GX Episode Summary
#62. Master of magicians part three
by: yugioh fan
Master of magicians part three review
In The master of magicians part 3 Arcana plays one card face
down and ends his turn. Arcana said in a few turns your life
points will become zero!! Ha ha ha ha ha. Yugi said you've
already lost by putting your trust in a scoundral like Marik.
Do you think if you defeat me in a duel Marik will reunite
you with your long lost love catherin.
yugi summons Gazelle the king on mythical beasts. Arcana
activates his trap card and makes the number of monsters
yugi has on the field equal to the amount that he has on the
field. Since Arcana had none niether does yugi.
Arcana plays his dark magic curten and cuts his life points
in half to summon his Dark magician. Arcana said and incase
you were relying on your face down cards to save you I will
take them out with my Aunti magic arrows.
Arcana attacks yugi's life points directly....
but suddenly arcana's dark magic curtain appeared on yugi's
side of the field.
Arcana said impossible my dark magic curtain is working for
you. yugi said yes you should read the rules more carfully
the dark magic curtain is avalible to both sides of the
playing field. yugi brings out his own dark magician girl!!
who gains points for every dark magician in the graveyard no
matter in whoes graveyard tho.That gave yugi the power he
needed to wipe out Arcana.
Yugi escaped from the shakkles and saved arcana as well.
Arcana ran to hug who he thought was catharin but it was
just a dummy.
Marik took over Arcana's body and yugi and Marik argue who
should have the power of the pharoah. Tea, tristan mokuba
grandpa and Joey saved yugi.
By yugioh fan