Card Game - Killer Deck Tourney Reports
September 1999
Report of the Month Winner - Ryan
9.6.99 Potpourri - R. Truong
9.13.99 Potpourri - R. Truong
9.20.99 Potpourri - R. Truong
9.30.99 Potpourri - R. Truong
Family Report
9.23.99 Diamond Family
9.6.99 Instant Kill Deck - Eddo
9.6.99 Hit and Run - Henry Ha
9.20.99 Fire Deck - Z. Malkocoglu

9.6.99 Stall Crazy - Eddo
9.6.99 Psychic Prism - M. Dooley
9.7.99 Ulta Stall Deck - Sam
9.13.99 Small Soldiers: Mystical Massacre
- Rage161616
9.13.99 Mime Transfer - Phil
9.23.99 No Name Deck
9.30.99 Damage Swap - D.

9.6.99 Machamp 1.2 - Brett
9.13.99 HitmonChampion - U. Shafiq
9.13.99 Beat Down - K. Sutton
9.13.99 Inferno - Blaine
9.20.99 Speedy Fight - K. Williams
9.30.99 Erm...it Happened Again! - D.

9.6.99 Dances With Blastoise - J.
9.9.99 White Rain Dance Matt
9.13.99 Dragon's Sea - Brian
9.13.99 Raindance 2000 - Y. Guo
9.17.99 Water Kingdon - U. Shafiq
9.20.99 Rain Dance - A. Mejia
9.20.99 Ultimate Rain Dance - Brian
9.20.99 Draino - (V)cAtee
9.20.99 Raindance Retrieval - A. Hess
9.30.99 Dance of the Dragons - L.
9.30.99 Typhoon - Mike
9.30.99 Hydrodance - W. New
9.30.99 Turbo Blastoise - G. Szleifer

9.6.99 Solar Powered Bee Hive -
9.6.99 Turbo Effects - Ryan
9.6.99 Allergies - T. Klundt
9.7.99 Petal Dancer - M. Resnick
9.13.99 Pidgeot Ultimate v1.02 - J.
9.13.99 Jungle Fever - Adam
9.13.99 Pidgeot Ultimate v1.03 - J.
9.14.99 Pinch - Ben
9.30.99 Venusaur Regulates Again - D.
9.30.99 Nidoslash - BJ
9.30.99 Hyper Eggs - Eddo
9.30.99 Grass Z. Brookshire
9.30.99 NSVC Team - J. Kirby
9.30.99 Razor Grass - Glenn

9.13.99 Blow 'Em Up - K. Lindsay
9.30.99 Buzzcut - TJ

9.6.99 Supernova - C. Lerch
9.20.99 Poor Man's Hay - Nate
9.20.99 Quick Attack - B. Tribble
9.30.99 Basic Beatdown - J. Bishop

9.6.99 Liquid Fire - Jon
9.13.99 Boiling Point - Luke
9.20.99 Firewave P. Tinney

9.6.99 Wannabe Haymaker 2 - J. Moran
9.6.99 Plant Super Haymaker - N.
9.13.99 ElectaChan - S. Mellinger
9.13.99 Hayamker Elite - Ryan
9.13.99 Haymaker - Bradon
9.16.99 Haylo Haymaker - DylG
9.16.99 Haymonchanmaker
9.16.99 Haymaker Party - Shawn He
9.17.99 Electric Punch v2.0 - Jessica
9.20.99 Haymaker - Chris H
9.20.99 Jigglin' Cheesemaker - Chris
9.20.99 Electric Punch v2.1 - Jessica
9.20.99 Surging Fists R. Taylor
9.22.99 Haymaker - Danny
9.22.99 Pidgey.dec - Nathan
9.22.99 Another Haymaker - T. Karde
9.30.99 Haymaker Plus - Zach
9.30.99 Super ScymonBuzz - N.
9.30.99 Ultra Haymaker - Proteus
9.30.99 "Perfect" Haymaker
- K. Nguyen
9.30.99 Boxers of Raiden - Homer

9.6.99 Potpourri - R. Truong
9.9.99 Masacre - J Ayala
9.13.99 Potpourri - R. Truong
9.20.99 Potpourri - R. Truong
9.20.99 Potpourri - D. Mason
9.20.99 Hit & Zap - K. Lindsey
9.30.99 Potpourri - R. Truong

9.6.99 With Age, Comes Wisdom - S.
9.13.99 Pounding Water - R. Zeller
9.22.99 Raging - Darrell

9.6.99 Total Wall - BJ
9.23.99 Controlled Thunder - Bagel
9.23.99 Psyplosion - T. Yale
9.30.99 New and Improved PsyPlosion -
T. Yale
9.30.99 Stalling Bolt - Thomas
9.30.99 Frightening Bolt - Thomas W.

9.7.99 Forest Fire - Bob
9.13.99 Flaming Grass - Matt
9.16.99 Ripped Jeans - D. Yagoub
9.20.99 NIdozard & Chanseykhan -
Aust X
9.20.99 Flaming Thorn - R. Adrends

9.7.99 No Name - Kubaman
9.13.99 Starter Deck - Ronaldo
9.13.99 Grass/Psy Hay - Z. Busser
9.13.99 Psybeam - Tommy
9.14.99 Toxic Barrier - Emmanuel
9.20.99 PsychoMaker - Justin B.
9.30.99 Psychic Grass - W. Leiss
9.30.99 Psyco Grass - Rok

9.7.99 BBQed - Danny G
9.30.99 Psyfirebomb - Chris D

9.9.99 Psychic Tsunami
- Kyle
9.16.99 Tsunami - TJ

9.9.99 Green Rain
9.13.99 Triangle Deck - G. Horn
9.13.99 P.E.F. Fist - Rob C

9.13.99 Psychic Block
- T. Tran
9.13.99 Brain Buster - Trick B.
9.20.99 Mr. Chan - N. SenGupta
9.20.99 PsySlash - M. Demaio
9.30.99 Psy/Fight - Greg W

9.13.99 Wigglytuff Meets
Dragonair - Shana
9.30.99 Colorless Rage - TJ

9.16.99 Plant Dojo - Ricky
9.20.99 Ripped Jeans - D. Yagoub
9.22.99 No Chansey in Hell - Sting

9.20.99 Blue Electric
- Dylan

9.20.99 Flaming Bolt - T. Hutch
9.20.99 Rapidash Wild - M. Cormier
9.22.99 Electric Burn - B. Peav
9.23.99 N-O Deck - W. Leiss
9.30.99 Lightning Burn - Chris M.
9.30.99 Tri-Color Haymaker - Will
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