#53 - Steppin' Out
episode starts off with school letting out, and Tea
closing her locker, only to find it raining outside.
Joey and Tristan are cleaning up the halls for some
unknown reason, and the two are talking about Serenity
getting her operation thanks to Joey winning the three
million dollars from the Duelist Kingdom tournement.
Afterwards, Yugi talks with Tea about the Spirit of the
Puzzle being troubled about not knowing his past. He
asked Tea to help him through the next day and she
agrees (Yugi and Tea are dating!!!). The next morning,
Yugi and the Spirit are talking with each other, and
then meet Tea at the train station, where Yugi uses the
Puzzle to transfrom into the Spirit, which leads to the
Spirit freaking out at Yugi. The two then go to a fast
food-esque place and talk about the new Ancient Egyptian
Exhibit at the museum, which is Ishizu's stone tablets
from the previous episode. The two then go to a card
shop and Yugi gets Lightforce Sword, which will be used
later on in the Battle City tournement. They then go to
the arcade, where Johnny Steps makes his appearence on a
DDR-esque game with 8 foot panels!!! Tea then challenges
them and wins even though Steps cheating by attacking
her. The two then watch the sunset at the pier, until
Steps returns and Yugi challenges him to a duel.
The duel starts off with Steps playing Sonic Maid
(1200/900) in ATK Mode. Yugi follows up with Celtic
Guardian (1400/1200) and attacks the Maid (Steps LP:
1800). Steps then plays Water Omotics (1400/1200) in ATK
Mode. Yugi ends without playing anything. Steps then
plays Spirit of the Harp (800/2000) in DEF Mode and
follows up with Chorus of Sanctuary (Harp now 2500 DEF).
Yugi realizes a huge mistake by Steps and plays Curse of
Dragon (2000/1500) and attacks Omotics (Steps LP: 1200).
Steps then realizes his mistake and plays Witch of the
Black Forest (1100/1200) and uses Polymerization, fuses
Witch with Lady of Faith (1100/800) to make Musician
King (1750/1500). MK attacks Celtic Guardian with an
ultrasonic wave (Yugi's LP: 1650). Steps sets one card
f/d and ends. Yugi attacks Musician King, only to fall
to Metalmorph (MK: 2050/1800) and is destroyed (Yugi's
LP: 1600). Yugi then plays Giant Soldier of Stone
(1300/2000) in DEF Mode and ends. Musician King attacks
(ATK: 2700; Yugi's LP: 1600) and Tea realizes that
Yugi's in trouble thanks to Metalmorph's power up
effect. Yugi follows up with Dark Magician (2500/2100)
and attacks Musician King (Steps LP: 750). Steps then
recognizes Yugi and forfiets, until Tea gives him a
"speech" and makes him realizing that running never
solves problems. Then episode ends with Yugi and Tea
entering the museum, which'll carry on in the next
- - - -
Steppin' Out
Since Yami is confused about his past, Yugi arranges a
little time with Tea to help him out. Yami protests when
he discovers what's going on, but comes around. After
they have lunch and Tea points out the new Egyptian
exhibit in
a magazine along with her inspiring speech on facing
what's out there, they go around town. After going to
the music store and then a card shop (where Yugi obtains
Lifeforce Sword) they go to arcade. There, a guy known
as Johnny Steps is ruling the dancing game (similar to
Dance Dance Revolution) until Tea goes for it. Johnny
attempts to cheat, but Tea beats him anyway.
Afterwards, Yami tells Tea he has realized what he must
do, but before they can head to the museum, they are met
by Johnny Steps. He challenges Tea to a
rematch, but Yami takes up the challenge instead in a
game of Duel Monsters.
Johnny plays with a badly assorted deck, but takes Yugi
down a few pegs with
Heavy Metal King. However, Yami defeats this monster and
then scares Johnny into surrender by revealing his name.
Tea stops Johnny and tells him the importance of not
backing down and of true friends. Later at the museum,
Yami thanks Tea for her help and then faces the steps,
saying that whatever is beyond those doors, he is ready
to face it.
By Red Eyes Fan #1