Casual Play?
In today's article, I am talking about Casual play.
Whats the first thing that you imagine when you hear
"Casual Play"? For me, I imagine sitting in my
cousins bedroom playing yugioh with a bunch of
stupid decks that have no chance at doing good in
any good tournament. Like...A food deck, Hungry
Burger? Mystic Tomato?? Forget about it ^^.
But the fact is, these days, Casual Play just isn't
worth it for some people =/. Most players play for
one thing, Winning. What's wrong with winning? I
mean, you get packs, cash, other great prizes! Plus,
you prove yourself superior to the other weaker
duelist! Whats wrong with that? Everything.
Honestly, whats more fun...
1. Playing the game to win, and getting prizes while
doing so.
2. Playing with some crazy casual deck, and losing
to someone else, but having fun doing so.
Think of your current deck. Are you a very
competitive player? I bet 8 out of 10 duelist
reading this article are playing a traditional Chaos
Deck. Whats so wrong with that? It's a simple deck,
and it wins consistently! But, it gets boring.
I'm not going to be stupid and say something like
"Oh man, Chaos sucks! It's the same old thing...Pot,
MoF, Pot, MoF, Pot, BLS...Game.". Because that isn't
true =/. It isn't THAT simple. It takes skill to
play any deck*, even a chaos deck.
Casual play, to me, is the best type of play. The
best part about it, is it doesn't matter if you win
or lose, as long as you have fun! This is a game
right? People play games to have fun right? What I
am saying here, is don't get to caught up in
Competitive play! Always find time to sit down and
play a few matches with your friends, with some
insane, and crazy decktype ;).
* Except a Food themed deck ;). It takes guts to
play it ^^.