Killer Deck
Reports - October 2003
Amazoness Deck Alberto Sasia
Lizard's on Ice Miami FL
Blue-Eyes Beatdown Deck
Version 3 - Victor - Phantom Comics, Warren, MI
Brandon, Ultimate Beatdown,
Eden, NC
Dark Scorpion
Burglars_Soybean_LIZARDS ON ICE
Drop 'n Destroy- Vega
Intergalactic Trades Houston Texas USA
Earthquake Deck Mark Bobo Jr.
Guernsey Clarksville IN
Energy!!!-Kevin-16th October
Equip Happy - Jeremiah -
Panini Grill, Ishpeming MI
Exodia Deck - David Williams -
Community Center, LA
Extreme Beatdown Deck-
Johnathon Liu
fear the fruit fantsy escape
Va beach
GraveKicker Deck - Wes Fallon
- Gabby's Collectibles - Chicago, IL
Greg - Champion Card
Greg Devine - Champion Card
Hand Diruption-Ryan M-Battle
Grounds-Abington MA
Hand Disruption Beatdown
Thanatos Central Missouri Sports Cards
Hellblaze Deck - Blaze Report
Killer Beatdown - Ryan
Reynolds - Magicians Force Mall Tour IL
Monster Tribute - Greg Devine
- Champion Card Collectors
Morphing Jar, Bruce L, Midway
Mall, Sherman, TX
Piroteknix Deck The Panini
Grill MI
Puppet Power Deck - Kevin -
Woolworths, Chelmsford
A World of Books - Clancy s
Hand Ownage - By Clancy Wiggum
Springfield's Finest - Homer's
Drunken Beatdown - By Homer J. Simpson
Springfield's Finest - Homer's
Drunken Beatdown - By Homer J. Simpson
Springfield's Finest -
Suzaku's Golden Flames (Part 1) - By Lenny
Springfield's Finest -
Suzaku's Golden Flames (Part 1) - By Lenny
Suzaku's Golden Flames Phung
Ho A World of Books Hayward Ca
Take My Serpent,
Please!_JustinW_Beanie Boyz_Stroudsburg, PA
That's-a Beatdown!--Toys r
Us--Gurnee IL
The Great Dezard Jared Faceoff
“The Evil Deck”, Adam Povey,
Nottingham, England
Hyper Spastic Beatdown 2.0
Ryan All About Sports Winston Salem NC
Warrior Beatdown - Carlo.F -
ToysRus - Vineland NJ
Siphon_X’s Awesome Warrior/Beatdown/Disruption
Warriors in the Making by
Peter Hovey at Center Ice, Billerica MA
When Squirrels
Alex Williams - When warriors attack - Castle Comics, IN
Any Given Sunday v2.6 -- Michael Lucas -- Jahinie
Artifex CA Shorty P McD
BeatDown Deck Taylor Republic Jewlrey AuburnMe
Beatdown From Trades Deck - JD Dedrick - Franklinville, NY
BeatdownDeck Mr Shitaki KurdosMegaplex Conway
Burner Deck Tom Arsen Pent Dragon WinnipegManitoba
Control Is Fun Beatdown is Funner Both is the best - Adam
- Tucson AZ
Dark Buster - Brandon - Hasbrouck Heights
Dark Chaos - Bryant Debonet - Game Stop - Queens, NY
Dark Necrofear - Mike Lee - San Francisco, CA
Darkness Double of Trademart's Fury - Robert Sanders
Deck Of the Darkness-Zero Shoney-Toys 'R Us-Louisville KY
Deck That Will Do For Now - Slim Shady - Cudahy, WI
Disruptor Deck - Colton Linton - MvMall
Double Control Nick Cale Conon Gillis Central Missouri
Sportscards Rolla MO
Duncan Alonso's Control - Duncan - VA Beach, VA
Duncan Alonso Don Control Comic Kings Virginia Beach
Earth BeatDown 2 - Matt Furnendaz - Infinite Quest USA -
Pennsylvania Blue Bell
fast beatdown lufia22 vans mississippi
Flamethrower Deck V 1.0 - Guernsey's Sporting Cards -
Clarksville IN
Glimmer of Hope - Vivi1886 - Amazing Fantasy, VA Beach
Gravekeeper's Rebel Assault Augusto Mota Rookies Allstars
North Hollywood CA
Graveyard DeckOUT SectKOQ Whos ON First NY
Heavy Metal The King of Spades Hobby Town Lincoln NE
Heavy Metal The King of Spades Hobbytown Lincoln NE
Hyper Spastic Beatdown - Ryan - All About Sports Winston -
Salem, NC
Just Another Beatdown - Primetime SportsCards - Zion IL
K Force 1 - Unleash The Crow - Duke Devlin Oakland CA
King of Beatdown - Justin - Outland Station Comics, Miami
Machines of Hells Fire - Kx4 collectibles - Homestead, FL
Medieval Torment - Matt Cortese - Showcase Hobbies and
Collectibles - Waterford, MI
My Average Master Beatdown - Monty Patel - BooksAMillion -
Little Rock
Not only the Best - Bill - Nutley Cards-n-Hobbies - Nulty,
Oh It Burns - Rich - Richmond Comix, VA
Peter's Strategic Beatdown 2 - Gifts for Guys-n-Gals -
Wilmington, DE
Phoenix. Cait Sith. San Leandro. CA . A World of Books
Phoenix. Cait Sith. San Leandro. CA . A World of Books
Relinquished And His Buddies - Chris Rodi Le Lunatik
Montreal Quebec Canada
Seraphim's Descent G.Domingo Northview Heights Secondary
School TorontoON
Springfield's Finest - Clancy Wiggum - Clancy Wiggum's
Hand Ownage
Springfield's Finest - Clancy Hand Ownage - By Clancy
Storm of Torment Deck Omega Star The Game Oklahoma
Suprise Beatdown Josh K. C and S collectibles-Kingwood
survival of the smartest david levesley rock bottom
southampton england
Terminator Deck Gary Toyriffic Kapolei Shopping
The Dark Circus - creon316 - Space Coast Games - Palm Bay,
The Deck of No Name - Dannyuk
The evil beatDOwN - colton linton - Mvmall, CA
Ultimate yata-beatdown deckAmerica PastimeSeaside Cali
Warriors Ralley Mark Bobo Jr. Guernsey's Clarksville
When Warriors Attack - Alex Williams - Castle Comics
Wiery Damnation by haus monkey head games selden NY
Wrath of the Gravekeepers - Kris Evans - NY Pok
Yata Beatdown Rob DiPietro Batter Up Sports Tewksbury Ma
Reports this month = 99