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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Zodiac Dragon
Portal 3 Kingdoms
Reviewed March 14, 2005
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Zodiac Dragon
Zodiac Dragon returns to your hand whenever its
put into the graveyard, but outside of
constructed Reanimator decks, how often would a
nine casting cost dude like this be in play? Not
very often, which is why a year from now, people
will STILL not know that this card exists. By
the way, this 8/8 Dragon doesn't fly or have any
special abilities other than returning to your
hand from the graveyard. Now, in as much as I
don't know what his Oracle wording is (apart
from the Three Kingdoms wording on the card
itself) maybe ZD can work like Squee and be used
as never-ending discard strategy.
LIMITED: 2.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Zodiac Dragon
Nine mana for an 8/8? Obviously you'd rather
play the Zodiac Dog as a 2/2 mountainwalker for
3 mana instead. I mean, the Zodiac Dragon
doesn't even fly. Sure he recurs himself, but do
you really want to spend nine mana over and over
for an 8/8 ground pounder that can be blocked by
a drudge skeleton?
I don't. In limited I'm likely to pick him up
for one big reason, I can sell him.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 3 |

* game store owner |
Zodiac Dragon - Monday
This is currently one of the most sought
after dragons in the game. The fact that it
returns to your hand is great, but it does
cost NINE mana to cast. and it doesn't even
fly. I'm not sure I would put it into a
deck, but I most definitely would trade for
some and sell them away right now.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.5
Paul Hagan |
Zodiac Dragon -- (revised 3-22-05)
The first time I reviewed this card, I didn't
take into account that it had been errated to
read "If Zodiac Dragon is put into the graveyard
FROM PLAY..." Considering this change, I can't
really say all that many good things about
Zodiac Dragon. It's expensive, it doesn't have
any form of evasion, and its ability is fairly
irrelevant since it will rarely hit play. In a
sense, it is a gigantic Craw Wurm. If you want
to sink this much mana into a creature, there
are a lot better options.
In limited, Zodiac Dragon shouldn't hit play too
often due to its prohibitive cost, but when it
does, you can assume it will be a large issue
for your opponent to deal with. I'm not sure it
is worth picking up on the first pass, but don't
let it go around too much -- it could swing a
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Casual Rating: 1.5
Limited Rating: 2.0 |