Single Card Strategy -
February '00
(these are articles by fans & players of the
PoJo Request - If you are responding to
someone else's article, please put the name and date of that article in
the subject line (i.e.: RE: 6-28-99 Mr. Mime). This helps us find
where to post your article, and saves us gobs of time. Otherwise,
we will most likely toss your response in a Pile of Snorlax
Dung. ;-)
Single Card Evaluations:
Do you have Single Card Strategies?
Have you found a use for a card that no one really knows? Do you disagree with
advice noted elsewhere? We want to know! Write
Note: These submissions are editorials and may not reflects
the views of The PoJo. ;-)
Please note: Due
to the popularity of the Top 10 lists, and the Best of the Best
section, they have been incorporated into a single topic:
"What's On Top?" This section will contain any posts
that list cards in an order, whether it's the top cards in a color,
the top cards by a certain type, or just what people feel the best
cards overall is.
Also, I have once again
changed the layout of this section to try to make it easier to find
things, and still conserve space. Feel free to e-mail me at
and tell me if you like or dislike the new layout, and why.
Single Cards
<editor's note: We had a LOT of
replies to Porygon on 2/12. I only posted the first couple I
came to>
Multiple cards combos
Card Comparisons
What's On Top?
Responses to What's On Top
Other Article
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