Card Game - Killer Deck Tourney Reports
August 1999
Remember ... all decks must meet the PoJo's requirements to merit
posting. Have you read them?
Pojo Staff Tournament Reports
8.8.99 Potpourri
- Scott Gerhardt
8.9.99 Gen
Con '99 - Tyler Grund
8.8.99 Rain Dance -
Griffin Branham
8.8.99 Gathering
Ground - Dan Mayo
8.15.99 Potpourri
Scott Gerhardt
8.14.99 Gathering
Ground - Dan Mayo
More Killer Deck Reports
8.2.99 Rain Dance
- Brandon
8.2.99 Stalling
Waves - Chris
8.18.99 Hydroblast
- Tony
8.18.99 Tsunami
1st Wave - Matrix
8.20.99 Rain
Dance 440 - O'Malley
8.24.99 Dewgong's Dance - David
8.24.99 U.W.D.- Christopher
8.24.99 Big Blue - Matrix
8.24.99 Rain Dance - Dane
8.24.99 Colorless Water - Bob
8.24.99 Water WORKS - Mark H.
8.25.99 Poliwrath's Revenge - Neal
8.27.99 Storm of Dewgong - Neal
8.30.99 Poliportoise - C.
8.30.99 Sinking Ship - Talon
8.6.99 Rapid Blaze
8.11.99 Fire
Blast - Adam
8.11.99 Fighting
Fairies - Rees
8.18.99 Firefighter
- Cribeiro
8.18.99 The White
Flame - Elplaino
8.20.99 RK9
- Harris
8.24.99 Judgement Day - Dee
8.24.99 Fire Blast 2
- Adam
8.26.99 Judgement Day2 - Dee
8.27.99 Fire Spin - Hodges
8.30.99 Cute Ferocity - FatStadler
8.2.99 The
Draw You Out Deck - Judd
8.6.99 Psycho
Psychic - Robert
8.6.99 Pyschic Deck -
8.6.99 Psydeck
- Chris
8.6.99 Mr. Mime Deck
- Novak
8.24.99 Psy-�LEEPER - Ruth
8.6.99 Power
Turbine - Franks
8.18.99 Electabolt
- Tony
8.20.99 Jump Start
- Scott
8.24.99 Shock Back - Phenox08

8.2.99 Wiggly
Beatdown - Meeth
8.6.99 Fighting
Frenzy - Macher
8.6.99 Killer Deck -
8.8.99 Fighting
Machine - Marino
8.8.99 JigglyChamp - BBG
8.18.99 Alamgest - Myrmidon
8.24.99 Fighting Dragonairs - DJ
8.24.99 Machamp - Brett
8.24.99 Impotancy - Playa_X
8.24.99 Flying Ground - J.

8.2.99 Meanest
of Green - Scharf
Rainforest - Hall
8.6.99 Frawley
Deck - Bman
8.6.99 Miracle
Growth - Dave
8.8.99 Aerial
Execution - Sons
8.8.99 Sprout
- Yu
8.11.99 The
Power of Venusaur - Frawley
8.11.99 The
Nidoqueens - Johnson
8.18.99 Grass
Whuppin - Kocurek
8.18.99 Scyther
Deck - Shelldon
8.20.99 No
more energy problems - Izzicle
8.20.99 Scyther/Venusaur
Deck - Todd
8.24.99 Venuzard - Snowboarder
8.24.99 Venusaur's Regulation - D
8.26.99 Puff 'n Tuff in the Grass -
Transonic Boy
8.30.99 Venom Powder - J. Kirby
8.2.99 Boxers
of Hell 4 - Amy D
8.6.99 Hitmonchan,
you're our man! - Joshikins
8.8.99 Charmeleon's
Barbeque - White
8.18.99 Flaming
Seismic Toss - M
8.24.99 Magma - Jim

8.8.99 Red
Thunder - Ilahi
8.18.99 Crisped
and Beaten Green - Brett
8.20.99 Flame
Forest - Firecure
8.20.99 Solarbeam2
- Eli

8.2.99 Invisible
Scyther Deck - Killian
8.6.99 PsyGrass - Talon
8.6.99 Revenge
of the Sugar Daddies - Wren
8.8.99 Bring
on the Big Guys - Acuna
8.8.99 Smart Plants
- Jim
8.8.99 Psychic Bugs
- M
8.18.99 Kamikaze
- Brown
8.18.99 Heavy Hitters
- Jensen
8.24.99 Alachanscyther - Matt
8.24.99 Confusion Grass - Max
8.24.99 Wigglystuff - Exodus159
8.24.99 Venom's Death - Z. Parnas
8.24.99 Purple Grass and Stars -
8.25.99 While You Were Sleeping -
8.30.99 Transfer and Kill - J Ayala

8.8.99 Exeggutor's
Explosion - Neely
8.24.99 Speedy Three - bmilton
8.24.99 Grass/Electric - Blake
8.24.99 Weird Haymaker - Taylor W.
8.24.99 Zap the Grass -
8.2.99 Modified
Blackout Deck - Hsu
8.6.99 Fat
Wallet - Bob
8.11.99 Power
Bomb - Robillard
8.11.99 Water
Knockers - Nick
8.20.99 Up
the Creek w/o a paddle - Caron
8.24.99 Trickster - Chris
8.24.99 Hydroblast - M. Frazier
8.24.99 Fat Wallet - Bob
8.2.99 Boiling
Ocean - Rage
8.11.99 Flaming
Water - Elafontaine
8.24.99 Dragon Rage - Mike

8.2.99 Purple
Lightning - Donovan
8.18.99 Ouch
- Heston
8.6.99 Two-way
Deck - Ilahi
8.6.99 Farmonbuzz8
- Ryan
8.6.99 Super
Haymaker - Gooding
8.6.99 Metro-Chance
- Mark
8.8.99 Basic
Way to Win - Chowdhurry
8.11.99 Haymaker
Variant - Orat
8.11.99 Farmonbuzz9
- Ryan
8.11.99 Haymaker
Variant - Angel
8.18.99 Haymaker's
Dream - Firerose
8.18.99 Do the wave -
8.20.99 Hay3000
- Anderson
8.20.99 Haymaker -
8.20.99 Hitmonchampsey
Haymaker - Branden
8.24.99 WigglyHay - Mike
8.24.99 Haybaler - Rob
8.24.99 Haymaker - Phippy
8.24.99 SnorlaxHay - Vaporeon
8.24.99 Standard Hay - Realest
8.24.99 Pokemon Pizza - El Barto
8.24.99 Electafarmontuff - Jason
8.24.99 Haymaker - Neal
8.24.99 Scymonfarbuzz - S Barnett
8.26.99 Hitmonchamsey Haymaker -
8.27.99 Haymaker's Cheesemaker -
Chris N.
8.30.99 Wannabe Haymaker - J Moran
8.30.99 "A Good Haymaker" -
8.30.99 Fat Wallet - Bob
8.6.99 Psycho
Slash & Smash - Chris N.
8.18.99 Anti-Haymaker
- Cman
8.18.99 Psylock
- Querubin
8.18.99 Wigglytuff's Exeggcution
- K. Johnson
8.18.99 tele-fist-of-fury
- Moglia
8.24.99 Wigglytuff's Exeggecution -
8.24.99 Electric Fighters - Anthony
8.25.99 Machop Mafia - Nate
8.8.99 HitmonScyther
- Harris
8.18.99 Beefed
Up Power Reserve - Joyce
8.24.99 Homemaker's Haymaker - Matt
8.24.99 Scyther's Clan - Chris
8.24.99 Uncutable Grass - Tim
8.24.99 Power Plant - Seth L.
8.31.99 Swift Scyther - J. Kirby

8.24.99 Pikados - Ben
8.24.99 Sea Shock - C. Liu
8.30.99 Flaming Headache - S. Fuentes
8.30.99 Psynami - Matt
8.6.99 - Colorless -
8.30.99 - Super Farmonbuzz - Ryan T
8.24.99 - Quick Strike - M. Resnick
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- Killer Decks

The acclaimed creator of the
"Haymaker" deck, Brian Brokaw, has written a book.
Get it from our Bookshop today!