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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Junk Arm
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 3, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 1.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Junk Arm (Triumphant)
Junk Arm is the only Trainer card in the Triumphant set.
Luckily for us it’s a very good one. We’re definitely on
a roll this week on CotD!
Although Junk Arm seems simple enough, there are a
couple of rulings that players need to be aware of. The
card works by discarding two cards and then searching
your discard pile for a Trainer and putting it into your
hand. The fact that you discard first is important: it
means you CAN get back a Trainer that you discard with
Junk Arm’s effect (making life a lot easier if you are
dumping cards to boost draw from
Uxie’s Set Up). The one restriction is that you
cannot use one Junk Arm to get another from the discard.
(This is where it differs from the similar, but ancient,
Item Finder).
Is Junk Arm useful? You bet. Useful
enough to justify losing 3 cards from your hand to play
it (Junk Arm + discards)? Sure it is. Just think
of the possibilities: Luxury Ball is now re-usable; SP
decks can have a fifth Poke Turn or Power Spray; Stage 2
decks can grab a used Rare Candy . . . any deck that has
the space could benefit from running this card.
Obviously, the decks where it does best are the ones
that can make a virtue of the discard.
Gyarados is the first one
that comes to mind, as Junk Arm will now replace the
rotated Felicity’s Drawing as a quick way to dump
Steelix Prime decks also
enjoy having Metal Energy in the discard pile to use
with Steelix’s Energy Stream
attack, and Regigigas decks
will love this card too. There are other, less
mainstream, options as well (such as
Typhlosion Prime and
UD’s Vengeance attack). As a
sidenote, the ability to
discard Supporters and Trainers can also be an effective
way of minimising damage from
Gengar SF’s Poltergeist attack.
Not every deck is going to find room for Junk Arm (just
as they don’t for VS Seeker, the Supporter recovery
card), but most decks will find it useful, and others
(like Gyarados) will
positively depend on it. This is a card that you are
definitely going to see in tournament play.
Modified: 3.75 (some decks love it,
others might not find the space for it. It’s a good card
Limited: 1 (Junk Arm is the only Trainer in the set, and
you can’t use it to get Junk Arms, so it’s completely
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we are continuing
our reviews of the Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums of
HS Triumphant by looking at a new card that is a
functional reprint of a card last printed in Base Set.
Today's Card of the Day is Junk Arm.
Junk Arm is just like Base Set's Maintenance, but with
one minor exception: You discard two cards from your
hand to choose a Trainer card from your discard pile and
get it back into your hand. However, on this new print,
you can't choose Junk Arm as a target for return (then
again, I can't really think of a reason why you would
want to anyway).
This card has a natural place in Gyarados decks, where
the loss of Felicity's Drawing greatly affected the
ability of the Gyarados player to get Magikarps into the
discard pile easily. Junk Arm alleviates that problem,
and also allows you to get back that crucial Warp Point,
Poke Turn, Expert Belt, Pokemon Rescue, or even Rare
Candy. Outside of Gyarados decks, Junk Arm may see some
play because there are so many important Trainers in the
game today, especially for the ever so popular SP
engine. However, as with everything that is a Trainer
nowadays, it is highly susceptible to Trainer lock,
meaning this will be dead in your hand if your opponent
happens to have an active Spiritomb, Vileplume, or
Dialga G Deafen locking, or if you somehow don't have a
legal target for it in your discard pile. Even still,
Junk Arm is a good card and is definitely worth a look.
Modified: 3.75/5 It doesn't belong in every deck, but
it's really quite good for recursion. Trainer lock and
the loss of card advantage bring it down a bit, but
being able to reuse that crucial Energy Gain/Poke
Turn/Power Spray/Warp Point/etc. can really make a huge
difference in the match.
Limited: 1/5 Junk Arm, along with Alph Lithograph, are
the only Trainers in the Triumphant set. Since Junk Arm
can't be targeted through its own effect and this set's
Alph Lithograph is really only useful once, there's
really no reason to use the card here.
Combos With: Gyarados SF
conical |
11/3/10: Junk Arm(Triumphant)
It seems like every
week, we have at least one card that has ties to an
older card. This seems to be a common trend with the
HGSS block(which may continue in the B/W cards?) , one I
heartily approve of in some cases. Thankfully, Junk Arm
is one such card.
If you're wondering
which old card Junk Arm emulates, the answer is
Itemfinder, from Base Set. People used a single copy in
plenty of older decks, because reusing a Professor Oak
or Bill was worth discarding two cards. However, in
today's format, Trainers are nowhere as powerful as they
were back then. Perhaps an ambitious SP player could fit
in a copy to reuse a Team Galactic's Invention of their
choice, but considering how tight most SP lists are, it
might not be worth the deck space, much less the
two-card discard requirement.
Still want to use
this card, eh? Well, if there's a deck who could make
this card work, it would be...dare I say...Gyarados!?
Well, it's not that much of a surprise. Gyarados is
still hurting from Felicity's Drawing's rotation, and is
looking for a way to discard Magikarps without using
lesser options like Regice LA and Banette PL. Junk Arm
gives Gyarados a very useful option to get back the few
trainers it uses, like Pokemon Rescue or Expert Belt,
while setting up for massive Tail Revenge damage. In
terms of copies per deck, Junk Arm may become more
heavily used than its predecessor, if only because of
Modified: 3.25/5
Limited: 4.25/5
Combos With: Team
Galactic's Inventions, Pokemon Rescue

Otaku |
Junk Arm
is a today’s new Trainer from HS –
Triumphant, but it’s
effect is actually something familiar:
“Discard two cards from your hand.
Search your discard pile for a
Trainer card, show it to your opponent,
and put it into your hand.
You can’t choose Junk Arm with
the effect of this card.”
It is an almost identical effect
Item Finder, a card that was first
released in the original Base Set of the
Pokémon TCG!
Item Finder is a heavily used card
when it is legal: in Unlimited play it
allows you to toss Trainers for the many
effects that would discard them (Computer
Professor Oak) knowing you can snag
them back and of course to recycle
useful Trainers that you did already
There are two important differences
Item Finder and
Junk Arm.
Besides slight wording changes,
Junk Arm can’t retrieve itself.
A few decks would like to be able
to “cycle”
Junk Arm a few times to load up the
discard pile with cards that they will
utilize in some way.
As examples, think of Pokémon
that can attach Energy from the discard
pile or Pokémon that have attacks that
gain damage based on what Pokémon are in
the discard pile.
More important,
Arm uses the modern usage of
“Trainer” that excludes Supporters and
Stadium cards, so it most definitely is
not the same card and isn’t quite as
You still should expect to see
Junk Arm being played.
The two big reasons not to use it
are fear of Trainer lock and simply not
having the room.
Both are common problems facing
most Trainers right now, but
Junk Arm actually has an answer to
the latter: it will act as a “variable
copy” of the Trainers in your deck, thus
you can cut a few of those Trainers and
replace them with
Junk Arm.
Unless your deck can’t handle the
discard cost, you’ll be much better off
having a card that can be any Trainer
already in your discard pile than
whatever Trainer you replaced.
Just remember that you can’t cut
numbers too low: you still need to have
a copy of said Trainer in the discard
Junk Arm to recycle it.
Junk Arm,
like many cards, will really affect how
moves play out.
Your opponent can afford to be
less stingy with Trainer use, and that
enables bolder plays.
You can’t feel safe because an
opponent has used up four
Plus Power: if they can build their
hand up this turn, they can afford to
throw it all away (via
Junk Arm) to reload.
A piece of TecH they’d be crazy
to run two of will get multiple uses.
Some decks will be running three
or four, some might run zero, and I
anticipate quite a few will at least
work in one.
In Limited play, the only reason not to
use this card is a good one: there are
no other Trainer cards in this set!
With nothing to target, you can’t
even use it for the discard portion
(there are a few cards that could
benefit from that).
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)