Serenity Wheeler is Joey
little sister. She has extremely bad eyesight, and unless
she gets a three million dollar surgery, she will lose her
sight completely, and go blind. Joey, of course, won't
stand for that. So, he enters (with a little, a lot, of
help from Yugi Mouto) the Duel Monsters championships
hosted by Maxamillion Pegasus, (The games, "Creator") so
he can win the prize money, three million dollars, (what a
coincidence!) to have the surgery preformed on his sister.
Joey hasn't seen her for many years, as his mother and
father got divorced seven years before. Serenity spoke in
a video message to Joey, "I want to see you, one last
time.". After battling to the best of his
ability, Joey places a mere second in the Championships,
his best friend, Yugi, placing first. All hope is not lost
for Serenity's however, for Yugi gives the three million
to Joey for the sake of his sister. Serenity has played a
major part in Joey's success as a duel monster champion,
and she even inadvertently got her brother and mother
speaking to each other again! (Their mother had been the
cause of the divorce, and Joey hadn't spoken to her for
seven years because of it.) Serenity was last spoke of as,
"In the recovery room, Yug! She's doing just fine.",
according to her brother, Joey, and it looks like her
eyesight has been saved. ---------- Shizuka (Serenity): She becomes more
of a main character as well as Mai. She battles at some
point and also watches over Mai while she's unconcious.
She has to help Joey calm down a lot because of Mai's
condition making him feel guilty. She first see's Joey
after the episode where Joey had his mind taken over by
Yami Malik. ---- Serenity Wheeler- Younger sister
of Joey Wheeler and loving girl of the group. She maybe
a girl, but she proves herself when she defeats one of
the Big 5 in a duel while being trapped in the virtual
world. This girl shows a true passion for her friends
and a true bond for her brother. Serenity is the tag
along, perky sister of the group. - Kari |
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