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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Krookodile #66
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
July 24, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dark Explorers)
We continue our
week of reviewing Dark Pokémon (well the
is called Dark Explorers) with a
look at Krookodile.
He seems to be one of the more popular
Generation V designs, and he usually
gets a card that is at least
interesting, so let’s hope that trend
is a Dark Type Stage 2, which means he
gets a lot of support in the form of
Dark Patch, Dark Claw,
Dark Cloak and (until the rotation)
Special Dark Energy. All of this is very
good. His HP of 150 isn’t bad either as
there isn’t much around that can OHKO
him unless they are hitting for
Weakness. Speaking of Weakness, Fighting
isn’t the best at the moment, largely
due to Terrakion
NVI, but at least the Psychic Resistance
is handy against
Both of
attacks are fairly expensive, so you
might well need those Dark Patches if
you choose to play him. The first, Dark
Clamp, costs one Dark and two Colourless
Energy and does 60 damage. That’s a long
way from being special, but at least you
get an effect that prevents the
Defending Pokémon from Retreating. That
can help set up some two-hit KOs unless
your opponent can find a Switch from
Kookodile’s second attack,
Bombast, is quite unique: for the steep
cost of two Dark and
two Colourless Energy, it will do
40 damage times the number of Prize
cards you have taken. Of course, to make
things worthwhile you really need to
have taken 3-5 Prizes by the time you
use Bombast, and this kind of puts
into the category of a ‘win more’ card
(if you want to look at it negatively)
or a useful finisher (if you want to
take a positive view). Either way, this
makes him quite niche as you won’t be
getting the best out of the card until
relatively late in the game.
The fact that
is a Stage 2 with huge Energy costs
means that he is not exactly going to be
a surprise drop either. Your opponent
will see this play coming from a mile
away and could plan accordingly by
preparing their tech
Terrakion or
using Pokémon Catcher to drag up and KO
the Basic. For this reason, it’s going
to be hard to justify the use of this
card, even in a Dark deck. The fact that
it is a Stage 2 which require a lot of
deck space and Rare Candy makes him even
more difficult to run.
has a kind of superficial appeal, the
effort it takes to use him is really not
worth the reward. He’s great when you
have taken a lot of Prizes and are fully
set up with a ton of Energy available .
. . but how often will you need him in
that situation?
Modified: 2 (a card
that you will only need when you don’t
need it)
Limited: 2.25
(playing with four Prizes makes Bombast
less attractive, but if you can get him
out, he’s big and can take a few hits)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo! Today we're continuing our
reviews of Dark Explorers by reviewing Krookodile, one
of the Stage 2s in the set that might be able to see
some play once the format rotates...maybe.
Krookodile is a Stage 2 Darkness Pokemon. Dark types are
more playable than ever right now, with Dark Explorers
providing them with amazing support in the forms of
Darkrai-EX, Dark Patch, and to a lesser extent, Dark
Claw. Additionally, Dark types can benefit from the
damage increase given by Special Darkness Energy. 150 HP
is good for a Stage 2, meaning that Krookodile should be
able to take nearly all unboosted attacks, only falling
to the huge attacks of things like Reshiram- and Zekrom-EX.
Fighting Weakness is a major problem against Terrakion,
who will easily OHKO with Land Crush or Retaliate as a
revenge KO. Psychic Resistance is awesome against Mewtwo
and other less-commonly seen Psychics. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 3 is just about what we'd expect for
Krookodile, but is still rather high, so be sure to use
something like Switch in order to move this croc from
the Active spot.
Krookodile has two attacks. Dark Clamp deals a somewhat
lackluster 60 damage for a Darkness and two Colorless,
while also preventing your opponent from retreating
during your opponent's next turn. While this attack
isn't bad for the Limited format, you'll expect more out
of a Stage 2 in Modified in most cases. However, that
isn't to say that this attack can't be useful in that
format as well, only it's less likely with the presence
of cards like Switch. The Intimidation Pokemon's better
attack is Bombast, which does 40 damage times the number
of Prize cards you've already taken. Unlike Shaymin-EX,
this is a card that gets stronger as you progress in the
game, eventually topping out at 200 damage for two
Darkness and two Colorless in a standard match. While
the attack's damage potential is quite impressive,
you're likely not going to want to power up Bombast
until you've taken at least three Prizes, as the damage
output won't be worth the trouble until that point.
However, as a late game attacker, Krookodile can be
quite powerful, especially with help from Special
Darkness and Dark Claw.
Modified: 2.25/5 Krookodile isn't bad by any stretch,
only it's likely to be overshadowed by other options.
Dark Clamp is rather unimpressive here, but can be used
in a bind to deal a bit of damage and cause some
disruption. Bombast is much better here, however,
chances are you won't be able to get the most out of the
attack given the relative speed of the current format.
Once Modified rotates to BW-on, however, Krookodile
might be able to make an appearance in decks utilizing
Darkrai-EX and other Darkness support; however, there
are generally better options for this as well, like
Hydreigon from Dragons Exalted or even current partners
like Terrakion and Tornadus-EX. Overall, Krookodile is a
solid, yet somewhat underwhelming Pokemon to use in the
Modified format.
Limited: 3.75/5 Krookodile is quite solid in Limited.
150 HP is always great to have in this slower,
relatively low-damage format, and both attacks are
useful here as well (although Bombast isn't nearly as
useful as it has potential to be in Modified, due to
Limited only having a maximum of four Prizes). Colorless
Energy requirements and Darkness support also make
things easier for the dark sand crocodile, specifically
powering up its expensive attacks. In summary,
Krookodile isn't the best Stage 2 in Dark Explorers
Modified, but with the right support and clever playing,
it could easily win you a game or two.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Krookodile (Dark Explorers)
Today we have big reptile that evolves from yesterday's
card. Introducing Krookodile!
This is the third printing Krookodile has had in the
TCG, and is the first to pay homage to its Dark half.
With Dark Patch and Darkrai EX around, that is
definitely a good type to be.
In the staying healthy department, Krookodile is well
served with a hefty 150 HP and Psychic resistance that
will stand it in good stead, especially against Mewtwo
EX. Reshiram EX, Zekrom EX, Groudon EX and Terrakion NV
can get a 1HKO, but no other current attacker is going
to put Krookodile down before you can get a shot off.
Even better, you can use Leavanny NV to remove the
Fighting Weakness which Groudon and Terrakion prey upon,
while the other two Krookodile are Fighting types that
can be used effectively against Zerkom EX if you include
them in the build.
On the negative side, Krookodile is a Stage 2 with
expensive attacks, so it isn't going to come online
quickly and it will cost you a lot of extra Item cards
such as Rare Candy, Poke'mon Communication and Dark
Patch. As such, an opponent is still going to be happy
taking a 2HKO against Krookodile simply because it is
unlikely that you will have a spare Poke'mon powered up
for when it bites the dust.
The Fighting Weakness is an added burden but you'll just
grin and bear that, while the hefty retreat cost is
easily fixed by Darkrai EX so all in all, Krookodile DEX
is a healthy looking critter as it will indeed need to
be if it wishes to compete at the top tables.
Lacking Abilities, Krookodile will have to rely on its
attacks. Dark Clamp is a sub-par effort, costing
[d][c][c] to deal 60 damage and prevent the opponent
retreating manually. While you can power this up in a
single turn with a Dark Patch and a Double Colourless
Energy as well as pick a choice target to lock with
Poke'mon Catcher, there are so many similarly costed
attacks that deal twice that damage that t just seems
So Dark Clamp is less than brilliant but still
serviceable in certain situations. Bombast is a
similarly situational attack, but it has a lot more
power to throw around. For the cost of [d][d][c][c], you
deal 40 damage to the Defending Poke'mon for every Prize
card you have already taken. While this is completely
useless in the early game when you haven't yet taken any
Prizes, the damage progresses from lousy to substantial
through to ludicrous as the game goes on. At the 3-Prize
mark, the addition of Dark Claw boosts Krookodile up to
140 damage per attack, enough to KO any non-EX that
isn't wearing Eviolite. Take 1 more Prize while wearing
the Claw and you can now eliminate healthy Poke'mon EX
provided that they are unarmoured. Take the fifth Prize
and you can now easily crush any opposition you face
with or without Dark Claw, which will win you the game
since the sixth Prize is the last!
Krookodile DEX is an effective closer for any purely
Dark deck (which is great since the other halfway decent
Dark types are either snipers or glass cannons) and fits
the same role in a Krookodile themed fun deck alongside
its BW cousin (which gives great type coverage but
suffers from being a tad slow). If you are going to
branch out into other energy types however, there are
several other vicious beaters that don't suffer from
being either a Stage 2 or having low damage in the early
game. Most players find the 150 damage offered by
Reshiram and Zekrom to be enough and the extra effort
necessary to get decent use out of Krookodile will turn
most players off the idea, but don't count on never
having to face it either!
Modified: 3.75 (the rotation is coming soon which with
the loss of cards like Poke'mon Collector, Junk Arm and
Rainbow Energy will put a dent in the dominance of the
Rainbow EX decks currently owning the field, so maybe a
pure Dark deck with Darkrai and Sableye DEX will hit the
tournament tables. In that case, Krookodile is the only
Dark option for EX-slaying damage currently available so
it would have to have some presence in the deck, if only
as a 1-1-1 insurance policy)
Limited: 3 (Bombast is a lot weaker here with the lower
Prize count, but Clamp becomes excellent, especially if
you have a Dark Claw attached. Hope for a strong
evolution line!)
Combos with: the sniping potential of Mandibuzz BW,
Darkrai EX and Hydreigon NV which get the early KOs
necessary to make Bombast worth the investment.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Krookadile is a Stage 2 Dark Pokemon with 150 HP.
It is weak to Fighting, resistant to Psychic, and has a
3 retreat cost. This is the evolution of
yesterday's COTD, so we'll see how it improves.
You can search it with Heavy Ball (same with the Stage
1, so running 4 Heavy Balls wouldn't be a bad idea).
You can as Rare Candy into it, bypassing the awful Stage
1 we looked at yesterday. The high HP makes it
less likely to be OHKOed (thought a Terrakion out for
revenge will).
'Dark Clamp' does 60 damage for 1 Dark and 2 of any
Energy. It also has the effect that makes the
Defending Pokemon unable to retreat.
The amount of energy needed for this attack isn't worth
it in my opinion (1 Dark and 1 Colorless would be fine).
For a Stage 2, if I invested time and effort to get it
out, I want good effects/attacks.
This attack is good if the Defending Pokemon is a low HP
basic (and would get knocked out) or something with high
HP, but no Energy on it.
If it has energy on it, it will be attacking Krookodile
back (and not really wanting to retreat).
'Bombast' costs 2 Dark and 2 Colorless Energy. It
does 40 times the number of prizes you have taken.
Early game this attack is not great.
I can think of 2 scenarios: 1) build it up on the
bench, and 2) build it up as the active. If you
build it up on the bench, your active will have to claim
prizes in order for this attack to get stronger.
This means you have to spend turns getting the attacker
powered up, getting this Stage 2 built up, and powering
this Stage 2 up. That won't happen quickly (though
Dark Patch helps). The other scenario is building
it up as the active. So unless it can claim easy
prizes (competitively I don't think it can), you will
still have to wait for it to power the attack up.
Late game, it will steam roll anything it wants (given
you are winning).
I like the concept of 'Bombast', which is a very
aggressive attack (it pushes you to claim prizes fast,
and it gives you more attack as you do so). The
fact that it's on a Stage 2... well that makes it less
usable. Shaymin EX is similar (though it's based
on opponent's prizes), but Shaymin EX is a Basic and
only needs a couple of energies to use its attack.
But then again, they are different types, so maybe you
can't fit Shaymin EX into that Dark deck you have.
I like 'Bombast', just not on this Pokemon.
Hopefully other Pokemon will be given similar attacks.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: