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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mandibuzz #73
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 22, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.15
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#73/114 (Black and White)
Yesterday’s Dark Type Pokémon was pretty cool-looking.
Today’s is not. Sorry, but vultures are one of nature’s
most disgusting creations, and no, I don’t even think
the Basic form is cute either.
On the other hand, as a card,
Mandibuzz has a whole lot more going for it than
Liepard. True, 90 HP isn’t
much to boast about on a Stage 1, but it might just be
that Mandibuzz has the
attacks and stats to make it playable. Sure, the
Lightning Weakness makes it easy prey for
Magnezone and
Zekrom (but then there isn’t
much that those Pokémon don’t one-shot), but the
Fighting Resistance is fantastic. This is particularly
true when you consider that most of the other playable
Dark Types (Tyranitar Prime,
are all limited by their tendency to get destroyed by
Donphan due to Weakness.
With Mandibuzz you have the
possibility of a counter without having to go off-type.
The attacks are more than decent too. Blindside will do
50 damage to ANY of your opponent’s Pokémon that already
has damage counter on it . . .
for only one Dark
Energy. Sniping for 50 at that cost is amazing, and
while it is true that the rotation of
Crobat G means we have lost
the easiest way to get damage on to Benched Pokémon, we
still have Absol,
Kindra, and
Tyranitar (the Prime
versions), that can spread or place damage on your
opponent’s bench.
Punishment attack is also pretty handy. For the cost of
[D][C][C] (which makes it one of the few BW Pokémon that
can really abuse Double Colourless), you get a poor 40
damage . . . unless the Defending Pokémon is a Stage 2,
in which case you are hitting for 100. Against a Stage
2, Punishment goes from being completely horrible to
very good. Against Gengar
Prime, it is positively excellent.
Taken individually, nothing
Mandibuzz does is amazing. When you put it all
together though – the Fighting Resistance, the sniping,
the big damage to Stage 2s - it’s clear that this is a
Pokémon that has the potential to see play in the right
deck and with the right combination of Pokémon.
Modified (HGSS-on): 3.5 (extremely versatile, and combos
well with some already good Pokémon)
Limited: 3 (difficult to use until late game, where
hopefully it will pick up Prizes from your opponent’s
damaged Bench)

Otaku |
is a Stage 1 Darkness-Type Pokémon whose
Basic form is surprisingly adorable for
a carrion-eater. Being a Darkness-Type
Pokémon seems to be a small advantage
since it will allow the attacks to
potentially boost their damage through
use of the Special Energy version of
Darkness Energy.
itself has only 90 HP, which is a little
low for a Stage 1 that can't further
Evolve. The Lightning-Type Weakness is
somewhat problematic, making it an easy
OHKO for pretty much all Lightning-Type
Pokémon that I've heard of being
commonly used. Now many of those decks
could OHKO
Mandibuzz anyway, but at
least a few are aided by being able to
do it for less effort or a turn sooner.
At least this is different from
the default Fighting-Type Weakness seen
on most Darkness-Type Pokémon. In fact,
this card not only has a Resistance, but
it is even to Fighting-Types! Alone this
probably won't be enough to get the card
into a Darkness-Type focused deck, but
it certainly helps. It is bittersweet
Mandibuzz has a single Energy
Retreat Cost. This is technically a good
stat, because it is fairly easy to pay.
I call it bittersweet because as a long
time player I just tend to expect my
winged Pokémon to have a free Retreat
Cost, and having no Retreat Cost would
have helped to offset the HP a little
The attacks are interesting, but not
really complimentary or strong.
Blindside looks to have some real
promise: 50 points of damage to the
Pokémon of your choice, so long as it
already has at least one damage counter
on it. Even restricted sniping tends to
be useful. Punishment is poor except
when used against Stage 2 Pokémon. Its
base damage is just 40 points for a
three Energy (DCC) investment, even with
possible Darkness Energy bonus
damage and/or Double Colorless Energy
to speed the attack up. Now if it is
used on a Stage 2 Pokémon, it does
another 60 points of damage for a total
of 100 points of damage, which is pretty
good for the energy invested.
This card really feels incomplete, as
the right Ability could really make it.
As is, I can still see a few potential
combo partners for it. Absol from
HS-Triumphant has a solid attack
of its own (when you aren't staring down
Lost World) but more importantly
a Poke-Body that places two damage
counters whenever your opponent plays a
Basic Pokémon from the hand to the
Bench, as long as Absol is
Active. As long as we still have it,
can place another two damage counters
onto Pokémon as they are being played on
the Bench, but it be careful as it
applies to both players and it won't
affect Psychic- or Grass-Type Pokémon.
The Cacturne from Platinum
(also the only currently Modified legal
Cacturne) has an attack, Spike
Wound, that is a slightly more expensive
version of Blindside, requiring (CC),
but that can still be powered in a
single turn by a Double Colorless
Energy. The bad news is that it is a
Grass-Type so it can't get a damage
bonus from the Special Energy version of
Darkness Energy, but that also
means it wouldn't be affected by
This trio could probably make a fun deck
for the current format, but it'd seem
like a pale imitation of the
damage-counter-placement shenanigans of
Pokémon SP and it isn’t like you’ll have
that much time to enjoy it even if it
did work.
Also available this format and
continuing to be available next format,
is Tyranitar Prime from
HS-Unleashed. For a single Energy,
its Darkness Howl attack does 20 to all
Pokémon that aren't Darkness-Type.
Appropriately enough,
can swoop in and take out stragglers who
survive Tyranitar's rampage.
I’d be tempted to toy with this in
Unlimited: you won’t be smacking a lot
of Stage 2 Pokémon, but if you can find
a good partner to spread damage,
Blindside should have ample OHKO
targets, from Benched Baby Pokémon to
Benched Neo Genesis
The place I know you'll want to
run this is Limited, unless of course
you can't get the Basic or have enough
Darkness Energy using Pokémon to
justify including at least a handful in
your deck. Otherwise sniping stuff on
the Bench is incredibly important in
this format where retreating to avoid
giving up a Prize is a strategic
mainstay. The fact it can actually hit a
Stage 2 Pokémon reasonably hard gives it
two niche uses that make up for it being
a poor performer against uninjured or
aren't Stage 2.
Modified (MD-On): 2.5/10
Modified (HGSS-On): 3/10
Limited: 3.75/5
A sniper with a counter-Stage 2 attack,
the card feels incomplete and is a bit
too specialized to be considered
"strong", but it does have its uses in
the right deck, namely something with
good damage spread and focusing on
Darkness-Type Pokémon.
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today we continue our
Black and White reviews by reviewing a card that
received a bit of hype, at least in my area. Today's
Card of the Day is Mandibuzz.
Mandibuzz is a Stage 1 Darkness-type Pokemon. As I said
yesterday, Darkness-type Pokemon aren't all that common
right now, but Tyranitar Prime and this card may change
that. 90 HP is decent for a Stage 1, allowing Mandibuzz
to take a hit or two, although it is still taken down by
Reshiram, Zekrom, and Magnezone Prime. Lightning
Weakness makes it that much easier for Magnezone Prime
to OHKO you, Fighting Resistance is great against the
Donphan Prime and Machamp Prime matchup. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 1 is totally decent and payable.
Mandibuzz's two attacks, Blindside and Punishment, are
both interesting enough to be used in today's Modified
metagame. Blindside deals 50 damage to one of your
opponent's Pokemon that already has damage counters on
it for the low price of a single Darkness Energy. This
attack is great for picking off your opponent's damaged
Pokemon, and does a great amount of damage for the cost.
It also combos incredibly well with Kingdra Prime's
Spray Splash Poke-Power, as well as Tyranitar Prime's
Darkness Howl. However, it is important to note that if
you pair this up with Kingdra Prime, both will have a
Weakness to Magnezone, and since Kingdra's attack is
weakened by the presence of Fire Pokemon, using this
combination against Magnezone/Emboar could easily end up
being an auto-loss. Using this attack, you can easily
take out benched Cleffas and the like, as well as any
Pokemon your opponent happened to retreat within KO
Punishment starts off at a rather lackluster 40 damage
for a Darkness and two Colorless, but does 60 more if
the Defending Pokemon is a Stage 2. 100 damage to a
Stage 2 is really good, although a tad bit situational.
However, it makes it so that Mandibuzz can deal a decent
amount of damage to Magnezone, Emboar, and other common
Stage 2s quickly, and even OHKOs Jumpluff.
Modified: 3.5/5 I think Mandibuzz has some real
potential, as both of its attacks serve it well in
Modified. The low HP and Weakness to Magnezone Prime
really hurt, but Blindiside is easily exploited through
Kingdra and Tyranitar as mentioned above, and Punishment
is great against Stage 2s, especially Jumpluff and the
now increasingly rare Gengar Prime, who will be OHKOed
by the attack.
Limited: 3/5 Mandibuzz isn't quite as good in Limited as
it is in Modified, as Blindside is less easy to break
and there are fewer Stage 2s in the format. However, it
is also likely that your opponent will often have
damaged Pokemon on their Bench, so Blindside is still
Combos With: Kingdra Prime, Tyranitar Prime
Mad Mattezhion |
Mandibuzz (Black and White)
Here we have one of the few cards from Black & White to
receive any hype besides the Dragon twins. Todays card
(which is incidentally the 1950th CotD) is the big, bad
vulture itself, Mandibuzz!
First, the statistics: Mandibuzz is a Dark type
non-evolving Stage 1 with 90 HP, Lightning weakness,
Fighting resistance, a retreat cost of 1 and two
The HP is good enough but not great although the
resistance to Fighting goes a long way towards making it
better, not least because Fighting types are a really
bad matchup for Dark Poke'mon. The Lightning weakness is
the tradeoff, which is bad (I have nightmares about
Magnezone) but could be a lot worse. The retreat cost is
annoying but easily payable, although free retreat
really isn't too much to ask here, is it? Vultures and
condors glide for hundreds of kilometers per day to find
carcasses to eat so surely Mandibuzz can reach the bench
without effort?
Now we reach the attacks. Blindside is the first attack,
and it is also the one getting all of the attention from
players. For the low cost of a single [d] energy, you
can deal 50 damage to one of your opponent's Poke'mon,
provided that the target already has at least one damage
counter on it. This kind of damage-to-energy ratio was
great even for the MD-on format we just left, and with
Garchomp C out of the picture it goes from respectable
to absolutely brilliant.
The main drawback is having to place that first damage
counter as the intended target will beout of harm's way
on the bench 5 times out of 6. Fortunately, there are
several workable options to make that happen.
The first to come to mind is Kingdra Prime, a personal
favourite of mine and a very finely balanced card. You
can use that Spray Splash Poke-power to place the damage
counter you need and you can also use it to add extra
'oomph' to your sniping attacks, as well as using the
Dragon Steam attack to get rid of pesky Donphans.
Speaking of Donphan, not only does Mandibuzz take
reduced damage (turning Earthquake into a 3HKO if your
opponent doesn't have any Pluspower or other damage
boosters) but the backlash from Earthquake gives you the
damage counters you need to start sniping with
Blindside. This little tidbit could make for a very
effective psychological play against Donphan/Machamp
decks, which ususally beat the living daylights out of
Dark Poke'mon (if there was a pun in there, it was not
Another viable option is Tyranitar Prime. A turn or two
of Darkness Howl will soften most targets so that when
Tyranitar retires (either scooped up, switched or KOed)
you can promote Mandibuzz to start tearing through the
ranks and finish off those 90 HP techs one by one
(Ninetales HGSS, Noctowl HGSS, etc).
The third option I can think of would be using Mandibuzz
as a rogue tech in a completely different deck, relying
on the soon-to-be-released Poke'mon Catcher to send a
hurt Defending Poke'mon back to the bench and brining up
an unmovable bench sitter to give you time to snipe the
wounded attacker in safety. Only the future will tell us
how crazy that idea is but it could well be a surprise
move you face at a tournament.
Any deck wanting to use Absol Prime as a starter could
also rely on the Eye of Disaster Poke-body to place the
necessary damage counters. Or you could run a Magnezone
variant with Ampharos Prime teched in the place damage
counters on any Poke'mon your opponent is trying to
power up, giving Mandibuzz a chance to take out an
emerging threat.
There are downsides to Blindside, however. Healing
Poke'mon like Serperior BW will ruin your sniping and if
you can't place that first damage counter on your
target, Mandibuzz is absolutely useless. Also, you lose
the use of Special Dark energy as the bonus damage only
applies to the Active Poke'mon, making the investment
somewhat pointless. I wouldn't worry too much about it
though, Special Dark energy belong on Tyranitar anyway.
There is a second attack, however so I'll continue the
review. Punishment is an awesome attack name but the
effect isn't quite as inspiring. For the cost of
[d][c][c] you deal 60 damage, with a bonus 40 damage if
the Defending Poke'mon is a Stage 2. While the ability
to deal 100 damage is quite helpful and you can use DCE
to power it up quickly, the condition for the bonus
damage is somewhat difficult to meet. If the Defending
Poke'mon is a Stage 2, it usually means that they have
already KOed Mandibuzz, or are going to at the end of
the turn (if you dragged them up with Poke'mon Reversal/Poke'mon
Catcher). Punishment can be used in an emergency but if
your setup is that terrible you are better off just
conceding to save time.
Mandibuzz will be good friends with any player who loves
Tyranitar or Kingdra, and future combos could also make
this buzzard your worst nightmare. Along with Zoroark,
this card is set to redeem Dark types which have been
getting very little respect in recent times. Playtest
this as soon as you can!
Modified: 4 (a cheap sniper with an awesome resistance
and multiple partners waiting in the wings? Yes please!)
Limited: 2.5 (Mandibuzz is pretty ordinary here with
Zekrom ruining your day, but if you also get Zoroark
then run it. Or even if you don't you can still run
Mandibuzz to hit the 'one that got away')
Combos with: Kingdra Prime, Tyranitar Prime, Absol
Prime, Ampharos Prime