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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Orb of Dreams
Betrayers of Kamigawa
Reviewed February 28, 2005
Constructed: 2.00
Casual: 1.50
Limited: 1.40
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Orb of Dreams
Well, I still don't have a deck in mind for this
card, but I think this card has a lot of the
same control goal in mind as the classic Winter
Orb. But Orb of Dreams is no Winter Orb. Where
Winter Orb keeps mana-intensive strategies
continually in check, Orb of Dreams seems to
only provide a temporary hurdle for players.
This card has CONSTRUCTED written all over it,
there is just no way to make this card useful in
LIMITED: 1.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Orb of Dreams
I new Kismet? Hurmm. Well it costs one mana
less, but without Stasis... I don't know. I can
picture it being played in some kind of white
sorcery based control deck which would allow
players to deal with aggro decks since all the
creatures won't be able to attack even if they
do have haste, but still, not sure its worth it.
I tried it in limited once just to get the feel
for it, and it won me the game once and lost me
the game the second time, so not a glowing
review. I think I will file the card under "too
confusing to the game state for me to play, and
if you play it in multilayer I bet you die by
the next turn."
Constructed: 2
Casual: 1
Limited: 2 |

* game store owner |
Orb of Dreams
Orbs in Magic are always crazy cards. They
always cause problems. This one is no
different. I'm not sure if it will find any
SUPER uses, but who knows. It can be put
together with Mesmeric Orb to make sure they
have to untap something every turn. I would
definitely stay away from it in limited play.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 1
Limited: 1.5 |

Chapman |
Orb of
Dreams is neither Kismet nor Tangle Wire. Good
try but no dice – I want to hamper my opponent
not myself. Seriously, Kismet was good because
it only affected the ugly mug across the table
from you. Even with that in its favor Kismet
rarely saw play except in Stasis decks (ahh,
pause to reminisce). On the other hand, Tangle
Wire was incredible but that is because it could
slow down both the current and future board
situation. With Orb of Dreams there are few if
any work a rounds – you can’t even tap an
artifact to turn it ‘off’ anymore. Still, the
Orb can do some good. Dropping it immediately
after a huge threat makes it much harder for
opponents to find an answer. Decks that get out
of the blocks early, and can dump significant
game-winning pressure all at once (perhaps some
Affinity builds), may find the Orb a blessing.
Also decks that desperately need to slow
opponent’s down may look to the Orb. Then again,
if you are that desperate you probably need a
different deck not the Orb of Dreams.
Constructed: 2.0
Casual: 2.0 (Drop this in multiplayer and you
will feel the hate)
Limited: 1.5 |