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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Split-Tail Miko
Betrayers of Kamigawa
Reviewed February 10, 2005
Constructed: 1.38
Casual: 1.87
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
Click here to see all
Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Split-Tail Miko
Each of the cards featured in Card of the Day
this week was also reviewed in my column last
Friday in which I detailed the
TOP TWENTY COMMONS in Betrayers of Kamigawa.
Generally speaking, Wizards tends to create new
cards that are a lot like older cards from years
ago but are not quite as good as their
ancestors. Split-Tail Miko is the exception to
the rule. Much better than Alpha/Beta/Unlimited
Edition's Samite Healer, Miko can tap (with the
additional cost of one white mana) to prevent
TWO points of damage to a creature or player.
Just amazing for a 1/1 creature for a cost of
1W. On the other hand, Champions block limited
is a very aggressive format and 1/1 creatures
don't necessarily live that long. While
Split-Tail Miko is better than either of the two
prevent-damage white commons from Champions of
Kamigawa, Miko is a little slow, brittle and too
defensive-minded for the current limited formats
in many cases.
LIMITED: 3.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
I like Samite Healer in Limited. I like an even
better Samite Healer in limited as well. True, I
do need to keep a White mana open now to make
his ability work, but it's still worth it by
far. This guy is a walking Glacial Ray stopper!
Of course, in constructed he's really not worth
much, as he's easy to kill, most creature kill
is not damage anyways, and he's hardly what one
would call "a beater." Still, he'd be a pick for
me in limited.
Constructed: 1
Casual: 2
Limited: 3 |

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Split-Tail Miko
- Thursday
Of all the cards that we've reviewed this week,
I am the least impressed with this one. It's
simple. It's not likely to be that useful. Even
in limited play I'd mostly skip over this guy
until the mid range picks at best. This type of
card gets printed all of the time and never
seems to impress anyone.
Casual: 2
Limited: 2.5 |
Hagan |
Split-Tail Miko
Like so many clerics before it, Split-Tail Miko
is destined to sit in a pile of unplayed commons
collecting dust. Two mana for a 1/1 usually
means the card should have a good ability. Miko
here has an OK ability in preventing two damage,
but it requires that you leave a mana open. This
means that you only get to use its ability if
you aren't using your mana to its full
potential. I might consider running this card if
it cost W and just tapped for the ability; as
is, no chance.
In limited, Split-Tail Miko will probably be one
of the last cards I put into my sealed deck, but
it will more often than not make the cut.
Preventing damage for combat tricks can't be
horrible, right?
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Casual Rating: 1.5
Limited Rating: 2.5 |