#72 - Double Duel 3
Yugi convinces Kaiba to attack the Masked Beast, and
Blue Eyes miraculously defeats the stronger monster.
Lumis thinks that it is a trick, but Yugi reveals that
his Card Destruction sent his Beast of Gilfar to the
Gilfar has the special ability to lower the attack of
another monster when it is in the Graveyard. So, it
weakened Masked Beast. At the docks, Joey walks into a
room where team is chained to a chair. She tries to get
him to let her out, but he doesn't respond. At the duel,
Lumis and Umbra launch an attempt to defeat Blue Eyes
that is halted by Yugi. Kaiba then verbally breaks down
the team strategy of his opponents, and causes them to
mistrust each other. Lumis sets a magic card facedown
and then uses a card to take Umbra's hand from him. He
then uses his facedown card to automatically summon a
new Masked Beast card: Desgardius.
By Red Eyes Fan #1