#59 - The ESP Duelist 2
Picking up from the end of the last episode, Roba has
his almighty Jinzo card on the field. Calling on his
Amplifier card, he gives Jinzo a power boost that will
continue each turn. He then proceeds to take out
Alligator Sword. Meanwhile, Serenity discovers that
Tristan has been deceiving her to keep her hopes up. She
convinces him to be honest. Still elsewhere, Mokuba
busts Espa Roba's brothers, and is about to end the duel
when the brothers reveal their heartbreaking story of
how Espa duels so that his reputation will protect his
brothers from bullying. He notices Yugi on a nearby
and decides that Yugi would give them another chance,
and so lets the duel continue. At the duel, Yugi pulls
out the Scapegoat card from his duel with Seeker to buy
him time. Roba calls another monster and takes down two
Scapegoats. He says that Joey is helpless, but then Joey
tells him that they
are very similar. Joey pulls out the riskiest card in
duel monsters, Roulette Spider, thus beginning his
tradition of using cards that rely on luck. Joey wins
and earns Jinzo and one of Roba's locater cards. Roba
Joey, and Yugi sets off to find another duel.
By Red Eyes Fan #1