Friday, April 14, 2017 We
updated our list of confirmed Nintendo Switch Games.
Our list sits at 131 games.
Check it out:
Nintendo Switch Games by Release Date.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 We
updated our list of confirmed Nintendo Switch Games.
Check it out:
Nintendo Switch Games by Release Date.
Monday, March 13, 2017 We
updated our list of confirmed Nintendo Switch Games.
Check it out:
Nintendo Switch Games by Release Date.
Friday, March 3, 2017 The Switch hit
stores today! We
updated our list of confirmed Nintendo Switch Games.
Check it out:
Nintendo Switch Games by Release Date.
Monday, February 20, 2017 We
updated our list of confirmed Nintendo Switch Games.
Check it out:
Nintendo Switch Games by Release Date.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017 We
updated our list of confirmed Nintendo Switch Games.
Check it out:
Nintendo Switch Games by Release Date.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017 Today's we
compiled a list of all the
Nintendo Switch Games by Release Date. Check
it out!
Friday, January 20, 2017 Earlier
week, we looked at Nintendo Switch Memory Cards and
Controller options. Today's we're looking at other
accessories like stands, cases and chargers. Check
Nintendo Switch - What Accessories Should You Consider
Wednesday, January 18, 2017 Yesterday
looked at Nintendo Switch Memory Cards. Today, we're
looking at Nintendo Switch Controller options.
Check out:
Nintendo Switch -
What Controllers Should You Get?
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Several
friends have asked me:
"What Memory Card Should I get for the
Nintendo Switch?" I figured others were
wondering the same thing. So we cranked out new
article for you for you today.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Pojo's Pokemon GO Tip of the Day:
How to use Pokemon GO IV Calculator for Android.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Pojo's Pokemon GO Tip of the Day: What are Pokemon IV's? How do I use an IV Calculator?
Trick | CabieNamedAxel
Cabie's take on one 'Tricky' Extreme Sports game.
Friday August 2nd, , 2002
Agressive Inline | By:
Phillip Levin |
Is Akklaims new extreme Inline Skating game good enough to
rival THPS? Find out inside!
Thursday August 1st, , 2002
Perfect Dark and Final Fantasy --On the Cube | By:
Phillip Levin |
Perfect Dark 0 Still a Go!
Saturday July 20th, 2002
Preview: The
Legend of Zelda| By:
Phillip Levin |
We update you with a FULL preview of one of the most epic
games to come!
Eternal Darkness | By:
Phillip Levin |
Need help getting through the dark? Our Huge FAQ should help
you quite a bit!
Sunshine All Gone | By:
Phillip Levin |
What do you mean it's "gone"?!?
Super Mario Sunshine | By:
Phillip Levin |
The Sunshine has began in Japa and we only have a month to
go 'till it gets even sunnier in the US. Everything you want
to know is answered inside!
Review: Eternal
Darkness | By:
Phillip Levin |
Our full review of Silicon Knights masterpiece psycological
Site: More to Come | By:
Phillip Levin |
We haven't updated in week and you think this is all we're
gonna give you? Ha! There's more to come!
Monday July 1st, 2002
Review | By:
Omnislash posted another review on
Twisted Metal: Black.
Saturday June 29th, 2002
Daily Dose of Darkness | By:
TazedSoul |
We take a one-day break with our impressions so you can get
caught up witht he darkness. All this and more inside.
Review: Breath
of Fire | By:
TazedSoul |
PeTeRL, a member from our message board has written a great
review for one of the best RPG's on GBA. Click!
Friday June 28th, 2002
but not by lurili | By:
TazedSoul |
More Eternal Darkness impressions. If you want to know what
it's like to go insane then this ones for you. Lots of
spoilers in this one, though.
Thursday June 27th, 2002
Memory Card 251 | By:
TazedSoul |
You can finally save Madden's Franchise Mode on a Nintendo
Memory Card! Click.
Essence of Darkness | By:
TazedSoul |
Eternal Darkness is NOTHING like Resident Evil that's for
sure, but one other things for sure -- We're obsessed with
Eternal Darkness, completely!
Wednesday June 26th, 2002
Darkness Entry One | By:
TazedSoul |
It's been years since Eternal Darkness was announced back in
the day for N64, but today we report and kick off month long
Diary for the horror/adventure game.
Wednesday June 19th, 2002
StarFox Adventures | By:
TazedSoul |
One of our Message Board members, 'I am Weej' has written a
great preview for StarFox Adventures. We just thought you'd
like to read it.
Tuesday June 18th, 2002
Boards Only:
Gaming... Gone the Way of the Movies | By:
TazedSoul |
Our latest Editorial is exclusive to our board members. So
if you want to see it. You'll have to join our boards.
Friday June 14th, 2002
Nintendo WaveBird | By:
TazedSoul |
Sorry we kept you waiting, but now that the review is here
you have no excuse to not own a WaveBird controller.
Thursday June 13th, 2002
the Path | By:
TazedSoul |
We love to the WaveBird so much, but we also love to blabber
just as much... Well maybe not quite as much. ^_~
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle | By:
TazedSoul |
We continue to post stuff from out board members. This time
it's everyone's favorite Sega game: Sonic 2.
Fifa Soccer 2002 | By:
TazedSoul |
Is Soccer Slam too goofy for your tastes? Then we have a
solution. All in our exclusive review. or Fifa 2002.
Wednesday June 12th, 2002
WaveBird Impressions | By:
TazedSoul |
20 Feet? Come on Nintendo don't be moddest.
Nintendo Gets Serious | By:
TazedSoul |
Nintendo Launches new add campaign for the WaveBIrd, and
other stuff too.
Monday June 10th, 2002
Ships | By:
TazedSoul |
It's a bird, it's a plane, no wait... It's the WaveBird
News :Adult
Link is back, but not the way you may be thinking | By:
TazedSoul |
It is true, but not quite how you would think.
Sunday June 9th, 2002
Pikmin Review | By:
TazedSoul |
One of our skilled board members sent in a killer review for
Pikmin on GameCube. All credit goes to: Pokemon Cardkid
Editorial Page added
| By: TazedSoul |
We added an editorial page to find all of our latest
editorials with ease.
More Reviews | By:
Two more reviews were added late this night;
Blood Wake & one more to add to
Grand Theft Auto III. Thanks go out to the reviewers.
Saturday June 8th, 2002
Darkness, and SFA boxart | By:
TazedSoul |
IGN has some new art and guess what it is!
Review | By:
TazedSoul |
We go head-to-head, and bring you our impressions on the
best racer ever released on a Nintendo console.
Write for Pojo | By:
TazedSoul |
Ever wanted to write for Pojo's Video Game site? Well this
could very well be your luck day!
Friday June 7th, 2002
Super Mario Sunshine- Preview Re-vamp | By:
TazedSoul |
The best platform game gets a super post- E3 preview
re-vamp. You gotta love us, ya' know!
Resident Evil 0 - Preview Re-vamp | By:
TazedSoul |
Continuing to try and scare the living hell out of you we
update, what we like to call the scarriest preview, for the
scarriest game.
Super Monkey
Ball 2- Preview Re-vamp | By:
TazedSoul |
We update everyone's favorite Party game Preview. Let's call
it a Post E3 update.
Wednesday June 5th, 2002
Metroid Prime Preview | Posted By
Many of our message board members are sending in reviews and
previews for many games... thanks a whole lot! Just last
night I got a preview of
Metroid Prime from UltiSpaz.
Thanks again!
Added today @ 2pm PST, another review from Piccolo#1. This
time he sent in a review of
Nascar Thunder 2002 for the X-box.
Tuesday June 4th, 2002
The Legend of Zelda Preview | By:
TazedSoul |
New details, and the latest are discussed in our preview
for: Legend of Zelda.
Halo Review | By
Trinitum |
Piccolo #1 from our message boards sent in a great review of
Halo for the X-Box.