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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Final Judgment
Betrayers of Kamigawa
Reviewed February 21, 2005
Constructed: 3.30
Casual: 3.00
Limited: 3.70
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Final Judgment
There are two kinds of Wrath of God cards, the
really good ONE and all the rest. The really
good one costs 2WW and is called, strangely
enough, Wrath of God. All the rest generally
cost 4WW and are iffy in one way or another.
Final Judgment is about as good as it gets for a
Wrath of God card priced at six mana. Remove all
creatures from the game. Simple and effective.
In black and white limited Champions block
decks, it can be hard to keep a Kabuto Moth out
of play. Every time the little three casting
cost dies, some other black creature with
Soulshift of 3 or greater brings Kabuto Moth
back into the picture. Final Judgment takes care
of all that. This card is great for limited. Of
course, as a rare, you won't see it very often.
I have played close to a hundred matches of
Champions/Champions/Betrayers booster drafts and
haven't seen this card played yet. In
constructed, I can't imagine this card being
better than the actual Wrath of God.
LIMITED: 4.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Final Judgment
The Wrath of God cards just keep coming. The
obvious benefit to this card is that it stops
recursion of any sort in its tracks, and in
block that means SoulShift specifically. But for
six mana, its so hard to figure out if its worth
it. If you are playing white in draft, more than
likely you are not playing control, but some
kind of samurai rush, or W/G big spirits type
creature, and this card is not so great for you.
In constructed, aside from block, there are
better kill all creature cards out there, so it
really only fits in a W/x control deck in block,
and I'm not sure there is one out there yet.
Only time will tell.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3
Limited: 2 |

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
2-21 Final
It's another Wrath of God effect. In block it
will obviously see some use. And it should
effect some of the standard environemtn by
giving control white decks another way out. I
don't think casual players will enjoy it that
much. In draft, it should be a reasonably early
pick, because it gives you an out if things get
too bad for you.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited:3 |

game store owner
(Shuffle and Cut) |
Touted as
the block
Wrath of God, this card will definitely
find its place in that format. But compared
to Wrath, which does essentially the same
thing for less mana, it can't really
compare. It's only difference to Wrath is
that Judgment removes them from the game.
If that is a necessity for you, then
consider it. Otherwise, stick with Wrath.
limited, Final Judgment really does make the
grade. Any surprise you can pull can swing
the game for you, and this can be quite the
surprise. You know when it's coming, so you
can usually plan for it, while your opponent
is playing out all their creatures...then
BAM! You wipe the board and throw out all
your guys that you've been holding back,
while your opponent can only pray that he
draws something.
Constructed - 3
Casual -
Limited -

Chapman |
Final Judgment
is Wrath of God plus. What is the plus? Well the
plus is higher casting cost for the guarantee
Final Judgment is really Wrath of God when God
is really ticked off. Sure it takes a bit more
for the head honcho to get really peeved, hence
the higher casting cost, but all creatures are
removed from the game not simply sent to rest in
a pile. Really with the Soulshift ability this
is particularly important. After all, the wrath
would be wasted if players just recast half
their Spirit creatures a turn latter. No Ark
this time around, Noah doesn’t have even have to
get his woodworking tools out. The change is not
all for the good. A higher casting cost causes
the spell to fit into fewer decks and requires
that control builds are more solidly built, at
least for the early games. Also, while it is
harder for opponents to weasel their way out of
feeling some serious pain it is also harder for
you to manufacture advantage off Final Judgment.
Sent to graveyard effects won’t trigger for
either of you and you can’t save a graveyard
recursion spell to gain advantage after wiping
the board. Still, any reset button is playable
in any format and Final Judgment will be no
Constructed: 4.0
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 5.0 |