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Rj's Deck Garage Anyways, today we are looking at Wilson Lucs Shonen Jump New Jersey deck. I was searching around wondering which deck I would choose, then I stumbled upon this, and remembered the great time I personally had at NJ, and immediately decided to do this as the deck. Wilson Lucs SJCNJ.dek Wilson Luc 1 Sangan 1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 2 Night Assailant 1 Breaker the Magical Warrior 1 Tribe-Infecting Virus 1 Sinister Serpent 2 Slate Warrior 1 Airknight Parshath 1 Jinzo 1 D. D. Warrior Lady 3 Magician of Faith 2 Tsukuyomi 1 Pot of Greed 1 Delinquent Duo 1 Graceful Charity 1 Card Destruction 1 Swords of Revealing Light 3 Scapegoat 3 Metamorphosis 1 Nobleman of Crossout 1 Premature Burial 1 Snatch Steal 1 Heavy Storm 1 Lightning Vortex 1 Mystical Space Typhoon 1 Mirror Force 1 Torrential Tribute 1 Call of the Haunted 1 Ring of Destruction 1 Sakuretsu Armor 1 Magic Cylinder Side: 1 Nobleman of Crossout 1 Mystic Swordsman LV2 1 Exiled Force 2 Royal Decree 3 Chain Disappearance 1 Asura Priest 1 Mobius the Frost Monarch 2 Chiron the Mage 1 Morphing Jar 2 Gravekeeper's Spy I like the deck alot, and I know more than the average person would about the deck at first glance though, just because I tested with Wilson weeks before the SJC in NJ. The deck is...pretty much perfect =/. It generates so much advantage its insane, and when played by a world class player such as Wilson, its a hard match up against almost any deck. At SJC NJ, Wilson went through 2 losses, he lost to Dan Mcnelis who had beaten me the round before on time, and he lost in the finals against his team mate. Witnessing that match, I really wish Wilson would have won ;[*. With an impressive record of, what...11-2 I think? That's quite a feat, in any meta, really. One of the main reasons I like the deck so much is the tech, obviously. Night Assailant wasn't really played before Wilson and Jae (Jae played a deck with a similar concept to Wilson's, but when he lost on time and a cheater at the SJC In Pomona, many forum goers on pojo.biz dissed the deck, and it was quickly forgotten.), at all. So when this hit the scene, it was pretty amazing, and I felt honored witnessing history in the making in NJ. Wilson abuses the hell out of NA's in this deck, LoL. With Card Destruction, Graceful Charity, and tons of flips to choose from if discarded by said cards, NA seems to fit right the hell in. Also, in a meta filled with hand disruption in Delinquent Duo, and players abusing IT with Magician Of Faith, NA is a great answer, turning that 2-1 power card into a sub par 1-1. Other neat tech in this deck will be discussed when I review the cards individually, so lets move on to that, shall we? Note: I've decided to only review SOME cards out of the deck for now on, as some of them are no brainers. Monsters 1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning BLS is an easy addition in this deck, as the deck runs 7 darks, and 5 lights, but its also Wilsons favorite card, haha ;p. 2 Night Assailant Night Assailant is pure genius. It has synergy not only in the deck, but in the FORMAT. He runs alot of flips, alot of discarding, this works with Tsukyomi as a monster destruction engine, and running 2 of these babies allows him to run low amounts of Monster Removal in spell form, which then allows him to run cards like Card destruction, thus it equals out the bad hand ratio. 2 Slate Warrior Slate is great in this deck, it runs over almost anything, and when its flipped it DOES run over anything besides BLS, or atleast kamikazes with Jinzo. Its main usage here is for offense, while acting a flip support to almost guarantee Night Assailant has flip food in the grave, atleast into mid game. Also, it really shows you how good of a deckbuilder Wilson really is, I'm thinking that he need more offense, and he found the perfect answer to not only that, but Night Assailants effect. That answer is slate. 1 Airknight Parshath Airknight is...well, I don't know why I even decided to review this as if it were special, because it isnt, its just a top notch card that needs no explanation. 1 Jinzo Muliple tributes in this deck is good, not only because this deck needs some offense, and besides BLS and tributes, it only finds its offense (REAL offense) in like, DDWL, Tribe, Breaker, and Slates, but more tributes also means that he can pull off cool combos like Flip night assailant, kills there monster, tribute for jinzo and hit. Its just cool things like that, and jinzo and airknight in this deck are...must haves. 3 Magician of Faith Running three MoF's is a great idea, and I also ran three at the tournament (Didn't perform as well as Wilson, though ;p), and its great because you'll draw into early, which may seem like a bad thing, but if you can pull of a part of the trinity twice, and keep up advantage, the game is over. Running three MoF allows you to *usually* have atleast one to use at one point in the game, like if you set a MoF, your opponent noblemans it, you lose the other one of your deck, and chances are you'll have one in your hand for later use. Your opponent will only think you run 2 MoF's too, so that's quite the edge, IMO. Plus, if they DON'T nobleman them, having three MoF isn't a horrible thing at all, and if your hands get clogged, the answers here in Card Destruction. 2 Tsukuyomi Two tsukuyomi is here to not only support the Lockdown theme with Thousand Eyes Restrict, but it also synergizes with Night Assailant, and your other flips. Its definitely a good idea to have two in this deck. The monsters couldn't be much better than this, everything has synergy with each other, and you have a good balance of play makers, game breakers, and advantage getters. Good line. Onto Spells. Spells 1 Card Destruction Ahh, you have to love this old favorite. I thought he was crazy, until I played against it, and it works, it really does work. Feeds the grave for BLS, NA, and Recursion. Gets that bad hand away and gives you something you can work with, and it can even win the game if played right, like dumping Jinzo and MoF to draw BLS, Premature this, Summon BLS, Summon this, and its gg. Good card. 1 Swords of Revealing Light Needed entry, definitely, gives just enough defense to the deck. It needs it, too. Honestly, theres nothing worse than being down on cards, and life, and needing that comeback to when, and your opponent drops this. Its heartbreaking ;p. 3 Scapegoat 3 Metamorphosis Reviewed together for obvious reasons, gamesaving and gamebreaking cards, and the best part is, you CAN run three of each, because if they end up being dead cards, and theres no night assailant in sight, dump these baby's. Brilliant, eh? 1 Nobleman of Crossout Aww, Nobleman is probably the number one card you don't want to draw in a topdecking situation, and it is famous for BEING that card, in this deck though, you have more than enough removal with the whole Night assailant thing plus this, and running just this one gives you a better chance of not having one as a dead card. Which makes the deck consistent. 1 Lightning Vortex Ah, a game ender, a game breaker. Once again ;]. Abusable with Sinister and Night assailant, clears the board of anything you cant get over. Good stuff. The magics are obviously the backbone of the deck, and of course they are the main support for the Night Assailant engine. Onto the traps. Traps 1 Mirror Force The main mass removal card of the format, Mirror force is a staple in any deck wanting defense, a no brainer here. 1 Torrential Tribute Same as above, mass removal, solid card, 5-1 potential (Against noobs, but the chance is still there ;p), it just belongs. 1 Call of the Haunted Recursion is definitely needed here, and its also neat with Tsukuyomi, giving you not only the option to bring back fattys like BLS, Jinzo, Airknight, and Slate Warrior, but also allows you to reuse that Magician of Faith, Night assailant, etc. with Tsukuyomi. 1 Ring of Destruction Target removal, game ender, game tier, great card, no review needed. 1 Sakuretsu Armor Seems to be filler in a way, but a great card anyway, definitely a solid addition to the deck. 1 Magic Cylinder I dunno, there was this long drawn out talk wilson had with me on why he chose Cylinder for the deck, and of course now is the perfect time for me to remember it, and I can't xD. Oh well, its a game ender, and games go down to time soo much, sometimes you wish you had a cylinder when the game was close to being over, and you just didn't. Its a good card and if I remember correctly wilson won quite a few games off of it that day. Good stuff. The main deck is very good. Very very good. The deck draws really well most of the time, a good idea when making a deck is to try and use cards that work well with each other, not just one or two other cards in the deck, so when you draw these cards, they're usually useful. Wilson practiced this while making the deck, which is one of its strong points. Side deck 1 Nobleman of Crossout 1 Mystic Swordsman LV2 1 Exiled Force 2 Royal Decree 3 Chain Disappearance 1 Asura Priest 1 Mobius the Frost Monarch 2 Chiron the Mage 1 Morphing Jar 2 Gravekeeper's Spy The side deck is very interesting, and does a good job at matches that may be tough. Nobleman, Lv2, Exiled, Decree, Mobius, Chiron, and Jar(In a way ;/) are all nice answers against burn. GK spy is definitely a must in the main or side when it comes to a deck like this, it just owns too much ;]. Well guys, I wanted to add some more stuff, but I have to sleep soon, and I still have a deck to fix, and a CoTD to write. I'll be back next week ;p. Oh, and if you guys have any particular deck out there that you would like me to share my opinion on, just drop me a line at RjAkaPeanut4U@gmail.com -RJ
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