A wealthy man who
created duel
monsters and is also the soul possessor of the millennium
eye, an object that allows to read other people's minds.
Pegasus is also the 'bad' guy of yu-gi-oh. Since he can
read other's minds, he knows what cards are in their
hands, and can figure out your strategy. He is also the
owner of every single duel monsters card, and has the
'best' deck in existence. He runs a toon deck, which are
new types of cards in upcoming sets ( I won't ruin the
surprise) - Dgrabkow
Subject: Yugi-OH! Bio for: Maxamillion Pegasus
Maxamillion Pegasus is the acclaimed, "creator" of Duel
Monsters, when in
fact, the game was created thousands of years ago in
ancient Egypt, where
actual monsters were created and battled against on
another on an evil
basis. Pegasus <as he is so often called> has just
recently stolen the soul
of Yugi's grandfather in another one of his bazaar
attempts to duel and
humiliate Yugi. By winning a battle against Yugi, Pegasus
forced him to
come to The Duelist Kingdom, the ultimate Duel Monster
playing field, where
all of the top duelists from the country meet and battle
for ten star
chips, in hopes of making it to Maxamilllion's mansion for
the one fateful
battle with the "maker of the game". Wielding one of the
millennium items,
the "millennium eye", Pegasus is able to see through other
people's eyes,
(read their minds) and he uses this technique when dueling
as a way of
cheating -he can see every card that someone is holding,
creating the
ultimate defense. Even more recently, he has stolen the
souls of Seto
Kiaba, and Seto's little brother Mokuba, and trapped them
in Dueling
Monster cards -just for fun. Or so we thought.
As it turns out, Pegasus used to be one of the "good
guys". He was even a
talented painter. When his wife, the love of his life,
died, he was thrust
into a world of despair.
Traveling all over the world looking for answers,
Maxamillion found his way
to the Giza pyramids in Egypt. There, by a stroke of luck,
(and a
weird/mysterious guy who doesn't bother to tell him his
name) he found that
he was destined to acquire the Millennium Eye -and he had
planned to use
it to bring his deceased wife back to life.But now, the world is just a cartoon show to him, and he
tries to make the
most interesting web of lies and deception as he is
capable of.
(He had also planned to use the Kaiba Corporation, Yugi's
Puzzle, and the soul's of Yugi's grandfather, Seto Kaiba,
and Mokuba Kaiba,
to bring his wife back. But alas, he has lost the Duelist
kingdom title to
Yugi, and has freed the souls of Mr. Mutou's, and the
Kiaba brothers. The
"evil Bakura" -Bakura possessed by the evil spirit in his
millennium eye-
has also stolen the millennium eye from Pegasus. Things
just aren't looking
so good for the oh-so-noble Pegasus. He has even taken the
three most
powerful duel monster cards in the world and hid them to
make sure that
anyone eivil could not use the cards powers against
another. Of course,
that plan failed too, as they have once again been taken.)
Billionaire Maxamillion
Pegasus can often be seen sipping a glass of wine
-I mean, the worlds finest grape juice- at the head of his
oversized dining
room table, watching cartoons, and practicing his sinister
laugh. I ask you; How
evil is that?
Pegasus is the creator of
the deul monsters card game. He had the millenium eye,
which allowed him to read other people's minds, but it was
stolen by the graverobber spirit in the millenium ring. (
no one has told us if he's ok yet! :( i really need to
know!) Although he does the wrong things, he still deuls
for the right reasons; Pegasus has a plan to bring back
his wife, Cecilia, who dies shortly after their wedding.
- C.Pegasus(i wish)
Maximilian Pegasus is the eccentric creator of duel
monsters. He loves cartoons and even put cards in his
deck(and created)cards based on them. His deck includes:
Toon world
Toon index
Toon defense
Manga Ryu Ran
Toon Mermaid
Toon Summoned Skull
Blue eyes Toon dragon
Toon Cannon Soldier
Toon Gemini Elf
Toon Goblin Attack force
Toon Masked Sorcerer
Toon Alligator
Dark Rabbit
Parrot Dragon
Thousand eyes idol
Thousand eyes restrict
Mike Giorla (buying Pegasus structure deck $54.00)
Maxamillion Pegasus wields the millemium eye which
allows him to see through people's souls and know what
they are thinking and feeling. The eye also allows him
to trap people's souls into objects like he did with
yugi's grandfather and the Kaiba brothers. He invites
Yugi to his duelist kingdom to compete in his
tournament. Pegasus wants yugi's millenium puzzle and
that's why he throws the tournament using yugi's
grandfather as bait. Pegasus wants the millenium items
so that he can bring his wife Cecilia back to life.
Pegasus was given his eye by Shadi who knew pegasus was
destined to wield it. Pegasus loses his millenium eye to
Yami Bakura in a shadow game right after he lost a
shadow game to Yugi which really tired him out which was
Yami Bakura's plan.
Pegasus also created Duel Monsters and the Egyptian god
cards which were based on his discoveries on Egpyt's
history after gaining his millenium eye. He later
entusted the god cards to Ishizu Ishtar.
Steve Romero