxes.
Shortly afterward, she is joined by Mokuba. They plan to
make an escape, and
later succeed. Meanwhile, Odion poses as Marik while the
real Marik hides and casts the power of the Millennium
Rod upon Joey. Back at the duel, Kaiba
tries his Rings of Destruction and Protection combo
against Shining Abyss but is beaten by Lumis and Umbra's
combined strategy. They are about to wipe
him out when Yugi calls out a Kuriboh defensive shield.
Kaiba is stunned, but doesn't want to accept help. Lumis
calls out a mask card to freeze multiply and cause Yugi
to lose 500 lifepoints every one of his turns. Yugi
tries to call out Beast of Gilfar, but activates the
trap card Mask of Restrict, preventing
sacrifice-summons. Now that their strongest cards are
useless, Kaiba blames Yugi. However, he gets a secret
message to Yugi that he wants his hand in the Graveyard.
Yugi obliges with Card Destruction, but Lumis and Umbra
summon the Masked Beast. Kaiba, however, calls out his
favored Blue Eyes White Dragon.
By Red Eyes Fan #1