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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day
(16+ years of MTG COTD's ... Daily since November 2001!)
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Monday thru
Friday, our Review Crew will rate and give their opinion on one card from Magic:
The Gathering. As of September 13, 2017 we've reviewed 3972 Magic cards!
Our COTD page has moved to a more
mobile friendly section! New MTG Cards of the Day can
be found here:
And our COTD Archive is here:
09.26.17 Waker of the
Wilds - Ixalan
09.25.17 Revel in
Riches - Ixalan
09.22.17 Huatli,
Warrior Poet - Ixalan
09.21.17 Mana Drain
- Legends
09.20.17 Shaper's
Sanctuary - Ixalan
09.19.17 Siren
Stormtamer - Ixalan
09.18.17 Growing
Rites of Itlimoc / Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun - Ixalan
09.15.17 Drake Haven
- Amonkhet
09.14.17 Metallic
Mimic - Aether Revolt
09.13.17 Refurbish
- Kaladesh
09.12.17 Angel of
Sanctions - Amonkhet
09.11.17 Veteran
Motorist - Kaladesh
09.08.17 Gishath,
Sun's Avatar - IXALAN
09.07.17 Allosaurus
Rider - Coldsnap
09.06.17 Sunbird's
Invocation - IXALAN
09.05.17 Kinjalli's
Sunwing - IXALAN
09.01.17 Ramos, Dragon
Engine - Commander 2017
08.31.17 Teferi's
Protection - Commander 2017
08.30.17 Alms
Collector - Commander 2017
08.29.17 Boneyard
Scourge - Commander 2017
08.28.17 Hungry Lynx
- Commander 2017
08.25.17 Inalla,
Archmage Ritualist - Commander 2017
08.24.17 The Ur-Dragon
- Commander 2017
08.23.17 Edgar Markov
- Commander 2017
08.22.17 Arahbo, Roar
of the World - Commander 2017
08.18.17 All Sun's
Dawn - Fifth Dawn
08.17.17 Kyoki,
Sanity's Eclipse - Betrayers of Kamigawa
08.16.17 Damnation
- Planar Chaos
08.15.17 Darkest Hour
- 7th Edition
08.14.17 Vampire
Nighthawk - Zendikar
08.11.17 Bontu's Last
Reckoning - Hour of Devastation
08.10.17 Threads of
Disloyalty - Betrayers of Kamigawa
08.09.17 Hollow One
- Hour of Devastation
08.08.17 Claim // Fame
- Hour of Devastation
08.07.17 Abrade -
Hour of Devastation
08.04.17 Razaketh,
the Foulblooded - Hour of Devastation
08.03.17 Traveler's
Amulet - Innistrad
08.02.17 Hour of
Devastation - Hour of Devastation
08.01.17 Uncage the
Menagerie - Hour of Devastation
07.31.17 Ramunap
Excavator - Hour of Devastation
07.28.17 Nicol Bolas,
God-Pharaoh - Hour of Devastation
07.27.17 Doomsday
- Weatherlight
07.26.17 The Scarab
God - Hour of Devastation
07.25.17 The Locust
God - Hours of Devastation
07.24.17 The Scorpion
God - Hour of Devastation
07.21.17 Pride
Sovereign - Amonkhet
07.20.17 Lord of
Extinction - Alara Reborn
07.19.17 Torment of
Scarabs - Hour of Devastation
07.18.17 Crested
Sunmare - Hour of Devastation
07.18.17 Strategic
Planning - Hour of Devastation
07.14.17 Nissa
Worldwaker - Amonkhet
07.13.17 Obsidian
Fireheart - Zendikar
07.12.17 Inferno
Titan - Archenemy: Nicol Bolas
07.11.17 Gideon Jura
- Amonkhet
07.10.17 Chandra,
Pyromancer - Archenemy: Nicol Bolas
07.07.17 Rewind -
Modern Masters 2017
07.06.17 Avatar of
Hope - Prophecy
07.05.17 Pyromancer
Ascension - Modern Masters 2017
06.30.17 Liliana of
the Veil - Innistrad
06.29.17 Demonic
Consultation - Ice Age
06.28.17 Lingering
Souls - Modern Masters 2017
06.27.17 Rest in
Peace - Return to Ravnica
06.26.17 Death’s
Shadow - Worldwake
06.23.17 Karlov of
the Ghost Council - Commander 2015
06.22.17 Captain
Sisay - Invasion
06.21.17 Leovold,
Emissary of Trest - Conspiracy: Take the Crown
06.20.17 Kraum,
Ludevic's Opus - Commander 2016
06.19.17 Vial Smasher
the Fierce - Commander 2016
06.16.17 Bontu the
Glorified - Amonkhet
Soul Spike - Coldsnap
06.14.17 Kefnet the
Mindful - Amonkhet
06.13.17 Rhonas the
Indomitable - Amonkhet
06.12.17 Hazoret the
Fervent - Amonkhet
06.09.17 Faith of the
Devoted - Amonkhet
06.08.17 Battle of
Wits - Odyssey
06.07.17 Aetherworks
Marvel - Kaladesh
06.06.17 Expropriate
- Conspiracy: Take the Crown
06.05.17 Approach of
the Second Sun - Amonkhet
06.02.17 Liliana,
Death's Majesty - Amonkhet
06.01.17 Magma Spray
- Shards of Alara
05.31.17 Censor -
05.30.17 Cast Out
- Amonkhet
05.26.17 Dark Ritual
- Alpha
05.25.17 Mind Twist
- Alpha
05.24.17 Consecrated
Sphinx - Mirrodin Besieged
05.23.17 Vindicate
- Eternal Masters
05.22.17 Aven
Mindcensor - Amonkhet - 3900th COTD!
05.19.17 Prowling
Serpopard - Amonkhet
05.18.17 Gamble -
Urza's Saga
05.17.17 Shadow of the
Grave - Amonkhet
05.16.17 Manglehorn
- Amonkhet
05.15.17 Harsh Mentor
- Amonkhet
Archfiend of Ifnir - Amonkhet
05.11.17 Divert -
05.10.17 As Foretold
- Amonkhet
05.09.17 Pull from
Tomorrow - Amonkhet
05.08.17 Glorybringer
- Amonkhet
05.05.17 Sandwurm
Convergence - Amonkhet
05.04.17 Ali from Cairo
- Arabian Nights
05.03.17 Oketra the
True - Amonkhet
05.02.17 Glorious End
- Amonkhet
05.01.17 Plague Belcher
- Amonkhet
04.28.17 Gideon of
the Trials - Amonkhet
Shatterstorm - Antiquities
04.26.17 Vizier of
the Menagerie - Amonkhet
04.25.17 Samut,
Voice of Dissent - Amonkhet
04.25.17 Nissa,
Steward of Elements - Amonkhet
04.21.17 Snap -
Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might
04.20.17 Mind's
Desire - Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might
04.19.17 Shivan
Meteor - Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might
04.18.17 Grapeshot
- Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might
04.17.17 Nivix
Cyclops - Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might
04.13.17 Night of
Souls' Betrayal - Champions of Kamigawa
04.12.17 Cavern of
Souls - Modern Masters 2017
04.11.17 Falkenrath
Aristocrat - Modern Masters 2017
04.10.17 Craterhoof
Behemoth - Modern Masters 2017
04.07.17 Soul Ransom
- Modern Masters 2017
04.06.17 Hymn of
Rebirth - Ice Age
04.05.17 Aethermage's
Touch - Modern Masters 2017
04.04.17 Agent of
Masks - Modern Masters 2017
04.03.17 Coiling
Oracle - Modern Masters 2017
Venser, Shaper Savant
- Modern Masters 2017
03.30.17 Bazaar of Baghdad - Arabian Nights
03.29.17 Ranger of Eos - Modern Masters 2017
03.28.17 Goblin Guide - Modern Masters 2017
03.27.17 Avacyn's Pilgrim - Modern Masters 2017 ------
03.21.17 Past in Flames - Aether Revolt
03.20.17 Linvala, Keeper of Silence - Modern Masters 2017 ------
03.17.17 Tarmogoyf - Modern Masters 2017
03.16.17 Blood Moon - The Dark
03.15.17 Terminus - Modern Masters 2017
03.14.17 Zur the Enchanter - Modern Masters 2017
03.13.17 Damnation - Aether Revolt -----
03.10.17 Indomitable Creativity - Aether Revolt
03.09.17 Atog - Antquities
03.08.17 Hope of Ghirapur - Aether Revolt
03.07.17 Call for Unity
- Aether Revolt
03.06.17 Trophy Mage - Aether Revolt
03.03.17 Domri Rade - Gatecrash
03.02.17 Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker - Conflux
03.01.17 Sorin, Grim Nemesis - Shadows over Innistrad
02.28.17 Ajani Unyielding - Aether Revolt
02.27.17 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets - Shadows over Innistrad
02.24.17 Walking
Ballista - Aether Revolt
02.23.17 Ornithopter
- Antiquities
02.22.17 Tezzeret's
Touch - Aether Revolt
02.21.17 Baral, Chief
of Compliance - Aether Revolt
02.20.17 Mechanized
Production - Aether Revolt
02.17.17 Inspiring
Statuary - Aether Revolt
02.16.17 Heroic
Intervention - Aether Revolt
02.15.17 Paradox
Engine - Aether Revolt
02.14.17 Gonti's
Aether Heart - Aether Revolt
02.10.17 Melira,
Sylvok Outcast - New Phyrexia
02.09.17 Inkmoth Nexus
- Mirrodin Besieged
02.08.17 Karn Liberated
- New Phyrexia
02.07.17 Doubling
Season - Ravnica: City of Guilds
02.06.17 Horobi,
Death's Wail - Champions of Kamigawa
02.03.17 Monstrous
Onslaught - Aether Revolt
02.02.17 Sly
Requisitioner - Aether Revolt
02.01.17 Cogwork
Assembler - Aether Revolt
01.31.17 Battle at the
Bridge - Aether Revolt
01.30.17 Exquisite
Archangel - Aether Revolt
01.27.17 Fatal Push - Aether Revolt
01.26.17 Heart of Kiran - Aether
01.25.17 Yahenni's Expertise - Aether
01.24.17 Felidar Guardian - Aether
01.23.17 Disallow - Aether Revolt
01.20.17 Rishkar, Peema Renegade -
Aether Revolt
01.19.17 Oath of Ajani - Aether Revolt
01.18.17 Sram's Expertise - Aether
01.17.17 Shock - Aether Revolt
01.16.17 Spire of Industry - Aether
01.13.17 Narnam Renegade - Aether
01.12.17 Unbridled Growth - Aether
01.11.17 Lifecraft Awakening - Aether
01.10.17 Maulfist Revolutionary -
Aether Revolt
01.09.17 Highspire Infusion - Aether
01.06.17 Fleetwheel Cruiser - Kaladesh
01.05.17 General Tazri - Oath of the
01.04.17 Gisa and Geralf - Eldritch
01.03.17 Grim Flayer - Eldritch Moon
Top 10 New MTG Cards of 2016
12.30.16 #1 - Saskia the Unyielding -
Commander 2016
12.29.16 #2 - Nahiri,
the Harbinger - Shadows over Innistrad
12.28.16 #3 - Emrakul, the Promised End
- Eldritch Moon
12.27.16 #4 - Archangel Avacyn / Avacyn,
The Purifier - Shadows Over Innistrad
12.26.16 #5 - Chandra, Torch of Defiance
- Kaladesh
12.23.16 #6 - Thought-Knot Seer - Oath
of Gatewatch - 3800th MTG COTD!
12.22.16 #7 - Call the Gatewatch - Oath of the Gatewatch
12.21.16 #8 - Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet - Oath of Gatewatch
12.20.16 #9 - Spell Queller - Eldritch Moon
12.16.16 #10 Ulrich of the Krallenhorde / Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha - Eldritch Moon ------
12.15.16 Armory Automaton - Commander 2016
12.14.16 Silas Renn, Seeker Adept - Commander 2016
12.13.16 Grip of Phyresis - Commander 2016
12.12.16 Magus of the Will - Commander 2016 -----
12.09.16 Toolcraft Exemplar - Kaladesh
12.08.16 Thalia's Lieutenant - Shadows over Innistrad
12.07.16 Stern Constable - Shadows over Innistrad
12.06.16 Scrapheap Scrounger - Kaladesh
12.05.16 Expedition Envoy - Battle for Zendikar -----
12.02.16 Breya, Etherium Shaper - Commander 2016
12.01.16 Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder - Commander 2016
11.30.16 Atraxa, Praetor's Voice - Commander 2016
11.29.16 Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis - Commander 2016
11.28.16 Saskia the Unyielding - Commander 2016 -----
11.25.16 Master of the Feast - Journey into Nyx
11.21.16 Dusk Feaster - Eldritch Moon -----
11.18.16 Aetherflux Reservoir - Kaladesh
11.17.16 Insidious Will - Kaladesh
11.16.16 Gonti, Lord of Luxury - Kaladesh
11.15.16 Padeem, Consul of Innovation - Kaladesh
11.14.16 Foundry Inspector - Kaladesh -----
11.11.16 Aether Hub - Kaladesh
11.10.16 Cataclysmic Gearhulk - Kaladesh
11.09.16 Saheeli Rai - Kaladesh
11.08.16 Dovin Baan - Kaladesh
11.07.16 Verdurous Gearhulk - Kaladesh ------
11.04.16 Ajani Vengeant - Shards of Alara
11.03.16 Commandeer - Coldsnap
11.02.16 Imp's Mischief - Planar Chaos
11.01.16 Catastrophe - Urza's Saga
10.31.16 Sunder - Urza's Saga -----
10.28.16 Hijack - Kaladesh
10.27.16 Giant Spectacle - Kaladesh
10.26.16 Peema Outrider - Kaladesh
10.25.16 Subtle Strike - Kaladesh
10.24.16 Dhund Operative - Kaladesh -----
10.21.16 Panharmonicon - Kaladesh
10.20.16 Bomat Courier - Kaladesh
10.19.16 Ghirapur Orrery - Kaladesh
10.18.16 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship - Kaladesh
10.17.16 Animation Module - Kaladesh ------
10.14.16 Metallurgic Summonings - Kaladesh
10.13.16 Combustible Gearhulk - Kaladesh
10.12.16 Noxious Gearhulk - Kaladesh
10.11.16 Torrential Gearhulk - Kaladesh
10.10.16 Rashmi, Eternities Crafter - Kaladesh -----
10.07.16 Nissa, Vital Force - Kaladesh
10.06.16 Filigree Familiar - Kaladesh
10.05.16 Aetherworks Marvel - Kaladesh
10.04.16 Chandra, Torch of Defiance - Kaladesh
10.03.16 Smuggler's Copter - Kaladesh -----
09.30.16 Forgotten Ancient - Scourge
09.29.16 Hundred-Handed One - Conspiracy: Take the Crown
09.28.16 Kiln Fiend - Rise of the Eldrazi
09.27.16 Followed Footsteps - Ravnica: City of Guilds
09.26.16 Subterranean Tremors - Conspiracy: Take the Crown -----
09.23.16 Protector of the Crown - Conspiracy: Take the Crown
09.22.16 Queen Marchesa - Eldritch Moon -----
09.09.16 Ulvenweld Observer - Eldritch Moon
09.08.16 Ishkanah, Grafwidow - Eldritch Moon
09.07.16 Summary Dismissal - Eldritch Moon
09.06.16 Mind's Dilation - Eldritch Moon -----
09.02.16 Diabolic Edict - Tempest
09.01.16 Cabal Ritual - Torment
08.31.16 Sakura-Tribe Elder - Champions of Kamigawa
08.30.16 Lotus Petal - Tempest
08.29.16 Hymn to Tourach - Fallen Empires -----
08.26.16 Necropotence - Eternal Masters
08.25.16 Pyromancer’s Ascension - Zendikar
08.24.16 Whispers of Emrakul - Eldritch Moon
08.23.16 Qasali Ambusher - Shards of Alara
08.22.16 Venser, the Sojourner - Scars of Mirrodin -----
08.19.16 Permeating Mass - Eldritch Moon
08.18.16 Wharf Infiltrator - Eldritch Moon
08.17.16 Imprisoned in the Moon - Eldritch Moon
08.16.16 Sigarda's Aid - Eldritch Moon
08.15.16 Harmless Offering - Eldritch Moon -----
08.12.16 Prey Upon - Eldritch Moon
08.11.16 Otherworldy Outburst - Eldritch Moon
08.10.16 Desperate Sentry - Eldritch Moon
08.09.16 Fogwalker - Eldritch Moon
08.08.16 Contingency Plan - Eldritch Moon ------
08.05.16 Eldritch Evolution - Eldritch Moon
08.04.16 Foul Emissary - Eldritch Moon
08.03.16 Distended Mindbender - Eldritch Moon - 3700th COTD
08.02.16 Liliana, the Last Hope - Eldritch Moon
08.01.16 Spell Queller - Eldritch Moon -----
07.29.16 Deploy the Gatewatch - Eldritch Moon
07.27.16 Thalia's Lancers - Eldritch Moon
07.26.16 Stromkirk Occultist - Eldritch Moon
07.25.16 Splendid Reclamation - Eldritch Moon -----
07.22.16 Dark Salvation - Eldritch Moon
07.21.16 Collective Effort - Eldritch Moon
07.20.16 Bruna, the Fading Light - Eldritch Moon
07.19.16 Iskanah Grafwidow - Eldritch Moon
07.18.16 Decimator of the Provinces - Eldritch Moon ------
07.15.16 Tamiyo, Field Researcher - Eldritch Moon
07.14.16 Elder Deep-Fiend - Eldritch Moon
07.13.16 Emrakul, the Promised End - Eldritch Moon
07.12.16 Identity Thief - Eldritch Moon
07.11.16 Blessed Alliance - Eldritch Moon -----
07.08.16 Assembled Alphas - Eldritch Moon
07.07.16 Tree of Perdition - Eldritch Moon
07.06.16 Niblis of Frost - Eldritch Moon
07.05.16 Thalia, Heretic Cathar - Eldritch Moon -----
07.01.16 Sylvan Library - Eternal Masters
06.30.16 Sensei's Diving Top - Eternal Masters
06.29.16 Sneak Attack - Eternal Masters
06.28.16 Vampiric Tutor - Eternal Masters
06.27.16 Karaka - Eternal Masters -------
06.24.16 Westvale Abbey - SHADOWS OVER INNISTRAD
06.23.16 Nahiri, the Harbinger - Shadows over Innistrad
06.22.16 Declaration in Stone - Shadows over Innistrad
06.21.16 Duskwatch Recruiter / Krallenhorde Howler - Shadows over Innistrad/li>
06.20.16 Fevered Visions - Shadows over Innistrad -----
06.17.16 Armadillo Cloak - Eternal Masters
06.16.16 Commune with the Gods - Eternal Masters
06.15.16 Avarax - Eternal Masters
06.14.16 Jetting Glasskite - Eternal Masters
06.13.16 Coalition Honor Guard - Eternal Masters -----
06.10.16 Rorix Bladewing - Eternal Masters
06.09.16 Void - Eternal Masters
06.08.16 Call the Skybreaker - Eternal Masters
06.07.16 Giant Solifuge - Eternal Masters
06.06.16 Mother of Runes - Eternal Masters -----
06.02.16 Mana Crypt - Eternal Masters
06.01.16 Sinkhole - Eternal Masters
05.31.16 Force of Will - Eternal Masters -----
05.27.16 Captain of the Mists - Duel Decks: Blessed vs. Cursed
05.26.16 Eerie Interlude - Duel Decks: Blessed vs. Cursed
05.25.16 Gravecrawler - Duel Decks: Blessed vs. Cursed
05.24.16 Champion of the Parish - Duel Decks: Blessed vs. Cursed
05.23.16 Geist of Saint Traft - Duel Decks: Blessed vs. Cursed -----
05.20.16 Seasons Past - Shadows over Innistrad
05.19.16 Dragonlord Atarka - Dragons of Tarkir
05.18.16 Sylvan Advocate - Oath of Gatewatch
05.17.16 Zulaport Cutthroat - Battle of Zendikar
05.16.16 Blisterpod - Battle of Zendikar ------
05.13.16 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet - Oath of Gatewatch
05.12.16 Tireless Tracker - Shadows over Innistrad
05.11.16 Transgress the Mind - Battle for Zendikar
05.10.16 Kolaghan's Command - Dragons of Tarkir
05.09.16 Fiery Impulse - Origins ------
05.06.16 Phyrexian Unlife - New Phyrexia
05.05.16 Pentad Prism - Planechase
05.04.16 Spoils of the Vault - Mirrodin
05.03.16 Lightning Storm - Coldsnap
05.02.16 Angel's Grace - Modern Masters ------
04.29.16 Zendikar Resurgent - Shadows over Innistrad
04.28.16 Sphinx of the Final Word - Shadows over Innistrad
04.27.16 Chandra Flamecaller - Shadows over Innistrad
04.26.16 Linvala, the Preserver - Shadows over Innistrad
04.25.16 Stone Haven Outfitter - Shadows over Innistrad -----
04.22.16 Diregraf Zombie thing - Shadows over Innistrad
04.21.16 Open the Armory - Shadows over Innistrad
04.20.16 Bygone Bishop - Shadows over Innistrad
04.19.16 Anguished Unmaking - Shadows over Innistrad
04.18.16 Traverse the Ulvenwald - Shadows over Innistrad -----
04.15.16 Accursed Witch / Infectious Curse - Shadows over Innistrad
04.14.16 Town Gossipmonger / Incited Rabble - Shadows over Innistrad
04.13.16 Thraben Inspector - Shadows over Innistrad
04.12.16 Ulvenwald Mysteries - Shadows over Innistrad
04.11.16 Gryff's Boon - Shadows over Innistrad ------
04.08.16 Mindwrack Demon - Shadows over Innistrad
04.07.16 Startled Awake / Persistent Nightmare - Shadows over Innistrad
04.06.16 Geralf's Masterpiece - Shadows over Innistrad
04.05.16 The Gitrog Monster - Shadows over Innistrad
04.04.16 Sage of Ancient Lore / Werewolf of Ancient Hunger - Shadows over Innistrad -----
04.01.16 Olivia, Mobilized for War - Shadows over Innistrad
03.31.16 Behold the Beyond - Shadows over Innistrad
03.30.16 Always Watching - Shadows over Innistrad
03.29.16 Asylum Visitor - Shadows over Innistrad
03.28.16 Dual Lands - Shadows over Innistrad ------
03.25.16 Soul Swallower - Shadows Over Innistrad
03.24.16 Elusive Tormentor / Insidious Mist - Shadows Over Innistrad
03.23.16 Archangel Avacyn / Avacyn, The Purifier - Shadows Over Innistrad
03.22.16 Aberrant Researcher / Perfected Form - Shadows Over Innistrad
03.21.16 Relentless Dead - Shadows Over Innistrad ------
03.16.16 Brain in a Jar - Shadows Over Innistrad
03.15.16 Heir of Falkenrath / Heir to the Night - Shadows Over Innistrad
03.14.16 Thing in the Ice / Awoken Horror - Shadows Over Innistrad ------
03.11.16 Linvala, the Preserver - Oath of Gatewatch
03.10.16 Bearer of Silence - Oath of Gatewatch - 3600th COTD
03.09.16 World Breaker - Oath of Gatewatch
03.08.16 Eldrazi Displacer - Oath of Gatewatch
03.07.16 Stormchaser Mage - Oath of Gatewatch ------
03.04.16 Eldrazi Mimic - Oath of Gatewatch
03.03.16 Ruin in their wake - Oath of Gatewatch
03.02.16 Consuming Sinkhole - Oath of Gatewatch
03.01.16 Inverter of Truth - Oath of Gatewatch
02.29.16 Dimensional Infiltrator - Oath of Gatewatch ------
02.26.16 Orim's Chant - Planeshift
02.25.16 Siege-Gang Commander -Scourge
02.24.16 Quirion Dryad - Planeshift
02.23.16 Wasteland - Tempest
02.22.16 Force of Will - Alliances -----
02.17.16 Grim Haruspex - Ugin's Fate
02.16.16 Elvish Visionary - Commander 2015
02.15.16 Catacomb Sifter - Oath of Gatewatch -----
02.12.16 Merciless Eviction - Gatecrash
02.11.16 Opportunity - Urza's Legacy
02.10.16 Exploration - Urza's Saga
02.09.16 Strength of Unity - Invasion
02.08.16 Chance Encounter - Odyssey ------
02.05.16 Grenzo, Dungeon Warden - Oath of Gatewatch
02.04.16 Brago, King Eternal - Conspiracy
02.03.16 Zedruu the Greathearted - Magic: The Gathering-Commander
02.02.16 Maelstrom Wanderer - Commander's Arsenal
02.01.16 Damia, Sage of Stone - Magic: The Gathering-Commander -----
01.29.16 Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim - Oath of Gatewatch
01.28.16 Pyromancer's Assault - Oath of Gatewatch
01.27.16 Oath of Gideon - Oath of Gatewatch
01.26.16 Mirrorpool - Oath of Gatewatch
01.25.16 Deceiver of Form - Oath of Gatewatch ------
01.22.16 Jori En, Ruin Diver - Oath of Gatewatch
01.21.16 Kozilek's Return - Oath of Gatewatch
01.20.16 Reflector Mage - Oath of Gatewatch
01.19.16 Oath of Jace - Oath of Gatewatch
01.18.16 Sea Gate Wreckage - Oath of Gatewatch ------
01.15.16 Endbringer - Oath of Gatewatch
01.14.16 Thought-Knot Seer - Oath of Gatewatch
01.13.16 Warping Wail - Oath of Gatewatch
01.12.16 Reality Smasher - Oath of Gatewatch
01.11.16 Matter Reshaper - Oath of Gatewatch -----
01.08.16 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar - Oath of Gatewatch
01.07.16 Dread Defiler - Oath of Gatewatch
01.06.16 Kozilek, the Great Distortion - Oath of Gatewatch
01.05.16 Crush of Tentacles - Oath of Gatewatch
01.04.16 Goblin Dark-Dwellers - Oath of Gatewatch -----
Top 10 New MTG Cards of 2015
12.31.15 #1 - Jace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath Unbound - MTG Origins
12.30.15 #2 - Gideon, Ally of Zendikar - Battle for Zendikar
12.29.15 #3 - Dragonlord Ojutai - Dragons of Tarkir
12.28.15 #4 - Collected Company - Dragons of Tarkir
12.23.15 #5 - Titan's Strength - Magic Origins
12.22.15 #6 - Tasigur, the Golden Fang - Fate Reforged
12.18.15 #7 - Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer - Origins
12.17.15 #8 - Brutal Hordechief - Fate Reforged
12.16.15 #9 - Hangarback Walker - Magic Origins
12.15.15 #10 -Meren of Clan Nel Toth - Commander 2015
12.14.15 Honorable Mention - Soulflayer - Fate Reforged -----
12.11.15 Counterbalance - Coldsnap
12.10.15 Gurmag Angler - Fate Reforged
12.09.15 Crop Rotation - Urza's Legacy
12.08.15 Manabond - Exodus
12.07.15 Gaddock Teeg - Lorwyn ------
12.04.15 Vigor - Lorwyn
12.03.15 Voidmage Husher - Battle for Zendikar
12.02.15 Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger - Battle for Zendikar
12.01.15 Burnished Hart - Commander 2015
11.30.15 Bane of Progress - Commander 2015 -----
11.26.15 Deadeye Navigator - Avacyn Restored
11.24.15 Brawn - Judgment
11.23.15 Copper Gmomes - Urza's Saga -----
11.20.15 Null Rod - Weatherlight
11.19.15 Ring of Three Wishes - M14
11.18.15 Cloudstone Curio - Ravnica: City of Guilds
11.17.15 Ashnod's Altar - Antiquities
11.17.15 Caged Sun - New Phyrexia -----
11.13.15 Toxic Deluge - Commander 2013 Edition
11.12.15 Wargate - Alara Reborn
11.11.15 Beacon of Tomorrows - Fifth Dawn
11.10.15 Aftershock - Tempest
11.09.15 Acquire - Battle for Zendikar -----
11.06.15 Swan Song - Theros
11.05.15 Terminate - Planeshift
11.04.15 Worldly Tutor - Mirage
11.03.15 Tainted Pact - Odyssey
11.02.15 Capsize - Tempest -----
10.30.15 Ob Nixilis Reignited - Battle for Zendikar
10.29.15 Desolation Twin - Battle for Zendikar
10.28.15 Void Winnower - Battle for Zendikar
10.27.15 Aligned Hedron Network - Battle for Zendikar
10.26.15 Sire of Stagnation - Battle for Zendikar ------
10.16.15 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger - Battle for Zendikar
10.15.15 Kiora, Master of the Depths - Battle for Zendikar
10.14.15 Zada, Hedron Grinder - Battle for Zendikar
10.13.15 Part the Waterveil - Battle for Zendikar
10.12.15 Emeria Shepherd - Battle for Zendikar -----
10.09.15 Cryptic Cruiser - Battle for Zendikar
10.08.15 Oracle of Dust - Battle for Zendikar
10.07.15 Smothering Abomination - Battle for Zendikar
10.06.15 Ulamog's Nullifier - Battle for Zendikar
10.05.15 Brutal Expulsion - Battle for Zendikar -----
10.02.15 Skyrider Elf - Battle for Zendikar - 3,500th COTD!
10.01.15 Undergrowth Champion - Battle for Zendikar
09.30.15 Ruinous Path - Battle for Zendikar
09.29.15 Greenwarden of Murasa - Battle for Zendikar
09.28.15 Endless One - Battle for Zendikar -----
09.25.15 Sentinel of the Eternal Watch - Origins
09.24.15 Outland Colossus - Origins
09.23.15 Kytheon's Irregulars - Origins
09.22.15 Chandra's Ignition - Origins -----
09.16.15 Gilt-Leaf Winnower - Origins
09.15.15 Topan Freeblade - Origins
09.14.15 Nantuko Husk - Origins -----
09.11.15 Foul-Tongue Invocation - Dragons of Tarkir
09.10.15 Dragon Hunter - Dragons of Tarkir
09.09.15 Monastery Swiftspear - Khans of Tarkir
09.08.15 Foul-Tongue Invocation - Dragons of Tarkir -----
History of Dual Lands:
09.04.15 Scry Lands - Theros
09.03.15 Gate-lands - Return to Ravnica & Gatecrash
09.02.15 Conditional Tap Lands - Mirrodin
09.01.15 Animating Dual Lands - Worldwake
08.31.15 Tap Lands - Zendikar
08.28.15 Bounce Lands - Ravnica (2005)
08.27.15 Shock Lands - Ravnica (2005)
08.26.15 Tainted Lands - Torment (2002)
08.25.15 Filter Lands - Odyssey (2001)
08.24.15 Enemy Pain Lands - Apocalypse (2001)
08.21.15 Tap Lands - Invasion (2000)
08.20.15 Slow Lands - Tempest (1997)
08.19.15 Depletion Lands - Ice Age (1995)
08.18.15 Pain Lands - Ice Age (1995)
08.17.15 The Original Dual Lands - Alpha, Beta, Unlimited & Revised (1993) -----
08.13.15 Titan's Strength - Origins
08.12.15 Hangarback Walker - Origins
08.11.15 Abbot of Keral Keep - Origins -----
08.06.15 Harbinger of the Tides - Origins
08.05.15 Whirler Rogue - Origins
08.04.15 Goblin Glory Chaser - Origins
08.03.15 Priest of the Blood Rite - Origins -----
07.30.15 The Great Aurora - Origins
07.29.15 Animist's Awakening - Origins
07.28.15 Kothophed, Soul Hoarder - Origins
07.27.15 Nissa's Pilgrimage - Origins
-------07.24.15 Managorger Hydra - Origins
07.23.15 Pyromancer's Goggles - Origins
07.22.15 Pia and Kiran Nalaar - Origins
07.21.15 Woodland Bellower - Origins
07.20.15 Tragic Arrogance - Origins -----
07.17.15 Day's Undoing - Origins
07.16.15 Shaman of the Pack - Origins
07.15.15 Exquisite Firecraft - Origins - 3400th COTD!
07.14.15 Languish - Origins
07.13.15 Goblin Piledriver - Origins -----
07.10.15 Avaricious Dragon - Origins
07.09.15 Dark Petition - Origins
07.08.15 Alhammarret, High Arbiter - Origins
07.07.15 Archangel of Tithes - Origins
07.06.15 Foundry of the Consuls - Dragons of Tarkir -----
07.02.15 Ravaging Blaze - Origins
07.01.15 Elemental Bond - Origins
06.30.15 Subterranean Scout - Origins
06.29.15 Tainted Remedy - Origins -----
06.26.15 Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer - Origins
06.25.15 Kytheon, Hero of Akros // Gideon Battle Forged - Origins
06.24.15 Nissa, Vastwood Seer // Nissa, Sage Animalist - Origins
06.23.15 Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh // Chandra, Roaring Flame - Origins
06.22.15 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath Unbound - Origins -----
06.19.15 Eye of Ugin - Modern Masters 2015
06.18.15 Expedition Map - Modern Masters 2015
06.17.15 Chromatic Sphere - Mirrodin
06.16.15 Ancient Stirrings - Rise of Eldrazi
06.15.15 Urza's Tower - Master's Edition IV ------
06.12.15 Sanity Grinding - Modern Masters
06.11.15 Countryside Crusher - Modern Masters
06.10.15 Bitterblossom - Modern Masters
06.09.15 Necroskitter - Modern Masters
06.08.15 Creakwood Liege - Modern Masters ------
06.05.15 Cairn Wanderer - Dragons of Tarkir
06.04.15 Hearthfire Hobgoblin - Modern Masters
06.03.15 Aphotic Wisps - Shadowmoor
06.02.15 Rhys the Exiled - Dragons of Tarkir
06.01.15 Rhys the Redeemed - Shadowmoor -----
05.29.15 Mana Crypt - Promo
05.28.15 Tinker - Urza's Legacy
05.27.15 Dark Confidant - Ravnica, City of Guilds
05.26.15 Balance - Alpha+ -----
05.22.15 Rite of Replication - Zendikar
05.21.15 Natural Order - Portal
05.20.15 Wheel of Fortune - Alpha
05.19.15 Land Tax - Legends
05.18.15 Strip Mine - Antiquities -----
05.15.15 Kaalia of the Vast - MTG Commander
05.14.15 Eight-and-a-Half-Tails - Champions of Kamigawa
05.13.15 Jhoira of the Ghitu - Modern Masters
05.12.15 Derevi, Empyrial Tactician - Commander 2013
05.11.15 Oloro, Ageless Ascetic - Commander 2013 ------
05.08.15 Aerie Bowmasters - Dragons of Tarkir
05.07.15 Belltoll Dragon - Dragons of Tarkir
05.06.15 Anticipate - Dragons of Tarkir
05.05.15 Narset Transcendent - Dragons of Tarkir
05.04.15 Atarka's Command - Dragons of Tarkir - 3350th COTD -----
05.01.15 Clone Legion - Dragons of Tarkir
04.30.15 Commune with Lava - Dragons of Tarkir
04.29.15 Sarkhan Unbroken - Dragons of Tarkir
04.28.15 Dragonlord Dromoka - Dragons of Tarkir
04.27.15 Sidisi, Undead Vizier - Dragons of Tarkir -----
04.24.15 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit - Dragons of Tarkir
04.23.15 Gudul Lurker - Dragons of Tarkir
04.22.15 Herald of Dromoka - Dragons of Tarkir
04.21.15 Avatar of the Resolute - Dragons of Tarkir
04.20.15 Secure the Wastes - Dragons of Tarkir -----
04.17.15 Roast - Dragons of Tarkir
04.16.15 Ultimate Price - Dragons of Tarkir
04.15.15 Zurgo Bellstriker - Dragons of Tarkir
04.14.15 Silumgar's Scorn - Dragons of Tarkir
04.13.15 Dragonic Roar - Dragons of Tarkir -----
04.10.15 Hidden Dragonslayer - Dragons of Tarkir
04.09.15 Rakshasa Gravecaller - Dragons of Tarkir
04.08.15 Thunderbreak Regent - Dragons of Tarkir
04.07.15 Silumgar Sorcerer - Dragons of Tarkir
04.06.15 Dragonlord Ojutai - Dragons of Tarkir -----
04.03.15 Deathmist Raptor - Dragons of Tarkir
04.02.15 Dragon Whisperer - Dragons of Tarkir
04.01.15 Pitiless Horde - Dragons of Tarkir
03.31.15 Ojutai Exemplars - Dragons of Tarkir
03.31.15 Illusory Gains - Dragons of Tarkir -----
03.20.15 Dragonmaster Outcast - Worldwake
03.19.15 Eternal Dragon - Scourge
03.18.15 Nicol Bolas - Legends
03.17.15 Form of the Dragon - Scourge
03.16.15 Shivan Dragon - Alpha/Beta > M15 -----
03.13.15 Grave Strength - Fate Reforged
03.12.15 Archfiend of Depravity - Fate Reforged
03.11.15 Mardu Shadowspear - Fate Reforged
03.10.15 Mardu Strike Leader - Fate Reforged
03.09.15 Ancestral Vengeance - Fate Reforged -----
03.06.15 Grim Contest - Fate Reforged
03.05.15 Soulflayer - Fate Reforged
03.04.15 Renowned Weaponsmith - Fate Reforged
03.03.15 Torment Elemental - Fate Reforged
03.02.15 Valorous Stance - Fate Reforged -----
02.27.15 Scroll of the Master - Fate Reforged
02.26.15 Atarka, World Render - Fate Reforged
02.25.15 Friendly Fire - Fate Reforged
02.24.15 Dragonrage - Fate Reforged
02.23.15 Write into Being - Fate Reforged -----
02.20.15 Master of the Unseen - Fate Reforged
02.19.15 Alesha, Who Smiles At Death - Fate Reforged
02.18.15 Reality Shift - Fate Reforged
02.17.15 Warden of the First Tree - Fate Reforged
02.16.15 Ghastly Conscription - Fate Reforged - 3300th COTD ------
02.13.15 Ojutai, Soul of Winter - Fate Reforged
02.12.15 Silumgar, the Drifting Death - Fate Reforged
02.11.15 Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury - Fate Reforged
02.10.15 Ethereal Ambush - Fate Reforged
02.09.15 Dromoka, the Eternal - Fate Reforged -----
02.06.15 Crux of Fate - Fate Reforged
02.05.15 Outpost Siege - Fate Reforged
02.04.15 Wild Slash - Fate Reforged
02.03.15 Shaman of the Great Hunt - Fate Reforged
02.02.15 Flamewake Phoenix - Fate Reforged -----
01.30.15 Yasova Dragonclaw - Fate Reforged
01.29.15 Tasigur, the Golden Fang - Fate Reforged
01.28.15 Monastery Mentor - Fate Reforged
01.27.15 Hero's Blade - Fate Reforged
01.26.15 Dark Deal - Fate Reforged -----
01.23.15 Flamerush Rider - Fate Reforged
01.22.15 Whisperwood Elemental - Fate Reforged
01.21.15 Medomai the Ageless - Fate Reforged
01.20.15 Hythonia the Cruel - Fate Reforged
01.19.15 Temporal Trespass - Fate Reforged -----
01.16.15 Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest - Fate Reforged
01.15.15 Brutal Hordechief - Fate Reforged
01.14.15 Shamanic Revelation - Fate Reforged
01.13.15 Soulfire Grand Master - Fate Reforged
01.12.15 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - Fate Reforged
01.09.15 Hornet Nest - M15
01.08.15 Stubborn Denial - Khans of Tarkir
01.07.15 Arbor Colossus - Theros
01.06.15 Arc Lightning - Khans of Tarkir
01.05.15 Radiant Fountain - M15
Top 10 Cards of 2014
12.31.14 #1 - Courser of Kruphix - Born of the Gods
12.30.14 #2 - Fetch Lands - Khans of Tarkir
12.29.14 #3 - Jeskai Ascendancy - Khans of Tarkir
12.26.14 #4 - Garruk, Apex Predator - M15
12.23.14 #5 - Kiora, the Crashing Wave - Born of the Gods
12.19.14 #6 - Sliver Hivelord - M15
12.18.14 #7 - Atheros, God of Passage - Journey into Nyx
12.17.14 #8 - Brimaz, King of Oreskos - Born of the Gods
12.16.14 #9 - Scuttling Doom Engine - M15
12.15.14 #10 - Nissa, Worldwaker - M15
12.12.14 Anafenza, the Foremost - Khans of Tarkir
12.11.14 Firedrinker Satyr - Theros
12.10.14 Raksahasa Deathdealer - Khans of Tarkir
12.09.14 Heir of the Wilds - Khans of Tarkir
12.08.14 Whip of Erebos - Theros
12.05.14 Hornet Queen - M15
12.04.14 Hordeling Outburst - Khans of Tarkir
12.03.14 Stoke the Flames - M15
12.02.14 Seeker of the Way - Khans of Tarkir
12.01.14 Sylvan Caryatid - Theros
11.26.14 Realm Seekers - Conspiracy
11.25.14 Marchesa, the Black Rose - Conspiracy
11.24.14 Dack Fayden - Conspiracy
11.21.14 Bident of Thassa - Theros
11.20.14 Nylea, God of the Hunt - Theros
11.19.14 Sliver Hivelord - M15
11.18.14 Sliver Legion - Future Sight
11.17.14 Sliver Overlord - Premium Deck Series: Slivers
11.13.14 Crippling Chill - Khans of Tarkir
11.12.13 Ponyback Brigade - Khans of Tarkir
11.11.14 Bloodsoaked Champion - Khans of Tarkir
11.10.14 Mardu Ascendancy - Khans of Tarkir
11.07.14 Thousand Winds - Khans of Tarkir
11.06.14 Sagu Mauler - Khans of Tarkir
11.05.14 Ashcloud Phoenix - Khans of Tarkir
11.04.14 Mindswipe - Khans of Tarkir
10.31.14 Hooded Hydra - Khans of Tarkir
10.30.14 Chief of the Edge - Khans of Tarkir
10.29.14 Kheru Lich Lord - Khans of Tarkir
10.28.14 Altar of the Brood - Khans of Tarkir
10.27.14 Meandering Towershell - Khans of Tarkir
10.24.14 Sorin, Solemn Visitor - Khans of Tarkir
10.23.14 Disdainful Stroke - Khans of Tarkir
10.22.14 Mantis Rider - Khans of Tarkir
10.21.14 Trail of Mystery - Khans of Tarkir
10.20.14 Jeskai Ascendancy - Khans of Tarkir
10.17.14 Murderous Cut - Khans of Tarkir
10.16.14 Abzan Charm - Khans of Tarkir
10.15.14 Siege Rhino - Khans of Tarkir
10.14.14 Savage Knuckleblade - Khans of Tarkir
10.13.14 Mardu Charm - Khans of Tarkir
10.10.14 Wingmate Roc - Khans of Tarkir
10.09.14 End Hostilities - Khans of Tarkir
10.08.14 Butcher of the Horde - Khans of Tarkir
10.07.14 Dig Through Time - Khans of Tarkir
10.06.14 Treasure Cruise - Khans of Tarkir -----
10.03.14 Clever Impersonator - Khans of Tarkir
10.02.14 Utter End - Khans of Tarkir
10.01.14 Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker - Khans of Tarkir
09.30.14 Sultai Charm - Khans of Tarkir
09.29.14 Temur Ascendancy - Khans of Tarkir -----
09.26.14 Crackling Doom - Khans of Tarkir
09.25.14 Dragon-Style Twins - Khans of Tarkir
09.24.14 Duneblast - Khans of Tarkir
09.23.14 Herald of Anafenza - Khans of Tarkir
09.22.14 Fetch Lands - Khans of Tarkir -----
09.19.14 Jeskai Elder - Khans of Tarkir
09.18.14 Mardu Skullhunter - Khans of Tarkir
09.17.14 Narset, Enlightened Master - Khans of Tarkir
09.16.14 Necropolis Fiend - Khans of Tarkir
09.15.14 Rattleclaw Mystic - Khans of Tarkir - 3200th COTD -----
09.12.14 Borderland Marauder - M15
09.11.14 Foundry Street Denizen - M15
09.10.14 Frenzied Goblin - M15
09.09.14 Soul of Innistrad - M15
09.02.14 Sign in Blood - M15
09.01.14 Chief Engineer - M15 -----
08.29.14 Avacyn, Guardian Angel - M15
08.28.14 Soul of Ravnica - M15
08.27.14 Master of Predicaments - M15
08.26.14 Jace, the Living Guildpact - M15
08.25.14 Chasm Skulker - M15 -----
08.22.14 Chord of Calling - M15
08.21.14 Nissa, Worldwaker - M15
08.20.14 Ajani Steadfast - M15
08.19.14 Liliana Vess - M15
08.18.14 Soul of Theros - M15 -----
08.15.14 Goblin Rabblemaster - M15
08.14.14 In Garruk's Wake - M15
08.13.14 Spirit Bonds - M15
08.12.14 The Chain Veil - M15
08.11.14 Sliver Hive - M15 -----
08.08.14 Garruk, Apex Predator - M15
08.07.14 Reclamation Sage - M15
08.06.14 Act on Impulse - M15
08.05.14 Hushwing Gryff - M15
08.04.14 Return to the Ranks - M15 -----
08.01.14 Xathrid Slyblade - M15
07.31.14 Goblin Kaboomist - M15
07.30.14 Phytotitan - M15
07.29.14 Aggressive Mining - M15
07.28.14 Polymorphist's Jest - M15 -----
07.25.14 Generator Servant - M15
07.25.14 Soul of Innistrad - M15
07.23.14 Scuttling Doom Engine - M15
07.22.14 Soul of New Phyrexia - M15
07.21.14 Perilous Vault - M15 -----
07.18.14 Force of Will - Alliances
07.17.14 Fact or Fiction - Invasion
07.16.14 Mystical Tutor - Mirage
07.15.14 Brainstorm - Ice Age
07.14.14 Wasteland - Tempest -----
07.11.14 Nightmare - Alpha/Beta
07.10.14 Experiment Kraj - Dissension
07.09.14 Kird Ape - Arabian Nights
07.08.14 Nameless Inversion - Lorwyn
07.07.14 Snakeform - Eventide -----
07.03.14 Flamebreak - Darksteel
07.02.14 Juzam Djinn - Arabian Nights
07.01.14 Cursed Scroll - Tempest
06.30.14 Hammer of Bogardan - Mirage -----
06.27.14 Argentum Armor - Scars of Mirrodin
06.26.14 Nim Deathmantle - Scars of Mirrodin
06.25.14 Skullclamp - Darksteel
06.24.14 Lightning Greaves - Journey into Nyx
06.23.14 Chariot of Victory - Journey into Nyx ------
06.20.14 Worldslayer - Magic 2012
06.19.14 Bonesplitter - Mirrodin
06.18.14 Leonin Scimitar - 10th Edition
06.17.14 Umezawa's Jitte - Betrayers of Kamigawa
06.16.14 Moonsilver Spear - Avacyn Restored -----
06.13.14 Interpret the Signs - Journey into Nyx
06.12.14 Rise of Eagles - Journey into Nyx
06.11.14 Skybind - Journey into Nyx
06.10.14 Setessan Tactics - Journey into Nyx -----
06.06.14 Iroas, God of Victory - Journey into Nyx
06.05.14 Dictate of the Twin Gods - Journey into Nyx
06.04.14 Eidolon of Blossoms - Journey into Nyx
06.03.14 Prophetic Flamespeaker - Journey into Nyx
06.02.14 Nyx-Fleece Ram - Journey into Nyx -----
05.29.14 Kruphix, God of Horizons - Journey into Nyx
05.28.14 Tethmos High Priest - Journey into Nyx
05.27.14 Dictate of Erebos - Journey into Nyx -----
05.23.14 Aerial Formation - Journey into Nyx
05.22.14 Godsend - Journey into Nyx
05.21.14 Doomwake Giant - Journey into Nyx
05.20.14 Quarry Colossus - Journey into Nyx
05.19.14 King Macar, the Gold-Cursed- Journey into Nyx -----
05.16.14 Mogi's Warhound - Journey into Nyx
05.15.14 Brain Maggot - Journey into Nyx
05.14.14 Keranos, God of Storms - Journey into Nyx
05.13.14 Atheros, God of Passage - Journey into Nyx
05.12.14 Ajani, Mentor of Heroes - Journey into Nyx
05.09.14 Hall of Triumph - Journey into Nyx
05.08.14 Hydra Broodmaster - Journey into Nyx
05.07.14 Hypnotic Siren - Journey into Nyx
05.06.14 Silence the Believers - Journey into Nyx - 3100th COTD
05.05.14 Dictate of Kruphix - Journey into Nyx
05.02.14 Gnarled Scarhide - Journey into Nyx
05.01.14 Deicide - Journey into Nyx
04.30.14 Banishing Light - Journey into Nyx
04.29.14 Mana Confluence - Journey into Nyx
04.28.14 Genesis Hydra - M15
04.25.14 Unravel the Æther - Born of the Gods
04.24.14 Revoke Existence - Born of the Gods
04.23.14 Noble Quarry - Born of the Gods
04.22.14 Sudden Storm - Born of the Gods
04.21.14 Nessian Asp - Theros
04.18.14 Gild - Born of the Gods
04.17.14 Siren of the Fanged Coast - Born of the Gods
04.16.14 Akroan Conscriptor - Born of the Gods
04.15.14 Temple of Enlightenment - Born of the Gods
04.14.14 Peregrination - Born of the Gods
04.11.14 Satyr Firedancer - Born of the Gods
04.10.14 Nullify - Born of the Gods
04.09.14 Ragemonger - Born of the Gods
04.08.14 Springleaf Drum - Born of the Gods
04.07.14 Fanatic of Xenagos - Born of the Gods
04.04.14 Trickbind - Time Spiral
04.03.14 Jester's Mask - Ice Age
04.02.14 Political Trickery - Mirage
04.01.14 Fool's Demise - Time Spiral
03.31.14 Jester's Cap - Ice Age
03.28.14 Elixir of Immortality - M2014
03.27.14 Azorius Charm - Return to Ravnica
03.26.14 Lightning Strike - Theros
03.25.14 Chained to the Rocks - Theros
03.24.14 Frostburn Weird - Return to Ravnica
03.21.14 Arbiter of the Ideal - Born of the Gods
03.20.14 Chancellor of the Spires - New Phyrexia
03.19.14 Sphinx of Lost Truths - Zendikar
03.18.14 Sphinx Sovereign - Shards of Alara
03.17.14 Cerulean Sphinx - Born of the Gods
03.14.14 Meletis Astronomer - Born of the Gods
03.13.14 Domestication - Born of the Gods
03.12.14 Pacifism - M14
03.11.14 Ordeal of Heliod - Born of the Gods
03.10.14 Hero of Iroas - Born of the Gods
03.07.14 Kraken of the Straits - Born of the Gods
03.06.14 Akroan Phalanx - Born of the Gods
03.05.14 Ornitharch - Born of the Gods
03.04.14 Pheres-Band Raiders - Born of the Gods
03.03.14 Pheres-Band Tromper - Born of the Gods
02.28.14 Herald of Torment - Born of the Gods
02.27.14 Hunter's Prowess - Born of the Gods
02.26.14 Eidolon of Countless Battles - Born of the Gods
02.25.14 Whelming Wave - Born of the Gods
02.24.14 Oracle of Bones - Born of the Gods
02.21.14 Chromanticore - Born of the Gods
02.20.14 Karametra, God of Harvests - Born of the Gods
02.19.14 Flame-Wreathed Phoenix - Born of the Gods
02.18.14 Ephara, God of the Polis - Born of the Gods
02.17.14 Phenax, God of Deception - Born of the Gods
02.14.14 Searing Blood - Born of the Gods
02.13.14 Pain Seer - Born of the Gods
02.12.14 Drown in Sorrow - Born of the Gods
02.11.14 Mogis, God of Slaughter - Born of the Gods
02.10.14 Kiora, the Crashing Wave - Born of the Gods
02.07.14 Bile Blight - Born of the Gods
02.06.14 Spirit of Labyrinth - Born of the Gods
02.05.14 Courser of Kruphix - Born of the Gods
02.04.14 Fated Retribution - Born of the Gods
02.03.14 Brimaz, King of Oreskos - Born of the Gods
01.31.14 Champion of Stray Souls - Born of the Gods
01.30.14 Archetype of Courage - Born of the Gods
01.29.14 Xenagos, God of Revels - Born of the Gods
01.28.14 Aerie Worshippers - Born of the Gods
01.27.14 Nessian Demolok - Born of the Gods
01.24.14 Verduran Enchantress - Revised
01.23.14 Northern Paladin - 4th Ed.
01.22.14 Nature's Resurgence - 7th Ed.
01.21.14 Island Fish Jasconius - 4th Ed.
01.20.14 Stone-Tongue Basilisk - Odyssey
01.17.14 Guttersnipe - Commander 2013
01.16.14 Rubberbelt Maaka - Dragon's Maze
01.15.14 Auramancer - M2014
01.14.14 Firemane Avenger - Gatecrash
01.13.14 Time Ebb - M2014
01.10.14 Nekusaur The Mindrazer - Commander 2013
01.09.14 Homeward Path - M:TG Commander
01.08.14 True-Name Nemesis - Commander 2013 Edition
01.07.14 Shattergang Brothers - Commander 2013 Edition
01.06.14 Oloro, Ageless Ascetic - Commander 2013
Top 10 Cards of 2013:
01.03.14 #1 - Boros Reckoner - Gatecrash
01.02.14 #2 - Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - Theros
12.31.13 #3 - Gray Merchant of Asphodel - Theros
12.30.13 #4 - Blood Baron of Vizkopa - Dragon's Maze
12.27.13 #5 - Thassa, God of the Sea - Theros
12.26.13 #6 - Obzedat, Ghost Council - Gatecrash
12.24.13 #7 - Voice of Resurgence - Dragon's Maze
12.20.13 #8 - Domri Rade - Gatecrash
12.19.13 #9 - Thoughtseize - Theros
12.18.13 #10 - Chandra, Pyromaster - Magic 2014 Core Set -----
12.17.13 Time to Feed - Theros
12.16.13 Gods Willing - Theros -----
12.13.13 Demonic Tutor - Alpha
12.12.13 Time Walk - Alpha
12.11.13 Ancestral Recall - Alpha - 3000th COTD!
12.10.13 Sol Ring - Alpha
12.09.13 Yawgmoth's Will - Urza's Saga -----
12.06.13 Xenagos, the Reveler - Theros
12.05.13 Elspeth, Sun's Champion - Theros
12.04.13 Triad of Fates - Theros
12.03.13 Tymaret, the Murder King - Theros
12.02.13 Daxos of Meletis - Theros -----
11.27.13 Warrior's Lesson - Theros -12th Anniversary of COTD!
11.26.13 Fate Foretold - Theros
11.25.13 Spear of Heliod - Theros -----
11.22.13 Magma Jet - Theros
11.21.13 Aqueous Form - Theros
11.20.13 Gift of Immortality - Theros
11.19.13 Minotaur Skullcleave - Theros
11.18.13 Akroan Crusader - Theros -----
11.15.13 Ashen Rider - Theros
11.14.13 Viper's Kiss - Theros
11.13.13 Hundred-Handed One - Theros
11.12.13 Bowl of Nylea - Theros
11.11.13 Medomai, The Ageless - Theros -----
11.08.13 Sea God's Revenge - Theros
11.07.13 Keepsake Gorgon - Theros
11.06.13 Polukranos, World Eater - Theros
11.05.13 Phalanx Leader - Theros
11.04.13 Peak Eruption - Theros -----
11.01.13 Rescue from the Underworld - Theros
10.31.13 Abhorrent Overlord - Theros
10.30.13 Erebos, God of the Dead - Theros
10.29.13 Read the Bones - Theros
10.28.13 Agent of Fates - Theros -----
10.25.13 Nighthowler - Theros
10.24.13 Prophet of Kruphix - Theros
10.23.13 Hythonia the Cruel - Theros
10.22.13 Steam Augury - Theros
10.21.13 Gray Merchant of Asphodel - Theros -----
10.18.13 Ember Swallower - Theros
10.17.13 Reaper of the Wilds - Theros
10.16.13 Boon Satyr - Theros
10.15.13 Prognostic Sphinx - Theros
10.14.13 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver - Theros -----
10.11.13 Purphoros, God of the Forge - Theros
10.10.13 Anger of the Gods - Theros
10.09.13 Dissolve - Theros
10.08.13 Fleecemane Lion - Theros
10.07.13 Stormbreath Dragon - Theros -----
10.04.13 Fabled Hero - Theros
10.03.13 Triton Fortune Hunter - Theros
10.02.13 Mistcutter Hydra - Theros
10.01.13 Labyrinth Champion - Theros
09.30.13 Hero's Downfall - Theros -----
09.27.13 Haunted Plate Mail - M14
09.26.13 Dragon Egg - M14
09.25.13 Predatory Sliver - M14
09.18.13 Tidebinder Mage - M14
09.17.13 Imposing Sovereign - M14
09.16.13 Celestial Flare - M14 -----
09.12.13 Lifebane Zombie - M14
09.11.13 Xathrid Necromancer - M14
09.10.13 Fiendslayer Paladin - M14
09.09.13 Young Pyromancer - M14 -----
09.05.13 Chandra's Outrage - M14
09.04.13 Trained Condor - M14
09.03.13 Master of Diversion - M14 -----
08.30.13 Galerider Sliver - M14
08.29.13 Bonescythe Sliver - M14
08.28.13 Blur Sliver - M14
08.27.13 Megantic Sliver - M14
08.26.13 Syphon Silver - M14 ------
08.23.13 Sliver Queen - Stronghold
08.22.13 Crystalline Sliver - Premium Deck Series: Slivers
08.21.13 Dormant Sliver - Planar Chaos
08.20.13 Harmonic Sliver - Time Spiral
08.19.13 Virulent Sliver - Premium Deck Series: Slivers -----
08.16.13 Windreader Sphinx - M14
08.15.13 Grim Return - M14
08.14.13 Awaken the Ancient - M14 -----
08.02.13 Academy Raider - M14
08.01.13 Archangel of Thune - M14
07.31.13 Elite Arcanist - M14
07.30.13 Artificer's Hex - M14
07.29.13 Mutavault - M14 -----
07.26.13 Burning Earth - M14
07.25.13 Garruk, Caller of Beasts - M14
07.24.13 Dark Prophecy - M14
07.23.13 Elvish Mystic - M14
07.22.13 Banisher Priest - M14 -----
07.19.13 Sword of Light and Shadow - Modern Masters
07.18.13 Sword of Fire and Ice - Modern Masters
07.17.13 Vendilion Clique - Modern Masters
07.16.13 Dark Confidant - Modern Masters
07.15.13 Tarmogoyf - Modern Masters -----
07.12.13 Pardic Dragon - Modern Masters
07.11.13 Sporoloth Ancient - Modern Masters
07.10.13 Otherworldly Journey - Modern Masters
07.09.13 Petals of Insight - Modern Masters
07.08.13 Rathi Trapper - Modern Masters -----
07.03.13 Eternal Witness - Modern Masters
07.02.13 Etched Oracle - Modern Masters
07.01.13 Riftwing Cloudskate - Modern Masters -----
06.28.13 Thrull Parasite - Gatecrash - 2900th COTD
06.27.13 Judge's Familiar - Return to Ravnica
06.26.13 Ascended Lawmage - Dragon's Maze
06.25.13 Weapon Surge - Dragon's Maze
06.24.13 Slaughterhorn - Gatecrash -----
06.21.13 Rakdos Drake - Dragon's Maze
06.20.13 Beetleform Mage - Dragon's Maze
06.19.13 Thrashing Mossdog - Dragon's Maze
06.18.13 Punish the Enemy - Dragon's Maze
06.17.13 Tithe Drinker - Dragon's Maze -----
06.14.13 Gleam of Battle - Dragon's Maze
06.13.13 Dragonshift - Dragon's Maze
06.10.13 Deadbridge Chant - Dragon's Maze -----
06.07.13 Zhur-Taa Druid - Dragon's Maze
06.06.13 Unflinching Courage - Dragon's Maze
06.05.13 Haunter of Nightveil - Dragon's Maze
06.04.13 Carnage Gladiator - Dragon's Maze
06.03.13 Maw of the Obzedat - Dragon's Maze -----
05.31.13 Ready & Willing - Dragon's Maze
05.30.13 Profit & Loss - Dragon's Maze
05.29.13 Down & Dirty - Dragon's Maze
05.28.13 Flesh & Blood - Dragon's Maze -----
05.24.13 Skylasher - Dragon's Maze
05.23.13 Varolz, the Scar-Striped - Dragon's Maze
05.22.13 Gaze of Granite - Dragon's Maze
05.21.13 Plasm Capture - Dragon's Maze
05.20.13 Aetherling - Dragon's Maze ------
05.17.13 Council of the Absolute - Dragon's Maze
05.16.13 Savageborn Hydra - Dragon's Maze
05.15.13 Master of Cruelties - Dragon's Maze
05.14.13 Blood Baron of Vizkopa - Dragon's Maze
05.13.13 Legion's Initiative - Dragon's Maze -----
05.10.13 Advent of the Worm - Dragon's Maze
05.09.13 Sire of Insanity - Dragon's Maze
05.08.13 Warped Physique - Dragon's Maze
05.07.13 Ral Zarek - Dragon's Maze
05.06.13 Voice of Resurgence - Dragon's Maze -----
05.03.13 Trostani's Summoner - Dragon's Maze
05.02.13 Krasis Incubation - Dragon's Maze
05.01.13 Turn // Burn - Dragon's Maze
04.30.13 Deputy of Acquittals - Dragon's Maze
04.29.13 Warleader's Helix - Dragon's Maze -----
04.26.13 Putrefy - Dragon's Maze
04.25.13 Render Silent - Dragon's Maze
04.24.13 Melek, Izzet Paragon - Dragon's Maze
04.23.13 Blast of Genius - Dragon's Maze
04.22.13 Emmara Tandris - Dragon's Maze -----
04.19.13 Ground Seal - M13
04.18.13 Searing Spear - M13
04.17.13 Think Twice - Innistrad
04.16.13 Aurelia, the Warleader - Gatecrash
04.15.13 Deathrite Shaman - Return to Ravnica ------
04.12.13 Boros Reckoner - Gatecrash
04.11.13 Undercity Plague - Gatecrash
04.10.13 Stolen Identity - Gatecrash
04.09.13 Mystic Genesis - Gatecrash
04.08.13 Assemble the Legion - Gatecrash
04.05.13 Grisly Spectacle - Gatecrash
04.04.13 Executioner's Swing - Gatecrash
04.03.13 Cloudfin Raptor - Gatecrash
04.02.13 Devour Flesh - Gatecrash
04.01.13 Wight of Precinct Six - Gatecrash
03.29.13 Hold the Gates - Gatecrash
03.28.13 Way of the Thief - Gatecrash
03.27.13 Greenside Watcher - Gatecrash
03.26.13 Crackling Perimeter - Gatecrash
03.25.13 Gateway Shade - Gatecrash
03.22.13 Coerced Confession - Gatecrash
03.21.13 Pit Fight - Gatecrash
03.20.13 Gift of Orzhova - Gatecrash
03.19.13 Bioshift - Gatecrash
03.18.13 Arrow of Justice - Gatecrash
03.15.13 Immortal Servitude - Gatecrash
03.14.13 Gridlock - Gatecrash
03.13.13 Killing Glare - Gatecrash
03.12.13 Mind Grind - Gatecrash
03.11.13 Clan Defiance - Gatecrash
03.08.13 Biomass Mutation - Gatecrash
03.07.13 Ivy Lane Denizen - Gatecrash
03.06.13 Gyre Sage - Gatecrash
03.05.13 Forced Adaption - Gatecrash
03.04.13 Alpha Authority - Gatecrash
03.01.13 Smite - Gatecrash
02.28.13 Wasteland Viper - Gatecrash
02.27.13 Burning-Tree Emissary - Gatecrash
02.26.13 Legion Loyalist - Gatecrash
02.25.13 Beckon Apparition - Gatecrash
02.22.13 Blind Obedience - Gatecrash
02.21.13 Whispering Madness - Gatecrash
02.20.13 Hellraiser Goblin - Gatecrash
02.19.13 Frontline Medic - Gatecrash
02.18.13 Experiment One - Gatecrash
02.15.13 Aetherize - Gatecrash
02.14.13 Sylvan Primordial - Gatecrash
02.13.13 Sepulchral Primordial - Gatecrash
02.12.13 Molten Primordial - Gatecrash
02.11.13 Luminate Primordial - Gatecrash
02.08.13 Balustrade Spy - Gatecrash
02.07.13 Cinder Elemental - Gatecrash
02.06.13 Drakewing Krasis - Gatecrash
02.05.13 Paranoid Delusions - Gatecrash - 2800th COTD
02.04.13 Guardian of the Gateless - Gatecrash
02.01.13 Skullcrack - Gatecrash
01.31.13 Ghor-Clan Rampager - Gatecrash
01.30.13 Aurelia's Fury - Gatecrash
01.29.13 Prime Speaker Zegana - Gatecrash
01.28.13 Obzedat, Ghost Council - Gatecrash
01.25.13 Simic Charm - Gatecrash
01.24.13 Orzhov Charm - Gatecrash
01.23.13 Gruul Charm - Gatecrash
01.22.13 Dimir Charm - Gatecrash
01.21.13 Boros Charm - Gatecrash
01.18.13 Giant Adephage - Gatecrash
01.17.13 Hellkite Tyrant - Gatecrash
01.16.13 Crypt Ghast - Gatecrash
01.15.13 Diluvian Primordial - Gatecrash
01.14.13 Angelic Skirmisher - Gatecrash
01.11.13 Primordial Hydra - M13
01.10.13 Reforge the Soul - Avacyn Restored
01.09.13 Stormtide Leviathon - M13
01.08.13 Increasing Savagery - Dark Ascension
01.07.13 Magmaquake - M13
Top 10 Cards of 2012:
01.04.12 #1: Thragtusk - M13
01.03.12 #2: Lingering Souls - Dark Ascension
01.02.13 #3: Supreme Verdict - Return to Ravnica
12.28.12 #4: Bonfire of the Damned - Avacyn Restored
12.27.12 #5: Overgrown Tomb and Ravnica Dual Lands - Return to Ravnica
12.26.12 #6: Restoration Angel - Avacyn Restored
12.20.12 #7: Falkenrath Aristocrat - Dark Ascension
12.19.12 #8: Entreat the Angels -
Avacyn Restored
12.18.12 #9: Huntmaster of the Fells / Ravager of the Fells - Dark Ascension
12.17.12 #10: Omniscience - M13
12.14.12 Loxodon Smiter - Return to Ravnica
12.13.12 Underworld Connections - Return to Ravnica
12.12.12 Detention Sphere - Return to Ravnica
12.11.12 Armada Wurm - Return to Ravnica
12.10.12 Dreadbore - Return to Ravnica
12.07.12 Volatile Rig - Return to Ravnica
12.06.12 Inaction Injunction - Return to Ravnica
12.05.12 Desecration Demon - Return to Ravnica
12.04.12 Soul Tithe - Return to Ravnica
12.03.12 Nivmagus Elemental - Return to Ravnica
11.30.12 Jarad's Orders - Return to Ravnica
11.29.12 Azor's Elocutors - Return to Ravnica
11.28.12 Righteous Authority - Return to Ravnica
11.27.12 Sphinx of Chimes - Return to Ravnica
11.26.12 Restoration Angel - Avacyn Restored
11.22.12 Feast of Blood - Zendikar
11.20.12 Grim Feast - Return to Ravnica
11.19.12 Feast or Famine - Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari
11.16.12 Wayfaring Temple - Return to Ravnica
11.15.12 Selesnya Charm - Return to Ravnica
11.14.12 Eyes in the Skies - Return to Ravnica
11.13.12 Call of the Conclave - Return to Ravnica
11.12.12 Dryad Militant - Return to Ravnica
11.09.12 Vraska the Unseen - Return to Ravnica
11.08.12 Jace, Architect of Thought - Return to Ravnica
11.07.12 Fencing Ace - Return to Ravnica
11.06.12 Lotleth Troll - Return to Ravnica
11.05.12 Abrupt Decay - Return to Ravnica
11.02.12 Utvara Hellkite - Return to Ravnica
11.01.12 Izzet Keyrune - Return to Ravnica
10.31.12 Mercurial Chemister - Return to Ravnica
10.30.12 Street Spasms - Return to Ravnica
10.29.12 Mizzium Mortars - Return to Ravnica
10.26.12 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord - Return to Ravnica
10.25.12 Dreg Mangler - Return to Ravnica
10.24.12 Corpsejack Menace - Return to Ravnica
10.23.12 Golgari Decoy - Return to Ravnica
10.22.12 Deadbridge Goliath - Return to Ravnica
10.19.12 Rakdos, Lord of Riots - Return to Ravnica
10.18.12 Rakdos Cackler - Return to Ravnica
10.17.12 Rakdos Shred-Freak - Return to Ravnica
10.16.12 Rakdos Charm - Return to Ravnica
10.15.12 Rakdos's Return - Return to Ravnica
10.12.12 Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius - Return to Ravnica
10.11.12 Hypersonic Dragon - Return to Ravnica
10.10.12 Izzet Charm - Return to Ravnica
10.09.12 Vandalblast - Return to Ravnica
10.08.12 Cyclonic Rift - Return to Ravnica
10.05.12 Axebane Guardian - Return to Ravnica
10.04.12 Ash Zealot - Return to Ravnica
10.03.12 Pack Rat - Return to Ravnica
10.02.12 Angel of Serenity - Return to Ravnica
10.01.12 Blustersquall - Return to Ravnica
09.21.12 Rhox Faithmender - M2013
09.20.12 Spelltwine - M2013
09.19.12 Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis - M2013
09.18.12 Staff of Nin - M2013
09.17.12 Ajani's Sunstriker - M2013
09.14.12 Faith's Reward - M2013
09.13.12 Trading Post - M2013
09.12.12 Void Stalker - M2013
09.11.12 Elderscale Wurm - M2013
09.04.12 Sands of Delirium - M2013
09.03.12 Door to Nothingness - M2013
08.31.12 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - From the Vault: Realms
08.31.12 Urborg - Legends
08.30.12 Boseiju, Who Shelters All - From the Vault: Realms
08.29.12 Grove of the Burnwillows - From the Vault: Realms
08.28.12 High Market - From the Vault: Realms
08.27.12 Maze of Ith - From the Vault: Realms - 2700th COTD
08.24.12 Xathrid Gorgon - Magic 2013
08.23.12 Serra Avatar - Magic 2013
08.22.12 Augur of Bolas - Magic 2013
08.21.12 Worldfire - Magic 2013
08.20.12 Cathedral of War - Magic 2013
08.17.12 Rancor - Magic 2013
08.16.12 Stuffy Doll - Magic 2013
08.15.12 Talrand, Sky Summoner - Magic 2013
08.14.12 Slumbering Dragon - Magic 2013
08.13.12 Disciple of Bolas - Magic 2013
08.08.12 Liliana of the Dark Realms - Magic 2013
08.07.12 Gilded Lotus - Magic 2013
08.06.12 Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker - Magic 2013
08.03.12 Mutilate - Magic 2013
08.02.12 Omniscience - Magic 2013
08.01.12 Akroma's Memorial Magic 2013
07.31.12 Krenko, Mob Boss Magic - 2013
07.20.12 Sublime Archangel - Magic 2013
07.27.12 Master of the Pearl Trident Magic 2013
07.26.12 Healer of the Pride - Magic 2013
07.25.12 Attended Knight - Magic 2013
07.24.12 Jace Phantasm - Magic 2013
07.23.12 Mwonvuli Beast Tracker - Magic 2013
07.20.12 Odric, Master Tactician - Magic 2013
07.19.12 Yeva, Nature's Herald - Magic 2013
07.18.12 Diabolic Revelation - Magic 2013
07.17.12 Archeomancer - Magic 2013
07.16.12 Thragtusk - Magic 2013
07.13.12 Thundermaw Hellkite Magic 2013
07.12.12 Murder - Magic 2013
07.11.12 Boundless Realms - Magic 2013
07.10.12 Ajani, Caller of the Pride Magic - 2013
07.09.12 Xanthrid Gorgon - Magic 2013
07.06.12 Revenge of the Hunted - Avacyn Restored
07.05.12 Exquisite Blood - Avacyn Restored
07.02.12 Dark Impostor - Avacyn Restored
06.29.12 Blood Artist - Avacyn Restored
06.28.12 Demonlord of Ashmouth - Avacyn Restored
06.27.12 Craterhoof Behemoth - Avacyn Restored
06.26.12 Divine Deflection Avacyn Restored
06.25.12 Cathar's Crusade - Avacyn Restored
06.22.12 Curse of Echoes - Avacyn Restored
06.21.12 Bruna, Light of Alabaster - Avacyn Restored
06.20.12 Champion of Lambholt - Avacyn Restored
06.19.12 Silverblade Paladin - Avacyn Restored
06.18.12 Killing Wave - Avacyn Restored
06.15.12 Somberwald Sage Avacyn Restored
06.14.12 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight - Avacyn Restored
06.13.12 Butcher Ghoul - Avacyn Restored
06.12.12 Zealous Conscripts - Avacyn Restored
06.11.12 Wild Defiance - Avacyn Restored
06.08.12 Griselbrand - Avacyn Restored
06.07.12 Sigarda, Host of Herons - Avacyn Restored
06.06.12 Wolfir Silverheart - Avacyn Restored
06.05.12 Bonfire of the Damned - Avacyn Restored
06.04.12 Entreat the Angels - Avacyn Restored
06.01.12 Descendant's Path - Avacyn Restored
05.31.12 Slayer's Stronghold - Avacyn Restored
05.30.12 Angel of Glory's Rise - Avacyn Restored
05.29.12 Angel of Jubilation - Avacyn Restored
05.25.12 Aggravate - Avacyn Restored
05.24.12 Joint Assault - Avacyn Restored
05.23.12 Battle Hymn - Avacyn Restored
05.22.12 Heirs of Stromkirk - Avacyn Restored
05.21.12 Unhallowed Pact - Avacyn Restored
05.18.12 Vexing Devil - Avacyn Restored
05.17.12 Cavern of Souls - Avacyn Restored
05.16.12 Avacyn, Angel of Hope - Avacyn Restored
05.15.12 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - Avacyn Restored
05.14.12 Temporal Mastery - Avacyn Restored
05.12.12 Terminus - Avacyn Restored
05.10.12 Devastation Tide - Avacyn Restored
05.09.12 Alchemist's Refuge - Avacyn Restored
05.08.12 Primal Surge - Avacyn Restored
05.07.12 Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded - Avacyn Restored
05.04.12 Master's Call - Mirrodin Besieged
05.03.12 Alluring Siren - Magic 2012
05.02.12 Ghoulraiser - Innistrad
05.01.12 Increasing Vengeance - Dark Ascension
04.30.12 Copperhorn Scout - Scars of Mirrodin
04.27.12 Akroma, Angel of Fury - Commander
04.26.12 Chandra's Spitfire - Dark Ascension
04.25.12 Soul's Fire - Shards of Alara
04.24.12 Jaya Ballard, Task Mage - Premium Deck Series: Fire and Lightning
04.24.12 Thunder-Trash Elder - Shards of Alara
04.19.12 Leyline of Lighting - Guildpact
04.19.12 Primeval Light - Guildpact
04.18.12 Dream Lash - Dark Ascension
04.17.12 Empty the Catacombs - Ravnica: City of Guilds
04.16.12 Guardian of the Guildpact - Dissension
04.13.12 Feed the Pack - Dark Ascension
04.12.12 Curse of Bloodletting - Dark Ascension
04.11.12 Counterlash - Dark Ascension
04.10.12 Archangel's Light - Dark Ascension
04.09.12 Alpha Brawl - Dark Ascension
04.06.12 Mayor of Avabruck / Howlpack Alpha - Innistrad
04.05.12 Stoneforge Mystic - Worldwake
04.04.12 Corrosive Gale - New Phyrexia
04.03.12 Whipflare - New Phyrexia - 2600th COTD
04.02.12 Phyrexian Metamorph - New Phyrexia
03.30.12 Thraben Heretic - Dark Ascension
03.29.12 Spider Spawning - Dark Ascension
03.28.12 Reckless Waif / Merciless Predator - Innistrad
03.27.12 Stormbound Geist - Dark Ascension
03.26.12 Forge Devil - Dark Ascension
03.23.12 Gut Shot - New Phyrexia
03.22.12 Vapor Snag - Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas
03.21.12 Gitaxian Probe - New Phyrexia
03.20.12 Gideon's Lawkeeper - Magic 2012
03.19.12 Doomed Traveler - Innistrad
03.16.12 Torch Fiend - Dark Ascension
03.15.12 Highborn Ghoul - Dark Ascension
03.14.12 Thought Scour - Dark Ascension
03.13.12 Young Wolf - Dark Ascension
03.12.12 Tragic Slip - Dark Ascension
03.09.12 Briarpack Alpha - Dark Ascension
03.08.12 Burning Oil - Dark Ascension
03.07.12 Fires of Undeath - Dark Ascension
03.06.12 Tracker's Instincts - Dark Ascension
03.05.12 Secrets of the Dead - Dark Ascension
03.02.12 Immerwolf - Dark Ascension
03.01.12 Predator Ooze - Dark Ascension
02.29.12 Diregraf Captain - Dark Ascension
02.28.12 Increasing Devotion - Dark Ascension
02.27.12 Vault of the Archangel - Dark Ascension
02.24.12 Hellrider - Dark Ascension
02.23.12 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed - Dark Ascension
02.22.12 Dungeon Geists - Dark Ascension
02.21.12 Grafdigger's Cage - Dark Ascension
02.20.12 Drogskol Captain - Dark Ascension
02.17.12 Elbrus, the Binding Blade / Withengar Unbound - Dark Ascension
02.16.12 Falkenrath Aristocrat - Dark Ascension
02.15.12 Vorapede - Dark Ascension
02.14.12 Drogskol Reaver - Dark Ascension
02.13.12 Havengul Lich - Dark Ascension
02.10.12 Geralf's Messenger - Dark Ascension
02.09.12 Gravecrawler - Dark Ascension
02.08.12 Faithless Looting - Dark Ascension
02.07.12 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad - Dark Ascension
02.07.12 Strangleroot Geist - Dark Ascension
02.03.12 Call to the Kindred - Dark Ascension
02.02.12 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - Dark Ascension
02.01.12 Huntmaster of the Fells / Ravager of the Fells - Dark Ascension
01.31.12 Black Cat Dark - Dark Ascension
01.30.12 Lingering Souls - Dark Ascension
01.27.12 Increasing Confusion - Dark Ascension
01.26.12 Moonveil Dragon - Dark Ascension
01.25.12 Hunger of the Howlpack - Dark Ascension
01.24.12 Warden of the Wall - Dark Ascension
01.23.12 Ravenous Demon / Archdemon of Greed - Dark Ascension
01.20.12 Ghoultree - Dark Ascension
01.19.12 Mondronen Shaman / Tovolar's Magehunter - Dark Ascension
01.18.12 Zombie Apocalypse - Dark Ascension
01.17.12 Beguiler of Wills - Dark Ascension
01.16.12 Loyal Cathar / Unhallowed Cathar - Dark Ascension
01.13.12 Runechanter's Pike - Innistrad
01.12.12 Priest of Urabrask - New Phyrexia
01.11.12 Bloodline Keeper / Lord of Lineage - Innistrad
01.10.12 Spellskite - New Phyrexia
01.09.12 Angel of Flight Alabaster - Innistrad
Top 10 New MTG Cards of 2011:
01.06.12 - #1 - Dismember - New Phyrexia
01.05.12 - #2 - Snapcaster Mage - Innistrad
01.04.12 - #3 - Kessig Wolf Run - Innistrad
01.03.12 - #4 - Delver of Secrets / Insectile Aberration - Innistrad
01.02.12 - #5 - Liliana of the Veil - Innistrad
12.30.11 - #6 - Geist of Saint Traft - Innistrad
12.29.11 - #7 - Phyrexian Obliterator - New Phyrexia
12.28.11 - #8 - Chandra's Phoenix - Magic 2012
12.27.11 - #9 - Inkmoth Nexus - Mirrodin Besieged
12.26.11 - #10 - Sword of War and Peace - New Phyrexia
12.23.11 Galvanic Blast - Scars of Mirrodin
12.22.11 Blade Splicer - Innistrad
12.21.11 Etched Champion - Scars of Mirrodin
12.20.11 Glint Hawk - Scars of Mirrodin
12.19.11 Olivia Voldaren - Innistrad
12.16.11 Thraximundar - Alara Reborn
12.15.11 Kamahl, Fist of Krosa - Onslaught
12.14.11 Woodfall Primus - Shadowmoor
12.13.11 Simic Sky Swallower - Commander
12.12.11 Spellbreaker Behemoth - Alara Reborn
12.09.11 Ghost Quarter - Innistrad
12.08.11 Ancient Grudge - Innistrad
12.07.11 Sculpting Steel - Tenth Edition
12.06.11 Spellweaver Volute - Future Sight
12.05.11 Call to the Grave - Innistrad
12.02.11 Entomb - Graveborn
12.01.11 Avatar of Woe - Graveborn
11.30.11 Buried Alive - Graveborn
11.29.11 Verdant Force - Graveborn - 2500th COTD!
11.28.11 Animate Dead - Graveborn - 10th Anniversary of MTG COTD!!!
11.23.11 Poultrygeist - Unglued
11.22.11 Avacyn's Pilgrim - Innistrad
11.22.11 Feast of the Unicorn - Sixth Ed.
11.18.11 Delver of Secrets / Insectile Aberration - Innistrad
11.17.11 Mindshrieker - Innistrad
11.16.11 Mentor of the Meek - Innistrad
11.15.11 Forbidden Alchemy - Innistrad
11.15.11 Forbidden Crypt - Mirage
11.14.11 Midnight Haunting - Innistrad
11.11.11 Morkrut Banshee - Innistrad
11.10.11 Rolling Temblor - Innistrad
11.09.11 Rebuke - Innistrad
11.08.11 Dead Weight - Innistrad
11.07.11 Stitched Drake - Innistrad
11.04.11 Trepanation Blade - Innistrad
11.03.11 Bramblecrush - Innistrad
11.02.11 Invisible Stalker - Innistrad
11.01.11 Fiend Hunter - Innistrad
10.31.11 Dark Ritual - Alpha/Beta/etc. - Halloween Special
10.28.11 Unburial Rites - Innistrad
10.27.11 Desperate Ravings - Innistrad
10.26.11 Full Moon's Rise - Innistrad
10.25.11 Cellar Door - Innistrad
10.24.11 Into the Mall of Hell - Innistrad
10.21.11 Skaab Ruinator - Innistrad
10.20.11 Geist of Saint Traft - Innistrad
10.19.11 Stony Silence - Innistrad
10.18.11 Essence of the Wild - Innistrad
10.17.11 Witchbane Orb - Innistrad
10.14.11 Past in Flames - Innistrad
10.13.11 Devil's Play - Innistrad
10.12.11 Moldgraf Monstrosity - Innistrad
10.11.11 Parallel Lives - Innistrad
10.10.11 Kessig Wolf Run - Innistrad
10.07.11 Nevermore - Innistrad
10.06.11 Liliana of the Veil - Innistrad
10.05.11 Garruk Relentless / Garruk the Veil-Cursed - Innistrad
10.04.11 Heartless Summoning - Innistrad
10.03.11 Snapcaster Mage - Innistrad
09.30.11 Geist-Honored Monk - Innistrad
09.29.11 Falkenrath Marauders - Innistrad
09.28.11 Champion of the Parish - Innistrad
09.27.11 Bloodgift Demon - Innistrad
09.26.11 Stromkirk Noble - Innistrad
09.23.11 Kird Ape - Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas
09.22.11 Spite/Malice - Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas
09.21.11 Icy Manipulator - Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas
09.20.11 Ageless Entity - Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas
09.19.11 Deep Analysis - Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas
09.16.11 Zombie Infestation - M12
09.15.11 Buried Ruin - M12
09.14.11 Hunter's Insight - M12
09.13.11 Stonehorn Dignitary - M12
09.12.11 Distress - M12
09.09.11 Master Thief - M12
09.08.11 Jade Mage - M12
09.07.11 Tormented Soul - M12
09.06.11 Phantasmal Bear - M12
09.02.11 Timely Reinforcements - M12
09.01.11 Quicksilver Amulet - M12
08.31.11 Furyborn Hellkite - M12
08.30.11 Visions of Beyond - M12
08.29.11 Phantasmal Image - M12
08.26.11 Manalith - M12
08.25.11 Lord of the Unreal - M12
08.24.11 Grand Abolisher - M12
08.23.11 Sorin's Thirst - M12
08.22.11 Druidic Satchel - M12
08.19.11 Azure Mage - M12
08.18.11 Goblin Fireslinger - M12
08.17.11 Scavenging Ooze - Commander
08.16.11 Consecrated Sphinx - Mirrodin Besieged
08.15.11 Torpor Orb - New Phyrexia
08.12.11 Monomania - M12
08.11.11 Skinshifter - M12
08.10.11 Swiftfoot Boots - M12
08.02.11 Smallpox - M12
08.01.11 Manabarbs - M12 ------
07.29.11 Adaptive Automaton - M12
07.28.11 Dungrove Elder - M12
07.27.11 Goblin Grenade - M12
07.26.11 Vengeful Pharaoh - M12
07.25.11 Rune-Scarred Demon - M12 -----
07.22.11 Solemn Simulacrum - M12
07.21.11 Gideon's Avenger - M12
07.20.11 Grim Lavamancer - M12
07.19.11 Garruk's Horde - M12
07.18.11 Garruk, Primal Hunter - M12 -----
07.15.11 Arachnus Spinner - M12
07.14.11 Chandra's Curse - M12
07.13.11 Call to the Grave - M12
07.12.11 Jace's Archivist - M12
07.11.11 Aegis Angel - M12
07.08.11 Angelic Destiny - M12
07.07.11 Jace, Memory Adept - M12
07.06.11 Chandra, the Firebrand - M12 - 2400th COTD
07.05.11 Bloodlord of Vaasgoth - M12
07.01.11 Trench Gorger - Commander
06.30.11 Syphon Flesh - Commander
06.29.11 Martyr's Bond - Commander
06.28.11 Edric, Spymaster of Trest - Commander
06.27.11 Acorn Catapult - Commander ------
06.24.11 Chaos Warp - Commander
06.23.11 Basandra, Battle Seraph - Commander
06.22.11 Avatar of Slaughter - Commander
06.21.11 Animar, Soul of Elements - Commander
06.20.11 Flusterstorm - Commander -----
06.17.11 Deceiver Exarch - New Phyrexia
06.16.11 Caress of Phyrexia - New Phyrexia
06.15.11 Lost Leonin - New Phyrexia
06.14.11 Glistener Elf - New Phyrexia
06.13.11 Despise - New Phyrexia -----
06.10.11 Dispatch - New Phyrexia
06.09.11 Geth's Verdict - New Phyrexia
06.08.11 Volt Charge - New Phyrexia
06.07.11 Mental Misstep - New Phyrexia
06.06.11 Puresteel Paladin - New Phyrexia
06.05.11 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite - New Phyrexia
06.02.11 Etched Monstrosity - New Phyrexia
06.01.11 Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur - New Phyrexia
05.26.11 Dismember - New Phyrexia
05.25.11 Act of Aggression - New Phyrexia
05.24.11 Viral Drake - New Phyrexia
05.23.11 Wing Splicer - New Phyrexia -----
05.20.11 Batterskull - New Phyrexia
05.20.11 Lashwrithe - New Phyrexia
05.18.11 Mycosynth Wellspring - New Phyrexia
05.17.11 Invader Parasite - New Phyrexia
05.16.11 Due Respect - New Phyrexia -----
05.13.11 Beast Within - New Phyrexia
05.12.11 Sword of War and Peace - New Phyrexia
05.11.11 Hex Parasite - New Phyrexia
05.10.11 Porcelain Legionnaire - New Phyrexia
05.09.11 Urabrask, the Hidden - New Phyrexia -----
05.06.11 Myr Superion - New Phyrexia
05.05.11 Phyrexian Obliterator - New Phyrexia
05.04.11 Birthing Pod - New Phyrexia
05.03.11 Karn Liberated - New Phyrexia
05.02.11 Mutagenic Growth - New Phyrexia -----
04.29.11 Chained Throatseeker - New Phyrexia
04.28.11 Sheoldred, Whispering One - New Phyrexia
04.27.11 Slash Panther - New Phyrexia
04.26.11 Surgical Extraction - New Phyrexia
04.25.11 Grim Affliction - New Phyrexia -----
Easter Week Special:
04.22.11 Kezzerdrix - Tempest
04.21.11 Jackalope Herd - Exodus
04.20.11 Sungrass Egg - Odyssey
04.19.11 Triassic Egg - Legends
04.18.11 Rukh Egg - 9th Edition -----
04.15.11 Rot Wolf - Mirrodin Besieged
04.14.11 Steel Sabotage - Mirrodin Besieged
04.13.11 Flayer Husk - Mirrodin Besieged
04.12.11 Phyrexian Rager - Mirrodin Besieged
04.11.11 Leonin Skyhunter - Mirrodin Besieged -----
04.08.11 Viridian Emissary - Mirrodin Besieged
04.07.11 Vedalken Anatomist - Mirrodin Besieged
04.06.11 Plaguemaw Beast - Mirrodin Besieged
04.05.11 Choking Fumes - Mirrodin Besieged
04.04.11 Gruesome Encore - Mirrodin Besieged -----
04.01.11 Flesh-Eater Imp - Mirrodin Besieged
03.31.11 Nested Ghoul - Mirrodin Besieged
03.30.11 Massacre Wurm - Mirrodin Besieged
03.29.11 Psychosis Crawler - Mirrodin Besieged
03.28.11 Distant Memories - Mirrodin Besieged ------
03.25.11 Kuldotha Flamefield - Mirrodin Besieged
03.24.11 Burn the Impure - Mirrodin Besieged
03.23.11 Divine Offering - Mirrodin Besieged
03.22.11 Treasure Mage - Mirrodin Besieged
03.21.11 Blisterstick Shaman - Mirrodin Besieged -----
03.18.11 Signal Pest - Mirrodin Besieged
03.17.11 Sphere of the Suns - Mirrodin Besieged
03.16.11 Sword of Feast and Famine - Mirrodin Besieged
03.15.11 Tangle Hulk - Mirrodin Besieged
03.14.11 Viridian Claw - Mirrodin Besieged -----
03.11.11 Morbid Plunder - Mirrodin Besieged
03.11.11 Turn the Tide - Mirrodin Besieged
03.09.11 Vivisection - Mirrodin Besieged
03.08.11 Horrifying Revelation - Mirrodin Besieged
03.07.11 Virulent Wound - Mirrodin Besieged -----
03.04.11 Lead the Stampede - Mirrodin Besieged
03.03.11 Core Prowler - Mirrodin Besieged
03.02.11 Viridian Corrupter - Mirrodin Besieged
03.01.11 Phyrexian Revoker - Mirrodin Besieged
02.28.11 Go for the Throat - Mirrodin Besieged -----
02.25.11 Thopter Assembly - Mirrodin Besieged - 2300th COTD!
02.24.11 Phyrexian Crusader - Mirrodin Besieged
02.23.11 Darksteel Plate - Mirrodin Besieged
02.22.11 Phyrexian Rebirth - Mirrodin Besieged -----
02.18.11 Titan Forge - Mirrodin Besieged
02.17.11 Slagstorm - Mirrodin Besieged
02.16.11 Mirran Crusader - Mirrodin Besieged
02.15.11 Myr Turbine - Mirrodin Besieged
02.14.11 Shimmer Myr - Mirrodin Besieged ------
02.11.11 Phyresis - Mirrodin Besieged
02.10.11 Flensermite - Mirrodin Besieged
02.09.11 Corrupted Conscience - Mirrodin Besieged
02.08.11 Inkmoth Nexus - Mirrodin Besieged
02.07.11 Phyrexian Vatmother - Mirrodin Besieged -----
02.04.11 Black Sun's Zenith - Mirrodin Besieged
02.03.11 Red Sun's Zenith - Mirrodin Besieged
02.02.11 Green Sun's Zenith - Mirrodin Besieged
02.01.11 Blue Sun's Zenith - Mirrodin Besieged
01.31.11 White Sun's Zenith - Mirrodin Besieged -----
01.28.11 Sangromancer - Mirrodin Besieged
01.27.11 Hero of Oxid Ridge - Mirrodin Besieged
01.26.11 Blightsteel Colusssus - Mirrodin Besieged
01.25.11 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas - Mirrodin Besieged
01.24.11 Glissa, the Traitor - Mirrodin Besieged -----
01.21.11 Bonehoard - Mirrodin Besieged
01.20.11 Pojo.com Exclusive Preview: Hellkite Ignite - Mirrodin Besieged
01.19.11 Hero of Bladehold - Mirrodin Beseiged
01.18.11 Thrun, the Last Troll - Mirrodin Besieged -----
Top 10 New MTG Cards of 2010
01.14.11 - #1 - Jace, the Mind Sculptor - Worldwake
01.13.11 - #2 - Primeval Titan - M11
01.12.11 - #3 - Emrakul, the Aeons Torn - Rise of the Eldrazi
01.11.11 - #4 - Koth of the Hammer - Scars of Mirrodin
01.10.11 - #5 - Gideon Jura - Rise of the Eldrazi
01.07.11 - #6 - Grave Titan - M11
01.06.11 - #7 - All Is Dust - Rise of the Eldrazi
01.05.11 - #8 - Engulfing Slagwurm - Scars of Mirrodin
01.04.11 - #9 - Creeping Tar Pit - Worldwake
01.03.11 - #10 - Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre - Rise of the Eldrazi
12.30.10 True Conviction - Scars of Mirrodin
12.29.10 Dissipation Field - Scars of Mirrodin
12.28.10 Asceticism - Scars of Mirrodin
12.27.10 Painful Quandary - Scars of Mirrodin
12.23.10 Carrion Call - Scars of Mirrodin
12.22.10 Halt Order - Scars of Mirrodin
12.21.10 Twisted Image -Scars of Mirrodin
12.17.10 Flesh Allergy - Scars of Mirrodin
12.16.10 Shape Anew - Scars of Mirrodin
12.15.10 Molten Psyche - Scars of Mirrodin
12.14.10 Genesis Wave - Scars of Mirrodin
12.13.10 Cerebral Eruption - Scars of Mirrodin
12.10.10 Engulfing Slagwurm - Scars of Mirrodin
12.09.10 Darksteel Juggernaut - Scars of Mirrodin
12.08.10 Carnifex Demon - Scars of Mirrodin
12.07.10 Argent Sphinx - Scars of Mirrodin
12.06.10 Abuna Acolyte - Scars of Mirrodin
12.03.10 Hoard-Smelter Dragon - Scars of Mirrodin
12.02.10 Geth, Lord of the Vault - Scars of Mirrodin
12.01.10 Darksteel Axe - Scars of Mirrodin
11.30.10 Scrapdiver Serpent - Scars of Mirrodin
11.29.10 Oxidda Scrapmelter - Scars of Mirrodin
11.24.10 Contagion Clasp - Scars of Mirrodin
11.23.10 Memnite - Scars of Mirrodin
11.22.10 Dispense Justice - Scars of Mirrodin
11.19.10 Bellowing Tanglewurm - Scars of Mirrodin
11.18.10 Infiltration Lens - Scars of Mirrodin
11.17.10 Exsanguinate - Scars of Mirrodin
11.16.10 Myr Galvanizer - Scars of Mirrodin
11.15.10 Volition Reins - Scars of Mirrodin
11.12.10 Heavy Arbalest - Scars of Mirrodin
11.11.10 Kemba, Kha Regent - Scars of Mirrodin
11.10.10 Slice in Twain - Scars of Mirrodin
11.09.10 Stoic Rebuttal - Scars of Mirrodin
11.08.10 Grasp of Darkness - Scars of Mirrodin
11.05.10 Thrummingbird - Scars of Mirrodin
11.04.10 Mox Opal - Scars of Mirrodin
11.03.10 Seize the Initiative - Scars of Mirrodin
11.02.10 Vault Skyward - Scars of Mirrodin
11.01.10 Tel-Jilad Fallen - Scars of Mirrodin
10.29.10 Tempered Steel - Scars of Mirrodin
10.28.10 Mimic Vat - Scars of Mirrodin
10.27.10 Grand Architect - Scars of Mirrodin
10.26.10 Trinket Mage - Scars of Mirrodin
10.25.10 Leonin Arbiter - Scars of Mirrodin
10.22.10 Sunblast Angel - Scars of Mirrodin
10.21.10 Fume Spitter - Scars of Mirrodin
10.20.10 Arc Trail - Scars of Mirrodin
10.19.10 Ratchet Bomb - Scars of Mirrodin
10.18.10 Molten-Tail Masticore - Scars of Mirrodin
10.15.10 Corpse Cur - Scars of Mirrodin
10.14.10 Putrefax - Scars of Mirrodin
10.13.10 Blight Mamba - Scars of Mirrodin
10.12.10 Ichor Rats - Scars of Mirrodin
10.11.10 Hand of the Praetors - Scars of Mirrodin
10.08.10 Skinrender - Scars of Mirrodin
10.07.10 Elspeth Tirel - Scars of Mirrodin
10.06.10 Garruk's Companion - M11
10.05.10 Time Reversal - M11
10.04.10 Redirect - M11
10.01.10 Sword of Body and Mind - Scars of Mirrodin
09.30.10 Semblance Anvil - Scars of Mirrodin
09.29.10 Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon - Scars of Mirrodin - 2200th COTD
09.28.10 Koth of the Hammer - Scars of Mirrodin
09.27.10 Infiltration Lens - Scars of Mirrodin
09.24.10 Memoricide - Scars of Mirrodin
09.23.10 Ezuri's Brigade - Scars of Mirrodin
09.22.10 Wurmcoil Engine - Scars of Mirrodin
09.15.10 Swords to Plowshares - Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret
09.14.10 Mishra's Factory -Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret
09.13.10 Crusade -Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret
09.10.10 Milotic Slime - M11
09.10.10 Ember Hauler - M11
09.09.10 Liege of the Tangle - Scars of Mirrodin -
Pojo Exclusive Preview
09.08.10 Preordain - M11
09.07.10 Obstinate Baloth - M11
09.03.10 White Knight - M11
09.02.10 Unsummon - M11
09.01.10 Spined Wurm - M11
08.31.10 Mana Leak - M11
08.30.10 Llanowar Elves - M11
08.27.10 Juggernaut - M11
08.26.10 Lava Axe - M11
08.25.10 Holy Strength - M11
08.24.10 Gravedigger - M11
08.23.10 Goblin Balloon Brigade - M11
08.20.10 Giant Spider - M11
08.19.10 Fog - M11
08.18.10 Diabolic Tutor - M11
08.17.10 Cancel - M11
08.16.10 Azure Drake - M11
08.13.10 Unholy Strength - M11
08.12.10 Demon of Death's Gate - M11
08.11.10 Cyclops Gladiator - M11
08.10.10 Clone - M11
08.09.10 Angelic Arbiter - M11
07.30.10 Conundrum Sphinx - M11
07.29.10 Necrotic Plague - M11
07.28.10 Reverberate - M11
07.27.10 Overwhelming Stampede - M11
07.26.10 Temple Bell - M11
07.23.10 Liliana's Caress - M11
07.22.10 Reassembling Skeleton - M11
07.21.10 Phylactery Lich - M11
07.20.10 Dark Tutelage - M11
07.19.10 Nantuko Shade - M11
07.16.10 Sword of Vengeance - M11
07.15.10 Primeval Titan - M11
07.14.10 Inferno Titan - M11
07.13.10 Grave Titan - M11
07.12.10 Frost Titan - M11
07.09.10 Dragonskull Summit - M11
07.08.10 Jace's Ingenuity - M11
07.07.10 Awakener Druid - M11
07.02.10 Wild Evocation - M11 -Pojo Exclusive
06.30.10 Ancient Hellkite - M11
06.29.10 Captivating Vampire - M11
06.28.10 Sun Titan - M11
06.25.10 Jorga Treespeaker - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.24.10 Inquisition of Kozilek - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.23.10 Wall of Omens - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.22.10 Lone Missionary - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.21.10 Demystify - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.18.10 Bramblesnap - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.17.10 Virulent Swamp - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.16.10 Survival Cache - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.15.10 Forked Bolt - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.14.10 Skittering Invasion - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.11.10 Pawn of Ulamog - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.10.10 Arrogant Bloodlord - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.09.10 Guard Gomazoa - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.08.10 Pelakka Wurm - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.07.10 Beastbreaker of Bala Ged - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.04.10 Artisan of Kozilek - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.03.10 Emerge Unscathed - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.02.10 Unified Will - Rise of the Eldrazi
06.01.10 Lust For War - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.28.10 Soul's Attendant - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.27.10 Evolving Wilds - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.26.10 Vendetta - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.25.10 Overgrown Battlement - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.24.10 Deprive - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.21.10 Deathless Angel - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.20.10 Eldrazi Conscription - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.19.10 Awakening Zone - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.18.10 Student of Warfare - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.17.10 Realms Uncharted - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.14.10 Transcendent Master - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.13.10 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.12.10 Linvala, Keeper of Silence - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.11.10 Vengevine - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.10.10 Lord of Shatterskull Pass - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.07.10 Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.06.10 Domestication - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.05.10 Sphinx of Magosi - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.04.10 Sarkhan the Mad - Rise of the Eldrazi
05.03.10 Disaster Radius - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.30.10 Gideon Jura - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.29.10 Oust - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.28.10 Momentous Fall - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.27.10 Kargan Dragonlord - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.26.10 Eldrazi Temple - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.23.10 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth - Rise of the Eldrazi - 2100th COTD
04.22.10 Khalni Hydra - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.21.10 World at War - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.20.10 All Is Dust - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.19.10 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn - Rise of the Eldrazi
04.16.10 Omnath, Locus of Mana - Worldwake
04.15.10 Comet Storm - Worldwake
04.14.10 Apex Hawks - Worldwake
04.13.10 Goliath Sphinx - Worldwake
04.12.10 Agadeem Occultist - Worldwake
04.09.10 Everflowing Chalice - Worldwake
04.08.10 Walking Atlas Worldwake
04.07.10 AEther Tradewinds - Worldwake
04.06.10 Halimar Excavator - Worldwake
04.05.10 Rest For the Weary - Worldwake
04.02.10 Magmaw - Rise of Eldrazi - Pojo.com Exclusive
04.01.10 Jack-in-the-Mox - Unglued
03.31.10 Arbor Elf - Worldwake
03.30.10 Tomb Hex - Worldwake
03.29.10 Quicksand - Worldwake
03.26.10 Grotag Thrasher - Worldwake
03.25.10 Raging Ravine - Worldwake
03.25.10 Talus Paladin - Worldwake
03.23.10 Terastodon - Worldwake
03.22.10 Wolfbriar Elemental - Worldwake
03.15.10 Corpsehatch - Rise of the Eldrazi
03.15.10 Mammoth Umbra - Rise of the Eldrazi
03.15.10 Mnemonic Wall - Rise of the Eldrazi
03.15.10 Pathrazer of Ulamog - Rise of the Eldrazi
03.15.10 Prey's Vengeance - Rise of the Eldrazi
03.15.10 Valakut Fireboar - Rise of the Eldrazi
03.12.10 Stirring Wildwood - Worldwake
03.11.10 Thada Adel, Acquisitor - Worldwake
03.10.10 Lodestone Golem - Worldwake
03.09.10 Kor Firewalker - Worldwake
03.08.10 Death's Shadow - Worldwake
03.05.10 Urge to Feed - Worldwake
03.04.10 Wrexial, the Risen Deep - Worldwake
03.03.10 Butcher of Malakir - Worldwake
03.02.10 Leatherback Baloth - Worldwake
03.01.10 Searing Blaze - Worldwake
02.26.10 Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs - Worldwake
02.25.10 Novablast Wurm - Worldwake
02.24.10 Basilisk Collar - Worldwake
02.23.10 Halimar Depths - Worldwake
02.22.10 Joraga Warcaller - Worldwake -----
02.19.10 Smother - Worldwake
02.18.10 Jace, the Mind Sculptor - Worldwake
02.17.10 Treasure Hunt - Worldwake
02.16.10 Selective Memory - Worldwake
02.16.10 Loam Lion - Worldwake -----
02.12.10 Seer's Sundial - Worldwake
02.11.10 Marshal's Anthem - Worldwake
02.10.10 Harabaz Druid - Worldwake
02.09.10 Chain Reaction - Worldwake
02.08.10 Anowon, the Ruin Sage - Worldwake -----
02.05.10 Bazaar Trader - Worldwake
02.04.10 Archon of Redemption - Worldwake
02.03.10 Admonition Angel - Worldwake
02.02.10 Abyssal Persecutor - Worldwake
02.01.10 Avenger of Zendikar - Worldwake -----
01.29.10 Terra Eternal - Worldwake
01.28.10 Crusher Zendikon - Worldwake
01.27.10 Amulet of Vigor - Worldwake
01.27.10 Explore - Worldwake
01.25.10 Quest for Ula's Temple - Worldwake -----
01.22.10 Mordant Dragon - Worldwake - Pojo Exclusive Preview
01.21.10 Wind Zendikon - Worldwake
01.20.10 Quest for the Nihil Stone - Worldwake
01.19.10 Join the Ranks - Worldwake
01.18.10 Canopy Cover - Worldwake -----
Countdown - Top 10 Cards of 2009:
01.15.10 Bloodbraid Elf - Alara Reborn - #1
01.14.10 Path to Exile - Conflux - #2
01.13.10 Lightning Bolt - M10 - #3
01.12.10 Lotus Cobra - Zendikar - #4
01.11.10 Baneslayer Angel - Zendikar - #5
01.08.10 Day of Judgment - Zendikar - #6
01.07.10 Vampire Nighthawk - Zendikar - #7
01.06.10 Goblin Bushwacker - Zendikar - #8
01.05.10 Bloodchief Ascension - Zendikar - #9
01.04.10 Maelstrom Pulse - Alara Reborn - #10 ----- 2009 -----
12.30.09 Roil Elemental - Zendikar
12.29.09 Lullmage Mentor - Zendikar
12.28.09 Lorthos, the Tidemaker - Zendikar
12.23.09 Malakir Bloodwitch - Zendikar
12.22.09 Pyromancer Ascension - Zendikar -----
12.18.09 Vines of Vastvood - Zendikar
12.17.09 Eternity Vessel - Zendikar
12.16.09 Vampire Nighthawk - Zendikar
12.15.09 Vampire Hexmage - Zendikar
12.14.09 River Boa - Zendikar ----
12.11.09 Punishing Fire - Zendikar
12.10.09 Mind Sludge - Zendikar
12.09.09 Kazandu Blademaster - Zendikar
12.08.09 Gatekeeper of Malakir - Zendikar
12.07.09 Brave the Elements - Zendikar -----
12.04.09 Steppe Lynx - Zendikar
12.03.09 Spell Pierce - Zendikar
12.02.09 Burst Lightning - Zendikar
12.01.09 Luminarch Ascension - Zendikar
11.30.09 Goblin Guide - Zendikar -----
11.25.09 Bloodchief Ascension - Zendikar - 2000th review
11.24.09 Explorer's Scope - Zendikar
11.23.09 Mindbreak Trap - Zendikar -----
11.20.09 Scythe Tiger - Zendikar
11.19.09 Harrow - Zendikar
11.18.09 Journey to Nowhere - Zendikar
11.17.09 Lotus Cobra - Zendikar
11.16.09 Iona, Shield of Emeria - Zendikar
11.13.09 Ob Nixilis, the Fallen - Zendikar
11.12.09 Summoning Trap - Zendikar
11.11.09 Sorin Markov - Zendikar
11.10.09 Rampaging Baloths - Zendikar
11.09.09 Chandra Ablaze - Zendikar
11.08.09 Guul Draz Specter - Zendikar
11.05.09 Guul Draz Vampire - Zendikar
11.04.09 World Queller - Zendikar
11.03.09 Warren Instigator - Zendikar
11.02.09 Day of Judgment - Zendikar
10.30.09 Felidar Sovereign - Zendikar
10.29.09 Cosi's Trickster - Zendikar
10.28.09 Bloodghast - Zendikar
10.27.09 Bala Ged Thief - Zendikar
10.26.09 Armament Master - Zendikar
10.23.09 Grim Discovery - Zendikar
10.22.09 Oracle of Mul Daya - Zendikar
10.21.09 Archive Trap - Zendikar
10.20.09 Goblin Ruinblaster - Zendikar
10.19.09 Luminarch Ascension - Zendikar
10.16.09 Convincing Mirage - M10
10.15.09 Divination - M10
10.14.09 Mind Control - M10
10.13.09 Fabricate - M10
10.07.09 Howl of the Night Pack - M10
10.06.09 Awakener Druid - M10
10.05.09 Kalonian Behemoth - M10
10.02.09 Spellbook - M10
10.01.09 Whispersilk Cloak - M10
09.30.09 Mirror of Fate - M10
09.29.09 Magebane Armor - M10
09.28.09 Howling Mine - M10
09.25.09 Fireball - M10
09.24.09 Tendrils of Corruption - M10
09.23.09 Goblin Artillery - M10
09.22.09 Earthquake - M10
09.21.09 Open the Vaults - M10
09.18.09 Veteran Armorsmith - M10
09.17.09 Deadly Recluse - M10
09.16.09 Sanguine Bond - M10
09.15.09 Soul Warden - M10
09.14.09 Sign in Blood - M10
09.11.09 Pojo Exclusive: Scute Mob -
09.10.09 Quest for the Gravelord - Zendikar
09.09.09 Plated Geopede - Zendikar
09.08.09 Kor Sanctifiers - Zendikar
09.04.09 Ajani Goldmane - M10
09.03.09 Mold Adder - M10
09.02.09 Elvish Archdruid -M10
09.01.09 Djinn of Wishes - M10
08.31.09 Guardian Seraph - M10
08.28.09 Bogardan Hellkite - M10
08.27.09 Cudgel Troll - M10
08.26.09 Jackal Familiar - M10
08.25.09 Wall of Frost - M10
08.24.09 Merfolk Sovereign - M10 -----
08.21.09 Rise from the Grave - M10
08.20.09 Pyroclasm - M10
08.19.09 Phantom Warrior - M10
08.18.09 Acidic Slime - M10
08.18.09 Master of the Wild Hunt - M10
08.17.09 Polymorph - M10 ------
08.06.09 Goblin Chieftan - M10
08.05.09 Captain of the Watch - M10
08.04.09 Sleep - M10
08.03.09 Great Sable Stag - M10 -----
07.31.09 Birds of Paradise - M10
07.30.09 Harm's Way - M10
07.29.09 Darksteel Colussus - M10
07.28.09 Pithing Needle - M10
07.27.09 Silence - M10 -----
07.24.09 Haunting Echoes - M10
07.23.09 Cemetery Reaper - M10
07.22.09 Doom Blade - M10
07.21.09 Deathmark - M10
07.20.09 Duress - M10 -----
07.17.09 Baneslayer Angel - M10
07.16.09 Ice Cage - M10 - 1900th COTD
07.15.09 Lurking Predators - M10
07.14.09 Royal Assassin - M10
07.13.09 Gargoyle Castle - M10 -----
07.10.09 Black Knight - M10
07.09.09 Protean Hydra - M10
07.08.09 Hive Mind - M10
07.07.09 Ball Lightning - M10
07.06.09 Honor of the Pure - M10 ------
07.03.09 Howling Banshee - Magic 2010 - Pojo Exclusive
07.02.09 Lightning Bolt - Magic 2010
07.01.09 Xathrid Demon - Magic 2010
06.30.09 Drowned Catacomb - M2010
06.29.09 Ant Queen - M2010 ------
06.26.09 Vampire Nocturnus - Magic 2010
06.25.09 Serra Angel - Magic 2010
06.24.09 Garruk Wildspeaker - Magic 2010
06.23.09 Sangrite Backlash - Alara Reborn -----
06.19.09 Morbid Bloom - Alara Reborn
06.18.09 Necromancer's Covenant - Alara Reborn
06.17.09 Cerodon Yearling - Alara Reborn
06.16.09 Giant Ambush Beetle - Alara Reborn
06.15.09 Sages of Anima - Alara Reborn -----
06.12.09 Stun Sniper - Alara Reborn
06.11.09 Fight to the Death - Alara Reborn
06.10.09 Bant Sureblade - Alara Reborn
06.09.09 Colossal Might - Alara Reborn
06.08.09 Crystallization - Alara Reborn -----
06.05.09 Mycoid Shepherd - Alara Reborn
06.04.09 Kathari Bomber - Alara Reborn
06.03.09 Qasali Pridemage - Alara Reborn
06.02.09 Putrid Leech - Alara Reborn
06.01.09 Thought Hemorrhage - Alara Reborn -----
05.29.09 Bloodbraid Elf - Alara Reborn
05.28.09 Identity Crisis - Alara Reborn
05.27.09 Winged Coatl - Alara Reborn
05.26.09 Lorescale Coatl - Alara Reborn -----
05.22.09 Dauntless Escort - Alara Reborn
05.21.09 Mind Funeral - Alara Reborn
05.20.09 Unscythe, Killer of Kings - Alara Reborn
05.19.09 Tainted Sigil - Alara Reborn
05.18.09 Jenara, Asura of War - Alara Reborn -----
05.15.09 Sen Triplets - Alara Reborn
05.14.09 Anathemancer - Alara Reborn
05.13.09 Lich Lord of Unx - Alara Reborn
05.12.09 Illusory Demon - Alara Reborn
05.11.09 Aven Mimeomancer - Alara Reborn -----
05.08.09 Knights of New Alara - Alara Reborn
05.07.09 Dragon Broodmother - Alara Reborn
05.06.09 Defiler of Souls - Alara Reborn
05.05.09 Brainbite - Alara Reborn -----
04.30.09 Lord of Extinction - Alara Reborn
04.29.09 Glassdust Hulk - Alara Reborn -----
04.22.09 Blitz Hellion - Alara Reborn
04.21.09 Igneous Pouncer - Conflux
04.20.09 Maelstrom Pulse - Alara Reborn -----
04.17.09 Marisa's Twinclaws - Alara Reborn
04.16.09 Pale Recluse -Alara Reborn
04.15.09 Bituminous Blast - Alara Reborn
04.14.09 Ethercaste Knight - Alara Reborn -----
04.10.09 Aerie Mystics - Conflux
04.09.09 Wall of Reverence - Conflux
04.08.09 Scepter of Dominance - Conflux
04.07.09 Mirror-Sigil Sergeant - Conflux
04.06.09 Mark of Asylum - Conflux -----
04.03.09 Might of Alara - Conflux
04.02.09 Soul's Majesty - Conflux
04.01.09 Paleoloth - Conflux
03.31.09 Cylian Sunsinger - Conflux
03.30.09 Cliffrunner Behemoth - Conflux -----
03.27.09 Molten Frame - Conflux
03.24.09 Dark Temper - Conflux -----
03.20.09 Sphinx Summoner - Conflux
03.19.09 Scepter of Fugue - Conflux
03.18.09 Savage Slasher - Conflux
03.17.09 Court Homunculus - Conflux
03.16.09 View From Above - Conflux -----
03.13.09 Knight of the Reliquary - Conflux
03.12.09 Celestial Purge - Conflux
03.11.09 Hellspark Elemental - Conflux
03.10.09 Martial Coup - Conflux
03.09.09 Thornling - Conflux -----
03.06.09 Volcanic Fallout - Conflux
03.05.09 Lapse of Certainty - Conflux
03.04.09 Ancient Ziggurat - Conflux
03.03.09 Nyxathid - Conflux
03.02.09 Child of Alara - Conflux
02.27.09 Grixis Illusionist - Conflux
02.26.09 Inkwell Leviathan - Conflux
02.25.09 Telemin Performance - Conflux
02.24.09 Scepter of Insight - Conflux
02.23.09 Worldheart Phoenix - Conflux -
1800th COTD! w00t!
02.19.09 Rakka Mar - Conflux
02.18.09 Banefire - Conflux
02.17.09 Apocalypse Hydra - Conflux
02.12.09 Path to Exile - Conflux
02.12.09 Maelstrom Archanger - Conflux
02.11.09 Exotic Orchard - Conflux
02.10.09 Ethersworn Adjudicator - Conflux
02.09.09 Bloodhall Ooze -Conflux
02.06.09 Countersquall - Conflux
02.05.09 Goblin Razerunners - Conflux
02.04.09 Sigil of the Empty Throne - Conflux
02.03.09 Exploding Borders - Conflux
02.02.09 Conflux - Conflux
01.30.09 Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker - Conflux
01.29.09 Meglonoth - Conflux
01.28.09 Master Transmuter - Conflux
01.27.09 Progenitus - Conflux
01.26.09 Noble Hierarch - Conflux
01.23.09 Sigiled Paladin - Shards of Alara
01.22.09 Painter's Servant - Shadowmoor
01.21.09 Nameless Inversion - Lorwyn
01.20.09 Remove Soul - 10th Edition
01.19.09 Sygg, River Guide - Lorwyn
----- Top 10 Cards of 2008, Countdown: -----
----- 2008 -----
12.31.08 Holy Day - 10th Edition
12.30.08 Thousand-Year Elixir - Lorwyn
12.29.08 Sigil of the New Dawn - Onslaught
12.23.08 Winter Orb - 5th Ed.
12.22.08 Goblin Snowman - Ice Age
12.19.08 Tidehollow Sculler - Shards of Alara
12.18.08 Elspeth, Knight-Errant - Shards of Alara
12.17.08 Resounding Thunder - Shards of Alara
12.16.08 Jund Charm - Shards of Alara
12.15.08 Agony Warp - Shards of Alara
12.12.08 Hissing Iguanar - Shards of Alara
12.11.08 Dragon Fodder - Shards of Alara
12.10.08 Rhox Charger - Shards of Alara
12.09.08 Court Archers - Shards of Alara
12.08.08 Algae Gharial - Shards of Alara
12.05.08 Gift of the Gargantuan - Shards of Alara
12.04.08 Cradle of Vitality - Shards of Alara
12.03.08 Kederekt Leviathon - Shards of Alara
12.02.08 Scourglass - Shards of Alara
12.01.08 Wild Nacatl - Shards of Alara
11.25.08 Battlegrace Angel - Shards of Alara
11.24.08 Realm Razer - Shards of Alara
11.21.08 Oblivion Ring - Shards of Alara
11.20.08 Arcane Sanctum - Shards of Alara
11.19.08 Feral Hydra - Shards of Alara
11.18.08 Ooze Garden - Shards of Alara
11.17.08 Woolly Thoctar - Shards of Alara
11.14.08 Crucible of Fire - Shards of Alara
11.13.08 Hell's Thunder - Shards of Alara
11.12.08 Goblin Assault - Shards of Alara
11.11.08 Caldera Hellion - Shards of Alara
11.10.08 Predator Dragon - Shards of Alara
11.07.08 Banewasp Affliction - Shards of Alara
11.06.08 Vein Drinker - Shards of Alara
11.05.08 Scavenger Drake - Shards of Alara
11.04.08 Infest - Shards of Alara
11.03.08 Ad Nauseam - Shards of Alara -------
10.31.08 Death Baron - Shards of Alara
10.30.08 Rhox War Monk - Shards of Alara
10.29.08 Blightning - Shards of Alara
10.28.08 Mycoloth - Shards of Alara
10.27.08 Sprouting Thrinax - Shards of Alara -----
10.24.08 Rafiq of the Many - Shards of Alara
10.23.08 Cruel Ultimatum - Shards of Alara
10.22.08 Broodmate Dragon - Shards of Alara
10.21.08 Master of Etherium - Shards of Alara
10.20.08 Sharuum the Hegemon - Shards of Alara ------
10.17.08 Flameblast Dragon - Shards of Alara
10.16.08 Akraskan Squire - Shards of Alara
10.15.08 Bant Charm - Shards of Alara
10.14.08 Knight of the White Orchard - Shards of Alara
10.13.08 Courier's Capsule - Shards of Alara -----
10.10.08 Dream Fracture - Eventide
10.09.08 Hotheaded Giant - Eventide
10.08.08 Nettle Sentinel - Eventide
10.07.08 Heartlash Cinder - Eventide
10.06.08 Flame Jab - Eventide -----
10.03.08 Sanity Grinding - Eventide
10.02.08 Rekindled Flame - Eventide
10.01.08 Pyrrhic Revival - Eventide
09.30.08 Divinity of Price - Eventide
09.29.08 Cold-Eyed Selkie - Eventide - 1700th COTD -----
09.26.08 Sarkhan Vol - Shards of Alara
09.25.08 Tezzeret the Seeker - Shards of Alara
09.24.08 Ajani Vengeant - Shards of Alara
09.23.08 Stoic Angel - Shards of Alara
09.22.08 Hellkite Overlord - Shards of Alara -----
09.19.08 Nobilis of War - Eventide
09.18.08 Primalcrux - Eventide
09.17.08 Syphon Life - Eventide
09.16.08 Twinblade Slasher - Eventide
09.15.08 Flickerwisp - Eventide -----
09.12.08 Regal Force - Eventide
09.11.08 Sapling of Colfenor - Eventide
09.10.08 Scarecrone - Eventide
09.09.08 Spirit of the Hearth - Eventide
09.08.08 Umbra Stalker - Eventide -----
09.05.08 Glamerdye - Eventide
09.04.08 Double Cleave - Eventide
09.03.08 Edge of Divinity - Eventide
09.02.08 Soul Snuffers - Eventide
09.01.08 Talara's Battalion - Eventide -----
08.29.08 Stigma Lasher - Eventide
08.28.08 Thunderblust - Eventide
08.27.08 Unwilling Recruit - Eventide
08.26.08 Quillspike - Eventide
08.25.08 Spitting Image - Eventide -----
08.22.08 Stillmoon Cavalier - Eventide
08.21.08 Balefire Liege - Eventide
08.20.08 Creakwood Liege - Eventide
08.19.08 Snakeform - Eventide
08.18.08 Unmake - Eventide -----
08.13.08 Bloom Tender - Eventide
08.12.08 Altar Golem - Eventide
08.11.08 Archon of Justice - Eventide ----
08.08.08 Dominus of Fealty - Eventide
08.07.08 Wake Thrasher - Eventide
08.06.08 Hallowed Burial - Eventide
08.04.08 Ward of Bones - Eventide
08.01.08 Deity of Scars - Eventide
07.31.08 Figure of Destiny - Eventide
07.30.08 Endless Horizons - Eventide
07.29.08 Raven's Crime - Eventide
07.28.08 Needle Specter - Eventide -----
07.26.08 Windbrisk Raptor - Shadowmoor
07.26.08 Wort, the Raidmother - Shadowmoor
07.23.08 Reaper King - Shadowmoor
07.22.08 Puca's Mischief - Shadowmoor
07.21.08 Savor the Moment - Shadowmoor -----
07.18.08 Jaws of Stone - Shadowmoor
07.17.08 Firespout - Shadowmoor
07.16.08 Thoughtweft Gambit - Shadowmoor
07.15.08 Fire-Lit Thicket - Shadowmoor
07.14.08 Wound Reflection - Shadowmoor -----
07.11.08 Steel of the Godhead - Shadowmoor
07.10.08 Zealous Guardian - Shadowmoor
07.09.08 Rustrazor Butcher - Shadowmoor
07.08.08 Goldenglow Moth - Shadowmoor
07.07.08 Cinderbones - Shadowmoor -----
07.03.08 Gilt-Leaf Archdruid - Morningtide
07.02.08 Scarblade Elite - Morningtide
07.01.08 Knowledge Exploitation - Morningtide
06.30.08 Reveillark - Morningtide -----
06.20.08 Furystoke Giant - Shadowmoor
06.19.08 Elemental Mastery - Shadowmoor
06.18.08 Burn Trail - Shadowmoor
06.17.08 Incremental Blight - Shadowmoor
06.16.08 Puppeteer Clique - Shadowmoor -----
06.13.08 Prismatic Omen - Shadowmoor
06.12.08 Twilight Shepherd - Shadowmoor
6.11.08 Turn to Mist - Shadowmoor
06.10.08 Mirrorweave - Shadowmoor -----
06.04.08 Enchanted Evening - Shadowmoor
06.03.08 Manamorphose - Shadowmoor
6.02.08 Faerie Macabre - Shadowmoor -----
05.30.08 Oona, Queen of the Fae - Shadowmoor
05.29.08 Guttural Response - Shadowmoor
05.28.08 Vexing Susher - Shadowmoor
05.27.08 Wheel of Sun and Moon - Shadowmoor -----
05.23.08 Mercy Killing - Shadowmoor
05.22.08 Kitchen Finks - Shadowmoor
5.21.08 Beseech the Queen - Shadowmoor
05.20.08 Runed Halo - Shadowmoor
05.19.08 Prison Term - Shadowmoor -----
05.17.08 Oversoul of Dusk - Shadowmoor
5.15.08 Boggart Ram-Gang - Shadowmoor
5.14.08 Dusk Urchins - Shadowmoor
05.13.08 Tattermunge Maniac - Shadowmoor
05.12.08 Flame Javelin - Shadowmoor -----
05.09.08 Wilt-Leaf Liege - Shadowmoor
05.08.08 Swans of Bryn Argoll - Shadowmoor
05.07.08 Fulminator Mage - Shadowmoor
05.06.08 Niveous Wisps - Shadowmoor
05.05.08 Mass Calcify - Shadowmoor - 1600th COTD -----
05.02.08 Cragganwick Cremator - Shadowmoor
05.01.08 Counterbore - Shadowmoor
04.30.08 Cemetery Puca - Shadowmoor
04.29.08 Cauldron of Souls - Shadowmoor
04.28.08 Boartusk Liege - Shadowmoor -----
04.25.08 Boon Reflection - Shadowmoor
04.24.08 Augury Adept - Shadowmoor
04.23.08 Ashenmoor Liege - Shadowmoor ------
04.17.08 Godhead of Awe - Shadowmoor
04.15.08 Demigod of Revenge - Shadowmoor
04.14.08 Mana Reflection - Shadowmoor
04.11.08 Scapeshift - Morningtide
04.10.08 Preeminent Captain - Morningtide
04.09.08 Mind Shatter - Morningtide
04.08.08 Rival's Duel - Morningtide
04.07.08 Greatbow Doyen - Morningtide
04.04.08 Ballyrush Banneret - Morningtide
04.03.08 Titan's Revenge - Morningtide
04.02.08 Notorious Throng - Morningtide
04.01.08 Coordinated Barrage - Morningtide
03.31.08 Shard Valley - Morningtide
03.28.08 Graceful Reprieve - Morningtide
03.27.08 Mosquito Guard - Morningtide
03.26.08 Walker of the Grove - Morningtide
03.25.08 Slithermuse - Morningtide
03.24.08 Meadowboon - Morningtide
03.21.08 Red Elemental Blast - 4th Ed.
03.20.08 Power Surge - 4th Edition
03.19.08 Karma - 8th Edition
03.18.08 Mana Flare - 5th Edition
03.17.08 Conversion - 4th Edition
03.14.08 Oona's Blackguard - Morningtide
03.13.08 Rustic Clachan - Morningtide
03.12.08 Primal Beyond - Morningtide
03.11.08 Reveillark - Morningtide
03.10.08 Negate - Morningtide
03.07.08 Reach of Branches - Morningtide
03.06.08 Thieves' Fortune - Morningtide
03.05.08 Wolf-Skull Shaman - Morningtide
03.04.08 Noggin Whack - Morningtide
03.03.08 Grimoire Thief - Morningtide
02.29.08 Vengeful Firebrand - Morningtide
02.28.08 Weirding Shaman - Morningtide
02.27.08 Kinbaile Borderguard - Morningtide
02.26.08 Leaf-Crowned Elder - Morningtide
02.25.08 Murmuring Bosk - Morningtide
02.22.08 Weight of Conscious - Morningtide
02.21.08 Stonehewer Giant - Morningtide
02.20.08 Kinsbaile Cavalier - Morningtide
02.19.08 Release the Ants - Morningtide
02.15.08 Mind Spring - Morningtide
02.14.08 Stenchskipper - Morningtide
02.13.08 Lightning Crafter - Morningtide
02.12.08 Cream of the Crop - Morningtide
02.11.08 Door of Destinies - Morningtide
02.09.08 Taurean Mauler - Morningtide
02.07.08 Bitterblossum - Morningtide
02.06.08 Idyllic Tutor - Morningtide
02.05.08 Sage of Fables - Morningtide
02.04.08 Swell of Courage - Morningtide
02.01.08 Countryside Crusher - Morningtide
01.31.08 Vendilion Clique - Morningtide
01.30.08 Earwing Squad - Morningtide
01.29.08 Chameleon Colossus - Morningtide
01.28.08 Mutavault - Morningtide
01.25.08 Dodecapod - Apocalypse
01.24.08 Disintegrate - Time Spiral
01.23.08 Dead / Gone - Planar Chaos
01.22.08 Chandra Nalaar - Lorwyn
01.21.08 Skred - Coldsnap
01.18.08 Eyes of the Wisent - Lorwyn
01.17.08 Mistbind Clique - Lorwyn
01.16.08 Sower of Temptation - Lorwyn
01.15.08 Mirror Entity - Lorwyn
01.14.08 Auntie's Hovel - Lorwyn
01.11.08 Makeshift Mannequin - Lorwyn
01.10.08 Faerie Trickery - Lorwyn
01.09.08 Brine Elemental - Time Spiral
01.08.08 Rune Snag - Cold Snap
01.07.08 Phyrexian Ironfoot - Coldsnap
----- 2007 -----
12.28.07 Mystic Enforcer - Time Spiral
12.27.07 Chromatic Star - Lorwyn
12.21.07 Spectral Force - Time Spiral
12.20.07 Hostility - Lorwyn
12.19.07 Cloudthresher - Lorwyn
12.18.07 Krosan Grip - Time Spiral
12.17.07 Search for Tomorrow - Time Spiral
12.14.07 Mystical Teachings - Time Spiral
12.13.07 Grim Harvest - Coldsnap
12.12.07 Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir - Time Spiral
12.11.07 Shriekmaw - Lorwyn
12.10.07 Mulldrifter - Lorwyn
12.07.07 Wings of Velis Vel - Lorwyn
12.06.07 Bottle Gnomes - 10th Ed.
12.05.07 Lord of Atlantis - Time Spiral
12.04.07 Black Lotus - Alpha -1500th COTD!
11.28.07 Nova Chaser - Lorwyn - Sixth Anniversary of COTD!
11.27.07 Profane Command - Lorwyn
11.26.07 Wanderwine Prophets - Lorwyn
11.21.07 Faerie Harbinger - Lorwyn
11.20.07 Doran, the Siege Tower - Lorwyn
11.19.07 Wren's Run Vanquisher - Lorwyn
11.16.07 Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile - Lorwyn
11.15.07 True Believer - 10th Ed.
11.14.07 Ronom Unicorn - Coldsnap
11.13.07 Crovax, Ascendant Hero - Planar Chaos
11.12.07 Sacred Mesa - Time Spiral
11.09.07 Scab-Clan Mauler - Guildpact
11.08.07 Molten Disaster - Future Sight
11.07.07 Keldon Marauders - Planar Chaos
11.06.07 Greater Gargadon - Time Spiral
11.05.07 Garruk Wildspeaker - Lorwyn
11.02.07 Forsaken Wastes - Mirage
11.01.07 Greed - 7th Edition
10.31.07 Drain Life - 5th Edition
10.30.07 Bad Moon - 4th Edition
10.29.07 Buried Alive - Odyssey
----- Boggart Week
10.26.07 Boggart Mob - Lorwyn
10.25.07 Boggart Shenanigans - Lorwyn
10.24.07 Boggart Loggers - Lorwyn
10.23.07 Boggart Forager - Lorwyn
10.22.07 Wort, Boggart Auntie - Lorwyn
10.19.07 Heal the Scars - Lorwyn
10.18.07 Crib Swap - Lorwyn
10.17.07 Elvish Harbinger - Lorwyn
10.16.07 Purity - Lorwyn
10.15.07 Deathrender - Lorwyn
10.13.07 Rootgrapple - Lorwyn
10.11.07 Thoughtseize - Lorwyn
10.10.07 Tarfire - Lorwyn
10.09.07 Ponder - Lorwyn
10.08.07 Guile - Lorwyn
10.04.07 Knucklebone Witch - Lorwyn
10.03.07 Jace Beleren - Lorwyn
10.02.07 Liliana Vess - Lorwyn
10.01.07 Wren's Run Packmaster - Lorwyn
09.28.07 Rings of Brightearth - 10th Edition
09.27.07 Timber Protector - Lorwyn
09.26.07 Cryptic Command - Lorwyn
09.25.07 Gaddock Teeg - Lorwyn
09.24.07 Nath of the Gilt-Leaf - Lorwyn
09.21.07 Kavu Predator - Planar Chaos
09.20.07 Thornweald Archer - Future Sight
09.19.07 Mogg War Marshal - Time Spiral
09.18.07 Summoner's Pact - Future Sight
09.17.07 Hage of Rage - Future Sight
09.14.07 Augur of Skulls - Future Sight
09.13.07 Smallpox - Time Spiral
09.12.07 Stupor - Mirage
09.11.07 Terror - 10th Ed.
09.10.07 Ravenous Rats - 10th Ed.
09.07.07 Loxodon Hierarch - Ravnica
09.06.07 Wall of Roots - Mirage
09.05.07 Riftwing Cloudskate - Time Spiral
09.04.07 Aeon Chronicler - Planar Chaos
08.31.07 Tooth and Nail - Mirrodin
08.30.07 Tarmogoyf - Future Sight
08.29.07 Mindslaver - Morridin
08.28.07 Lion's Eye Diamond - Mirage
08.27.07 Moat - Legends
08.24.07 Quirion Dryad - 10th Edition
08.23.07 Siege-Gang Commander - 10th Edition
08.22.07 Twincast - 10th Edition
08.21.07 Phage the Untouchable - 10th Edition
08.20.07 Troll Ascetic - 10th Edition
08.07.07 Squee, Goblin Nabob - 10th Edition
08.06.07 Time Stretch - 10th Edition
08.05.07 Denizen of the Deep - 10th Edition
08.02.07 Angel's Feather - 10th Edition
08.01.07 Serra's Embrace - 10th Edition
07.31.07 Pariah - 10th Edition
07.30.07 Cho-Manno, Revolutionary - 10th Edition
07.27.07 Twitch - 10th Edition
07.26.07 Wall of Air - 10th Edition
07.25.07 Boomerang - 10th Edition
07.24.07 Arcanis the Omnipotent - 10th Edition
07.23.07 Ambassador Laquatus - 10th Edition
----- White in 10th
07.20.07 Ancestor's Chosen - 10th Edition
07.20.07 Hail of Arrows - 10th Editio
07.18.07 Starlight Invoker - 10th Edition
07.17.07 Treasure Hunter - 10th Edition
07.16.07 High Ground - 10th Edition
----- Green in 10th
07.13.07 Root Maze - 10th Edition
07.12.07 Overrun - 10th Edition
07.11.07 Karplusan Strider - 10th Edition
07.10.07 Giant Growth - 10th Edition
07.10.07 Joiner Adept - 10th Edition
----- Red in 10th:
07.06.07 Bogardan Firefiend - 10th Edition
07.05.07 Manabarbs - 10th Edition - 1400th review
07.05.07 Earth Elemental - 10th Edition
07.03.07 Guerrilla Tactics - 10th Edition
07.02.07 Goblin Lore - 10th Edition
----- Black in 10th:
06.29.07 Vampire Bats - 10th Edition
06.28.07 Nantuko Husk - 10th Edition
06.27.07 Graveborn Muse - 10th Edition
06.26.07 Lord of the Pit - 10th Edition
06.25.07 Nightmare - 10th Edition
----- Artifacts in 10th:
06.22.07 Loxodon Warhammer - 10th Edition
06.21.07 Mind Stone - 10th Edition
06.20.07 Platinum Angel - 10th Edition
06.19.07 Crucible of Worlds - 10th Edition
06.18.07 Citanul Flute - 10th Edition
06.15.07 Sliversmith - Future Sight
06.14.07 Skirk Ridge Exhumer - Future Sight
06.13.07 Goldmeadow Lookout - Future Sight
06.12.07 Sparkspitter - Future Sight
06.11.07 Llanowar Mentor - Future Sight
06.08.07 Thunderblade Charge - Future Sight
06.07.07 Pact of Negation - Future Sight
06.06.07 Tolaria West - Future Sight
06.05.07 Street Wraith - Future Sight
06.04.07 Slaughter Pact - Future Sight
06.01.07 Darksteel Garrison - Future Sight
05.31.07 Thrumming Stone - Cold Snap
05.30.07 Mirari - Odyssey
05.30.07 Akroma's Memorial - Future Sight
05.25.07 Chronomantic Escape - Future Sight
05.24.07 Daybreak Coronet - Future Sight
05.23.07 Aven Mindcensor - Future Sight
05.22.07 Lost Auramancers - future Sight
05.21.07 Barren Glory - Future Sight
05.18.07 Muraganda Petroglyphs - Future Sight
05.17.07 Steamflogger Boss - Future Sight
05.16.07 Korlash, Heir to Blackblade - Future Sight
05.15.07 Bitter Ordeal - Future Sight
05.14.07 Edge of Autumn - Future Sight
05.11.07 Venser, Shaper Savant - Future Sight
05.10.07 Narcomoeba - Future Sight
05.09.07 Bonded Fetch - Future Sight
05.08.07 Blade of the Sixth Pride - Future Sight
05.08.07 Seht's Tiger - Future Sight
05.04.07 Shimian Specter - Future Sight
05.03.07 Magus of the Moon - Future Sight
05.02.07 Rift Elemental - Future Sight
05.01.07 Intervention Pact - Future Sight
04.30.07 Tombstalker - Future Sight
04.27.07 Imperiosaur - Future Sight
04.26.07 Epochrasite - Future Sight
04.25.07 Delay - Future Sight
04.24.07 Cloudseeder - Future Sight
04.18.07 Life from the Loam - Ravnica
04.17.07 Terravore - Odyssey
04.16.07 Devastating Dreams - Torment
04.13.07 Voidstone Gargoyle - Planar Chaos
04.12.07 Shivan Wumpus - Planar Chaos
04.11.07 Null Profusion - Planar Chaos
04.10.07 Dust Elemental - Planar Chaos
04.09.07 Spellshift - Planar Chaos
04.06.07 Thick-Skinned Goblin - Planar Chaos
04.06.07 Empty Warrens - Planar Chaos
04.04.07 Tectonic Fiend - Planar Chaos
04.03.07 Flamecore Elemental - Planar Chaos
04.02.07 Basalt Gargoyle - Planar Chaos
03.30.07 Uktabi Drake - Planar Chaos
03.29.07 Timbermare - Planar Chaos
03.28.07 Gaea's Anthem - Planar Chaos
03.27.07 Dawn Charm - Planar Chaos
03.26.07 Rebuff the Wicked - Planar Chaos
03.23.07 Shades of Trokair - Planar Chaos
03.22.07 Magus of the Tabernacle - Planar Chaos
03.21.07 Chronozoa - Planar Chaos
03.20.07 Tidewalker - Planar Chaos
03.19.07 Wistful Thinking - Planar Chaos
03.16.07 Venarian Glimmer - Planar Chaos
03.15.07 Aven Riftwatcher - Planar Chaos
03.14.07 Dash Hopes - Planar Chaos
03.13.07 Enslave - Planar Chaos
03.12.07 Piracy Charm - Planar Chaos
03.09.07 Fury Charm - Planar Chaos
03.08.07 Detritivore - Planar Chaos
03.07.07 Aether Membrane - Planar Chaos
03.06.07 Stingscourger - Planar Chaos
03.05.07 Rough & Tumble - Planar Chaos
03.02.07 Mire Boa - Planar Chaos
03.01.07 Magus of the Library - Planar Chaos
02.28.07 Dormant Sliver - Planar Chaos
02.28.07 Necrotic Sliver - Planar Chaos
02.26.07 Boom/Bust - Planar Chaos
02.23.07 Blood Knight - Planar Chaos
02.22.07 Simian Spirit Guide - Planar Chaos
02.21.07 Porphyry Nodes - Planar Chaos
02.20.07 Dismal Failure - Planar Chaos
02.19.07 Calciderm - Planar Chaos
02.16.07 Temporal Extortion - Planar Chaos
02.15.07 Shaper Parasite - Planar Chaos
02.14.07 Utopia Vow - Planar Chaos
02.13.07 Brute Force - Planar Chaos
02.12.07 Whitemane Lion - Planar Chaos
02.09.07 Riptide Pilferer - Planar Chaos
02.08.07 Melancholy - Planar Chaos
02.07.07 Imp's Mischief - Planar Chaos
02.06.07 Healing Leaves - Planar Chaos
02.05.07 Mana Tithe - Planar Chaos
02.02.07 Extirpate - Planar Chaos
02.01.07 Rathi Trapper - Planar Chaos
01.31.07 Akroma, Angel of Fury - Planar Chaos
01.30.07 Groundbreaker - Planar Chaos
01.29.07 Vorosh, the Hunter - Planar Chaos
01.26.07 Torchling - Planar Chaos
01.25.07 Body Double - Planar Chaos
01.24.07 Volcano Hellion - Planar Chaos
01.23.07 Molten Firebird - Planar Chaos
01.22.07 Harmonize - Planar Chaos
01.19.07 Old Man of the Sea - Arabian Nights
01.18.07 Ali from Cairo - Arabian Nights
01.17.07 Meddling Mage - Planeshift
01.16.07 Pernicious Deed - Apocalypse
01.15.07 Thoughts of Ruin - Champions of Kamigawa
01.12.07 Rite of Flame - Cold Snap
01.11.07 Bogardan Hellkite - Time Spiral
01.10.07 Angelic Favor - Nemesis
01.09.07 Flagstones of Trokair - Time Spiral
01.08.07 Psionic Blast - Time Spiral
01.05.07 Dragonstorm - Time Spiral
01.04.07 Faith's Fetters - Planar Chaos
01.03.07 Damnation - Planar Chaos
12.29.06 Call of the Herd - Odyssey
12.28.06 Mystic Snake - Apocalypse
12.27.06 Plaxmanta - Dissension
12.26.06 Draining Whelk - Time Spiral
12.22.06 Maro - Ninth Edition
12.21.06 Rukh Egg - Ninth Edition
12.20.06 Persecute - Ninth Edition
12.19.06 Zur's Weirding - Ninth Edition
12.18.06 Elvish Piper - Time Spiral
12.15.06 Coat of Arms - Ninth Edition
12.14.06 Howling Mine - Ninth Edition
12.13.06 Traumatize - Ninth Edition
12.12.06 Weathered Wayfarer - Ninth Edition
12.11.06 Magus of the Disk - Time Spiral
12.08.06 Volcanic Hammer - Ninth Edition
12.07.06 Rift Bolt - Time Spiral
12.06.06 Char - City of Guilds
12.05.06 Hit // Run - Dissension
12.04.06 Dark Confidant - City of Guilds
12.01.06 Spinneret Sliver - Time Spiral
11.30.06 Sidewinder Sliver - Time Spiral
11.29.06 Shadow Sliver - Time Spiral
11.28.06 Sedge Sliver - Time Spiral
11.27.06 Screeching Sliver - Time Spiral
11.24.06 Quilled Sliver - Time Spiral
11.23.06 Pulmonic Sliver - Time Spiral
11.22.06 Psionic Sliver - Time Spiral
11.21.06 Opaline Sliver - Time Spiral
11.20.06 Mindlash Sliver - Time Spiral
11.17.06 Might Sliver - Time Spiral
11.16.06 Harmonic Sliver - Time Spiral
11.15.06 Ghostflame Sliver - Time Spiral
11.14.06 Gemhide Sliver - Time Spiral
11.13.06 Fury Sliver - Time Spiral
11.10.06 Fungus Sliver - Time Spiral
11.09.06 Firewalker Sliver - Time Spiral
11.08.06 Dementia Sliver - Time Spiral
11.07.06 Bonesplitter Sliver - Time Spiral
11.06.06 Basal Sliver - Time Spiral
11.03.06 Academy Ruins - Time Spiral
11.02.06 Ancestral Vision - Time Spiral
11.01.06 Wheel of Fate - Time Spiral
10.31.06 Serra Avenger - Time Spiral
10.30.06 Plague Sliver - Time Spiral
10.27.06 Thelonite Hermit - Time Spiral
10.26.06 Knight of the Holy Nimbus - Time Spiral
10.25.06 Magus of the Scroll - Time Spiral
10.24.06 Snapback - Time Spiral
10.23.06 Terramorphic Expanse - Time Spiral
10.20.06 Prismatic Lens - Time Spiral
10.19.06 Akroma, Angel of Wrath - Time Spiral
10.18.06 Jaya Ballard, Task Mage - Time Spiral
10.17.06 Lotus Bloom - Time Spiral
10.16.06 Assembly-Worker - Time Spiral
10.13.06 Grave Pact - Cold Snap
10.12.06 Furnace of Rath - Cold Snap
10.11.06 Mahamoti Djinn - Cold Snap
10.10.06 Ancient Silverback - Cold Snap
10.09.06 Phyrexian Soulgorger - Cold Snap
10.06.06 Garza Zol, Plague Queen - Cold Snap
10.05.06 Fury of the Horde - Cold Snap
10.04.06 Frost Raptor - Cold Snap
10.03.06 Freyalise's Radiance - Cold Snap
10.02.06 Flashfreeze - Cold Snap
09.29.06 Thrumming Stone - Cold Snap
09.28.06 Vanish Into Memory - Cold Snap
09.27.06 Wooly Razorback - Cold Snap
09.26.06 Wilderness Elemental - Cold Snap
09.25.06 Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper - Cold Snap
09.22.06 Cover of Winter - Cold Snap
09.21.06 Brooding Saurian - Cold Snap
09.20.06 Braid of Fire - Cold Snap
09.19.06 Boreal Druid - Cold Snap
09.18.06 Arcum Daggson - Cold Snap
09.15.06 Chill to the Bone - Cold Snap
09.14.06 Rimewind Cryomancer - Cold Snap
09.13.06 Balduvian Frostwaker - Cold Snap
09.12.06 Rimefeather Owl - Cold Snap
09.08.06 Deepfire Elemental - Cold Snap
09.07.06 Krovikan Rot - Cold Snap
09.06.06 Coldsteel Heart - Cold Snap
09.05.06 Void Maw - Cold Snap
09.04.06 Hibernation's End - Cold Snap
09.01.06 Shape of the Wiitigo - Cold Snap
08.31.06 Balduvian Rage - Cold Snap
08.30.06 Resize - Cold Snap
08.29.06 Aurochs Herd - Cold Snap
08.28.06 Hibernation's End - Cold Snap
08.25.06 Rimescale Dragon - Cold Snap
08.24.06 Karplusan Wolverine - Cold Snap
08.23.06 Perilous Research - Cold Snap
08.22.06 Phyrexian Etchings - Cold Snap
08.21.06 Stalking Yeti - Cold Snap
08.18.06 Rimehorn Aurochs - Cold Snap
08.17.06 Darien, King of Kjeldor - Cold Snap
08.16.06 Krovikan Mist - Cold Snap
08.15.06 Field Marshal - Cold Snap
08.14.06 Lovisa Coldeyes - Cold Snap
08.11.06 Herald of Leshrac - Cold Snap
08.10.06 Allosaurus Rider - Cold Snap
08.09.06 Zur the Enchanter - Cold Snap
08.08.06 Simic Sky Swallower - Dissension
08.07.06 Counterbalance - Cold Snap
08.04.06 Tesserhorn Sinks - Cold Snap
08.03.06 Kjeldoran War Cry - Cold Snap
08.02.06 Disciple of Tevesh Szat - Cold Snap
08.01.06 Earthen Goo - Cold Snap
07.31.06 Lightning Serpent - Cold Snap
07.28.06 Commandeer - Cold Snap
07.27.06 Haakon, Stromgald Scourge - Cold Snap
07.26.06 Vexing Sphinx - Cold Snap
07.25.06 Jester's Scepter - Cold Snap
07.24.06 Dark Depths - Cold Snap
07.21.06 Mouth of Ronom - Cold Snap
07.20.06 Blizzard Specter - Cold Snap
07.19.06 Martyr of Ashes - Cold Snap
07.18.06 White Shield Crusader - Cold Snap
07.17.06 Scrying Sheets - Cold Snap
07.14.06 Sunscour - Cold Snap
07.13.06 Adarkar Valkyrie - Cold Snap
07.12.06 Ohran Viper - Cold Snap
07.11.06 Dark Depths - Cold Snap
07.10.06 Soul Spike - Cold Snap
07.07.06 Heidar, Rimewind Master - Cold Snap
07.06.06 Garza's Assassin - Cold Snap
07.05.06 Troll Ascetic - Mirrodin, 10th Edition
07.04.06 Ravenous Baloth - Onslaught
07.03.06 Erhnam Djinn - Judgment
06.30.06 Psychic Possession - Dissension
06.29.06 Spellweaver Helix - Mirrodin
06.28.06 Hoverguard Sweepers - Fifth Dawn
06.27.06 Auriok Champion - Fifth Dawn
06.26.06 Paladin en-Vec - Exodus, 10th Edition
06.23.06 Weird Harvest - 9th Edition
06.22.06 Blackmail - 9th Edition
06.21.06 Hurricane - 4th Edition, 10th Edition
06.20.06 Earthquake - 5th Edition
06.19.06 Necrosavant - Visions
06.16.06 Dark Heart of the Wood - Ravnica: City of Guilds
06.15.06 Utvara Scalper - Dissension
06.14.06 Simic Guildmage - Dissension
06.13.06 Grifter’s Blade - Ravnica: City of Guilds
06.12.06 Overrule - Dissension
06.09.06 Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace - Dissension
06.08.06 Rakdos Guildmage - Dissension
06.07.06 Cackling Flames - Dissension
06.06.06 Ignorant Bliss - Dissension
06.05.06 Twinstrike - Dissension
06.02.06 Scab-Clan Mauler - Dissension
06.01.06 Giant Solifuge - Guildpact
05.31.06 Moldervine Cloak - Ravnica; City of Guilds
05.30.06 Squealing Devil - Dissension
05.29.06 Odds/Ends - Dissension
05.26.06 Voidslime - Dissension
05.25.06 Court Hussar - Dissension
05.24.06 Supply // Demand - Dissension
05.23.06 Condemn - Dissension
05.22.06 Isperia the Inscrutable - Dissension
05.19.06 Write of Passage - Dissension
05.18.06 Rise/Fall - Dissension
05.18.06 Pain Magnification - Dissension
05.16.06 Demonfire - Dissension
05.15.06 Bond of Agony - Dissension
05.12.06 Steeling Stance - Dissension
05.11.06 Flash Foliage - Dissension
05.10.06 Stoic Ephemera - Dissension
05.09.06 Enemy of the Guildpact - Dissension
05.08.06 Vigean Hydropon - Dissension
05.05.06 Cytoshape - Dissension
05.04.06 Muse Vessel - Dissension
05.03.06 Prahv - Dissension
05.02.06 Anthem of Rakdos - Dissension
05.01.06 Pillar of the Paruns - Dissension
04.28.06 Omnibian - Dissension
04.27.06 Seal of Fire - Dissension
04.26.06 Leafdrake Roost - Dissension
04.25.06 Lyzolda, the Blood Witch - Dissension
04.24.06 Crime // Punishment - Dissension
04.21.06 Avatar of Discord - Dissension
04.20.06 Cytoplast Root-Kin - Dissension
04.19.06 Infernal Tutor - Dissension
04.18.06 Rakdos Pit-Dragon - Dissension
04.17.06 Windreaver - Dissension
04.14.06 Watchwolf - Ravnica: City of Guilds
04.13.06 Gather Courage - Ravnica: City of Guilds
04.12.06 Debtors' Knell - Guildpact
04.11.06 Civic Wayfinder - Ravnica: City of Guilds
04.10.06 Dizzy Spell - Ravnica: City of Guilds
04.07.06 Invoke the Firemind - Guildpact
04.06.06 Memory Lapse - Mirage
04.05.06 Impulse - Visions
04.04.06 Natural Balance - Mirage
04.03.06 Squandered Resources - Visions
03.31.06 Prosperity - Visions
03.30.06 Cadaverous Bloom - Mirage
03.29.06 Chain Lightning - Legends
03.28.06 Gelectrode - Guildpact
03.27.06 Pyroclasm - Ninth Edition
03.24.06 Phyrexian Processor - Urza's Saga
03.23.06 Leyline of Singularity - Guildpact
03.22.06 Mossfire Valley - Odyssey
03.21.06 Glorious Anthem - Ninth Edition
03.20.06 Sylvan Library - Legends
03.17.06 An-havva Inn - Homelands
03.16.06 Withered Wretch - Legions
03.15.06 Schismotivate - Guildpact
03.14.06 Seismic Assault - Eight Edition
03.13.06 Ichorid - Torment
03.10.06 Solitary Confinement - Judgment
03.09.06 Necropotence - Ice Age
03.08.06 Golgari Grave-Troll - Ravnica: City of Guilds
03.07.06 Fork - Alpha
03.06.06 Kusari-Gama - Champions of Kamigawa
03.03.06 Repeal - Guildpact
03.02.06 Rabble-Rouser - Guildpact
03.01.06 Incinerate - Mirage
02.28.06 Wee Dragonauts - Guildpact
02.27.06 Cradle Guard - Urza's Saga
02.24.06 Gigadrowse - Guildpact
02.23.06 Skarrg, the Rage Pits - Guildpact
02.22.06 Electrolyze - Guildpact
02.21.06 Timetwister - Unlimited
02.20.06 Dryad Sophisticate - Guildpact
02.17.06 Castigate - Guildpact
02.16.06 Mortify - Guildpact
02.15.06 Conjurer's Ban - Guildpact
02.14.06 Chisei, Heart of Oceans - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.13.06 Copperhoof Vorrac - Mirrodin
02.10.06 Sanguine Praetor - Guildpact
02.09.06 Ghostway - Guildpact
02.08.06 Culling Sun - Guildpact
02.07.06 Cerebral Vortex - Guildpact
02.06.06 Burning-Tree Shaman - Guildpact
02.03.06 Quicken - Guildpact
02.02.06 Ink-Treader Nephalim - Guildpact
02.01.06 Pillory of the Sleepless - Guildpact
01.31.06 Izzet Guildmage - Guildpact
01.30.06 Teysa, Orzhov Scion - Guildpact
01.27.06 Parallectric Feedback - Guildpact
01.26.06 Ghost Council of Orzhova - Guildpact
01.25.06 Earth Surge - Guildpact
01.24.06 Djinn Illuminatus - Guildpact
01.23.06 Bioplasm - Guildpact
01.20.06 Sword of the Paruns - Guildpact Preview
01.19.06 Gruul Guildmage - Guildpact Preview
01.18.06 Rumbling Slum - Guildpact Preview
01.17.06 Angel of Despair - Guildpact Preview
01.16.06 Savage Twister - Mirage - (Guildpact Preview)
01.13.06 Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind - Guildpact Preview
01.12.06 Stitch in Time - Guildpact Preview
01.11.06 Scorched Rusalka - Guildpact Preview
01.10.06 Mimeofacture - Guildpact Preview
01.09.06 Borborygmos - Guildpact Preview
01.06.06 Lightning Helix - Ravnica
01.05.06 Skyknight Legionnaire - Ravnica
01.04.06 Boros Swiftblade - Ravnica
01.03.06 Ornithopter - Mirrodin
01.02.06 Life From the Loam - Ravnica
12.30.05 Thieving Magpie - Urza's Destiny
12.29.05 Shock - Onslaught
12.28.05 Shivan Dragon - Ninth Edition
12.27.05 Viashino Sandstalker - Visions
12.26.05 Vizzerdrix - Ninth Edition
12.23.05 Seed Spark - Ravnica
12.22.05 Telling Time - Ravnica
12.21.05 Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni - Betrayers of Kamigawa
12.20.05 Dimir Cutpurse - Ravnica
12.19.05 Keiga the Tide Star - Champions of Kamigawa
12.16.05 Remand - Ravnica
12.15.05 Annex - Onslaught
12.14.05 Icy Manipulator - Mirrodin
12.13.05 Dimir Signet - Ravnica
12.12.05 Spectral Searchlight - Ravnica
12.09.05 Lurking Informant - Ravnica
12.08.05 Drift of Phantasms - Ravnica
12.07.05 Mark of Eviction - Ravnica
12.06.05 Dream Leash - Ravnica
12.05.05 Consult the Necrosages - Ravnica
12.02.05 Nightmare Void - Ravnica
12.01.05 Muddle the Mixture - Ravnica
11.30.05 Moroii - Ravnica
11.29.05 Molten Sentry - Ravnica
11.28.05 Mindleech Mass - Ravnica
11.25.05 Quirion Elves - Invasion
11.24.05 Llanowar Elves - Ninth Edition
11.23.05 Urborg Elf - Apocalypse
11.22.05 Fyndhorn Elves - Ice Age
11.21.05 Elves of Deep Shadow - Ravnica
11.18.05 Boiling Seas - Ninth Edition
11.17.05 Blood Moon - The Dark
11.16.05 Blanchwood Armor - Urza's Saga
11.15.05 Beast of Burden - Urza's Legacy
11.14.05 Air Elemental - 9th Edition
11.11.05 Veteran's Voice - Alliances
11.10.05 Kuro, Pitlord - Champions of Kamigawa
11.09.05 Laccolith Titan - Nemesis
11.08.05 Skyshroud Behemoth - Nemesis
11.07.05 Sunweb - 8th Edition
11.04.05 Firemane Angel - Ravnica
<-- 1,000th Review
11.03.05 Empty the Catacombs - Ravnica
11.02.05 Dream Leash - Ravnica
11.01.05 Fists of Ironwood - Ravnica
10.31.05 Siege Wurm - Ravnica
10.28.05 Cleansing Beam - Ravnica
10.27.05 Clutch of the Undercity - Ravnica
10.26.05 Congregation at Dawn - Ravnica
10.25.05 Devouring Light - Ravnica
10.24.05 Darkblast - Ravnica
10.14.05 Bloodbond March - Ravnica
10.13.05 Bloodletter Quill - Ravnica
10.12.05 Blood Funnel - Ravnica
10.11.05 Blazing Archon - Ravnica
10.10.05 Birds of Paradise - Ravnica
10.07.05 Woodwraith Corrupter - Ravnica
10.06.05 Woebringer Demon - Ravnica
10.05.05 Vinelasher Kudzu - Ravnica
10.04.05 Ursapine - Ravnica
10.01.05 Selesnya Guildmage - Ravnica
09.29.05 Perplex - Ravnica
09.28.05 Galvanic Arc - Ravnica
09.27.05 Grave-Shell Scarab - Ravnica
09.26.05 Hunted Lammasu - Ravnica
09.23.05 Eye of the Storm - Ravnica
09.22.05 Plague Boiler - Ravnica
09.21.05 Szadek, Lord of Secrets - Ravnica
09.20.05 Moonlight Bargain - Ravnica
09.19.05 Circu, Dimir Lobotomist - Ravnica
09.16.05 Glimpse the Unthinkable - Ravnica
09.15.05 Autochthon Wurm - Ravnica
09.14.05 Helldozer - Ravnica
09.13.05 Farseek - Ravnica
09.12.05 Dimir Machinations - Ravnica
09.09.05 Temple Garden - Ravnica
09.08.05 Primordial Sage - Ravnica
09.07.05 Sisters of Stone Death - Ravnica
09.06.05 Chord of Calling - Ravnica
09.05.05 Boros Guildmage - Ravnica
09.02.05 Stormbind - Ice Age
09.01.05 Recoil - Invasion
08.31.05 Cavern Harpy - Planeshift
08.30.05 Prophetic Bolt - Apocalypse
08.29.05 Crosis, the Purger - Invasion
08.26.05 Sacred Ground - Ninth Edition
08.25.05 Wildfire - Ninth Edition
08.24.05 Greater Good - Ninth Edition
08.23.05 Imaginary Pet - Ninth Edition
08.22.05 Final Punishment - Ninth Edition
08.19.05 Ghost-Lit Stalker - Saviors of Kamigawa
08.18.05 Waking Nightmare - Champions of Kamigawa
08.17.05 Death of a Thousand Stings - Saviors of Kamigawa
08.16.05 Thief of Hope - Champions of Kamigawa
08.15.05 Blood Clock - Saviors of Kamigawa
08.12.05 Mirror Universe - Legends
08.11.05 Goblin Game - Planeshift
08.10.05 Psychic Vortex - Weatherlight
08.09.05 Shahrazad - Arabian Knights
08.08.05 Dream Halls - Urza's Legacy
08.05.05 Berserk - Uncommon
08.04.05 Flametongue Kavu - Planeshift
08.03.05 Melting - Ice Age
08.02.05 Mana Short - Seventh Edition
08.01.05 Goblin Welder - Urza's Legacy
07.29.05 Painlands - (all reviewed) Ninth Edition
07.28.05 Cruel Edict - Ninth Edition
07.27.05 Thundermare - Ninth Edition
07.26.05 Counsel of the Soratami - Ninth Edition
07.25.05 Verdant Force - Ninth Edition
07.22.05 Hypnotic Specter - Ninth Edition
07.21.05 Kird Ape - Ninth Edition
07.20.05 Hell's Caretaker - Ninth Edition
07.19.05 Jester's Cap - Ninth Edition
07.18.05 Force of Nature - Ninth Edition
07.15.05 Llanowar Elves - Ninth Edition
07.14.05 Karplusan Yeti - Ninth Edition
07.13.05 Will-o'-the-Wisp - Ninth Edition
07.12.05 Battle of Wits - Ninth Edition
07.11.05 Blinking Spirit - Ninth Edition
07.08.05 Shard Phoenix - Ninth Edition
07.07.05 Rod of Ruin - Ninth Edition
07.06.05 Loxodon Warhammer - Ninth Edition
07.05.05 Quicksand - Ninth Edition
07.04.05 Nekrataal - Ninth Edition
07.01.05 Bazaar of Baghdad - Arabian Knights
06.30.05 Kiku's Shadow - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.29.05 Tendrils of Agony - Scourge
06.28.05 Rally the Horde - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.27.05 Jiwari, the Earth Aflame - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.24.05 Land Tax - Legends
06.23.05 Cranial Plating - Fifth Dawn
06.22.05 Orochi Leafcaller - Champions of Kamigawa
06.21.05 Future Sight - Onslaught
06.20.05 Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.17.05 Choice of Damnations - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.16.05 Miren, the Moaning Well - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.15.05 Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.14.05 Arashi, the Sky Asunder - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.13.05 Sakashima the Impostor - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.10.05 Secretkeeper - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.09.05 Hand of Honor - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.08.05 Kiku's Shadow - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.07.05 Briarknit Kami - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.06.05 Manriki-Gusari - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.03.05 Pithing Needle - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.02.05 Akuta, Born of Ash - Saviors of Kamigawa
06.01.05 Choice of Damnations - Saviors of Kamigawa
05.31.05 Erayo, Soratami Ascendant - Saviors of Kamigawa
05.30.05 Twincast - Saviors of Kamigawa
05.27.05 Cloudhoof Kirin - Saviors of Kamigawa
05.26.05 Promise of Bunrei - Saviors of Kamigawa
05.25.05 Enduring Ideal - Saviors of Kamigawa
05.24.05 Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant - Saviors of Kamigawa
05.23.05 Kagemaro, First to Suffer - Saviors of Kamigawa
05.20.05 Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker - Betrayers of Kamigawa
05.19.05 Opal-Eye, Konda's Yojimbo - Betrayers of Kamigawa
05.18.05 Ornate Kanzashi - Betrayers of Kamigawa
05.17.05 Yukora, the Prisoner - Betrayers of Kamigawa
05.16.05 Isao, Enlightened Bushi - Betrayers of Kamigawa
05.13.05 Fastbond - Revised
05.12.05 Balance - Beta
05.11.05 Ophidian - Weatherlight
05.10.05 Swords to Plowshares - 4th Ed. & older
05.09.05 Fork - Beta
05.06.05 Sorrow's Path - The Dark
05.05.05 The Rack - Antiquities
05.04.05 Aladdin's Ring - 8th Edition
05.04.05 Power Leak - Revised Ed.
05.02.05 Sword of the Chosen - Stronghold
04.29.05 Loxodon Punisher - Mirrodin
04.28.05 Mirari's Wake - Judgement
04.27.05 Struggle for Sanity - Champions of Kamigawa
04.26.05 Seal of Fire - Nemesis
04.25.05 Swallowing Plague - Champions of Kamigawa
04.22.05 Plow Under - 8th Edition
04.22.05 Hikari, Twilight Guardian - Champions of Kamigawa
04.20.05 Umezawa's Jitte - Betrayers of Kamigawa
04.19.05 Sunglasses or Urza - Revised
04.18.05 Meloku the Clouded Mirror - Champions of Kamigawa
04.15.05 Shizo, Death's Storehouse - Champions of Kamigawa
04.14.05 Minamo, School at Water's Edge -Champions of Kamigawa
04.13.05 Salvaging Station - Fifth Dawn
04.12.05 Horobi's Whisper - Betrayers of Kamigawa
04.11.05 Scroll Rack - Tempest
04.08.05 Shackles - Invasion
04.07.05 Genju of the Spires - Betrayers of Kamigawa
04.06.05 Unnatural Speed - Champions of Kamigawa
04.05.05 Rishadan Port - Mercadian Masques
04.04.05 Forked-Branch Garami - Betrayers of Kamigawa
04.01.05 Gempalm Incinerator - Legions
03.31.05 Goblin Matron - 7th Ed.
03.30.05 Pyrite Spellbomb - Mirrodin
03.30.05 Stifle - Scourge
03.30.05 Waterfront Bouncer - Mercadian Masques
03.30.05 Imperial Seal - Portal 3
03.24.05 Gift of Estates - Portal
03.24.05 Jungle Lion - Portal
03.22.05 Dakmor Sorceress - Portal 2
03.21.05 Piracy - Portal
03.18.05 Imperial Seal - Portal 3
03.17.05 Overwhelming Forces - Portal 3
03.16.05 Marshaling the Troops - Portal 3
03.15.05 Sun Quan, Lord of Wu - Portal 3
03.14.05 Zodiac Dragon - Portal 3
03.11.05 Genju of the Fields - Betrayers of Kamigawa
03.10.05 Tendo Ice Bridge - Betrayers of Kamigawa
03.10.05 Kira, Great Glass-Spinner - Betrayers of Kamigawa
03.08.05 Eradicate - Betrayers of Kamigawa
03.07.05 Genju of the Realm - Betrayers of Kamigawa
03.04.05 Genju of the Falls - Betrayers of Kamigawa
03.03.05 Enshrined Memories - Betrayers of Kamigawa
03.02.05 Reduce to Dreams - Betrayers of Kamigawa
03.01.05 Mistblade Shinobi - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.28.05 Orb of Dreams - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.25.05 Threads of Disloyalty - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.24.05 Iwamori of the Open Fist - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.23.05 Ogre Marauder - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.22.05 Goblin Cohort - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.21.05 Final Judgment - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.21.05 Neko-Te - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.17.05 Minamo's Meddling - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.16.05 Crack the Earth - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.15.05 Bile Urchin - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.14.05 Heart of Light - Betrayers of Kamigawa - Be our Valentine
02.14.05 Ninja of the Deep Hours - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.10.05 Split-Tail Miko - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.09.05 Waxmane Baku - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.08.05 Takenuma Bleeder - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.07.05 Horobi's Whisper - Betrayers of Kamigawa
Shoal Week:
02.04.05 Disrupting Shoal - Betrayer of Kamigawa
02.03.05 Nourishing Shoal - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.02.05 Shining Shoal - Betrayers of Kamigawa
02.01.05 Blazing Shoal - Betrayers of Kamigawa
01.31.05 Sickening Shoal - Betrayers of Kamigawa
01.28.05 Cunning Bandit - Betrayers of Kamigawa
01.27.05 Tallowisp - Betrayers of Kamigawa
01.26.05 Toshiro Umezawa - Betrayers of Kamigawa
01.25.05 Fumiko the Lowblood - Betrayers of Kamigawa
01.24.05 Higure , the Still Wind - Betrayers of Kamigawa
Psychatog in Extended Week
01.21.05 Sleight of Hand - 7th Edition
01.20.05 Miscalculation - Urza's Destiny
01.19.05 Mox Diamond - Stronghold
01.18.05 Meddling Mage - Planeshift
01.17.05 Psychatog - Odyssey
B/G Control Week
01.16.05 Barter in Blood - Mirrodin
01.13.05 Echoing Decay - Darksteel
01.12.05 Sylvan Scrying - Mirrodin
01.11.05 Kodama's Reach - Champions of Kamigawa
01.10.05 Sakura-Tribe Elder - CHK
White Weenie Week
01.07.05 Samurai of the Pale Curtain - CHK
01.06.05 Eight-and-a-Half-Tails - CHK
01.05.05 Leonin Skyhunter - Mirrodin
01.04.05 Elganjo Castle - Champions of Kamigawa
01.03.05 Suntail Hawk - 8th Edition
Elf and Nail Week
12.31.04 Kamahl, Fist of Krosa - Onslaught
12.30.04 Vernal Bloom - 8th Edition
12.29.04 Wirewood Herald - Onslaught
12.28.04 Wirewood Symbiote - Scourge
12.27.04 Triskelion - Mirrodin
Judge Bill Week
12.24.04 Artifact Mutation - Stronghold
12.23.04 Gauntlet of Might - Unlimited
12.22.04 Meloku the Clouded Mirror - CHK
12.21.04 Wear Away - Champions of Kamigawa
12.20.04 Dampen Spell - Champions of Kamigawa
Goblin Week
12.17.04 Goblin Piledriver - Onslaught
12.16.04 Goblin Sledder - Onslaught
12.15.04 Sparksmith - Onslaught
12.14.04 Goblin Sharpshooter - Onslaught
12.13.04 Goblin Warchief - Scourge
12.10.04 Yavimaya Elder - Urza's Destiny
12.09.04 Mogg Fanatic - Tempest
12.08.04 Wall of Blossoms - Stronghold
12.07.04 Dust Bowl - Mercadian Masques
12.07.04 Living Wish - Judgment
12.03.04 Red Hot Hottie - Unhinged
12.02.04 When Fluffy Bunnies Attack - Unhinged
12.01.04 City of Ass - Unhinged
11.30.04 Rod of Spanking - Unhinged
11.29.04 Toy Boat - Unhinged
11.26.04 Ass Whuppin' - Unhinged
11.25.04 Richard Garfield, Ph.D. - Unhinged
11.24.04 Yet Another Aether Vortex - Unhinged
11.23.04 Rare-B-Gone - Unhinged
11.22.04 Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug - Unhinged
11.19.04 Cephalid Illusionist - Nemesis
11.18.04 Daze - Nemesis
11.17.04 Worthy Cause - Urza's Legacy
11.16.04 Snap - Urza's Legacy
11.15.04 Putrid Imp - Torment
11.12.04 Orim's Chant -Planeshift
11.11.04 Meltdown - Urza's Saga
11.11.04 Cave-In - Mercadian Masques
11.09.04 Blood Oath - Darksteel
11.08.04 Aether Vial - Darksteel
11.05.04 Hikari, Twilight Guardian- CHK
11.04.04 Oni Possession - Champions of Kamigawa
11.03.04 Stone Rain - Champions of Kamigawa
11.02.04 Reweave - Champions of Kamigawa
11.01.04 Counsel of the Soratami - CHK -----
10.29.04 Sensei's Divining Top - CHK
10.28.04 Time of Need - Champions of Kamigawa
10.27.04 Glacial Ray - Champions of Kamigawa
10.26.04 Hearth Kami - Champions of Kamigawa
10.25.04 Mana Seism - Champions of Kamigawa -----
10.22.04 Boseiju, Who Shelters All - CHK
10.21.04 Takeno, Samurai General - CHK
10.20.04 Kiki-Jiki Mirror Breaker - Champions of Kamigawa
10.19.04 Humble Budoka - Champions of Kamigawa
10.18.04 Distress - Champions of Kamigawa -----
10.15.04 Zo-Zu the Punisher - Champions of Kamigawa
10.13.04 Commune with Nature - Champions of Kamigawa
10.12.04 Reach Through Mists - Champions of Kamigawa
10.11.04 Imi Statue - Champions of Kamigawa -----
10.08.04 Forbidden Orchard - Champions of Kamigawa
10.07.04 Call to Glory - Champions of Kamigawa
10.06.04 Rag Dealer - Champions of Kamigawa
10.05.04 Azusa, Lost but Seeking - CHK
10.04.04 Heartbeat of Spring - Champions of Kamigawa -----
09.30.04 Kokusho, the Evening Star - CHK
09.28.04 Jugan, the Rising Star - Champions of Kamigawa
09.27.04 Ryusei, the Falling Star - CHK -----
09.24.04 Isamaru, Hound of Konda - CHK
09.23.04 Blessed Breath - Champions of Kamigawa
09.22.04 Wicked Akuba - Champions of Kamigawa
09.21.04 Nagao, Bound by Honor - CHK -----
09.17.04 Godo, Bandit Warrior - Champions of Kamigawa
09.16.04 Gifts Ungiven - Champions of Kamigawa
09.16.04 Jushi Apprentice - Champions of Kamigawa
09.14.04 Cranial Extraction - Champions of Kamigawa
09.13.04 Akki Lavarunner - Champions of Kamigawa -----
09.10.04 Yosei, the Morning Star - CHK
09.09.04 Time Stop - Champions of Kamigawa
09.08.04 Konda, Lord of Eiganjo - Champions of Kamigawa
09.07.04 Horobi, Death's Wail - Champions of Kamigawa
09.06.04 Marrow-Gnawer - Champions of Kamigawa -----
09.03.04 Pulse of the Fields
09.02.04 Pulse of the Dross
09.01.04 Pulse of the Grid
09.01.04 Standstill
08.30.04 Arc-Slogger -----
08.27.04 Academy Rector
08.26.04 Pernicious Deed
08.25.04 Spiketail Hatchling -----
08.20.04 Cursed Scroll
08.19.04 Terror
08.18.04 Yawgmoth's Bargain
08.17.04 Phyrexian Negator
08.16.04 Rude Awakening -----
08.13.04 Sneak Attack
08.12.04 Fyndhorn Elves - Ice Age Common
08.11.04 Argothian Enchantress - Urza's Saga Rare
08.10.04 Goblin Lackey - Urza's Saga
08.10.04 Zodiac Dragon - Portal 3 -----
08.06.04 Lifeline - Urza's Saga
08.05.04 Frankenstein's Monster - The Dark
08.04.04 Dance of Many - The Dark
08.03.04 Suq'Ata Lancer - Visions (Flanking)
08.02.04 Shard Phoenix - Stronghold
07.30.04 Mana Leak - 9th Edition Preview!
07.29.04 Rewind/Confiscate - 9th Edition Preview!
07.28.04 Yawgmoth Demon - 9th Edition Preview!
07.27.04 Emperor Crocodile - 9th Edition Preview!
07.26.04 Blinding Angel - 9th Edition Preview!
07.23.04 Tooth and Nail - Mirrodin
07.22.04 Fireball - Darksteel
07.21.04 Myr Servitor - Fifth Dawn
07.20.04 Condescend - Fifth Dawn
07.20.04 Mirrodin's Core - Darksteel
07.16.04 Eternal Witness - Tempest
07.15.04 Living Death - Tempest
07.14.04 Panoptic Mirror - Mirrodin
07.13.04 Cloudpost - Mirrodin
07.13.04 Nut Collector - Odyssey
07.09.04 Noxious Field - Prophecy
07.08.04 Verdant Field - Prophecy
07.07.04 Steaming Vines - Odyssey
07.06.04 Animal Boneyard - Odyssey
07.05.04 Chamber of Manipulation - Odyssey -----
07.02.04 Volrath's Stronghold - Stronghold
07.01.04 Yavimaya Hollow - Urza's Destiny
06.30.04 Rath's Edge - Nemesis
06.29.04 Gaea's Cradle - Urza's Saga
06.28.04 Thawing Glaciers - Alliances -----
06.25.04 Guardian Idol - Fifth Dawn
06.24.04 Goblin Cannon - Fifth Dawn
06.23.04 Eon Hub - Fifth Dawn
06.22.04 Door to Nothingness - Fifth Dawn
06.21.04 Avarice Totem - Fifth Dawn -----
06.18.04 Krark-Clan Ironworks - Fifth Dawn
06.17.04 Thought Courier - Fifth Dawn
06.16.04 Blind Creeper - Fifth Dawn
06.15.04 Crucible of Worlds - Fifth Dawn
06.14.04 Grafted Wargear - Fifth Dawn -----
06.11.04 Solarion - Fifth Dawn
06.10.04 Skyreach Manta - Fifth Dawn
06.09.04 Infused Arrows - Fifth Dawn
06.08.04 Suncrusher - Fifth Dawn
06.07.04 Clearwater Goblet - Fifth Dawn -----
06.04.04 Wayfarer's Bauble - Fifth Dawn
06.03.04 Sylvok Explorer - Fifth Dawn
06.02.04 Paradise Mantle - Fifth Dawn
06.01.04 Pentad Prism - Fifth Dawn
05.31.04 Channel of the Suns - Fifth Dawn -----
05.28.04 Cosmic Larva - Fifth Dawn
05.27.04 Moriok Rigger - Fifth Dawn
05.26.04 Mycosynth Golem - Fifth Dawn
05.25.04 Dawn's Reflection - Fifth Dawn
05.24.04 Engineered Explosives - Fifth Dawn -----
05.21.04 Auriok Champion - Fifth Dawn
05.20.04 Spark Elemental - Fifth Dawn
05.19.04 Doubling Cube - Fifth Dawn
05.18.04 Relentless Rats - Fifth Dawn
05.18.04 Spinal Parasite - Fifth Dawn -----
05.14.04 Joiner Adept - Fifth Dawn
05.13.04 Vedalken Orrery - Fifth Dawn
05.13.04 Staff of Domination - Fifth Dawn
05.13.04 Raksha Golden Cub - Fifth Dawn
05.10.04 Bringer of the Black Dawn- Fifth Dawn -----
05.07.04 Blinkmoth Infusion - Fifth Dawn
05.06.04 Etched Oracle - Fifth Dawn
05.05.04 Serum Visions - Fifth Dawn
05.04.04 Razormane Masticore - Fifth Dawn
05.03.04 Beacon of Immortality - Fifth Dawn -----
04.30.04 Krosan Tusker - Onslaught
04.29.04 Rogue Elephant - Weatherlight
04.28.04 Opposition - 7th Edition
04.27.04 Daring Apprentice - 8th Edition
04.26.04 Snow Hound - Ice Age -----
04.23.04 Tolarian Academy - Urza's Saga
04.22.04 Verdant Force - Tempest
04.21.04 Electrostatic Bolt - Mirrodin
04.20.04 Arcbound Ravager - Darksteel
04.19.04 Oblivion Stone - Mirrodin -----
04.16.04 Angelic Chorus - Urza's Saga (Combo Week)
04.15.04 Armadillo Cloak - Invasion (Combo Week)
04.14.04 Crystal Quarry - Odyssey (Combo Week)
04.13.04 Power Conduit - Mirrodin (Combo Week)
04.12.04 Leveler - Mirrodin (Combo Week)
04.09.04 Death Spark - Alliances
04.08.04 Arrest - Mirrodin
04.07.04 Palinchron - Urza's Legacy
04.06.04 Bone Shredder - Urza's Legacy
04.05.04 Yavimaya Granger - Urza's Legacy
04.02.04 Murderous Spoils - Darksteel
04.01.04 Zig -
SCOOP! Unannounced Set!!
03.31.04 Betrayal of Flesh - Mirrodin
03.30.04 Chittering Rats - Darksteel
03.29.04 Fangren Firstborn - Darksteel
03.26.04 Funeral Charm - Visions
03.25.04 Eron the Relentless - Homelands
03.24.04 Evil Eye of Orms-By-Gore - Legends
03.23.04 Mindless Automaton - Exodus (Arcbound Alert!)
03.22.04 Orgg - Fallen Empires
03.19.04 Broodstar - Mirrodin
03.18.04 Might of Oaks - 8th &Legacy
03.17.04 Aisling Leprechaun - Legends
03.16.04 Avatar of Hope - 8th Edition
03.15.04 B.F.M. - Big Furry Monster - Unglued RAAARR!
03.12.04 Fireblast - Visions
03.11.04 Diabolic Edict -Tempest
03.10.04 Caltrops - 7th Ed.
03.09.04 Rootwater Thief - Nemesis
03.08.04 Arcane Denial - Alliances
03.05.04 Wretched Anurid - Onslaught
03.04.04 Auriok Steelshaper - MIrrodin
03.03.04 Sword of Fire and Ice - Darksteel
03.02.04 Skullclamp - Darksteel
03.01.04 Death Cloud - Darksteel
02.27.04 Heartseeker - Darksteel
02.26.04 Scrounge - Darksteel
02.25.04 Vex - Darksteel
02.24.04 Retract - Darksteel
02.23.04 Purge - Darksteel
02.20.04 Oxidda Golem - Darksteel
02.19.04 Oxidize - Darksteel
02.18.04 Spellbinder - Darksteel
02.17.04 Reshape - Darksteel
02.16.04 Soulscour - Darksteel
02.13.04 Pristine Angel - Darksteel
02.12.04 Pulse of the Tangle - Darksteel
02.11.04 Trinisphere - Darksteel
02.10.04 Memnarch - Darksteel
02.09.04 Viridian Zealot - Darksteel
02.06.04 Darksteel Colossus - Darksteel
02.05.04 Leonin Shikari - Darksteel
02.04.04 Last Word - Darksteel
02.03.04 Myr Matrix - Darksteel
02.02.04 Blinkmoth Nexus - Darksteel
01.30.04 Pulse of the Forge - Darksteel
01.29.04 Machinate - Darksteel
01.28.04 Serum Powder - Darksteel
01.27.04 Mirrodin's Core - Darksteel
01.26.04 Shunt - Darksteel
01.23.04 Library of Alexandria - Arabian Nights
01.22.04 Sadistic Glee - Tempest
01.21.04 Drinker of Sorrow - Mirrodin
01.20.04 Platinum Angel - Mirrodin
01.19.04 Mesmeric Orb - Mirrodin
01.16.04 Lodestone Myr - Mirrodin
01.15.04 Soul Collector - Scourge
01.14.04 Rotlung Reanimator - Onslaught
01.13.04 Promise of Power - Mirrodin
01.12.04 Bloodline Shaman - Onslaught
01.09.04 Vengeful Dead - Scourge
01.08.04 Avalanche Riders - Urza's Legacy
01.07.04 Jilt - Apocalypse
01.06.04 Helm of Obedience - Alliances
01.05.04 Shivan Gorge - Urza's Saga
01.02.04 Hazezon Tamar - Legends
01.01.04 Gustha's Scepter - Alliances
12.31.03 Yawgmoth Demon - Antiquities
12.30.03 Foster - Masques
12.29.03 Fractured Loyalty - Mirrodin
12.26.03 Gamble - Urza's Saga
12.26.03 Crooked Scale - Mercadian Masques
12.24.03 Krark's Thumb - Mirrodin
12.23.03 Chance Encounter - Mirrodin
12.22.03 Spellweaver Helix - Mirrodin
12.19.03 Lightning Greaves - Mirrodin
12.18.03 Clockwork Dragon - Mirrodin
12.17.03 Lightning Coils - Mirrodin
12.16.03 NIghtmare Lash - Mirrodin
12.15.03 Banshee's Blade - Mirrodin
12.12.03 Fatespinner - Mirrodin
12.11.03 Wurmskin Forskin - Mirrodin
12.10.03 Synod Sanctum - Mirrodin
12.09.03 Lumengrid Sentinel - Mirrodin
12.08.03 Planar Chaos - Judgment
12.05.03 Goblin Replica - Mirrodin
12.04.03 Nim Replica - Mirrodin
12.03.03 Wizard Replica - Mirrodin
12.02.03 Elf Replica - Mirrodin
12.02.03 Soldier Replica - Mirrodin
11.29.03 Pentavus - Mirrodin
11.29.03 Reparations - Mirage
11.26.03 Damping Matrix - Mirrodin
11.25.03 Myr Incubator - Mirrodin
11.24.03 Tinker - Urza's Legacy
11.21.03 Contaminated Bond - Mirrodin
11.20.03 Neurok Familiar - Mirrodin
11.19.03 Inflame - Prophecy
11.18.03 Moss Monster
11.17.03 Touch of Invisibility
11.14.03 Dream Halls - a Must Read =)
11.13.03 Ichneumon Druid
11.12.03 Rain of Blades
11.11.03 Liar's Pendulum
11.10.03 Rasputin Dreamweaver
11.06.03 Shatter - Mirrodin
11.05.03 Pacifism - 8th
11.04.03 Coercion - 8th
11.03.03 Jayemdae Tome - 8th
10.31.03 Haunting Apparition
10.30.03 Deconstruct
10.29.03 Altar's Light
10.28.03 Viridian Shaman
10.27.03 Annul
10.24.03 Luminous Angel
10.24.03 Dross Harvester
10.23.03 Consumptive Goo
10.21.03 Darkest Hour
10.20.03 Lethal Vapors
10.17.03 Teeka's Dragon
10.17.03 Eureka
10.15.03 Chains of Mephistopheles
10.14.03 Mana Drain
10.13.03 Library of Alexandria
10.12.03 Isochron Scepter
10.09.03 Icy Manipulator
10.08.03 Power Conduit
10.07.03 Dragon Blood
10.06.03 Silver Myr
10.03.03 Chalice of the Void
10.02.03 World Slayer
10.01.03 Chrome Mox
09.30.03 Sword of Kaldra
09.29.03 Mindslaver
09.26.03 Troll Ascetic
09.25.03 Goblin Charbelcher
09.24.03 Fiery Gambit
09.23.03 Leonin Sun Standard
09.22.03 Solar Tide
09.19.03 Duplicant
09.18.03 Bosh, Iron Golem
09.17.03 Gilded Lotus
09.16.03 Megatog
09.15.03 Glissa Sunseeker
09.12.03 Extraplanar Lens
09.11.03 Soul Foundry
09.10.03 One Dozen Eyes
09.09.03 Loxodon Warhammer
09.08.03 Bonesplitter
09.05.03 Vintara Snapper
09.04.03 Patron Wizard
09.03.03 Verdant Succession
09.02.03 Terravore
09.01.03 High Tide
08.29.03 Graveborn Muse
08.28.03 Braids, Cabal Minion
08.27.03 Glorious Anthem
08.26.03 Anurid Brushhopper
08.25.03 Grinning Demon
08.22.03 Decree of Savagery
08.21.03 Decree of Annilhilation
08.20.03 Decree of Pain
08.19.03 Decree of Silence
08.18.03 Decree of Justice
08.15.03 Master of the Hunt
08.14.03 Siege-Gang Commander
08.13.03 Stalking Stones
08.12.03 Patriarch's Bidding
08.11.03 Lava Hounds
08.08.03 Kjeldoran Outpost
08.07.03 Amber Prison
08.06.03 Pillar Tombs of Aku
08.05.03 Zur's Weirding
08.04.03 Final Fortune
08.01.03 Phyrexian Arena
07.31.03 Eastern Paladin
07.31.03 Ravenous Rats
07.31.03 Death Pits of Rath
07.30.03 Phyrexian Plaguelord
07.25.03 Underworld Dreams
07.24.03 Vine Trellis
07.23.03 Birds of Paradise
07.22.03 Dragonspeaker Shaman
07.21.03 Dawn Elemental
07.18.03 Rukh Egg
07.17.03 Emperor Crocodile
07.16.03 Intruder Alarm
07.15.03 Grave Pact
07.14.03 Ivory Mask - 8th Ed.
07.11.03 Angus Mackenzie - Legends
07.11.03 Avoid Fate - Legends
07.09.03 Moorish Cavalry - A .Kn.
07.08.03 Vampiric Spirit - 8th Ed.
07.07.03 Ambition's Cost - 8th Ed.
07.04.03 Death's-Head Buzzard
06.30.03 Demonic Consultation
06.26.03 Entomb
06.25.03 Earthcraft
06.24.03 Gush
06.23.03 Mind's Desire
06.20.03 Twisted Abomination
06.19.03 Wirewood Guardian
06.18.03 Chartooth Cougar
06.17.03 Shoreline Ranger
06.16.03 Eternal Dragon
06.13.03 Forgotten Ancient - Scourge
06.13.03 Dragon Wings - Scourge
06.11.03 Silver Knight - Scourge
06.10.03 Daru Warchief - Scourge
06.09.03 Upwelling
06.06.03 Goblin Warchief
06.05.03 Day of the Dragons
06.04.03 Ageless Sentinels
06.03.03 Fatal Mutation
06.02.03 Dragon Tyrant
05.30.03 Primitive Etchings
05.29.03 Aven Liberator
05.28.03 Sprouting Vines
05.26.03 Temple of the False God
05.23.03 Raven Guild Master
05.22.03 Temporal Fissure
05.21.03 Pemmin's Aura
05.20.03 Faces of the Past
05.19.03 Scornful Egotist
05.16.03 Bladewing the Risen
05.15.03 Zombie Cutthroat
05.14.03 Karona, False God
05.13.03 Noble Templar
05.12.03 Form of the Dragon
05.09.03 Fountain of Youth
05.08.03 Prismatic Strands
05.07.03 Glittering Lynx
05.06.03 Exhume
05.05.03 Tolarian Winds
05.02.03 Two-Headed Dragon
05.01.03 Natural Affinity
04.30.03 Steal Artifact
04.29.03 Vine Trellis
04.28.03 Worship
04.25.03 Goblin Assassin
04.24.03 Backslide
04.23.03 Wingbeat Warrior
04.22.03 Echo Tracer
04.21.03 Frenetic Raptor
04.18.03 Sliver Queen
04.17.03 Serra Avatar
04.16.03 Avatar of Woe
04.15.03 Angelic Chorus
04.14.03 Force of Will
04.11.03 Flash Counter
04.10.03 Callous Oppressor
04.09.03 Royal Assassin
04.08.03 Volcanic Hammer
04.07.03 Unholy Grotto
04.04.03 B.F.M. (Big Furry Monster)
04.03.03 Squirrel Farm
04.02.03 The Ultimate Nightmare of Wizards of the Coast Customer Service
04.01.03 Wrath of Hasbro
03.31.03 Look at Me, I'm the DCI
03.28.03 Riptide Mangler
03.27.03 Caller of the Claw
03.26.03 Clickslither
03.25.03 Nantuko Vigilante
03.24.03 Goblin Grappler
03.21.03 Keeper of the Nine Gales
03.20.03 Gempalm Strider
03.19.03 Tribal Forcemage
03.18.03 Planar Guide
03.17.03 Goblin Goon
03.14.03 Warbreak Trumpeter
03.13.03 Vile Deacon
03.12.03 Whipgrass Entangler
03.11.03 Embalmed Brawler
03.10.03 Cloudreach Cavalry
03.07.03 Hollow Specter
03.06.03 Ascending Aven
03.05.03 Sootfeather Flock
03.04.03 Mistform Dreamer
03.03.03 Mistform Seaswift
02.28.03 Vexing Beetle
02.27.03 Weaver of Lies
02.26.03 Dermoplasm
02.25.03 Drinker of Sorrow
02.24.03 Bane of the Living
02.21.03 Timberwatch Elf
02.20.03 Gempalm Polluter
02.19.03 Root Sliver
02.18.03 Infernal Caretaker
02.17.03 Ridgetop Raptor
02.14.03 Blood Celebrant
02.13.03 Seedborn Muse
02.12.03 Glowrider
02.11.03 Withered Wretch
02.10.03 Willbender
02.07.03 Brood Sliver
02.06.03 Hunter Sliver
02.05.03 Ward Sliver
02.04.03 Spectral Sliver
02.03.03 Synapse Sliver
01.31.03 Deftblade Elite
01.30.03 Quick Sliver
01.29.03 Scion of Darkness
01.28.03 Dark Supplicant
01.27.03 Daru Stinger
01.24.03 Cabal Coffers
01.23.03 Phyrexian War Beast
01.22.03 Crypt Rats
01.21.03 Invigorate
01.21.03 Soul Warden
01.17.03 Akroma, Angel of Wrath
01.16.03 Phage the Untouchable
01.15.03 Gerrard Capashen
01.14.03 Hanna, Ship's Navigator
01.13.03 Reya Dawnbringer
01.10.03 Risky Move
01.09.03 Asmira, Holy Avenger
01.08.03 Dregs of Sorrow
01.07.03 Backslide
01.06.03 Energy Bolt
01.03.03 Skull of Orm
01.02.03 Recurring Nightmare
01.01.03 Verdant Force
12.31.02 Brainstorm
12.30.02 Celestial Prism
12.27.02 Infernal Spawn of Evil
12.26.02 Legerdemain
12.25.02 Gilded Drake
12.24.02 Donate
12.23.02 Fires of Yavimaya
12.20.02 Lord of Tresserhorn
12.19.02 Varchild's War-Riders
12.18.02 Epicenter
12.17.02 Psychic Vortex
12.16.02 Ice Cave
12.13.02 Roar of the Wurm
12.12.02 Armageddon
12.11.02 Corrupt
12.10.02 Lightning Bolt
12.09.02 Counterspell
12.06.02 Giant Growth
12.05.02 Earthquake
12.04.02 Sage Owl
12.03.02 Wrath of God
12.02.02 Goblin Piledriver
11.30.02 Fever Charm
11.30.02 Sparksmith
11.30.02 Shock
11.26.02 Reckless One
11.25.02 Engineered Plague
11.21.02 Reanimate
11.20.02 Vampiric Tutor
11.19.02 Duress
11.18.02 Soulless One
11.15.02 Riptide Shapeshifter
11.14.02 Future Sight
11.13.02 Information Dealer
11.12.02 Quicksilver Dragon
11.11.02 Nameless One
11.08.02 Shared Triumph
11.07.02 Mobilization
11.06.02 Exalted Angel
11.05.02 Doubtless One
11.04.02 Convalescent Care
10.31.02 All Hallow's Eve
10.30.02 Dirge of Dread
10.29.02 Chain of Vapor
10.28.02 Words of War
10.25.02 Discombobulate
10.24.02 Grand Coliseum
10.23.02 Onslaught Fetch Lands
10.23.02 Words of Wind
10.21.02 Akroma's Vengeance
10.18.02 Rewind
10.17.02 Blood Moon
10.16.02 Thorn Elemental
10.16.02 Obliterate
10.14.02 Nekrataal
10.11.02 Tribal Unity
10.10.02 Mana Echoes
10.09.02 Goblin Sharpshooter
10.08.02 Aven Brigadier
10.07.02 Oblation
10.04.02 Ravenous Baloth
10.03.02 Arcanis the Omnipotent
10.02.02 Trade Secrets
10.01.02 Hystrodon
09.30.02 Read the Runes
09.27.02 Krovikan Horror
09.26.02 Priest of Titania
09.25.02 Rathi Dragon
09.24.02 Propaganda
09.23.02 Disenchant
09.20.02 Gravespawn Sovereign
09.19.02 Dwarven Blastminer
09.18.02 Mobilization
09.17.02 Naturalize
09.16.02 Skirk Fire Marshall
09.12.02 Biorhythm
09.11.02 Voidmage Prodigy
09.10.02 Complicate
09.09.02 Weathered Wayfarer
09.06.02 Blistering Firecat
09.05.02 Smother
09.04.02 Seedtime
09.03.02 Upheaval
09.02.02 Absorb
08.29.02 Fire/Ice
08.28.02 Squirrel Nest
08.27.02 Moritvore
08.26.02 Fact or Fiction
08.23.02 Urza's Rage
08.22.02 Familiars
08.21.02 Battlemage
08.20.02 Caustic Tar
08.19.02 Opposition
08.16.02 Exoskeletel Armor
08.15.02 Dwarven Bloodboiler
08.14.02 Grave Consequences
08.13.02 Wormfang Newt
08.12.02 Benevolent Bodyguard
08.09.02 Tarnished Citadel
08.08.02 Catalyst Stone
08.07.02 Wonder
08.06.05 Soulcatcher's Aerie
08.05.02 Browbeat
08.02.02 Hunted Wumpus
08.01.02 Guerrilla Tactics
07.31.02 Scandalmonger
07.30.02 Aku Djinn
07.29.02 Fire Covenant - Ice Age
07.26.02 Wormfang Crab -
07.25.02 Aura Graft
07.24.02 Rhystic Cave - Land
07.23.02 Parallax Wave
07.22.02 Daring Apprentice
07.19.02 Flowstone Overseer
07.18.02 Phyrexian Rager
07.17.02 Goblin Gardener
07.16.02 Dream Thrush -
07.15.02 Wood Elves
07.12.02 Eron the Relentless -
07.11.02 Pariah
07.10.02 Serendib Djinn
07.09.02 Dark Banishing
07.08.02 Elves of Deep Shadow
07.05.02 Crush of worms
07.04.02 Book Burning
07.03.02 Grip of Amnesia
07.02.02 Jeska, Warrior Adept
07.01.02 Cephalid Constable
06.28.02 Anger
06.27.02 Firecatz Blitz
06.26.02 Dwarven Scorcher
06.25.02 Swelter
06.25.02 Thriss, Nantuko Primus
06.21.02 Lightning Surge
06.20.02 Ember Shot
06.19.02 Breaking Point
06.18.02 Sutured Ghoul
06.17.02 Morality Shift
06.14.02 Nantuko Monastery
06.13.02 Spirit Cairn
06.12.02 Envelop
06.11.02 Cabal Therapy
06.10.02 Barbarian Bully
06.07.02 Telekinetic Bonds
06.06.02 Mists of Stagnation
06.05.02 Grave Consequences
06.04.02 Wormfang Manta
06.03.02 Spelljack
05.31.02 Phantom Creatures
05.30.02 Genesis
05.29.02 Fledgling Dragon
05.24.02 Elephant Guide
05.23.02 Worldgorger Dragon
05.22.02 Balthor the Defiled
05.21.02 The Wishes (of Judgment)
05.20.02 Quiet Speculation
05.17.02 Thought Devourer
05.16.02 Powder Keg
05.15.02 Thundermare
05.14.02 Storm Cauldron
05.13.02 Desertion
05.09.02 Rhystic Tutor
05.08.02 Hall of Gemstones
05.07.02 Recycle
05.03.02 Orcish Settlers
05.01.02 Horrible Hordes
04.30.02 Dwarven Thaumaturgist
04.29.02 Stasis
04.26.02 Seismic Assault
04.25.02 Endless Wurm
04.24.02 Reflecting Pool
04.23.02 Tainted AEther
04.22.02 Ersatz Gnomes
04.19.02 Elvish Archers
04.18.02 Howling Mine
04.17.02 Spiritmonger
04.16.02 Vindicate
04.15.02 Undermine
04.12.02 Urza's Rage
04.11.02 Traumatize
04.10.02 Birds of Paradise
04.09.02 Mirari
04.08.02 Call of the Herd
04.05.02 Cephalid Snitch
04.04.02 Arrogant Wurm
04.03.02 Skullscorch
04.02.02 Nantuko Cultivator
04.01.02 Devastating Dreams
03.29.02 Grim Lavamancer
03.28.02 Transcendence
03.27.02 Vengeful Dreams
03.26.02 Tainted Lands
03.25.02 Laquatus's Champion
03.22.02 Cataclysm
03.21.02 Brass Man
03.20.02 Tithe
03.19.02 Nether Spirit
03.18.02 Grindstone
03.15.02 Lightning Angel
03.15.02 Desolation Angel
03.13.02 Blinding Angel
03.12.02 Iridescent Angel
03.11.02 Fallen Angel
03.08.02 Mageta the Lion
03.07.02 Jamuraan Lion
03.06.02 Glittering Lion
03.05.02 Mtenda Lion
03.04.02 Savannah Lions
03.01.02 Unhinge
02.28.02 Overeager Apprentice
02.27.02 Primal Frenzy
02.26.02 Balshan Beguiler
02.25.02 Pyromania
02.22.02 Carrion Wurm
02.21.02 Chainer's Edict
02.20.02 Faceless Butcher
02.19.02 Cabal Ritual
02.18.02 Mesmeric Fiend
02.15.02 Tradewind Rider
02.14.02 Skywing Aven
02.13.02 Cephalid Vandal
02.12.02 Ambassador Laquatus
02.11.02 Circular Logic
02.08.02 Morphling
02.06.02 Nostalgic Dreams
02.05.02 Harrow
02.04.02 Pardic Arsonist
02.01.02 Quirion Dryad
01.31.02 Reya Dawnbringer
01.30.02 Balancing Act
01.29.02 Prodigal Sorcerer
01.25.02 Last Laugh
01.24.02 Ichorid
01.23.02 Dawn of the Dead
01.22.02 Mutilate
01.21.02 Nantuko Shade
01.18.02 Basking Rootwalla
01.17.02 Possessed Aven
01.16.02 Radiate
01.15.02 Chainer, Dementia Master
01.14.02 Compulsion
01.11.02 Sengir Vampire
01.10.02 The Eggs of Odyssey
01.09.02 Patchwork Gnomes
01.08.02 Concentrate
01.07.02 Spiritualize
01.04.02 Mirri, Cat Warrior
01.03.02 Predator, Flagship
01.02.02 Skyship Weatherlight
01.01.02 Thrashing Wumpus
12.31.01 False Prophet
12.28.01 Nightmare
12.27.01 Static Orb
12.26.01 Lord of Atlantis
12.25.01 Coat of Arms
12.24.01 Persecute
Atog Week:
12.21.01 Pyschatog
12.20.01 Auratog
12.19.01 Necratog
12.18.01 Chronatog
12.17.01 Atog
12.14.01 Rancor
12.13.01 Divert
12.12.01 Subterranean Spirit
12.11.01 Haunting Echoes
12.10.01 Shadowmage Infiltrator
12.07.01 Jester's Cap
12.06.01 Peek
12.05.01 Shivan Dragon
12.04.01 Need for Speed
12.03.01 Bamboozle
11.30.01 Wild Mongrel
11.29.01 Vampiric Dragon
11.28.01 Serra Angel