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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Iwamori of the Open Fist
Betrayers of Kamigawa
Reviewed February 24, 2005
Constructed: 3.42
Casual: 3.75
Limited: 3.93
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
of the Open Fist
Iwamori is an AWESOME creature, but it's not
because of the beautiful but deceitful artwork,
nor is it because of this creature's unique
ability. This Legendary Human Monk, simply put,
is the green version of one of Magic's most
storied creatures of all time, --- Djinn.
Iwamori is a 5/5 Trampler for 2GG, which is
simply sick good! The drawback is just dangerous
enough to worry about a little in limited play.
In constructed, this creature is even better,
because your opponent is not likely to be
running very many legendary creatures in his
constructed deck most of the time. Even if your
opponent is able to play their legendary
creature "for free" when you play Iwamori, your
opponent is not gaining actual card advantage.
Before you worry about this card's drawback,
remember that this card would be far worse if it
allowed your opponent to draw a card when it
came into play, ACTUAL card disadvantage for
you. The only question about this card in
constructed formats is whether or not you want
four casting cost creatures in your streamlined,
mana-efficient green deck. I think for 5/5 and
trample, you just might! By the way, I think
it's funny that his name is Iwamori of the OPEN
FIST and the very nice Paulo Parente artwork
shows this Legend with both of his fists
clenched tightly shut.
LIMITED: 4.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
of the Open Fist
Hurmm, Its the new Hunted Wumpus! A 5/5 trampler
for four mana is a pretty amazing deal, at least
in limited where the odds are low that your
opponent will have a legend to put into play on
the turn that you play this guy. Even if they do
put a legend into play, this guy is better than
some of those legends anyways, so who care. In
short, always high pick this guy in limited. In
constructed, he may actually see play in type
two if they need a beater for the four slot, but
in block there will be too many times you will
play this card and your opponent will play a big
black dragon for free because of it, and that
makes me sad inside. In casual, this guy will
make you friends and enemies alike, but hey,
he'll always make the game more interesting.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 5 |

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
2/24 Iwamori of the open Fist
I like this guy a lot. He's a very large
body for a very small cost. I think in
standard play he is OK. The worst thing
that is going to happen is that your
opponent may drop Keiga, Kokusho, Meloku, or
Kiki-Jiki. That seems quite OK. He will be
big enough to fight against the other large
creatures, so it's not as scary as it would
seem. However, in block constructed play,
when everyone is playing legends, I would be
very careful about playing him. I'm
talking, like so careful that he's not even
in the deck so there are no tough decisions
to be made.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 3
Hagan |
Iwamori of the
Open Fist --
I absolutely love this card. It can be extremely
risky, but it can also be a quick, powerful
drop. I think Iwamori's 5/5 body (with trample!)
for a reasonable cost might outweigh the
disadvantage of letting your opponent sneak a
creature into play. Be careful of large dragons
showing up, though. You might hold off on this
card if you are running against a G/B deck and
there's a decent chance of their bigman hiding
in hand.
In limited, I think you still run this card and
take the risk. It could wind up costing you the
game, but he can easily win it if your opponent
doesn't find a solution quickly.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.5 |

game store owner
(Shuffle and Cut) |
of the Open Fist
Wow...a very interesting card, especially if you
know your opponent's decks. If you play with a
regular group of people, and you know that they
usually don't play Legends, this guys is great.
A likely turn 4 or even turn 3 four drop, this
guy can wreak 5/5 havoc until dealt with. Great
in casual, and really nice in limited, though
slightly more risky.
Constructed - 3
Casual - 5
Limited - 4 |

Chapman |
is like a low risk version of Hunted Wumpus.
Once again, a very solid undercosted creature
with a ‘drawback’. Seriously though, if you are
playing Iwamori in your deck you have enough
removal to deal with the opposing Legend
(assuming your opponent has one in hand). You
were paying attention when you built your deck,
right? There is rarely a situation where I would
look at a solid fatty and not take the risk of
my opponent dropping something. That is a bet
you will win more often than you lose. The fact
that Iwamori comes out early only sweetens the
deal even more, less time for your opponent to
draw into their horrible nasty Legends.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 2.5 (NOT good for group games)
Limited: 4.0 |