#75 - Friends 'Til the End
As Kaiba concocts a plan to put Tea out of harm's way,
Marik forces Joey to play Meteor of Destruction. Yugi
halts it with Mystical Refpennel. Suddenly,
a Kaiba Co. Helicopter flies up and crashes into the
crane, saving Tea from harm. Meanwhile, Yugi directs the
Meteor at himself, not willing to risk Joey. Joey's box
opens, and the thirty second countdown begins. Joey has
Eyes attack him so that Yugi's box opens, then swings
over and grabs Yugi's key just as the anchor drops. Joey
frees Yugi, but the key only works on Yugi's shackles.
Tristan is about to jump in when Serentiy, who has
thrown off her bandages, does instead. After everyone
dries off, Kaiba leaves to get ready for the finals. In
the next episode, Joey activates his locator cards on
the docks.
By Red Eyes Fan #1