Hello Pojo go'ers. I'm the Pokemon
Patriarch, and in my pleasant abode, I will spend the rest
of my days fixing your decks, may they be modified or
unlimited. Granted, I'll post an extra article or two
whenever there's something I feel strongly should be
addressed, but the rest of the time, I will be tweaking
decks. If you follow my simple guidelines below,
then I assure that I'll reply to you in a timely manner,
and there's even a very good shot that you'll be featured
here, on Pojo.com!
07.26.04 -
07.15.04 -
Mewtwo EX
07.13.04 -
07.13.04 -
Speedy Ampharos ex
07-02-04 -
smalltownguy deck fix
07-01-04 -
Gardevoir ex deck fix
1. No flaming, bashing, or rude
remarks. I'm a nice guy, but I'm mean to mean
people...really, I am ;_; 2. Please tell me if the deck is
Unlimited or Modified. I can normally guess, but
sometimes, it's too tough to call. 3. Please list first to
last: Pokemon, Trainers, and Energy.
4. You don't have to be the most
brilliant person alive, but clean up your grammar and
spelling just a little -_-"" 5. Don't worry! Just 'cause I
have lots of guidelines doesn't mean I'm strict! Even if
you know your deck needs a lot of work, or if you've just
started, I'm always willing to lend a helping hand.
May you forever do well at all your
premier and local events, guys!
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Pojo.com is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon
trainers out there. Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game,
PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire.
If you have cool game tips, a killer deck, or breaking
news ... send them to us. We'll post it on the site
... and give you all the credit.