Brought to you by Pojo's Toy Guy: AbraKris
Breaking Toy News
November 23, 2001TOY BOX UPDATES
Go check out the following new and updated pages...
2" Figure Dex - Have updated it a little. You can now view the figures in Evolutionary or Numerical order.
Electronic Plush - NEW!
Jumbo Plush - NEW!
Mini Playsets - NEW!
Collector Sets - NEW!
Remote Control Battling Pokemon - NEW!
Combat Figures - Updated
Battle Figures - Updated
Think Chip Figures - Updated
Think Chip Stadium - Updated
Think Chip Interactive Trainers - Updated
For a complete list of Hasbro's releases for the upcoming months, visit our "Hasbro's Release Schedule" page. The dates there are official dates, directly from Hasbro, and are updated when ever I manage to get a new release list.

If you have been exploring Pojo's Toy Box, you may have noticed when you have gone to an assortments page, four little subtitles... Previous Assortments; Available Now; Now Shipping; Coming Soon. For these to be as acurate as possible we need your feedback! We want to know what you have seen at your local toy outlet! We do not care if they are old or new assortments, as this information lets us, as well as the rest of you, know what is still shipping, and where.
Also, if you have any news, we would love to hear from you. So please, send your e-mails to

Just to keep everyone up-to-date with the latest VHS and DVD Pokémon releases, here is the current line-up.
1. Pokemon - I Choose You! Pikachu!
2. Pokemon - The Mystery of Mount Moon
3. Pokemon - The Sisters of Cerulean City
4. Pokemon - Poke-Friends
5. Pokemon - Thunder Shock
6. Pokemon - Seaside Pikachu
7. Pokemon - Psychic Surprise
8. Pokemon - Primeape Problems
9. Pokemon - Fashion Victims
10. Pokemon - Fighting Tournament
11. Pokemon - The Great Race
12. Pokemon - Pikachu Party
13. Pokemon - Wake Up Snorlax!
14. Pokemon - Jigglypuff Pop
15. Pokemon - Charizard!
16. Pokemon - Totally Togepi
17. Pokemon - Picture Perfect
18. Pokemon - Water Blast
19. Pokemon - Our Hero Meowth
20. Pokemon - The Final Badge
21. Pokemon - The Po-Ke Corral
22. Pokemon - Hang Ten Pikachu
23. Pokemon - Showtime
24. Pokemon - Into the Arena
25. Pokemon - Round One
26. Pokemon - Friends and Rivals
39. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - A Brand New World
40. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Midnight Guardian
41. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Mission Spinarak
42. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Snow Rescue
43. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Flying Ace
44. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Fire Power
45. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Team Green
46. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Crimson Warrior
47. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Azalea Adventures
Release Date: Nov 27, 2001
48. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Buggy Boogie
Release Date: Nov 27, 2001
49. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - The Squirtle Squad
Release Date: Jan 29, 2002
50. Pokemon - The Johto Journeys - Midnight Heroes
Release Date: Jan 29, 2002
The newest wave of Hasbro Battle Figure 2-Packs are hitting stores now. The twelth wave includes the following three figures...
Ledian #166/Granbull #210
Umbreon #197/Hitmontop #237
Wobbuffet #202/Scizor #212
No pictures as of yet. If you have any, I would love to see them.
Visitor Feedback
“Celebi's Sightings” is an educational, yet fun section of our news where readers submit Pokemon reports, product information, toy sightings, aswell as their views and opinions. This section is intended for entertainment purposes only. Information that has been “VALIDATED AND AUTHENTICATED” by the “PoJo Team” is placed in the above section. If you would like to submit a report, sighting, view, or whatever, send it to and watch for it in future news posts. As always, we thank our readers for their contributions.
--> Anonymous -- With regards to the recent report on the Hasbro Blastoise beanie:
"According to our records the item was never made. However, it is possible it was released in a test market only, therefore it was not accessible to everyone and since it was never widely released, we do not have any information available. We appreciate your interest."
I would like to try and settle this long running debate...
The Blastoise beanie was first seen at a Hasbro promotional stand early last year, alongside a number of other un-released beanies. While these other beanies (Staryu, Togepi, Onix etc.) were released, Blastoise caused a commotion when it was retired during the year before any country seeing it on release. Since then, Hasbro was flooded with e-mails requesting news of this missing beanie to no satisfactory result. But over the last few months, Blastoise has been appearing internationally after first being sighted here in the UK (I was one of the first people to see and buy one). If it was released to a test market, this was a VERY large test market (i.e. The World) and now seems to be available freely in Hasbro BeanBag stockists, but mostly on many eBay auctions. Hope this FINALLY clears up any confusions.
PS - Does anyone know of a good online supplier of the newer beanies in the UK?
--> Mark -- Is there a Pokemon Teddiursa figurine available? If so, where would I find one?
AbraKris -- Hasbro has yet to release the Teddiursa figurine onto the english market. Though, if you do want him badly, eBay is your best bet.
--> Anonymous -- I was wondering if you had any idea as to when the new wave of Hasbro
beanies featuring Chikorita #152, Bayleef #153, Quilava #156, Typhlosion #157, Croconaw #159, Feraligatr #160, Cleffa #173, Sunflora #192, Blissy #142 will be released.
AbraKris -- Sorry mate. I wish I knew. When they do though, you will find out here first.

Share your Pokémon news and toy sightings with us! We want to hear everything you have to say!
Contact AbraKris @
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