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Ravager's E.R.
1) Single Pokemon- Never ever ever put one single Pokemon in a
deck. I don’t care what Stage it is. If you want to win, don’t do
this. Even if it is a Stage 2, you need at least 2 of them if you want
to use them in the game, because they will end up in your goal cards
or at the bottom of your deck. Trust me it happens.
2) Single Trainers- If you have a trainer in your deck, it should
be there for a reason. Do NOT throw in trainers just because. You must
have a strategy when it comes to your trainers. Ex: Card drawing,
Energy Removal, E. Retrieval, Healing, etc.... Another thing, there is
not a universal card that goes in every deck, including energy. Trust
me, there’s this deck I have played that will make you cry.
3) Too Many Trainers- I see deck after deck with 1 of every
trainer. NO!!!
Read the above rule.
4) Too Little or Too Much Energy- It would be safe for most decks
to run 23-28 energy depending on the deck. But, there are exceptions
to every rule. Fire decks need a lot, including Retrievals, whereas
Stall decks may not need that many. Some decks may have small attack
costs, like Haymakers. It just depends.
5) Have A Strategy With Your Cards- Decks need to have a strategy.
A GOOD strategy. Haymakers focus on big damage, fast. Stall
decks...well, they stall. Status effect decks...need I say more. The
same thing goes for trainers. If you stall, add trainers to help you
stall. If you need fast damage, or quick kills add cards to aid you.
Don’t throw in a PokeFlute hoping that you will find a use for it.
Some of you don’t get responses to your decks. The reason why?
Some of these decks, no offense, are not good. I urge you please read
and learn from the Deck Garages. I understand some of you do not have
a huge card selection and some of you are just new. I am not trying to
brag, but I get 20 new email a day, and they are practically the same
deck over and over and I can’t respond to each of them saying the
same thing. I will go nuts. I am just trying to help each of us become
better players. I know that I still have a lot to learn and have
become a better player ever since I started the Deck Garage. And I
really hope that all of you become better players. Another thing,
practice! With friends, family, yourself even. It can only help you.
We can’t build your decks for you. Just keep trying, but don’t be
afraid to ask us for advice. Two heads are better than one.
That’s about it. - Josh M.
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