Card Game - Killer Tournament Reports
October 1999
Report of the Month!
10.21.99 Poor Man's Hay - Nate
Multi-person Reports
10.31.99 Team Diamonds - S.
One Color Decks

10.6.99 Hitmonfetch - A. Hirsh
10.6.99 Switcheroo - Greg
10.11.99 Fists of Fury - Webster
10.11.99 Ant-Evolution - Brett
10.11.99 Screecher - Stringdemon
10.11.99 Layin' the Smack Down -
10.13.99 Switcheroo - Greg
10.18.99 Hitmonchanlee - Bob519
10.21.99 "Perfect" Fighting
Deck - T.J. Klug
10.26.99 Extinction - Robby H.
10.26.99 Jackhammer - Luck T.
10.26.99 Seismic Toss
10.26.99 Smackdown - TJ
10.31.99 Rock Crush 1.0 - Nick V.
10.31.99 Switcheroo - Greg
10.31.99 Lickichan - Hipogriff

10.7.99 Full Power Fire Blast - J.
10.7.99 Forest Fire - T.J.
10.7.99 Fire Blast 3 - Adam
10.16.99 Flamethrower - Jmar
10.18.99 Flashfire
10.18.99 NoHoloHay - C. Mills
10.21.99 Lava Mountian - B. Muha
10.26.99 Volcanic Blaze - C. Johnson
10.26.99 Flame ON!!! - Z. Parnas
10.31.99 Super Stall 2000 -

10.6.99 Radiation - J. Kirby
10.14.99 Anti-Haymaker - Jmar
10.16.99 Scyther's Team - K. Lindsay
10.16.99 Odd Deck - GrassXpert
10.18.99 Scyther's Team - K. Lindsay
10.18.99 Slashin' Grass - Mike
10.26.99 The Green Machine - H.
10.26.99 Fast-paced - H. Pacheco
10.26.99 Scyther's Team - K. Lindsay
10.31.99 Wiggly's Green Friends - K.
10.31.99 Kick Some Grass - Darel
10.31.99 Aloe Vera - Space Ghost

10.16.99 Thunder Shock - L. Tatis
10.26.99 DeadZone - C. Sturmer
10.26.99 Zapdos' Shockwave - Elmer
10.31.99 Zapdabuzz - L. Robinson

10.6.99 Brain Power - M. Gropp
10.7.99 Ultra Stall Deck - S. Diggy
10.10.99 Mulligan Mewtwo & Friends
- D. McGuffey
10.11.99 Psychic Smack-Down - Greg
10.13.99 Psychic Showdown - Phil
10.13.99 WIcked Nightmare - N.
10.16.99 The Haunting - Matt M.
10.16.99 Ultra Kill Deck - S. Diggy
10.18.99 Ultra Kill Deck - S. Diggy
10.21.99 Psychic Showdown - Phil
10.26.99 Mr. Mime Staller - Mike A.
10.26.99 Mr. Alakazam - C. Schwartzz
10.31.99 Transfer and Kill 2 - J.
10.31.99 The Brainwasher - M.

10.6.99 Ultra Stall Water Deck -
Nick V
10.6.99 Super Blastoise - R. Carmon
10.6.99 Not A Rain Dance - J. Purdy
10.7.99 Raindance 2000...BC - Y. Guo
10.11.99 Hydrodance - L. Campbell
10.11.99 Turbo Blastoise - Sean
10.11.99 Ultra Water Stall 2.0 -
Nick V.
10.13.99 Psychic Tsunami - Kyle
10.13.99 Rain Dancer's Delight - R.
10.16.99 Rain Dance 2000 - D.
10.18.99 Rain Dance - FranceOSE
10.18.99 Fossil Rain Dance - J.
10.18.99 Articuno's Dance - R.
10.21.99 Blastwrath - AzNsHoRtY37
10.21.99 Blastoise = Win - M. Lane
10.21.99 Gyratoise - W. W. Woo
10.26.99 Rainmoval - Greg
10.31.99 Blastoise's Bodyguards -
10.31.99 Turbo Rain Dance - Chris

10.31.99 Balloon Brigade - Wes Camp
10.31.99 Colorless - Jim
Two Color Decks

10.6.99 Cheap Hay - Stan
10.6.99 Flaming Punches - V.
10.7.99 Frecata - A. Parsons
10.10.99 Flaming Punches - V.
10.11.99 Firefigher - A. Shivka
10.13.99 Poor Man's Hay - Nate
10.13.99 Firefighter
10.14.99 Poor Man's Hay - Nate
10.15.99 PoBoy - J. Clement
10.16.99 Flaming Punches - Vishal
10.18.99 Demolition Co. - Scott
10.26.99 Flaming Assault - Yoshi007
10.31.99 Flaming Punches - CVishal
10.31.99 Ropeburn - Goku56
10.31.99 My Fists Are On Fire - B.

10.6.99 Giovanni's Revenge -
Giovanni X
10.7.99 "Mullinium" Deck -
S. Becker
10.7.99 Spiked Knuckle Beam -
10.7.99 Grass/Fight - Champeny
10.10.99 Grass/Fight - B. Champeny
10.11.99 Beechamp - Matthew
10.13.99 Jungle Knockout - C.
10.18.99 Daymaker - Jonathan L.
10.26.99 Grass/Fight - K. Blanding
10.31.99 Wigglysnuff v3.01 -

10.6.99 Hitmonbuzz - A. Jordon
10.6.99 Haymaker - Adam
10.6.99 Same 'ole Haymaker - F.
10.6.99 Clefable's Haymaker -
Jessica A.
10.11.99 Bench Press - J. Lockner
10.11.99 Fast Fighting Bees - E.
10.11.99 Haymaker - Adam
10.11.99 Scythabuzz - M. Pfeiffer
10.13.99 Haymaker II - TheKev
10.13.99 Haymaker Evolutions - B.J.
10.13.99 Whiplash
10.16.99 Super Tunderpunch - N.
10.16.99 Haymaker - Adam
10.18.99 Prehistoric Pokemon - Nick
10.18.99 Making Hay - J.Felke
10.18.99 Davemaker - D. Fishel
10.18.99 Boxers of Raiden - Homer
10.26.99 Haymaker - A. Fox
10.26.99 Haymaker - Adam
10.26.99 The Better Haymaker - D.
10.26.99 Happy Hay
10.30.99 Davemaker - D. Fishel
10.31.99 Haymaker Blitz - J.
10.31.99 Haymaker - C. Brett
10.31.99 Haymaker - John G.

10.6.99 Psychic Beatdown - Z. Parnas
10.6.99 Colorless Swap - Greg W.
10.6.99 PsyKic - Mike
10.11.99 Psyfighting - R. Haught
10.11.99 The Brain - G. Whittaker
10.31.99 Psyache - R. Tiosejo
10.31.99 Eliminator - Takeshi
10.31.99 Invisible Hardhitting Dragons
- Isaiah

10.11.99 Hydrofight - Michael
10.11.99 Fight/Water - M. Mclean
10.13.99 Water Punch - M. Stepetic
10.31.99 Blind Waterfall - V.

10.11.99 Forest Fire - Tommy
10.13.99 Forest Fire - Tommy
10.26.99 Forest Fire - M. Demaio

10.6.99 N-O Deck v1.2 W. Leiss
10.6.99 Red Alert - Chet
10.6.99 Zaptres - Falcon22
10.6.99 N-O Deck v1.3 - W. Leiss
10.6.99 Flaming Thunder - Todd M.
10.11.99 N-O Deck v1.4 W. Leiss
10.11.99 Fire Storm - Chet
10.11.99 Overheated - P. Brosnan
10.11.99 Goin' Crazy with Colorless
- SSBizkit18
10.13.99 Burning Thunderstorm - J.
10.18.99 Firebolt - C. Stumner
10.21.99 ScyMarBuzz - Z. Busser
10.26.99 Reality Check -
10.31.99 NoHoloHay - C. Mills
10.31.99 Reality Check -

10.11.99 Flaming Ghosts - J. Redford
10.18.99 Psy-Fi - Ausenstrak
10.31.99 Ghostly Brushfire - D.

10.6.99 Rain of Fire - P. Terry
10.11.99 Hydro Fire - M. Steptic
10.11.99 HydroFlame - El Stingray
10.11.99 Water/Fire - H. Kim
10.16.99 Brushdance - Andy
10.31.99 White Fire in Atlantis -

10.11.99 TPunching Grip - M Demaio
10.12.99 Green Lightning - G. Smith
10.16.99 Shocking Nature - T.J.
10.31.99 Weezing's Buddies - Nick V.

10.6.99 Psy/Grass - Dave H.
10.6.99 Psychic Grass Bonanza -
10.6.99 The Disruptor
10.6.99 Poke Power Plant - F.
10.7.99 Psytrap - Dustin
10.16.99 Nidobusted - Zafer

10.14.99 VileKingStar - Josh
10.16.99 Toxic H2O - Yoshi007
10.21.99 Dragonite's Revenge
10.26.99 Dans La Luck - E.

10.7.99 Quick Mind - M. Haffner
10.11.99 Escalator - S. Gerhardt
10.11.99 Deathmaker - A. Vo.
10.16.99 Controlled Lightning -
Bagel Killer
10.21.99 Brain Storm - C. Kendrick
10.21.99 Poke'Power Plant - F.
10.21.99 Psymaker - Greg W.
10.26.99 Hypnosis - Matt
10.26.99 Bench Killer - Talon

10.11.99 Alakazam at the Beach - K.
10.13.99 Psyporeon - Gammy
10.18.99 Alakazam at the Beach -
10.31.99 Ghostly Dragons - Matthew
Three-plus Color Decks

10.6.99 Potpourri - R. Truong
10.6.99 How to Kill A Bench -
10.7.99 Potpourri 3.0 - N. SenGupta
10.11.99 Potpourri - R. Truong
10.11.99 5 color madness -
Brandon B.
10.13.99 The Holographic Aura - Mike
10.21.99 5 color madness - Brandon
10.26.99 Mr. Hitmonbuzzlee -C.
10.26.99 Something For Everyone -
10.6.99 Ice Deck - Bradley
10.18.99 Burning Thunderstorm - J.
10.7.99 Hitmoncharizam - K. Lattner
10.11.99 Potpourri Variant
10.14.99 Charizard's
Blackout - Ausenstrak
10.26.99 Fossil Potpourri - K.
Williams (Very Good)
10.31.99 Mr. NidoChamp - Matthew
10.31.99 Hot Jalepeno Potpourri
- R. Truong
10.21.99 The H-M, C-B, A-K Deck -
Stefan N.
10.26.99 Fossilized Haymaker - A. Au
10.31.99 Fire Potpourri - Big Rob
10.31.99 Odyssey - C. Hasbrouck
Total Reports for October: 220
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