#109 - Settling the Score 2
Lector and Kaiba contiue to duel, with Lector on top
thanks to his Satellite
Cannon, which is to high for Kaiba to hit. He reveals
that Kaiba once bought
51% of a company and then forced the president to repay
him three times the amount he paid. He then uses a combo
to hold Kaiba's magic cards at bay.
Kaiba begins to sweat, and Lector's strategy keeps him
on top. The gang arrives on the truck, but are unable to
help. Lector reminds Seto of how he accused Mokuba of
betrayel, and then tried to take Kaiba Corp. from
Gozaburo. Gozaburo though he had Mokuba's support, but
Mokuba gave his percentage of the company to Seto. He
also gave Seto a hand drawn Blue Eyes White Dragon.
Kaiba then draws the real Blue Eyes and uses it to
demolish Satellite Cannon.
By Red Eyes Fan #1