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No Square or Enix at E3
April 16, 2002

Bad news for all of the Nintendo fans out there today. Two of the best RPG game developers, Squaresoft, and Enix have announced that they will not be showing new games at the Nintendo show at E3. This comes as a dissapointment to those who were hoping to hear about Squaresoft's rumored Final Fantasy game, "Final Fnatasy Unlimited" which is rumored on being released exclusively to the Nintendo GameCube. It also took away the excitment of the newley announced Final Fantasy Tactics games information for the Nintendo GameBoy Advance.

Why Square, and Enix have decided to hold back any of there new games from the American public is un known, but it could be that they are just waiting to show it to their country, Japan first But now we will most likely have to wait until the SpaceWorld show in Tokyo later this year.

It was also made very clear that Square has NOT announced any games for the Nintendo GameCube, yet.

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