Card Game - Killer Tournament Reports
November 1999
November Report of the Month Winner
11.30.99 Night Shade - J. Smith
Multi-person Reports
11.16.99 The Fearsome Foursome
11.17.99 Daniels' Brothers
Pojo Apprentice League Reports
11.30.99 Bet on Wiggly's Iron Slash
- Boyangel
One Color Decks

11.3.99 HitmonScyth - Vinny
11.17.99 Haymaker - CarCar
11.26.99 Fast Swarmers - Ta Kid
11.29.99 Kung Fu Fighting - M.
11.29.99 Do the Drain - Greg
11.30.99 Rock Bottom - E.

11.16.99 Wildfire - J. Lockner
11.17.99 Countdown to Extinction -
C. Johnson
11.22.99 Burning Hell - Kenneth
11.26.99 Toast Maker - R. Christie
11.26.99 Dancing Flames - A.
11.29.99 Lava Blast - R. Winrick
11.29.99 Super Stall - Ausenstrak
11.29.99 3rd Degree Burn - P. Boyle
11.30.99 Toastmaker - R. Christie
11.30.99 Volcanic Eruption - TJ

11.3.99 Gloom Day - K. Williams
11.3.99 Miracle Potions - Brian
11.3.99 Flying Toxic - K. Mihaly
11.3.99 Jolly Green Giants - Enrique
11.16.99 Solar Slash - BJ Robinette
11.29.99 Aerial Assault - SMarsh5932
11.30.99 Toxic grass - D. Haygen
11.30.99 Grassy Wave - Footix24
11.30.99 Poison Forest - A. Lee.

11.3.99 Thundershock Triumph -
11.3.99 Thunderbolt!
- T. Snyder
11.16.99 Frightening Lightning - J.
11.17.99 1,000 Volts - T. Fasulo
11.29.99 Thundershock Triumph v2 -
11.29.99 Thunderbolt - J. Gonzales
11.29.99 Free Money - Lobrico
11.30.99 Rolling Thunder - W. Myers
11.30.99 Super Shock - Q. Jones
11.30.99 Zap 2K - BJ Tomczik

11.16.99 Gengar's Revenge - M. Moyer
11.16.99 Share the Pain - J. Kirby
11.16.99 Gengar's Revenge - M. Moyer
11.16.99 Shadows in Motion -
11.17.99 Untouchable Psy Deck - B.
11.22.99 Share the Pain - J. Kirby
11.29.99 Gengar's Wrath - Phil
11.29.99 Psychic Fat - J. Betts
11.29.99 Psychic Edge - J. Price
11.29.99 Chances with Chansey - J.
11.29.99 Mr. Mime Time - Mike A.
11.29.99 Psymal Deck - M. Shan
11.30.99 Super Stall - B. Kline
11.30.99 Mewtwo & Friends - R.
11.30.99 Psykill - K. Larsen
11.30.99 Night Shade - J. Smith
11.30.99 Resisting Psy Deck - P.
11.30.99 Things That Go Bump In The
Night - J. Clement

11.3.99 Clefable Blastoise Assault -
M. Fallucca
11.3.99 Water Hazard - R. Pennertz
11.3.99 Blasticunodos - K. Wassus
11.3.99 Millennium
Project -
11.16.99 Wipeout - C. Johnson
11.16.99 Denial - JBob
11.16.99 Dragon Denial - Y. Huoh
11.17.99 Mini-Raindance - K. Hoffman
11.22.99 Hydrodance - Luke
11.26.99 Dragon Rage - Brice L
11.26.99 Hydrocrash - Pat
11.29.99 Turbo dance - Frost82
11.29.99 Rain Dance - Tim P.
11.29.99 Water's Revenge - A. Kim
11.29.99 Goldduck's Revenge - T.
11.29.99 Wipeout - C. Johnson
11.30.99 Raindance Denial - Holly

11.17.99 Copycat - Dom
Two Color Decks

11.6.99 Fists of Fire - James W.
11.16.99 Firefighters Haymaker - C.
11.16.99 Haymaker - Tony
11.17.99 Poor Man's Haymaker - J.
11.17.99 Fists of Fire - James W.
11.22.99 Hitmonflame - Chris
11.29.99 Fighting Flame - Brett
11.29.99 Fire Haymaker - C. Hoffman
11.29.99 CFB - E. Pham
11.30.99 Fighting Flame - Brett
11.30.99 Fists of Fire - James W.
11.30.99 Neo-Haymaker - A. Fournier

11.16.99 Solar Punch - Blah
11.26.99 Master Deck - Hater84

11.3.99 Haymaker - I. Farkas
11.16.99 Middle Class Hay - S. White
11.16.99 Slasher v1.0 - Terrence W.
11.17.99 Super Haymaker - N.
11.17.99 Haymaker 2000 - M. Wallace
11.26.99 Haymaker - M. Haffner
11.26.99 Zapmonchan - Nightwolf
11.29.99 Yet Another Hay - Rick
11.29.99 Haymaker - J. Miner
11.29.99 H.O.S. - R. Alawar
11.29.99 Triple Attack - G. Choy
11.29.99 Fast Hay - Hookups720
11.29.99 Big Bird - Buck1085
11.30.99 Prehistoric Hi Special Slash
- Bert
11.30.99 Porychan - B. Drouhard
11.30.99 Kangasbeatings - Shane
11.30.99 Haymaker Plus - Nav
11.30.99 Power Down - C. Bower

11.17.99 Psychihc-Hay-Wall - C.
11.26.99 Intimidator - Takeshi
11.29.99 Fight/Psy - Averill
11.29.99 New Age Haymaker - Emmanuel
11.29.99 Psychic Haymaker - Averill
11.29.99 Extinction - R. Haught
11.29.99 Mewtwomaker pt 3 - J Purdy
*pt 1 & 2 in Psy/Elec*
11.29.99 Fighters
Mind - A/ Wynhausens
11.30.99 Slowbro/Sandslash - Nate

11.3.99 Flaming Hydro-punch - N.
11.17.99 Double Dragon - Vegita
11.17.99 Death From Above - Takeshi
11.22.99 Fighting Waterfall -
11.22.99 HydroBrawl - S. Parikh
11.26.99 HydroForce - Joe C
11.30.99 Advanced Blackout - D.
11.30.99 Advanced Blackout -

11.3.99 Quick Damage -
11.26.99 Venosaur the Ripper - P.
11.26.99 Super Brushfire -
11.29.99 Dances with Special
FirePunches - Matthew
11.30.99 FireBeam - Pitcherua1

11.6.99 Riff 'n Run - J. Peterson
11.3.99 Pikachu Haymaker - K.
11.16.99 Electrical Fire - P. Gomez
11.16.99 Thunderspin - N. Hinton
11.16.99 Reality Check -
11.17.99 Q &P or S &D - E.
11.17.99 Electrafier - M. Boarder
11.29.99 Barnfire - G. Whitaker
11.29.99 Fire/Elec - Mrplayah
11.29.99 Reality Check -
11.30.99 Muk Madness - D. Marx
11.30.99 Electrical Fire - Pabloaoo
11.30.99 Flaming Shocking Comet Puncher
- Rage161616
11.30.99 Dirty Vile Haymaker - J.

11.3.99 Mind Burn - J. Vause
11.16.99 Mewtwo's Fire Blast - R.
11.29.99 Zantetsuken - XaqTN
11.30.99 Dark Blast - BJ Robinette
11.30.99 SuperStall2001 - Ausentrak
11.30.99 SuperStall2001 - Ausentrak

11.17.99 Energy Removal - M.
11.17.99 Super Powers- Magic
11.26.99 Fire & Water Squad - K.
11.30.99 Burning Rain - R. Barnhill

11.6.99 Scyshock - Souper

11.3.99 Darkbeam - K. Heflin
11.16.99 Grass Cutter - Tony
11.22.99 Solar Burn - BJ Robinette
11.29.99 Mr. Scyther - Glmatson
11.30.99 PsyGrassShock - A. Parikh
11.30.99 Dark Beam - K. Heflin
11.30.99 No Evolutions for You! -
11.30.99 Mr. Scyther - Anthony M.
11.30.99 Cheap Shot - Takeshi
11.30.99 Scyther Energy Removal -
A. Hafstrom

11.3.99 Mini Raindrill - K. Hoffman
11.16.99 The Poli's and the Scythers
- PJ Henderson

11.3.99 Curse You! - J. Purdy
11.16.99 The Sponge - S. Gerhardt
11.29.99 ElectaMime - Ace
11.29.99 Mewtwomaker part 1 - J. Purdy
11.29.99 Mewtwomaker part 2 - J.
11.29.99 Psyshock - Nathan P.
11.30.99 Psyshock - Nathan P.
11.30.99 Zapping Bench Buster - M.
11.30.99 Zapping Bench Buster - M.
11.30.99 Zapping bench Buster - M.

11.17.99 Electric/Water - Arrilee
11.22.99 Thunder Wave - Arrilee

11.22.99 Psychic Rain - Todd
11.29.99 Mind Games - J. Kump
11.30.99 Super Energy Removal -
Jess B.
Three-plus Color Decks

11.9.99 The
Kicking Fiend - D. Marx
11.16.99 Potpourri - M. Haffner
11.17.99 The
Kicking Fiend - D. Marx
11.22.99 Potpourri - J. Jacobs
11.26.99 Potpourri - William
11.26.99 Millennium Haymaker -
11.29.99 ElectroPunch and Mime - D.
11.30.99 Mime's Modified Massacre
- T. Keshav
11.30.99 Millennium Haymaker -
11.30.99 Jail Cell - M. Burns
11.16.99 Haybreaker - Homer
11.22.99 Haymaker's Worst Nightmare
- Bob
11.30.99 Hay Burner - K. Baumann
11.17.99 Hot Jalapeno Potpourri - R.
11.17.99 Four Wheel Drive - J. Khaou
11.17.99 Mr. Scythebuzz - L.
11.26.99 Hot Jalepeno Potpourri - R.
11.29.99 Tri-Maker - S. Lowry
11.29.99 Haypourri - Y. Guo
11.29.99 Tri-Attack - S. Lowry
11.29.99 Hot Jalepeno Potpourri -
R. Truong
11.30.99 Four Wheel Drive - J. Khaou
11.30.99 Potpourri - Jason
11.30.99 Quick Pack - A. Rickert
11.30.99 Pillage - E. Squadron
11.6.99 Charmonbuzz - DeckMaster2000
11.30.99 Anti-Haymaker - T. Keshav
11.30.99 Ultimate Redrum - Chris L.
11.16.99 The Oddities - Ausenstrak
11.17.99 HydroFireBeam - Matthew
11.17.99 Potpourri - A. Romanelli
11.17.99 Psychose - A. Laurin
11.26.99 Total Beatdown - K. Baumann
11.26.99 HayRemoval - K. Baumann
11.29.99 Hay Removal - K. Baumann
11.30.99 Electricutioner - L. Richie
11.30.99 Invisible FlamingBeam -
11.30.99 Run Away! - K. Baumann
Total Reports for November: 220
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