Killer Deck
Reports - August 2004
Chaotic Beatdown - Ricky Riles - Galactic Goods
Dimensional Dirt - Brian - End
Zone, Layton UT
Envoy of the Beginning_Yata
lock deck - Tim - Gatway, Eire PA
Exodia Infinite Draw Combos v2 - Sergey Pshenichkin -
Dream Wizards Rockville, ML
Mega Beatdown - Ben Miller - AB Sports Cards, Webster NY
Power Of The Earth Deck -
SoulessDuelist - Anime Store - Toronto, Ont
Skill Drain Beat Down Deck
Tommy Combs Sword and the Stone
The Legend of The Shadows Part
11 - Matt Sita - The Lucky Frog, Springfield VA
The Raven's Call - Lael B. - Hall of Heroes, Voorhees NJ
The Raven's Call 2 - Lael B. - Hall of Heroes, Voorhees NJ
True Beatdown - Evan -
Bookbarn, Joplin MO
Watorior - Anthony Calarco -
Miss Untouchables, Ont. Canada
When Goldfish Attacks - Morgan
Donley - Cincinnati Scifi, West Chester OH
Zombie Deck In Progress -
Benthegreat - Toys R Us, Akron OH
Reports this month = 62