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 Pojo.com's Main Page News Archive
Jan. - June 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Syphon Flesh from the new Commander decks.  Maikeruu, John, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Martyr's Bond from the new Commander decks.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Paul is back with another new MTG article for you.  Today's article is titled: "Magical Misconceptions". 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Edric, Spymaster of Trest from the new Commander decks.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today's article is titled: "Paint it Black: a Standard Mono Black Build". 

Monday, June 27, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Acorn Catapult from the new Commander decks.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today's article is titled: "Jace The Mind Sculptor and Standard Bans". 

Friday, June 24, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Chaos Warp from the new Commander decks.  Maikeruu, John, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon" article for you today, where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at new Commander deck: "Heavenly Inferno".

Thursday, June 23, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Basandra, Battle Seraph from the new Commander decks.  Maikeruu, Paul, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

The McShake Alchemist has a new Magic: The Gathering video article for you.  Today's article is titled: "Deck profile:  UB control  ".

Wednesday, June 22, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Avatar of Slaughter from the new Commander decks.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Animar, Soul of Elements from the new Commander decks.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Monday, June 20, 2011  Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today's article is about Lightning Bolt, and titled: "Never Bet the Devil Your Red". 

Today's Card of the Day is Flusterstorm Exarch from the new Commander decks.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Friday, June 17, 2011  John Shultis has aWar of Attrition new "Recon Precon" article for you today, where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at "War of Attrition" from New Phyrexia.

Today's Card of the Day is Deceiver Exarch from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Thursday, June 16, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Caress of Phyrexia from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, John, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

We received a Press Release from the GenCon Indy folks about WOTC's plans for GenCon in August: "Players of all skill levels will have plenty to see and do throughout the weekend, including watching the best competitors in the country battle for the championship in the U.S. Nationals Tournament. A full schedule of events will also be running around the clock in the TCG Hall with Magic 2012 MiniMasters, Commander format events, Championship events for Block, Legacy and Vintage, and many more. Additionally, attendees can try their hand at the latest digital release from Wizards, Magic: The Gathering –Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012." Read more in Today's MTG News

Wednesday, June 15, 2011  Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today's article is titled: "An Introduction to Commander". 

Today's Card of the Day is Lost Leonin from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, Paul, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Monday, June 13, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Despise from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, John, BMoor & David have reviews for you today.

Friday, June 10, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Dispatch from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, Paul, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Thursday, June 9, 2011  BMoor inBMoor his Deck Garage again.  Today he's looking at a: "Decimator Web deck".

Today's Card of the Day is Geth's Verdict from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Volt Charge from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Mental Misstep from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

Monday, June 6, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Puresteel Paladin from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, John & David have reviews for you today.

Sunday, June 5, 2011  We're a bit late with Friday's COTD, but we finally got to it after a busy couple of days.  Today's Card of the Day is Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, John, BMoor, & David have reviews for you today.

Thursday, June 2, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Etched Monstrosity from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, John, BMoor, Paul, & David have reviews for you today.

Brandon sent us a new deck idea for the Peasant Magic section of the site.  Today he has a Blue/Black deck titled: "U/B Eldrazi Reanimator [Peasant] - by Brandon"  If you want to build decks on a budget, our Peasant Magic section is a great resource for you.  There's over 350 Peasant Magic Decks listed. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, & David have reviews for you today.

Thursday, May 26, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Dismember from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, John & David have reviews for you today.

John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon" article for you today, where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at "Artful Destruction" from New Phyrexia.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Act of Aggression from the New Phyrexia expansion.  Maikeruu, John & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Viral Drake from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, John & David have reviews for you today.

The McShake Alchemist was a featured writer on our Yu-Gi-Oh section.  He's now playing Magic: The Gathering, and is bringing his writing skills to this section of Pojo.  Check out his first article titled: "UW without the Jace, the Caw, or the Blade."

Monday, May 23, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Wing Splicer from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, John & David have rKarn Liberatedeviews for you today.

John Shultis has two new articles for you today:

  • a new "Recon Precon" - Devouring Skies
  • & Karn Liberated, Jund style!

Friday, May 20, 2011  We had some stuff come up yesterday, and couldn't do any Pojo work at all.  We're making it up today with two awesome cards in the COTD section.  Today's Cards of the Day are Batterskull  & Lashwrithe from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, Paul, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today, and they love these new cards. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Mycosynth Wellspring from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Invader Parasite from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

Monday, May 16, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Due Respect from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Saturday, May 14, 2011  John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon" article for you today, where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at "Feast of Flesh" from New Phyrexia.

Friday, May 13, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Beast Within from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Thursday, May 12, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Sword of War and Peace from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Hex Parasite from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Porcelain Legionnaire from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.BMoor

BMoor in his Deck Garage again.  Today he's looking at: "FATT-e: Craig's Wall/Fatty deck".

Monday, May 9, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Urabrask, the Hidden from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Friday, May 6, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Myr Superion from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, Paul, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon" article for you today, where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at "Mirromancy".

Thursday, May 5, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Phyrexian Obliterator from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, Paul, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Birthing Pod from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011  Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today's article is titled: "All Will Be One: Magic The Gathering Top Ten Multiplayer Cards of New Phyrexia". 

Today's Card of the Day is Karn Liberated from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Monday, May 2, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Mutagenic Growth from New Phyrexia.  Maikeruu, Paul, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Friday, April 29, 2011  We're starting to look at New Phyrexia cards this week.  Today's Card of the Day is Chained Throatseeker.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today. Phyrexian Poison

John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon" article for you today, where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at "Phyrexian Poison".

Dolf is in his Deck Garage helping a reader with his casual Red Myr Deck.  If you'd like some help tweaking your deck, feel free to head on over to Dolf's Deck Garage.  He's looking for more reader's decks. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011  We're starting to look at New Phyrexia cards this week.  Today's Card of the Day is Sheoldred, Whispering One.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today. Sheoldred is the promotional card for participating at an upcoming New Phyrexia Prerelease. Our COTD reviewers love this card today!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011  We're going to start looking at New Phyrexia cards this week.  Today's Card of the Day is Slash Panther.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011  We're going to start looking at New Phyrexia cards this week.  Today's Card of the Day is Surgical Extraction.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

Monday, April 25, 2011  We're going to start looking at New Phyrexia cards this week.  Today's Card of the Day is Grim Affliction.  Maikeruu, John & David have reviews for you today.

Friday, April 22, 2011  We're having a little fun in the COTD section this Easter week.  We wrap up Easter Week with one nasty bunny.  Today's Card of the Day is Kezzerdrix Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul & David have reviews for you today.

John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon" article for you today, where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at "Spectrum" for Easter.

Thursday, April 21, 2011  We're having a little fun in the COTD section this Easter week.  Let's see what's in our basket today?  Today's Card of the Day is Jackalope Herd.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011  We're having a little fun in the COTD section this Easter week.  Let's see what's in our basket today?  Today's Card of the Day is Sungrass Egg.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011  We're having a little fun in the COTD section this week.  Let's see what's in our basket today?  Today's Card of the Day is Triassic Egg.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

Monday, April 18, 2011  We're having a little fun in the COTD section this week.  Today's Card of the Day is Rukh Egg.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

Friday, April 15, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Rot Wolf from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

Thursday, April 14, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Steel Sabotage from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.BMoor

BMoor in his Deck Garage again.  Today he's looking over a Reader's Mono Green Protean Hydra Deck.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Flayer Husk from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Phyrexian Rager from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul & David have reviews for you today.

Monday, April 11, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Leonin Skyhunter from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John, Paul & David have reviews for you today.

Friday, April 7, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Viridian Emissary from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Thursday, April 7, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Vedalken Anatomist from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon" article for you today, where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at "Knights vs. Dragons: Dragons".

Wednesday, April 6, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Plaguemaw Beast from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul & David have reviews for you today.

Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today he has sort of another Tourney Report.  Today's article is titled: "Des Moines PTQ: Hail to The King Baby". 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Choking Fumes from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, BMoor, Paul & David have reviews for you today.

Monday, April 4, 2011  Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today he has a Tourney Report.  Today's article is titled: "PTQ Nagoya Des Moines: A Series of Unfortunate Events". 

Today's Card of the Day is Gruesome Encore from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Dolf is in his Deck Garage helping a reader build a beginner's Mono-Green Infect Deck.  If you'd like some help tweaking your deck, feel free to head on over to Dolf's Deck Garage.  He's looking for more reader's decks. 

Friday, April 1, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Flesh-Eater Imp from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you BMoortoday.

BMoor in his Deck Garage again.  Today he's looking over a Reader's Artifact Deck.

Thursday, March 31, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Nested Ghoul from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon" article for you today, where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at the Mirrodin Besieged deck: "Doom Inevitable".

Wednesday, March 30, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Massacre Wurm from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Psychosis Crawler from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, Paul, John & David have reviews for you today.

From WOTC today: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Phyrexia Announces Total Victory - The Machine Orthodoxy today announced total victory for the forces of Phyrexia and the utter obliteration of all that was Mirran.
“The Great Work is Complete,” said Grand Cenobite Elesh Norn. “The stain of imperfection which is Mirrodin has been scourged and in its place we have shaped the face of New Phyrexia.”

Jin-Gitaxius, Praetor of the Progress Engine, Augur to The Core continued, “The raw flesh we have at our disposal will allow us to continue The Great Synthesis unabated. Our destiny lies outside the crude battles between slavering beasts of which we have endured these many years. Through our experimentation will arise the strength of New Life.”

Other prominent Praetors were also in attendance. The Voice of Hunger, Vorinclex, took a defiant tone. “The struggle for survival is never complete. Wherever there is weakness, there is still the necessity of conflict. As the predator cannot abide prey, so do the strong feed upon the strong. Our purpose has only begun.”

Sheoldred, The Whispering One, declined conspicuous comment.
Praetor Urabrask was notably absent from the proceedings.


Monday, March 28, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Distant Memories from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, BMoor, John & David have reviews for you today.

Friday, March 25, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Kuldotha Flamefield from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Thursday, March 24, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Burn the Impure from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Divine Offering from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Our old friend Scott Gerhardt (one of the original Card of the Day reviewers here) is selling off some of his MTG Collectables including: Complete foil sets for about 2 dozen expansions, a complete Portals Three Kingdoms set, error cards and more.  There is no reserve and bids are starting at a penny.  Check out hishuge auction of MTG items.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Treasure Mage from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

WOTC is changing U.S. and Canadian National Qualifiers.  We posted a press release they sent us in Today's MTG News

Monday, March 21, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Blisterstick Shaman from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Friday, March 18, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Signal Pest from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Thursday, March 17, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Sphere of the Suns from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Sword of Feast and Famine from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon", where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  Today he's looking at the Shards of Alara deck: "Primordal Jund".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Tangle Hulk from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Monday, March 14, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Viridian Claw from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Friday, March 11, 2011  I goofed up my posting of the COTD  yesterday, so you get a twofer-Friday today.  Today's Cards of the Day are Turn the Tide & Morbid Plunder from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Vivisection from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

John Shultis has a new "Recon Precon", where he helps tweak Preconstructed decks.  He's Looking at the Mirrodin Besieged deck: "Battle Cries".

Tuesday, March 8, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Horrifying Revelation from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John, Paul, David & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Monday, March 7, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Virulent Wound from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  Maikeruu, John & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Friday, March 4, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Lead the Stampede from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Maikeruu & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Thursday, March 3, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Core Prowler from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Maikeruu & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Jake is helping a reader with his Commander Deck. Today's article is: "Commander Help: Ith, High Arcanist".

Wednesday, March 2, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Viridian Corrupter from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Maikeruu, Paul & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Phyrexian Revoker from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Maikeruu, Paul & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Jake sent us another article on Commander Decks. Today's is: "Building your first Commander Deck".

Monday, February 28, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Go for the Throat from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Maikeruu, Paul & BMoor have reviews for you today.

John Shultis is starting a weekly column titled "Recon Precon", where he will be editing Preconstructed decks.  He's starting off with the Mirrodin Besieged deck: "Path of Blight".

Friday, February 25, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Thopter Assembly from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Maikeruu, & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Thursday, February 24, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Phyrexian Crusader from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, Maikeruu, John & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Darksteel Plate from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John & BMoor have reviews for you today.

Jake sent us his Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund Commander deck idea.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Phyrexian Rebirth from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, BMoor, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Friday, February 18, 2011  It's Mirran Watermarked week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Titan Forge from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, BMoor, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Thursday, February 17, 2011  It's Mirran Watermarked week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Slagstorm from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Paul, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011  It's Mirran Watermarked week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Mirran Crusader from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011  It's Mirran Watermarked week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Myr Turbine from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, Paul, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Monday, February 14, 2011  It's Mirran Watermarked week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Shimmer Myr from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Friday, February 11, 2011  It's Infect week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Phyresis from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, BMoor, Paul, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

BMoor inBMoor his Deck Garage again.  Today he's looking over a Reader's Standard Elf Deck.

Thursday, February 10, 2011  It's Infect week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Flensermite from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, BMoor, Paul, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011  It's Infect week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Corrupted Conscience from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, BMoor, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011  BMoor in his Deck Garage again.  Today he's looking over a Reader's Shape Anew Deck.

Dolf is also in his Deck Garage looking at a a reader's White Knights Deck.  (We reposted this today as we had a broken link in Dolf's Deck Garage - Sorry about that).

It's Infect week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Inkmoth Nexus from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  BMoor, David, John, Paul & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Monday, February 7, 2011  It's Infect week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Phyrexian Vatmother from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Paul & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today's article is titled: "This Means War: The Top Ten Multiplayer Cards from Mirrodin Besieged". 

Friday, February 4, 2011  We finish up Zenith week today in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Black Sun's Zenith from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Paul, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Thursday, February 3, 2011  It's Zenith week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Red Sun's Zenith from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Paul, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011  It's Zenith week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Green Sun's Zenith from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Paul, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, February 2, 2011  It's Zenith week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is Blue Sun's Zenith from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, Paul, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Wizards of the Coast has yet another way for Magic: The Gathering players and fans to interact. Now on PlayStation Home, Magic: The Gathering has a themed space that will launch on February 10. To kick off the new space, Wizards will host a virtual party filled with staff and special guests, and you’re invited!  Read the full press release in Today's News.

Monday, January 31, 2011  It's Zenith week in our COTD section.  Today's Card of the Day is White Sun's Zenith from the Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Dolf is in his Deck Garage looking at a a reader's Red/Green Mana Ramp deck.  If you'd like some help tweaking your deck, feel free to head on over to Dolf's Deck Garage.  He's looking for more reader's decks. 

Friday, January 28, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Sangromancer from the upcoming Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, Paul, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Thursday, January 27, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Hero of Oxid Ridge from the upcoming Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, Paul, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

John Shultis has two new MTG articles for you today:

  • Burn & Planeswalkers
  • Touchdown

Wednesday, January 26, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Blightsteel Colusssus from the upcoming Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, Paul, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today's article is titled: "I'm Going To Sing The Doom Song Now".  "Today's article is a continuation of my series on modifying the Archenemy decks making them more suited to take on your friends in casual play as well as just improving them overall."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas from the upcoming Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, Paul, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Dolf is in his Deck Garage looking at a a Beginner's Blue/Red Treason Deck.  If you'd like some help tweaking your deck, feel free to head on over to Dolf's Deck Garage.  He's looking for more reader's decks. 

Alan Wescoat sent us a new deck idea for the Peasant Magic section of the site.  Today he has a red/green deck titled: "You Can't Touch My Monkey"  If you want to build decks on a budget, our Peasant Magic section is a great resource for you.  There's over 350 Peasant Magic Decks listed. 

Monday, January 24, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Glissa, the Traitor from the upcoming Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, Paul, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Magic: The Gathering - Tactics, a free-to-play online tactical strategy game from Sony & Wizards of the Coast, is now available for download on the PC.  Magic: The Gathering - Tactics puts players worldwide in the role of a Planeswalker, a powerful mage commanding devastating spells and iconic creatures from all five colors of Magic in intense online tactical battles set across richly illustrated 3D environments.  More details in Today's News.

Friday, January 21, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Bonehoard from the upcoming Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Thursday, January 20, 2011  The folks at Hellkite Ignite - Pojo ExclusiveWizards of the Coast were kind enough to give us a Pojo Exclusive Preview card from the upcoming Mirrodin Besieged expansion, and we're giving it the COTD treatment for you. Today's Card of the Day is Hellkite Igniter. Paul, BMoor, Miguel, John & David have detailed reviews for you today. 

Marco sent us a few new deck ideas for the Peasant Magic section of the site.  Today he has

If you want to build decks on a budget, our Peasant Magic section is a great resource for you.  There are now 350 Peasant Magic Decks listed! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Hero of Bladehold from the upcoming Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011  Today's Card of the Day is Thrun, the Last Troll,  from the upcoming Mirrodin Besieged expansion.  David, John, BMoor & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Saturday, January 15, 2011  Dolf is in his Deck Garage looking at an Ally Genesis Wave Deck.

WOTC now has a twitter page.  Looks like they got over 1000 users on their first day, so they gave away some Duels of the Planeswalkers codes for PS3 & Steam.  You may want to check them out.

Friday, January 14, 2011  We've been counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We finally arrive today at #1!  Today's Card of the Day is Jace, the Mind Sculptor.  David, Paul, BMoor John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Thursday, January 13, 2011  We're counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We continue today with #2!  Today's Card of the Day is Primeval Titan.  David, Paul, BMoor John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011  We're counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We continue today with #3!  Today's Card of the Day is Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.  David, BMoor John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011  We're counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We continue today with #4!  Today's Card of the Day is Koth of the Hammer.  David, BMoor, John, Paul & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Monday, January 10, 2011  We're counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We continue today with #5!  Today's Card of the Day is Gideon Jura.  David, BMoor, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Dolf is in his Deck Garage helping a new player build on an Angel Control Deck Idea.  

Friday, January 7, 2011  We're counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We continue today with #6!  Today's Card of the Day is Grave Titan.  David, BMoor, Paul, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

BMoor in his Deck Garage again.  Today he's looking over a Reader's Unblockable Aggro Deck.

We have a new Deck Mechanic opening up a new Deck Garage today.  Dolf has brought his toolbox over to Pojo, and is looking for Decks to fix.  If you'd like some tweaking your deck, feel free to head on over to Dolf's Deck Garage.

Marco sent us a couple of new deck ideas for the Peasant Magic section of the site.  Today he has a Green Peasant Deck and a Blue Skies Peasant Deck.  If you want to build decks on a budget, our Peasant Magic section is a great resource for you.  There are now 350 Peasant Magic Decks listed! 

Thursday, January 6, 2011  We're counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We continue today with #7!  Today's Card of the Day is All is Dust.  David, BMoor, Paul, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Paul is back with a new MTG article for you.  Today's article is titled: "Infect Tech". 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011  We're counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We continue today with #8!  Today's Card of the Day is Engulfing Slagwurm.  David, BMoor, Paul, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

We received a Press Release from Sony about the new "Magic: The Gathering Tactics" video game coming out for the PC and PS3.  More details in Today's MTG News.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011  We're counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We continue today with #9!  Today's Card of the Day is Creeping Tar Pit.  David, BMoor, John & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.

Monday, January 3, 2011  We're counting down the Top 10 New MTG cards of 2010.  Our Card of the Day Reviewers each voted on their own Top 10 Lists.  We compiled their lists and came up with an overall Pojo Top 10 List.  We kick things off today with #10!  Today's Card of the Day is Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre.  David, John, Paul & Maikeruu have reviews for you today.


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