#82 - The Dark Spirit Revealed 1
In the gallery, Joey decides that he hopes both to duel
Marik and not to duel Bakura. The method of pair up is
revealed: lottery. Each duelist has a number, and each
number is on a ball. Two balls are shuffled through the
machine to determine the pair up. Today's winners are:
Bakura and Yugi. As they ride the elevator up to the
dueling arena at the top of the blimp, Yugi
ponders and decides that Bakura is really the spirit of
the Millennium Ring.
Moments later, Bakura proves him right. Bakura throws
out a few useless monsters and loses most of his
lifpoints. However, he then summons Dark Necrofear.
Before he can reveal its power, Yugi uses Dark Magician
Girl to destroy it. Bakura thanks Yugi, for he can now
play Dark Sanctuary. Everyone
tenses as a dark shroud covers the field.
By Red Eyes Fan #1