Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Nobleman of
Number - PSV-035
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 12.06.02 |
Nobleman of Extermination
Introduction: Exterminate that evil card, mwhahahah!
Normal Magic
Destroy 1 face-down Magic or Trap Card and remove it
from play. If the card
is a Trap Card, both players must remove all Trap
Cards of the same name
from their respective Decks and remove them from play.
The Decks are then
Why should you use it?
*Destroys face-down M/T
*Mass removal
Why shouldn't you use it?
*Could remove yours also
*Face down only
Reasons: Today we look at the other Noblement,
Extermanation this time. This
card isn't restricted at all according to the new
restricted list
(dissapointed to SoRL and Card Destruction being 1).
Well, this card would
destroy face-down Magic and/or Trap cards, which
almost does the same thing
as Mystical Space Typhoon. This can also do mass
removal if it is a Trap
Card. And don't forget, you can use it on your own, so
if your worried about
a Mirror Force, you can do it on your own Mirror Force
to get rid of your
oppponent. But this has the possibily of removing your
own Traps too. The
most common card for this is Trap Hole, which can
hurt, but also might help.
Finally, this card doesn't repalce MST because it can
only destroy Face-Down
cards, this mean, 80 percent of most Traps, you can
just activate, and
Extermanation would just be pointless. Good card, but
not a staple.
Rating: Not that bad of a card, but personally, there
MST might be superior
to this card.
Conclusion: Noblemen! Exterminate Upperdeck! Why?
Because they're stupid?
Good enough!
-YoNeX |
NickWhiz1 |
Wednesday - Nobleman of
Well now, it's
Nobleman of Crossout's, uhh, giant
alter-ego :/ This card is actually not that bad.
I'm not saying that because of its secondary
effect. Its secondary effect (if it's a trap,
remove all copies from both player's deck from the
game) can mess you up pretty badly, if you hit
Magic Jammer or Mirror
Force. Gravity Bind
players, activate Gravity Bind ASAP.
Otherwise, this hits it, removes it and the others
in your deck, you lose =x
The real reason it's
good is because it makes a near-worthwhile
substitute for Mystical Space Typhoon,
which is a somewhat difficult card to find (Ultra
Rare). Yes, you can't hit a face-up card (SoRL
>_<), and if you hit a Trap (which you most likely
will), you can mess yourself up, but it's still
better than De-Spell or
Remove Trap.
Score: 3.0
It only gets a high
score because it can sub in for MST. Otherwise,
only use in deck destruction =x
Did I make myself clear?

Martin |
Nobleman of Extermination
If you want a trap removed fast,
Nobleman is not a card to look past.
Remove every copy of a trap from the game,
Boy isn't that a shame?
Noblemen of Extermination is a truly powerful card.
The ability to stop the threat of a trap hole, mirror
force, gravity bind, etc., for the rest of the game
will really put you in a good winning position.
Although when timed bad, this card can play as a
double edged sword. There are plenty of times where
making such a sacrifice will be simply worth it. If
you are planning on mass attacking your opponents life
points for the game, and they have 1 face down trap,
getting rid of a possible mirror force threat will be
a major sigh of relief.
Overall Review: Expect to see this card hit a lot of
side decks. I don't feel comfortable playing this in
the main deck just yet. The trap card diversity in
this game is close to nonexistent.
Rating: 4
SomeGuy |
Wednesday - Nobleman of
Normal Magic
Destroy 1 face-down Magic or Trap Card and remove it
from play. If the card is a Trap Card, both players
must remove all Trap Cards of the same name from their
respective Decks and remove them from play. The Decks
are then shuffled.
A couple of these would do well in the Side Deck of a
basic beatdown sort of deck. Whenever they face a
control deck running many Counter Traps, they can side
this in game two to help them out a little.
The control player has
to either counter it, or lose them all from their
deck. Either way it works out well, especially if they
had to pay half their life early in the game by
countering it with Solemn Judgment.
Nobleman of
Extermination can also be used as support in a Deck
Depletion deck. Not only do they lose a face down card
on the field, they might also have to lose two
additional copies of the card from their deck (Unless
they only play with a single copy, of course.). The
majority of the time, the face down card will be a
Trap Card. And this is a good thing because the
additional effect of removing cards from your
opponent's deck only affects Trap Cards.
Rating: 2.9/5

Wednesday - Nobleman of Extermination.
Boy oh boy! This card looks like it can be mad fun.
There are several decks running the tournament scene
that are extremely trap heavy. If you could get
around playing with a lot of traps you could rally
take advantage of this. Not only do you get to remove
one of your opponent cards, you also get to remove all
copies of the card (from both decks mind you) if it is
a trap card. This seems like there are a ton of
options you can get from playing it.
Rating: 3.6 |
dclbone |
This is a good choice for
any deck! Since it destroys one facedown magic OR
trap card, you can’t go wrong. Unlike cards like trap
master, where you have
to guess for a trap card, and if you pick a magic card
you’re screwed, this
card makes it easy for you to annoy your opponent. If
you’re lucky enough to
snag multiple of these, your opponents are in for a
wartortle32 |
Wednesday - Nobleman of
Today we look at nobleman of extermination. This card
destroys a face down m/t card. If it is a trap card,
then all copies of it are removed from both decks.
This is simply a worse version of Mystical Space
Typhoon. At least MST can target face up stuff.
First off, not many people (around here at least) set
magic cards unless they are quick play magic cards.
So if you find a magic card with this, more often than
not, they can simply activate that magic card and you
have wasted your card. Or you could find a face down
trap with this card. More often than not, that card
can probably be activated at that time and you have
wasted your card. There are some cards that you can
get rid of (Mirror force, Trap hole, etc...), but it's
nothing that MST cant do. And then there's the other
effect of removing all corresponding traps from both
decks that can really screw you over.
I give this card a 2.3/5. There simply is no reason
to play this card over MST. And you certainly dont
need more than 3 of those plus 2 heavy storms so
unless you're low on cash, you shouldn't really be
using this.
twinsen21 |
Nobleman of Extermination
NoE seems like a good card at first. But the problem
is, a lot Traps can be chained to NoE (like Waboku) so
it's kinda pointless. It's good against Traps like
Trap Holes though. Even better if you are not running
any yourself. If you NoE your opponent's Magic Jammer,
it'll hurt you both (assuming you also run Jammers).
The way I see it, this is more of a sidedeck card. Is
your opponent playing Gravity Binds? Then you can just
sidedeck a couple of NoEs in.
Rating: 2.8/5