The Pojo - Deck Garage - Scott's Serendipitous Saloon

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Scott's Serendipitous Saloon

bullet 10.25.00 Erika Deck (Group Fix)
bullet 10.25.00 Challenge Sponge *With Prop 15 Commentary*
bullet 10.18.00 Sabrina's Call for Team Rocket (Cross with Souper)
bullet 10.18.00 Energy Removal Deck (Cross with Ness)
bullet 10.11.00 Firestorm (Cross with Satoshi)
bullet 10.11.00 Aero-Mew (Cross with Doll
bullet 10.4.00 Trapper (Cross with Dux)
bullet 10.4.00 Magician Deck (Cross with Jedi)
bullet 9.27.00 Fighting/Lightning Deck (Cross with Kittyfox)
bullet 9.27.00 Fossil Find (Cross with Spike)
bullet 9.20.00 Defensive Rain
bullet 9.20.00 Scott's Challenge
bullet 9.13.00 Total Lockdown
bullet 9.13.00 Gengar's Wiggle
bullet 9.6.00 No Evolution 4 You!
bullet 9.6.00 Wiggly Hay
bullet 8.30.00 Lightning Bug
bullet 8.30.00 Football Field Deck
bullet 8.23.00 New Sponge
bullet 8.23.00 Friggin Fire Blast
bullet 8.16.00 Speed Nidoking
bullet 8.16.00 New Age Potpourri
bullet 8.9.00 Psy-Freeze
bullet 8.9.00 Psy of the Underworld
bullet 8.2.00 Sticky and Smelly Deck
bullet 8.2.00 Wiggly/Canine Deck
bullet 7.26.00 Lightningtuff - 4th place, STS
bullet 7.26.00 Dark Raichu Deck
bullet 7.19.00 Random.dec (Bash)
bullet 7.19.00 Another Tuffy
bullet 7.12.00 Psychotic Thriller
bullet 7.12.00 Blast Off!
bullet 7.5.00 Sponge
bullet 7.5.00 Rain Dance
bullet 6.28.00 Power Surge
bullet 6.28.00 Wigglytuff Deck
bullet 6.21.00 Wigglymaker
bullet 6.21.00 Potpourri Sponge
bullet 6.12.00 Everyone Metronome
bullet 6.12.00 Chantwo


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